public CallMethodAction(ParseInfo parseInfo, Scope scope, DeltinScriptParser.MethodContext methodContext, bool usedAsExpression, Scope getter) { this.parseInfo = parseInfo; string methodName = methodContext.PART().GetText(); NameRange = DocRange.GetRange(methodContext.PART()); UsedAsExpression = usedAsExpression; if (methodContext.ASYNC() != null) { if (methodContext.NOT() == null) { Parallel = CallParallel.AlreadyRunning_RestartRule; } else { Parallel = CallParallel.AlreadyRunning_DoNothing; } } var options = scope.GetMethodsByName(methodName); if (options.Length == 0) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.Error($"No method by the name of '{methodName}' exists in the current context.", NameRange); } else { OverloadChooser = new OverloadChooser(options, parseInfo, scope, getter, NameRange, DocRange.GetRange(methodContext), new OverloadError("method '" + methodName + "'")); OverloadChooser.Apply(methodContext.call_parameters()); CallingMethod = (IMethod)OverloadChooser.Overload; ParameterValues = OverloadChooser.Values; if (CallingMethod != null) { CallingMethod.Call(parseInfo, NameRange); // Todo: move this to DefinedFunction.Call. if (CallingMethod is DefinedFunction definedFunction) { definedFunction.OnBlockApply(this); parseInfo.CurrentCallInfo?.Call(definedFunction, NameRange); } if (Parallel != CallParallel.NoParallel && !CallingMethod.Attributes.Parallelable) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.Error($"The method '{CallingMethod.Name}' cannot be called in parallel.", NameRange); } parseInfo.Script.AddHover(DocRange.GetRange(methodContext), CallingMethod.GetLabel(true)); } } }
public CallMethodAction(ParseInfo parseInfo, Scope scope, DeltinScriptParser.MethodContext methodContext, bool usedAsExpression, Scope getter) { this.translateInfo = parseInfo.TranslateInfo; string methodName = methodContext.PART().GetText(); NameRange = DocRange.GetRange(methodContext.PART()); var options = scope.GetMethodsByName(methodName); if (options.Length == 0) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.Error($"No method by the name of '{methodName}' exists in the current context.", NameRange); } else { OverloadChooser = new OverloadChooser(options, parseInfo, getter, NameRange, DocRange.GetRange(methodContext), new OverloadError("method '" + methodName + "'")); if (methodContext.call_parameters() != null) { OverloadChooser.SetContext(methodContext.call_parameters()); } else if (methodContext.picky_parameters() != null) { OverloadChooser.SetContext(methodContext.picky_parameters()); } else { OverloadChooser.SetContext(); } CallingMethod = (IMethod)OverloadChooser.Overload; ParameterValues = OverloadChooser.Values; if (CallingMethod != null) { if (CallingMethod is DefinedFunction) { var definedFunction = (DefinedFunction)CallingMethod; definedFunction.Call(parseInfo.Script, NameRange); parseInfo.CurrentCallInfo?.Call(definedFunction, NameRange); } parseInfo.Script.AddHover(DocRange.GetRange(methodContext), CallingMethod.GetLabel(true)); if (usedAsExpression && !CallingMethod.DoesReturnValue()) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.Error("The chosen overload for " + methodName + " does not return a value.", NameRange); } } } }
public CallMethodAction(ParseInfo parseInfo, Scope scope, DeltinScriptParser.MethodContext methodContext, bool usedAsExpression, Scope getter) { this.parseInfo = parseInfo; string methodName = methodContext.PART().GetText(); NameRange = DocRange.GetRange(methodContext.PART()); UsedAsExpression = usedAsExpression; if (methodContext.ASYNC() != null) { if (methodContext.NOT() == null) { Parallel = CallParallel.AlreadyRunning_RestartRule; } else { Parallel = CallParallel.AlreadyRunning_DoNothing; } } // Get all functions with the same name in the current scope. var options = scope.GetMethodsByName(methodName); // If none are found, throw a syntax error. if (options.Length == 0) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.Error($"No method by the name of '{methodName}' exists in the current context.", NameRange); } else { // Make an OverloadChooser to choose an Overload. OverloadChooser = new OverloadChooser(options, parseInfo, scope, getter, NameRange, DocRange.GetRange(methodContext), new OverloadError("method '" + methodName + "'")); // Apply the parameters. OverloadChooser.Apply(methodContext.call_parameters()); // Get the best function. CallingMethod = (IMethod)OverloadChooser.Overload; ParameterValues = OverloadChooser.Values; // CallingMethod may be null if no good functions are found. if (CallingMethod != null) { CallingMethod.Call(parseInfo, NameRange); // If the function's block needs to be applied, check optional restricted calls when 'Applied()' runs. if (CallingMethod is IApplyBlock applyBlock) { applyBlock.OnBlockApply(this); } else // Otherwise, the optional restricted calls can be resolved right away. { // Get optional parameter's restricted calls. OverloadChooser.Match?.CheckOptionalsRestrictedCalls(parseInfo, NameRange); } // Check if the function can be called in parallel. if (Parallel != CallParallel.NoParallel && !CallingMethod.Attributes.Parallelable) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.Error($"The method '{CallingMethod.Name}' cannot be called in parallel.", NameRange); } parseInfo.Script.AddHover(DocRange.GetRange(methodContext), CallingMethod.GetLabel(true)); } } }