void Export_InitializeVariables() { if (Command == null) { throw new Exception("MySqlCommand is not initialized. Object not set to an instance of an object."); } if (Command.Connection == null) { throw new Exception("MySqlCommand.Connection is not initialized. Object not set to an instance of an object."); } if (Command.Connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { throw new Exception("MySqlCommand.Connection is not opened."); } if (ExportInfo.BlobExportMode == BlobDataExportMode.BinaryChar && !ExportInfo.BlobExportModeForBinaryStringAllow) { throw new Exception("[ExportInfo.BlobExportMode = BlobDataExportMode.BinaryString] is still under development. Please join the discussion at https://github.com/MySqlBackupNET/MySqlBackup.Net/issues (Title: Help requires. Unable to export BLOB in Char Format)"); } timeStart = DateTime.Now; stopProcess = false; processCompletionType = ProcessEndType.UnknownStatus; currentProcess = ProcessType.Export; _lastError = null; timerReport.Interval = ExportInfo.IntervalForProgressReport; //GetSHA512HashFromPassword(ExportInfo.EncryptionPassword); _database.GetDatabaseInfo(Command, ExportInfo.GetTotalRowsMode); _server.GetServerInfo(Command); _currentTableName = string.Empty; _totalRowsInCurrentTable = 0L; _totalRowsInAllTables = Export_GetTablesToBeExported() .Sum(pair => _database.Tables[pair.Key].TotalRows); _currentRowIndexInCurrentTable = 0; _currentRowIndexInAllTable = 0; _totalTables = 0; _currentTableIndex = 0; }
void Export_InitializeVariables() { if (Command == null) { throw new Exception("MySqlCommand is not initialized. Object not set to an instance of an object."); } if (Command.Connection == null) { throw new Exception("MySqlCommand.Connection is not initialized. Object not set to an instance of an object."); } if (Command.Connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { throw new Exception("MySqlCommand.Connection is not opened."); } timeStart = DateTime.Now; stopProcess = false; processCompletionType = ProcessEndType.UnknownStatus; currentProcess = ProcessType.Export; _lastError = null; timerReport.Interval = ExportInfo.IntervalForProgressReport; GetSHA512HashFromPassword(ExportInfo.EncryptionPassword); _database.GetDatabaseInfo(Command, ExportInfo.GetTotalRowsBeforeExport); _server.GetServerInfo(Command); _currentTableName = ""; _totalRowsInCurrentTable = 0; _totalRowsInAllTables = _database.TotalRows; _currentRowIndexInCurrentTable = 0; _currentRowIndexInAllTable = 0; _totalTables = 0; _currentTableIndex = 0; }