// ----------------< Proceesed Server Request >---------------- public static void serverProcessing(SvcMsg msg) { if (msg.cmd.ToString().Equals("Response")) { Console.Write("\nThis is the Response from Server............\n\n"); msg.ShowMessage(); responeFromServerTesting(msg.body.ToString()); } if (msg.cmd.ToString().Equals("Request")) { Console.Write("\nThis is the Request from Server for TypeTable............\n\n"); msg.ShowMessage(); Intermediator im = new Intermediator(); string typeTable = im.getTypeTable(); SvcMsg msg1 = new SvcMsg(); msg1.src = new Uri(src); msg1.dst = new Uri(dst); msg1.cmd = SvcMsg.Command.Response; msg1.body = typeTable; Sender.sendingServer(msg1); } }
public static void serverConnect() { Console.Write("\nEntering in to server to server communication: \n"); SvcMsg msg1 = new SvcMsg(); msg1.src = new Uri(src); msg1.dst = new Uri(dst); msg1.cmd = SvcMsg.Command.Request; Sender.sendingServer(msg1); }