private static void RunReadSetAnalysis(Program program, ProcReadSetVisitor rsVisitor, DependencyVisitor depVisitor = null) { rsVisitor.Visit(program); // prune if (Prune) { rsVisitor.ProcReadSet.Keys.Iter(p => Utils.VariableUtils.PruneLocals(program.Implementations.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Proc.Name == p.Name), rsVisitor.ProcReadSet[p])); } // create a dependency set \foreach r \in ReadSet: r <- ReadSet Dictionary <Procedure, Dependencies> rsProcDeps = new Dictionary <Procedure, Dependencies>(); rsVisitor.ProcReadSet.Keys.Iter(p => { rsProcDeps[p] = new Dependencies(); rsVisitor.ProcReadSet[p].Iter(r => rsProcDeps[p][r] = rsVisitor.ProcReadSet[p]); }); // print program.Implementations.Iter(impl => PopulateDependencyLog(impl, rsProcDeps[impl.Proc], Utils.StatisticsHelper.ReadSet)); // taint if (changeLog.Count > 0) { depVisitor.ProcDependencies = rsProcDeps; depVisitor.Visit(program); // reminder: taint is essentially a dependecy analysis // extract taint from dependencies and print program.Implementations.Iter(impl => PopulateTaintLog(impl, Utils.ExtractTaint(depVisitor))); // remove the special taint var rsProcDeps.Values.Iter(dep => dep.Values.Iter(d => { d.Remove(Utils.VariableUtils.BottomUpTaintVar); d.Remove(Utils.VariableUtils.TopDownTaintVar); })); } // stats if (PrintStats) { rsVisitor.ProcReadSet.Iter(prs => { var proc = prs.Key; var readSet = prs.Value; var impl = program.Implementations.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Proc.Name == proc.Name); if (impl != null) // conservatively each output\global is dependent on all of the readset { readSet.Where(v => v is GlobalVariable || impl.OutParams.Contains(v) || /* just to be safe: */ proc.OutParams.Contains(v)).Iter(v => PopulateStatsLog(Utils.StatisticsHelper.ReadSet, impl, v, readSet)); } }); } }
public override Program VisitProgram(Program node) { //Console.WriteLine("Starting..."); //Console.ReadLine(); var orderedSCCs = CallGraphHelper.ComputeOrderedSCCs(callGraph); orderedSCCs.Reverse(); int numVisited = 0; ProcReadSetVisitor rsv = new ProcReadSetVisitor(); foreach (var scc in orderedSCCs) { foreach (var proc in scc) { var impl = node.Implementations.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Proc == proc); if (impl == null) { continue; } //Console.Write("Visiting: {0} ({1}/{2}) [{3} cmds, {4} vars]", impl.Name, ++numVisited, program.Implementations.Count(), impl.Blocks.Sum(b => b.Cmds.Count + 1), impl.LocVars.Count); Stopwatch s = Stopwatch.StartNew(); ManualResetEvent wait = new ManualResetEvent(false); Thread work = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { Visit(impl); wait.Set(); })); work.Start(); Boolean signal = wait.WaitOne(timeOut); s.Stop(); if (!signal) { work.Abort(); Console.WriteLine("Aborted due to timeout. Reverting to readSet"); // the worklist alg was interrupted, clear the worklist to be safe worklist.workList.Clear(); worklist.stateSpace.Clear(); GC.Collect(); // compute the read set instead rsv.currentProc = impl.Proc; rsv.Visit(impl); // turn it to dependencies (\forall r \in ReadSet: r <- ReadSet) ProcDependencies[impl.Proc] = new Dependencies(); rsv.ProcReadSet[impl.Proc].Iter(r => ProcDependencies[impl.Proc][r] = rsv.ProcReadSet[impl.Proc]); //ProcDependencies[impl.Proc].FixFormals(impl); } else { //Console.WriteLine(" {0} s", s.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0); // maintain the readSet (for cases where the analysis is too long and we revert to readset) rsv.ProcReadSet[impl.Proc] = new VarSet(); rsv.ProcReadSet[impl.Proc].UnionWith(ProcDependencies[impl.Proc].Keys); ProcDependencies[impl.Proc].Values.Iter(vs => rsv.ProcReadSet[impl.Proc].UnionWith(vs)); } } foreach (var proc in scc) { var impl = node.Implementations.