static DeferredCircle() { _deferredCircleArray = new DeferredCircle[SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { _deferredCircleArray[i] = new DeferredCircle(); } }
public static void DrawAll() { // draw all circles in the buffer for (int i = 0; i < _index; i++) { DeferredCircle dc = _deferredCircleArray[i]; Drawing.DrawCircleOrDisk(dc._radius, dc._axis, dc._center, dc._color, dc._segments, dc._filled, dc._in3D); } // reset buffer index _index = 0; }
public static void AllDeferredCirclesOrDisks() { DeferredCircle.DrawAll(); }
// General purpose circle/disk drawing routine. Draws circles or disks (as // specified by "filled" argument) and handles both special case 2d circles // on the XZ plane or arbitrary circles in 3d space (as specified by "in3d" // argument) public static void DrawCircleOrDisk(float radius, Vector3 axis, Vector3 center, Color color, int segments, bool filled, bool in3D) { if (Demo.IsDrawPhase) { LocalSpace ls = new LocalSpace(); if (in3D) { // define a local space with "axis" as the Y/up direction // (XXX should this be a method on LocalSpace?) Vector3 unitAxis = Vector3.Normalize(axis); Vector3 unitPerp = Vector3.Normalize(axis.FindPerpendicularIn3d()); ls.Up = unitAxis; ls.Forward = unitPerp; ls.Position = (center); ls.SetUnitSideFromForwardAndUp(); } // make disks visible (not culled) from both sides if (filled) { BeginDoubleSidedDrawing(); } // point to be rotated about the (local) Y axis, angular step size Vector3 pointOnCircle = new Vector3(radius, 0, 0); float step = (float)(2 * Math.PI) / segments; // set drawing color SetColor(color); // begin drawing a triangle fan (for disk) or line loop (for circle) drawBegin(filled ? PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip : PrimitiveType.LineStrip); // for the filled case, first emit the center point if (filled) { AddVertex(in3D ? ls.Position : center); } // rotate p around the circle in "segments" steps float sin = 0, cos = 0; int vertexCount = filled ? segments + 1 : segments; for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { // emit next point on circle, either in 3d (globalized out // of the local space), or in 2d (offset from the center) AddVertex(in3D ? ls.GlobalizePosition(pointOnCircle) : pointOnCircle + center); // rotate point one more step around circle pointOnCircle = pointOnCircle.RotateAboutGlobalY(step, ref sin, ref cos); } // close drawing operation drawEnd(); if (filled) { EndDoubleSidedDrawing(); } } else { DeferredCircle.AddToBuffer(radius, axis, center, color, segments, filled, in3D); } }