        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostDeleteDeviceIdentityAsync(string id)
            var graphService = GraphServiceClientFactory.GetForUserIdentity(this.User);
            await graphService.Applications[id].Request().DeleteAsync();

        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPost()
            // Generate a unique display name with the prefix so that device identities can be easily retrieved by filtering on that prefix.
            var displayName  = $"{DeviceDisplayNamePrefix} {Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}";
            var description  = "Created by Device Identity Provisioning Service";
            var graphService = GraphServiceClientFactory.GetForUserIdentity(this.User);

            await CreateDeviceIdentityAsync(graphService, displayName, description);

        public async Task OnGet(string notificationMessage)
            this.NotificationMessage = notificationMessage;

            // Find all applications that have a display name that starts with the device prefix.
            // In real world scenarios, the actual device list would probably be stored and managed separately from Azure AD.
            var graphService = GraphServiceClientFactory.GetForUserIdentity(this.User);
            var deviceApplicationRegistrations = await graphService.Applications.Request().Filter($"startswith(displayName,'{DeviceDisplayNamePrefix}')").GetAsync();

            this.Devices = deviceApplicationRegistrations.Select(d => new DeviceIdentity(d)).OrderByDescending(d => d.CreatedDateTime).ToArray();
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostUseDeviceIdentityAsync(string id)
            // Get the device and its details from Azure AD in this case.
            var graphService = GraphServiceClientFactory.GetForUserIdentity(this.User);
            var deviceApplicationRegistration = await graphService.Applications[id].Request().GetAsync();
            var deviceIdentity = new DeviceIdentity(deviceApplicationRegistration);

            // Prove that we can actually USE the device identity to make a call to (in this case)
            // the Graph API using the permissions/roles that were granted.
            var notificationMessage = await CallApiUsingDeviceIdentityAsync(deviceIdentity);

            return(RedirectToPage(new { notificationMessage = notificationMessage }));
        private static async Task <string> CallApiUsingDeviceIdentityAsync(DeviceIdentity deviceIdentity)
                var graphService = GraphServiceClientFactory.GetForDeviceIdentity(deviceIdentity);
                var users        = await graphService.Users.Request().GetAsync();

                return($"Successfully retrieved {users.Count} users from the Graph API using the identity of device \"{deviceIdentity.DisplayName}\" in tenant \"{deviceIdentity.TenantId}\", which demonstrates that the device is able to access the Graph API using its provisioned identity.");
            catch (Exception exc)
                return($"Failed to retrieve users from the Graph API using the identity of device \"{deviceIdentity.DisplayName}\" in tenant \"{deviceIdentity.TenantId}\": {exc.Message}.");
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPost()
            // Revoke consent for the entire organization by removing the Service Principal of the application in the end user's tenant.
            var graphService = GraphServiceClientFactory.GetForUserIdentity(this.User);
            var deviceIdentityProvisioningAppId            = Startup.DeviceIdentityProvisioningAppId;
            var deviceIdentityProvisioningServicePrincipal = (await graphService.ServicePrincipals.Request().Filter($"appId eq '{deviceIdentityProvisioningAppId}'").GetAsync()).SingleOrDefault();
            var notificationMessage = default(string);

            if (deviceIdentityProvisioningServicePrincipal != null)
                await graphService.ServicePrincipals[deviceIdentityProvisioningServicePrincipal.Id].Request().DeleteAsync();
                notificationMessage = "Consent was revoked successfully. Please sign out.";
                notificationMessage = "Consent was already revoked. Please sign out.";
            return(RedirectToPage(new { notificationMessage = notificationMessage }));