/*public void update_web_config_file (string parm_web_root,string parm_web_config_file_path,XmlNode parm_wiz_sentinel_settings,XmlNode parm_app_settings_updates) { //$fileWebConfigUpdates = [System.String]::Join("", ($parm_web_root.Trim(), $parm_web_config_file_path.Trim())) String fileWebConfigUpdates = string.Format("{0}{1}", parm_web_root.Trim(), parm_web_config_file_path.Trim()); XmlDocument webConfigUpdates = new XmlDocument(); webConfigUpdates.Load(fileWebConfigUpdates); XmlElement webConfigUpdatesRoot = webConfigUpdates.DocumentElement; XmlNode applicationSettings = webConfigUpdatesRoot.SelectSingleNode("applicationSettings"); XmlNode wizSentinelSettings = applicationSettings.FirstChild; //foreach( $newSetting in $newWizSentinelSettings.setting ) foreach( var newSetting in parm_wiz_sentinel_settings ) // need to check if it works { foreach( $setting in $wizSentinelSettings.setting ) { if($newSetting.name -eq $setting.name) { $setting.value = $newSetting.value break; } } } foreach( $newSetting in $parm_app_settings_updates.add ) { foreach( $setting in $webConfigUpdatesRoot.appSettings.add ) { if($newSetting.key -eq $setting.key) { $setting.value = $newSetting.value break; } } } $webConfigUpdates.Save($fileWebConfigUpdates); }*/ public void register_com_plus_app(string parm_host, string parm_com_app, string parm_dll_path) { Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable(); parameters.Add("host", parm_host); parameters.Add("app", parm_com_app); parameters.Add("file", parm_dll_path); Core core = new Core(); core.ExecuteDeployTool("com_app_install", parameters); }
// Working public void unregister_complus_components(string parm_host, string parm_com_app) { Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable(); parameters.Add("host", parm_host); parameters.Add("app", parm_com_app); Core core = new Core(); core.ExecuteDeployTool("com_app_uninstall", parameters); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //IISFunctions IisFunctions = new IISFunctions(); //IisFunctions.CreateSite("IIS://Localhost/W3SVC", "555", "dstest", "D:\\ds_test"); //IisFunctions.SetSingleProperty("IIS://Localhost/W3SVC/555", "ServerBindings", ":8080:"); //IisFunctions.CreateVDir("IIS://Localhost/W3SVC/1/Root", "dstest", "D:\\ds_test"); Core core = new Core(); BBEFunctions BBEFunctions = new BBEFunctions(); if (args.Length > 1) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Found argument. Running with " + args[0] + " configuration with steps in " + args[1] + "."); Console.Out.WriteLine("Preparing config for deployment. Please wait..."); //BBEFunctions.BBEConfigXMLUpdate(args[0], "bbe"); Console.Out.WriteLine("Config preparation complete."); if (args[1] == "db") { core.RunSteps("bbe", args[0], args[1], 1, 1); //return; /* Console.Out.WriteLine("Running database deployment..."); if (args.Length > 2) { if (args[2].ToLower() == "new") { Console.Out.WriteLine("Running database deployment for new installation..."); core.RunSteps("bbe", args[0], args[1], 1, 3); Console.Out.WriteLine("Database deployment for new installation complete."); return; } } core.RunSteps("bbe", args[0], args[1], 4, 5); Console.Out.WriteLine("Database deployment complete."); */ } else if (args[1] == "web") { Console.Out.WriteLine("Running web deployment..."); if (args.Length > 2) { if (args[2].ToLower() == "new") { Console.Out.WriteLine("Running web deployment for new installation..."); core.RunSteps("bbe", args[0], args[1], 1, 6); core.RunSteps("bbe", args[0], args[1], 8, 20); Console.Out.WriteLine("Web deployment for new installation complete."); return; } } core.RunSteps("bbe", args[0], args[1], 3, 11); core.RunSteps("bbe", args[0], args[1], 14, 20); Console.Out.WriteLine("Web deployment complete."); } } else { Console.Out.WriteLine("No argument is supplied."); Console.Out.WriteLine("Please specify a configuraton file & a steps file. e.g. \"main.ps1 dev web\" or \"main.ps1 dev db\""); // Write-Host 'No argument is supplied. Running with default "dev" configuration.' // Run-Steps -product "bbe" -config "dev" -steps "bbeng" -start_step 1 -end_step 9 } Console.Out.WriteLine("Press enter to exit..."); Console.In.ReadLine(); }