//U update public bool UpdateTeams(string teamName, DeveloperTeam newTeam) { DeveloperTeam oldTeams = GetTeamByName(teamName); //creates new instance of the developerTeam with the Team name which is set equal to the names if (oldTeams != null) { oldTeams.TeamId = newTeam.TeamId; oldTeams.TeamName = newTeam.TeamName; oldTeams.TeamMembers = newTeam.TeamMembers; return(true); } else { return(false); } }
//C -create public DeveloperTeam AddTeams(DeveloperTeam teams) // add teams to directory { __teamDirectory.Add(teams); return(teams); }
//D Delete public bool DeleteTeams(DeveloperTeam existingTeam) { bool deleteTeam = __teamDirectory.Remove(existingTeam); // the bool that is true if team is successfully otherwise the bool will return false; return(deleteTeam); }