            /// <summary>
            /// Pres the process wm key down.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="m">The m.</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public virtual bool PreProcessWmKeyDown(ref Message m)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PreProcessWmKeyDown(ref Message m)", "KeyInterpreter");

                Keys vc = (Keys)m.WParam.ToInt32();

                Keys keyData = vc | Control.ModifierKeys;

                switch (keyData)
                case Keys.Left:
                case Keys.Up:
                case Keys.Right:
                case Keys.Down:
                case Keys.PageUp:
                case Keys.PageDown:
                case Keys.Left | Keys.Shift:
                case Keys.Up | Keys.Shift:
                case Keys.Right | Keys.Shift:
                case Keys.Down | Keys.Shift:
                case Keys.Tab:
                case Keys.Back:
                case Keys.Delete:
                case Keys.Home:
                case Keys.End:
                case Keys.ShiftKey | Keys.Shift:
                case Keys.C | Keys.Control:
                case Keys.X | Keys.Control:
                case Keys.V | Keys.Control:
                    if (RaiseKeyDown(keyData))

                switch (keyData)
                case Keys.Left:                                                 // move left
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_Left(ref m));

                case Keys.Up:                                                   // move up
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_Up(ref m));

                case Keys.Right:                                        // move right
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_Right(ref m));

                case Keys.Down:                                                 // move down
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_Down(ref m));

                case Keys.PageUp:                                       // move pageup
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_PageUp(ref m));

                case Keys.PageDown:                                     // move pagedown
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_PageDown(ref m));

                case Keys.Left | Keys.Shift:                    // move left with selection
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_ShiftLeft(ref m));

                case Keys.Up | Keys.Shift:                      // move up with selection
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_ShiftUp(ref m));

                case Keys.Right | Keys.Shift:                   // move right with selection
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_ShiftRight(ref m));

                case Keys.Down | Keys.Shift:                    // move down with selection
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_ShiftDown(ref m));

                case Keys.Tab:                                                  // switch focus to string view
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_Tab(ref m));

                case Keys.Back:                                                 // back
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_Back(ref m));

                case Keys.Delete:                                       // delete
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_Delete(ref m));

                case Keys.Home:                                                 // move to home
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_Home(ref m));

                case Keys.End:                                                  // move to end
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_End(ref m));

                case Keys.ShiftKey | Keys.Shift:        // begin selection process
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_ShiftShiftKey(ref m));

                case Keys.C | Keys.Control:                     // copy
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_ControlC(ref m));

                case Keys.X | Keys.Control:                     // cut
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_ControlX(ref m));

                case Keys.V | Keys.Control:                     // paste
                    return(PreProcessWmKeyDown_ControlV(ref m));

                    return(HexViewer.BasePreProcessMessage(ref m));