public void ValidateWithTrailingAmpersand_ForUrl()
    	string url =

			IOAuthContext context = new OAuthContextBuilder().FromUrl("GET", url);
      var signer = new OAuthContextSigner();
      var signingContext = new SigningContext {Algorithm = FriendsterCertificate.PublicKey.Key};

      Assert.True(signer.ValidateSignature(context, signingContext));
    public void ValidateWithTrailingAmpersand()
      // As reported in issue here:
      // validating OAuth requests from Friendster was failing - turns out to be OpenSocial platforms 
      // incorrectly placing a "&" on the end of their query parameters, which was tripping up 
      // query parameters collection - there is now a fix in the context builder to remove the problematic
      // character when parsing requests/Uri's.

      var uri =
        new Uri(

      IOAuthContext context = new OAuthContextBuilder().FromUri("GET", uri);
      var signer = new OAuthContextSigner();
      var signingContext = new SigningContext {Algorithm = FriendsterCertificate.PublicKey.Key};

      Assert.IsTrue(signer.ValidateSignature(context, signingContext));
        private bool IsOAuthValid( string secret )
            try {

                var context = new OAuthContextBuilder().FromHttpRequest( Request );

                IOAuthContextSigner signer = new OAuthContextSigner();

                SigningContext signingContext = new SigningContext {ConsumerSecret = secret};

                return signer.ValidateSignature( context, signingContext );

            } catch( OAuthException ) {

                return false;
        public void TestOAuth()
            X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["OAuthCert"]);
            AsymmetricAlgorithm provider = cert.PublicKey.Key;
            OAuthContextSigner signer = new OAuthContextSigner();
            SigningContext signingContext = new SigningContext();
            //signingContext.ConsumerSecret = ...; // if there is a consumer secret
            signingContext.Algorithm = provider;

            Uri uri = new Uri(

            IOAuthContext context = new OAuthContextBuilder().FromUri("GET", uri);

            // use context.ConsumerKey to fetch information required for signature validation for this consumer.
            if (!signer.ValidateSignature(context, signingContext))
                throw new Exception("Invalid signature : " + uri);
        private bool IsOAuthSignatureValid()
            string oauthKey = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OauthKey"];
            // Normally would use key to lookup appropriate secret for the specifc LMS

            string oauthSecret = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OauthSecret"];

            var context = new OAuthContextBuilder().FromHttpRequest( Request );

            IOAuthContextSigner signer = new OAuthContextSigner();

            SigningContext signingContext = new SigningContext {ConsumerSecret = oauthSecret};

            return signer.ValidateSignature( context, signingContext );