private static string GenerateQuery(string channel, List <string> users, List <string> severities, DatePicker startDayPicker, TimePicker startTimePicker, DatePicker endDayPicker, TimePicker endTimePicker, int queryID) { string query = "<Query Id=\"" + queryID.ToString() + "\" Path=\"" + channel + "\">\n"; foreach (string user in users) { // Add both types of user select lines string SID = ""; // First we need to identify the user's SID ManagementObjectSearcher mos = new ManagementObjectSearcher("select * from Win32_Account where Name='" + user + "'"); foreach (ManagementObject mo in mos.Get()) { SID = mo["SID"].ToString(); break; } query += GenerateSearchUser(channel, user, SID); } foreach (string severity in severities) { query += GenerateSuppressSeverity(channel, severity); } query += GenerateSuppressTimeRange(channel, startDayPicker, startTimePicker, endDayPicker, endTimePicker); query += "</Query>\n"; Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Generated Query " + queryID.ToString() + ":\n" + query + "\n"); return(query); }
// Pretty looking wrapper for EvtExportLog public static bool ExportChannel(IntPtr sessionHandle, string channel, string exportPath, string query = "*") { if (query != "*") { query = "<QueryList>\n" + query + "</QueryList>\n"; } if (!EvtExportLog(sessionHandle, channel, query, exportPath, EventExportLogFlags.ChannelPath)) { string errorCode = GetLastError().ToString(); if (errorCode == "15001") { Backbone.LogEvent("ERROR", errorCode + ": The specified query is invalid"); } else if (errorCode == "15007") { Backbone.LogEvent("ERROR", errorCode + ": The specified channel does not exist"); } Backbone.LogEvent("ERROR", GetLastError().ToString()); return(false); } return(true); }
private void BrowseDir_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "---- Opening OpenFileDialog ----"); var dialogBox = new CommonOpenFileDialog { Title = "Select Output Directory for Dump", IsFolderPicker = true, AddToMostRecentlyUsedList = false, AllowNonFileSystemItems = false, EnsurePathExists = true, EnsureFileExists = true, Multiselect = false, InitialDirectory = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() }; if (dialogBox.ShowDialog() == CommonFileDialogResult.Ok) { Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Directory accepted, setting display"); OutputDirectory.Text = dialogBox.FileName; } else { Backbone.LogEvent("WARNING", "Dialog failed or cancelled, directory not set"); } }
private void UsersNone_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { foreach (SelectableUserItem user in Users) { user.Selected = false; UserDisplay.Items.Refresh(); } Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Deselecting all user accounts"); }
private void ChannelsNone_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { foreach (SelectableChannelItem channel in Channels) { channel.Selected = false; ChannelsDisplay.Items.Refresh(); } Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Deselecting all open log channels"); }
private void AllCB_Unchecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Restoring previous configuration"); CheckBox[] checkBoxes = { ErrorCB, InformationCB, FailureAuditCB, SuccessAuditCB, WarningCB }; for (int i = 0; i < checkBoxes.Length; i++) { checkBoxes[i].IsEnabled = true; checkBoxes[i].IsChecked = preAll[i]; } }
private void AllCB_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { CheckBox[] checkBoxes = { ErrorCB, InformationCB, FailureAuditCB, SuccessAuditCB, WarningCB }; preAll = new List <bool>(); Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Storing current selections, selecting all severities"); foreach (CheckBox checkbox in checkBoxes) { preAll.Add(checkbox.IsChecked.Value); checkbox.IsChecked = true; checkbox.IsEnabled = false; } }
private void SubmitQuery(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { // Parse input argument object string query = (string)e.Argument; string path = query.Split('\n')[0]; query = string.Join("", query.Split('\n').Skip(1)); // Simulate Thread Actions //Random random = new Random(); //Thread.Sleep(random.Next(1000,10000)); // Grab the channel path from the query string channel = query.Split('"')[3]; string id = query.Split('"')[1]; mutex.WaitOne(); Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Attempting to write to " + path + "\\" + channel + "\\Query_" + id); // Ensure directory path exists if (!Directory.Exists(path + "\\" + channel)) { Backbone.LogEvent("WARNING", "Log directory " + channel + " does not exist, attempting to create."); try { Directory.CreateDirectory(path + "\\" + channel); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { Backbone.LogEvent("ERROR", "You do not have the required permission to create this directory."); return; } catch (PathTooLongException) { Backbone.LogEvent("ERROR", "The path entered exceeds the system-defined limit."); return; } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { Backbone.LogEvent("ERROR", "Invalid directory path. Perhaps the drive is unmapped?"); return; } catch (Exception) { Backbone.LogEvent("ERROR", "Unspecified IO Error when creating " + channel); return; } Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Log directory " + channel + " created successfully."); } mutex.ReleaseMutex(); WevtapiHandler.ExportChannel(IntPtr.Zero, channel, path + "\\" + channel + "\\Query_" + id + ".evtx", query); }
public static List <string> GenerateQueryList(List <string> channels, List <string> users, List <string> severities, DatePicker startDayPicker, TimePicker startTimePicker, DatePicker endDayPicker, TimePicker endTimePicker) { Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", " ---- Generating Query List ----"); List <string> queryList = new List <string>(); int queryID = 0; foreach (string channel in channels) { queryList.Add(GenerateQuery(channel, users, severities, startDayPicker, startTimePicker, endDayPicker, endTimePicker, queryID)); queryID++; } return(queryList); }
