private async void Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { output.Text = "Searching..."; DerpiObject.Rootobject results = Helper.deserializeJSON(await Helper.Derpibooru(rating(Input.Text, 1, GetSort()))); List <DerpiObject.Image> searches = new List <DerpiObject.Image>(); searches.AddRange(results.images.ToList()); Random rand = new Random(); label1.Text = $"Total Results: {}"; if ( == 0) { output.Text = "No results! Either your tags are misspelled or no images match your search."; } else { DerpiObject.Image chosenImage = searches.ElementAt(rand.Next(searches.Count)); var displayImage = String.Join(", ", chosenImage.tags); string cleanLink = $"{chosenImage.created_at.Date.ToString("yyyy/M/d")}/{}.{chosenImage.format.ToLower()}"; pictureBox1.Load($"{chosenImage.view_url}"); richTextBox1.Text = cleanLink; output.Text = displayImage; } }
private async void download_ClickAsync(object sender, EventArgs e) { string location = "no path"; output.Text = "Beginning..."; DerpiObject.Rootobject response = Helper.deserializeJSON(await Helper.Derpibooru(rating(Input.Text, 1, GetSort()))); List <DerpiObject.Image> searches = new List <DerpiObject.Image>(); int num_pages = / 50; if ( % 50 > 0) { num_pages++; } int u = 0; if ( == 0) { output.Text = "Nothing to download!"; } else { folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog(); location = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath; if (location == "") { output.Text = "No download location selected! Try again!"; return; } //this prepares the file for writing the data of each image, it appends to the file after every download, //so that closing the program will not lose any data. //check if the checkbox is checked, only write to doc if it is bool writeInfoToTXT = infoCheckBox.Checked; string infoText = $"DerpiGUI was made by @HoovierSparkle on Twitter! Thanks for using my work!\nQuery: {Input.Text}\nTotal Images: {}\n" + $"Sorting:{GetSort()}\n\nFilename - ImageID - Artist(s) - Tags\n"; string infoTextAddress = location + $@"\{filename.Text.Trim('*')}Info.txt"; File.WriteAllText(infoTextAddress, infoText); using (StreamWriter infoWriter = File.AppendText(infoTextAddress)) { for (int pages = 1; pages <= (num_pages); pages++) { response = Helper.deserializeJSON(await Helper.Derpibooru(rating(Input.Text, pages, GetSort()))); searches = response.images; foreach (DerpiObject.Image i in searches) { Uri link = new Uri($"{i.view_url}"); string filenameFixed = filename.Text.Replace("*", u.ToString()); try { await Helper.DownloadFile(link, i.format, filenameFixed, location); pictureBox1.Load(location + @"\" + filenameFixed + "." + i.format); } catch {//do nothing } u++; //only write if the checkbox is checked if (writeInfoToTXT) { // Get a distilled list of artist tags from the full tag listing. string[] artistTags = i.tags.ToArray(); artistTags = Array.FindAll(artistTags, tag => tag.Contains("artist:")); string artistString = "No Artist"; if (artistTags.Length != 0) { artistString = String.Join(", ", artistTags); } infoWriter.WriteLine(filenameFixed + "." + i.format + " - " + + " - " + artistString + " - " + String.Join(", ", i.tags) + "\n"); } output.Text = $"{u} out of {}"; } searches.Clear(); } } output.Text = output.Text + " Finished!"; } }