ShapeData CreateShape(CollisionShape shape) { ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData(); uint[] indices; Vector3[] vertices = CreateShape(shape, out indices); shapeData.VertexCount = vertices.Length / 2; shapeData.SetVertexBuffer(device, vertices); if (indices != null) { shapeData.IndexCount = indices.Length; ushort[] indices_s = CompactIndexBuffer(indices); if (indices_s != null) { shapeData.SetIndexBuffer(device, indices_s); } else { shapeData.SetIndexBuffer(device, indices); } } return shapeData; }
ShapeData InitShapeData(CollisionShape shape) { ShapeData shapeData; if (shapes.TryGetValue(shape, out shapeData) == false) { if (shape.ShapeType == BroadphaseNativeType.SoftBodyShape) { shapeData = new ShapeData(); } else { shapeData = CreateShape(shape); } // Create an initial instance data buffer for a single instance instanceDataDesc.SizeInBytes = InstanceData.SizeInBytes; shapeData.InstanceDataBuffer = new Buffer(device, instanceDataDesc); shapeData.BufferBindings[1] = new VertexBufferBinding(shapeData.InstanceDataBuffer, instanceDataDesc.SizeInBytes, 0); shapes.Add(shape, shapeData); } return shapeData; }
public void UpdateSoftBody(SoftBody softBody, ShapeData shapeData) { // Could just allocate a Vector3 array here at each frame, but reusing shapeData.SoftBodyData is faster. // Probably uses more memory though. shapeData.VertexCount = softBody.GetVertexNormalData(out shapeData.SoftBodyData); shapeData.SetDynamicVertexBuffer(device, shapeData.SoftBodyData); if (softBody.Faces.Count == 0 && softBody.Tetras.Count == 0) { shapeData.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.LineList; } }
public void InitInstancedRender(AlignedCollisionObjectArray objects) { // Clear instance data foreach (ShapeData s in shapes.Values) s.InstanceDataList.Clear(); removeList.Clear(); int i = objects.Count - 1; for (; i >= 0; i--) { CollisionObject colObj = objects[i]; Matrix transform; if (colObj is RigidBody) { DefaultMotionState motionState = (colObj as RigidBody).MotionState as DefaultMotionState; if (motionState != null) { // FIXME: doesn't work with ConvexHullShape? transform = motionState.GraphicsWorldTrans; //colObj.GetWorldTransform(out transform); } else { colObj.GetWorldTransform(out transform); } } else if (colObj is SoftBody) { if (demo.IsDebugDrawEnabled) continue; transform = BulletSharp.Matrix.Identity; } else { colObj.GetWorldTransform(out transform); } InitInstanceData(colObj, colObj.CollisionShape, ref transform); } foreach (KeyValuePair<CollisionShape, ShapeData> sh in shapes) { ShapeData s = sh.Value; int instanceCount = s.InstanceDataList.Count; // Is the instance buffer the right size? if (s.InstanceDataBuffer.Description.SizeInBytes != instanceCount * InstanceData.SizeInBytes) { // No, recreate it s.InstanceDataBuffer.Dispose(); if (instanceCount == 0) { if (s.IndexBuffer != null) s.IndexBuffer.Dispose(); s.VertexBuffer.Dispose(); removeList.Add(sh.Key); continue; } instanceDataDesc.SizeInBytes = instanceCount * InstanceData.SizeInBytes; s.InstanceDataBuffer = new Buffer(device, instanceDataDesc); s.BufferBindings[1] = new VertexBufferBinding(s.InstanceDataBuffer, InstanceData.SizeInBytes, 0); } // Copy the instance data over to the instance buffer InstanceData[] instanceArray = s.InstanceDataListArray; if (instanceArray.Length != instanceCount) { instanceArray = new InstanceData[instanceCount]; s.InstanceDataListArray = instanceArray; } s.InstanceDataList.CopyTo(instanceArray); using (var data = s.InstanceDataBuffer.Map(MapMode.WriteDiscard, global::SharpDX.Direct3D10.MapFlags.None)) { data.WriteRange(instanceArray); s.InstanceDataBuffer.Unmap(); } } if (removeList.Count != 0) { for (i = removeList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { shapes.Remove(removeList[i]); } } }