        private void AddTab3()
            var tab = new TabClass3()
                TabName = "Tab class 3", MyStringContent = "Try right clicking on the tab header. This tab can not be dragged out to a new window, to demonstrate that you can dynamically choose what tabs can, based on the viewmodel.", MyImageUrl = new Uri("/Resources/Kitten.jpg", UriKind.Relative)

            //Simply adding items to the collection adds a tab
            //and setting SelectedTab to it, will select it.
            this.SelectedTab = tab;
 private void AddTab3()
     var tab = new TabClass3() { TabName = "Tab class 3", MyStringContent = "Try right clicking on the tab header. This tab can not be dragged out to a new window, to demonstrate that you can dynamically choose what tabs can, based on the viewmodel.", MyImageUrl = new Uri("/Resources/Kitten.jpg", UriKind.Relative) };
     //Simply adding items to the collection adds a tab
     //and setting SelectedTab to it, will select it.
     this.SelectedTab = tab;