public void Abs()
            BigDecimal big    = BigDecimal.Parse("-1234");
            BigDecimal bigabs = big.Abs();

            Assert.IsTrue(bigabs.ToString().Equals("1234"), "the absolute value of -1234 is not 1234");
            big    = new BigDecimal(BigInteger.Parse("2345"), 2);
            bigabs = big.Abs();
            Assert.IsTrue(bigabs.ToString().Equals("23.45"), "the absolute value of 23.45 is not 23.45");
        public void MathContextConstruction()
            String       a         = "-12380945E+61";
            BigDecimal   aNumber   = BigDecimal.Parse(a);
            int          precision = 6;
            RoundingMode rm        = RoundingMode.HalfDown;
            MathContext  mcIntRm   = new MathContext(precision, rm);
            MathContext  mcStr     = MathContext.Parse("precision=6 roundingMode=HALFDOWN");
            MathContext  mcInt     = new MathContext(precision);
            BigDecimal   res       = aNumber.Abs(mcInt);

            Assert.AreEqual(res, BigDecimal.Parse("1.23809E+68"), "MathContext Constructor with int precision failed");

            Assert.AreEqual(mcIntRm, mcStr, "Equal MathContexts are not Equal ");

            Assert.AreEqual(mcInt.Equals(mcStr), false, "Different MathContext are reported as Equal ");

            Assert.AreEqual(mcIntRm.GetHashCode(), mcStr.GetHashCode(), "Equal MathContexts have different hashcodes ");

            Assert.AreEqual(mcIntRm.ToString(), "precision=6 roundingMode=HalfDown",
                            "MathContext.ToString() returning incorrect value");