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Proc == proc); if (impl == null) { continue; } Analysis.PopulateTaintLog(impl, Utils.ExtractTaint(this)); } worklist.stateSpace.Clear(); if (numVisited % 25 == 0) { GC.Collect(); } } // Removed. Printing directly to screen can be too huge. //ProcDependencies.Iter(pd => Console.Out.WriteLine(pd.Key + " : " + pd.Value)); //node.Implementations.Iter(impl => Visit(impl)); // compute top down taint orderedSCCs.Reverse(); foreach (var scc in orderedSCCs) { //foreach (var proc in procEntryTDTaint.Keys) foreach (var proc in scc) { if (!procEntryTDTaint.ContainsKey(proc)) { continue; } var impl = program.Implementations.Single(i => i.Proc == proc); var entry = Utils.GetImplEntry(impl); if (!worklist.stateSpace.ContainsKey(entry)) { worklist.stateSpace[entry] = new Dependencies(); } if (worklist.stateSpace[entry].JoinWith(procEntryTDTaint[impl.Proc])) { worklist.Propagate(entry); Visit(impl); } } } // the top down taint was removed from ProcDependencies so it won't flow up, so add it back in now procExitTDTaint.Iter(pd => ProcDependencies[pd.Key].JoinWith(pd.Value)); // gathering the tainted scalar outputs for each procedure var taintedProcScalarOutputs = new Dictionary <Procedure, VarSet>(); ProcDependencies.Iter(pd => { var procedure = pd.Key; var impl = node.Implementations.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Proc == procedure); var dependencies = pd.Value; taintedProcScalarOutputs[procedure] = new VarSet(); foreach (var r in impl.OutParams) { if (r.TypedIdent.Type.IsInt && dependencies.ContainsKey(r) && (dependencies[r].Contains(Utils.VariableUtils.BottomUpTaintVar) || dependencies[r].Contains(Utils.VariableUtils.TopDownTaintVar))) { taintedProcScalarOutputs[procedure].Add(r); } } }); taintedProcScalarOutputs.Iter(t => Console.WriteLine("Tainted outputs for " + t.Key + " : " + t.Value)); procEntryTDTaint.Iter(pd => Console.WriteLine("Tainted inputs/globals for " + pd.Key + " : " + pd.Value)); // for now, before we finish running, we replace all implementation outputs with procedure outputs // TODO: in the future we should only use implementation inputs\outputs and lose the procedures overall ProcDependencies.Iter(pd => { var impl = node.Implementations.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Proc == pd.Key); pd.Value.FixFormals(impl); foreach (var o in impl.OutParams) { pd.Value.Remove(o); } }); return(node); }
private static void RunAnalysis(string filename, Program program) { var dataDepVisitor = new DependencyVisitor(filename, program, changeLog, Timeout, Prune, true); var dataDeps = dataDepVisitor.ProcDependencies; if (Refine || BothDependencies || DataOnly) { RunDependencyAnalysis(program, dataDepVisitor, Utils.StatisticsHelper.DataOnly, DataOnly); if (DataOnly) { return; } } dataDepVisitor.worklist.stateSpace.Clear(); // helping the garbage collector GC.Collect(); var allDepVisitor = new DependencyVisitor(filename, program, changeLog, Timeout, Prune, DataOnly); var allDeps = allDepVisitor.ProcDependencies; if (Refine || !ReadSet) { RunDependencyAnalysis(program, allDepVisitor, Utils.StatisticsHelper.DataAndControl, !ReadSet); // !ReadSet in the case we want to compute taint using the read set as the baseline dependency } //// test SB deps //Random rnd = new Random(); //foreach (var impl in program.Implementations) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Deps[" + impl + "] = " + allDeps[impl.Proc]); // Console.WriteLine("Superblock = " + Utils.DependenciesUtils.SuperBlockDependencies(impl.Blocks, allDepVisitor.worklist.stateSpace[impl.Blocks.Last().TransferCmd], allDeps)); // int start = rnd.Next(0, impl.Blocks.Count); // int num = rnd.Next(1, impl.Blocks.Count - start); // var superBlock = impl.Blocks.GetRange(start, num); // var exitBlock = superBlock.Last(); // if (!allDepVisitor.worklist.stateSpace.ContainsKey(exitBlock.TransferCmd)) // { // Console.WriteLine("Block " + impl.Blocks[start + num] + " not in statspace"); // Debug.Assert(false); // } // var deps = Utils.DependenciesUtils.SuperBlockDependencies(superBlock, allDepVisitor.worklist.stateSpace[exitBlock.TransferCmd], allDeps); // Console.Write("Deps for ["); // impl.Blocks.GetRange(start, num).Iter(b => Console.Write(b + ",")); // Console.Write("]:"); // Console.WriteLine(deps); //} allDepVisitor.worklist.stateSpace.Clear(); // helping the garbage collector GC.Collect(); #region Control+Data dependencies must contain the Data dependencies Debug.Assert(dataDeps.All(pd => { var proc = pd.Key; var ddeps = pd.Value; var adeps = allDeps[proc]; return(ddeps.Keys.All(v => { if (!adeps.Keys.Contains(v)) { Console.WriteLine("{2}: {0} not contained in {1}", v, adeps.ToString(), proc); return false; } if (!adeps[v].IsSupersetOf(ddeps[v])) { Console.WriteLine("{3}: {0} not superset of {1} for {2}", adeps.ToString(), ddeps.ToString(), v, proc); return false; } return true; })); })); #endregion //output dependency in a bpl file if (AnnotateDependencies) { Utils.DependenciesUtils.PruneProcDependencies(program, allDeps); //for now we prune it (new DependencyWriter(program, allDeps, allDepVisitor.procEntryTDTaint, allDepVisitor.procExitTDTaint)).Visit(program); var depFileName = filename + "_w_dep.bpl"; Utils.PrintProgram(program, depFileName); Console.WriteLine("Adding dependencies to program to {0}", depFileName); return; } ProcReadSetVisitor rsVisitor = new ProcReadSetVisitor(); if (ReadSet) { RunReadSetAnalysis(program, rsVisitor, new DependencyVisitor(filename, program, changeLog, Timeout, Prune, DataOnly)); #region ReadSet must contain the Control+Data dependencies Debug.Assert(rsVisitor.ProcReadSet.All(prs => { var proc = prs.Key; var readSet = prs.Value; if (!allDeps.ContainsKey(proc)) { return(true); } var deps = allDeps[proc]; return(deps.Keys.All(v => { if (!(readSet.Contains(v) && readSet.IsSupersetOf(deps[v]))) { Console.WriteLine("Failed for " + v + " in proc " + proc); Console.WriteLine("RS:"); readSet.Iter(r => Console.WriteLine(" " + r)); Console.WriteLine("Deps[" + v + "]:"); deps[v].Iter(r => Console.WriteLine(" " + r)); return false; } return true; })); })); #endregion } if (Refine) { RunRefinedDepAnalysis(filename, program, dataDeps, allDeps); } // TODO: create tainted blocks and block dependencies if (AbstractNonTainted) { throw new NotImplementedException("AbstractNonTainted is not tested currently"); Utils.DependenciesUtils.PruneProcDependencies(program, allDeps); //for now we prune it var antc = new AbstractNonTaintProgram(program, allDeps, null, null); antc.AbstractNonTaintedImplementations(); var absFilename = filename + ".taintAbstract.bpl"; Utils.PrintProgram(program, absFilename); Console.WriteLine("Printing non-taint abstracted program to {0}", absFilename); } //Refined statement taint if (RefinedStmtTaintAnalysis) { //TODO: pass the modified set of methods (new RefinedStmtTaintInstrumentation(program, new HashSet <Implementation>())).Instrument(); var outFile = filename.Replace(".bpl", "") + "_stmtTaintInstr.bpl"; Utils.PrintProgram(program, outFile); Console.WriteLine("Printing stmt taint instrumented program to {0}", outFile); } }