/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the TimeSelectionItem class. /// </summary> public TimeSelectorItem() { m_IsContainer = true; this.AutoCollapseOnClick = false; _InnerContainer = new ItemContainer(); _InnerContainer.ItemSpacing = 3; _InnerContainer.LayoutOrientation = eOrientation.Vertical; _InnerContainer.AutoCollapseOnClick = false; this.SubItems.Add(_InnerContainer); _HourCommand = new Command(); _HourCommand.Executed += new EventHandler(HourCommandExecuted); _MinuteCommand = new Command(); _MinuteCommand.Executed += new EventHandler(MinuteCommandExecuted); _MinuteChangeCommand = new Command(); _MinuteChangeCommand.Executed += new EventHandler(MinuteChangeCommandExecuted); _ClearCommand = new Command(); _ClearCommand.Executed += new EventHandler(ClearCommandExecuted); _AmPmCommand = new Command(); _AmPmCommand.Executed += new EventHandler(AmPmCommandExecuted); _OkCommand = new Command(); _OkCommand.Executed += new EventHandler(OkCommandExecuted); RecreateItems(); }
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (_HourCommand != null) { _HourCommand.Dispose(); _HourCommand = null; } if (_MinuteCommand != null) { _MinuteCommand.Dispose(); _MinuteCommand = null; } if (_MinuteChangeCommand != null) { _MinuteChangeCommand.Dispose(); _MinuteChangeCommand = null; } if (_ClearCommand != null) { _ClearCommand.Dispose(); _ClearCommand = null; } if (_AmPmCommand != null) { _AmPmCommand.Dispose(); _AmPmCommand = null; } if (_OkCommand != null) { _OkCommand.Dispose(); _OkCommand = null; } if (_DualButtonFont != null) { _DualButtonFont.Dispose(); _DualButtonFont = null; } base.Dispose(disposing); }
public void BuildSubItem(IList dataSource, string textProperty, Command cmd,int selectedIndex) { if (_dataSource == dataSource) return; this.SubItems.Clear( ); _cmd = cmd == null ? new Command( ) : cmd; ButtonItem defItem = null; for (int i = 0; i < dataSource.Count; i++) { object item = dataSource[i]; if (item == null) continue; string text = TypeHelper.GetStringValue(item, textProperty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) text = item.ToString( ); object cmdParam = TypeHelper.GetPropertyValue(item, "CommandParameter"); if (cmdParam == null) cmdParam = item; Command itemCmd = TypeHelper.GetPropertyValue<Command>(item, "Command"); ButtonItem subItem = new ButtonItem(GetSubItemName(i), text) { CommandParameter = cmdParam, Command = _cmd }; if (itemCmd != null) { subItem.Command = itemCmd; itemCmd.Executed += new EventHandler(_cmd_Executed); } this.SubItems.Add(subItem); if (i == selectedIndex) defItem = subItem; } _cmd.Executed += new EventHandler(_cmd_Executed); _dataSource = dataSource; this.AutoExpandOnClick = SubItems.Count > 0; if (defItem != null) _cmd.Execute(defItem); }
public void BuildSubItem(IList dataSource, string textProperty, Command cmd) { BuildSubItem(dataSource, textProperty, cmd, 0); }