private void GetSystemConfiguration() { Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "---- Gathering System Information ----"); // Gather all event log channels EventLog[] channels_raw = WevtapiHandler.EnumerateChannels(); Channels = new List <SelectableChannelItem>(); Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "---- Attempting to Enumerate Log Channels ----"); // Configure SelectableChannelItem and add to list foreach (EventLog channel in channels_raw) { SelectableChannelItem NewChannel = new SelectableChannelItem { Selected = false, Channel = channel, ChannelName = channel.LogDisplayName }; Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Found Log Channel: " + channel.LogDisplayName); Channels.Add(NewChannel); } if (Channels.Count == 0) { Backbone.LogEvent("WARNING", "No Open Log Channels Found"); } // Set the display datagrid Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Setting Channel Display"); ChannelsDisplay.ItemsSource = Channels; Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "---- Attempting to Enumerate User Accounts ----"); // Gather all usernames SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery("Win32_UserAccount"); ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query); // Init Users List Users = new List <SelectableUserItem>(); // Configure and add users to list foreach (ManagementObject user in searcher.Get()) { SelectableUserItem userItem = new SelectableUserItem { Selected = false, Username = user["Name"].ToString() }; Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "User Account Found: " + user["Name"]); Users.Add(userItem); } if (Users.Count == 0) { Backbone.LogEvent("ERROR", "Failed to Enumerate User Accounts"); } Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Setting User Display"); UserDisplay.ItemsSource = Users; Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "---- Finished Gathering System Information ----"); }
private void PumpAndDump_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { PumpAndDump.IsEnabled = false; // // Collect Information on Selected Channels // Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "---- Attempting to Collect Log Channels ----"); List <string> channels = new List <string>(); foreach (SelectableChannelItem channel in Channels) { if (channel.Selected) { channels.Add(channel.ChannelName); Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Added Channel: " + channel.ChannelName); } } // Prevent User Stupidity if (channels.Count == 0) { Backbone.LogEvent("WARNING", "No Channels Selected, Selecting All Channels."); foreach (SelectableChannelItem channel in Channels) { channels.Add(channel.ChannelName); Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Added Channel: " + channel.ChannelName); } } // // Collect Information on Selected Users // Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "---- Attempting to Collect Users ----"); // Compile a list of all selected users List <string> users = new List <string>(); foreach (SelectableUserItem user in Users) { if (user.Selected) { users.Add(user.Username); Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Added User: "******"WARNING", "No Users Selected, Selecting All Users."); foreach (SelectableUserItem user in Users) { users.Add(user.Username); Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Added User: "******"INFO", "---- Attempting to Collect Severities ----"); // Compile a list of all selected severities List <string> severities = new List <string>(); CheckBox[] boxes = { ErrorCB, WarningCB, InformationCB, FailureAuditCB, SuccessAuditCB }; foreach (CheckBox item in boxes) { if (!item.IsChecked.Value) { severities.Add(item.Content.ToString()); Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Blocked Severity: " + item.Content.ToString()); } else { Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Added Severity: " + item.Content.ToString()); } } // Prevent User Stupidity if (severities.Count == 5) { Backbone.LogEvent("WARNING", "All Severities Blocked, Unblocking All Severities."); severities.Clear(); Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Unblocked all severity levels"); } // // Validate Parent Directory // string path = OutputDirectory.Text + "\\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyy") + "\\" + DateTime.Now.ToString(""); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { mutex.WaitOne(); Backbone.LogEvent("WARNING", "Parent directory " + path + " does not exist, attempting to create."); try { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { Backbone.LogEvent("ERROR", "You do not have the required permission to create this directory."); mutex.ReleaseMutex(); return; } catch (PathTooLongException) { Backbone.LogEvent("ERROR", "The path entered exceeds the system-defined limit."); mutex.ReleaseMutex(); return; } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { Backbone.LogEvent("ERROR", "Invalid directory path. Perhaps the drive is unmapped?"); mutex.ReleaseMutex(); return; } catch (Exception) { Backbone.LogEvent("ERROR", "Unspecified IO Error when creating " + path); mutex.ReleaseMutex(); return; } Backbone.LogEvent("INFO", "Parent directory " + path + " created successfully."); mutex.ReleaseMutex(); } List <string> queryList = WevtapiHandler.GenerateQueryList(channels, users, severities, StartDayPicker, StartTimePicker, EndDayPicker, EndTimePicker); progress.Value = 0; progress.Maximum = queryList.Count; progress.Minimum = 0; queryList.Add(path); BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker(); worker.WorkerReportsProgress = true; worker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(SubmitQueries); worker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(QueriesComplete); worker.RunWorkerAsync(argument: queryList); mutex.WaitOne(); Backbone.LogEvent("ERROR", "END OF IMPLEMENTATION"); mutex.ReleaseMutex(); }