public static void Main() { // confirm warning (just on time) if (!File.Exists(".confirmed")) { var confirmResult = MessageBox.Show( String.Join( Environment.NewLine, "This programm takes over the DELL fan conrol", "and disables the internal thermal fan management!", "", "Use at your own risk and control the temperatures", "with an external tool.", "", "The driver will ONLY be unloaded on a hard reset!" ), "Caution!", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel ); if (confirmResult == DialogResult.Cancel) { Program.Quit(); return; } File.Create(".confirmed"); } // all other exceptions Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Program.OnThreadException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(Program.OnUnhandledException); // see, must be called before Appplication.Run(); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(Program.OnApplicationExit); Application.ApplicationExit += new EventHandler(Program.OnApplicationExit); SystemEvents.SessionEnding += new SessionEndingEventHandler(Program.OnSessionEnding); // see Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); appContext = new DellFanControlApplicationContext(); Application.Run(appContext); }
public DellFanCtrl(DellFanControlApplicationContext context) { this.Init(context); uint tempCPU = 0; uint tempGPU = 0; int fanOneLevel = 0; int fanTwoLevel = 0; int fanDelayTime1 = 0; int fanDelayTime2 = 0; while (context.driverRunning) { Thread.Sleep(context.config["pollingInterval"]); if (context.nextAction == (int)Global.ACTION.EXIT) { context.nextAction = (int)Global.ACTION.WAIT; dell_smm_io(DELL_SMM_IO_ENABLE_FAN_CTL1, DELL_SMM_IO_NO_ARG); dell_smm_io(DELL_SMM_IO_ENABLE_FAN_CTL2, DELL_SMM_IO_NO_ARG); break; } if (context.nextAction == (int)Global.ACTION.ENABLE) { context.nextAction = (int)Global.ACTION.NONE; tempCPU = 0; tempGPU = 0; fanOneLevel = 0; fanTwoLevel = 0; fanDelayTime1 = 0; fanDelayTime2 = 0; this.Init(context); } if (context.nextAction == (int)Global.ACTION.RESUME) { context.nextAction = (int)Global.ACTION.NONE; tempCPU = 0; tempGPU = 0; fanOneLevel = 0; fanTwoLevel = 0; fanDelayTime1 = 0; fanDelayTime2 = 0; this.Init(context); } if (context.nextAction == (int)Global.ACTION.DISABLE) { context.nextAction = (int)Global.ACTION.WAIT; tempCPU = 0; tempGPU = 0; fanOneLevel = 0; fanTwoLevel = 0; fanDelayTime1 = 0; fanDelayTime2 = 0; dell_smm_io(DELL_SMM_IO_ENABLE_FAN_CTL1, DELL_SMM_IO_NO_ARG); dell_smm_io(DELL_SMM_IO_ENABLE_FAN_CTL2, DELL_SMM_IO_NO_ARG); continue; } if (context.nextAction == (int)Global.ACTION.SUSPEND) { context.nextAction = (int)Global.ACTION.WAIT; tempCPU = 0; tempGPU = 0; fanOneLevel = 0; fanTwoLevel = 0; fanDelayTime1 = 0; fanDelayTime2 = 0; dell_smm_io(DELL_SMM_IO_ENABLE_FAN_CTL1, DELL_SMM_IO_NO_ARG); dell_smm_io(DELL_SMM_IO_ENABLE_FAN_CTL2, DELL_SMM_IO_NO_ARG); continue; } tempCPU = dell_smm_io_get_cpu_temperature(); tempGPU = dell_smm_io_get_gpu_temperature(); context.trayIcon.Text = "CPU: " + tempCPU.ToString() + "°C" + Environment.NewLine + "GPU: " + tempGPU.ToString() + "°C"; if (context.nextAction == (int)Global.ACTION.WAIT) { continue; } fanDelayTime1--; fanDelayTime2--; if (fanDelayTime1 <= 0) { fanDelayTime1 = 0; } if (fanDelayTime2 <= 0) { fanDelayTime2 = 0; } // Fan one if (tempCPU < context.config["FanOneCPUTemperatureThresholdZero"] && tempGPU < context.config["FanOneGPUTemperatureThresholdZero"]) { fanOneLevel = 0; } if (tempCPU >= context.config["FanOneCPUTemperatureThresholdOne"] || tempGPU >= context.config["FanOneGPUTemperatureThresholdOne"]) { fanOneLevel = 1; } if (tempCPU >= context.config["FanOneCPUTemperatureThresholdTwo"] || tempGPU >= context.config["FanOneGPUTemperatureThresholdTwo"]) { fanOneLevel = 2; } // Fan two if (tempCPU < context.config["FanTwoCPUTemperatureThresholdZero"] && tempGPU < context.config["FanTwoGPUTemperatureThresholdZero"]) { fanTwoLevel = 0; } if (tempCPU >= context.config["FanTwoCPUTemperatureThresholdOne"] || tempGPU >= context.config["FanTwoGPUTemperatureThresholdOne"]) { fanTwoLevel = 1; } if (tempCPU >= context.config["FanTwoCPUTemperatureThresholdTwo"] || tempGPU >= context.config["FanTwoGPUTemperatureThresholdTwo"]) { fanTwoLevel = 2; } // Set the fan speed // Fan 1 if (fanOneLevel == 0 && fanDelayTime1 == 0) { dell_smm_io_set_fan_lv(DELL_SMM_IO_FAN1, DELL_SMM_IO_FAN_LV0); } if (fanOneLevel == 1 && fanDelayTime2 == 0) { fanDelayTime1 = context.config["minCooldownTime"]; dell_smm_io_set_fan_lv(DELL_SMM_IO_FAN1, DELL_SMM_IO_FAN_LV1); } if (fanOneLevel == 2) { fanDelayTime2 = context.config["minCooldownTime"]; dell_smm_io_set_fan_lv(DELL_SMM_IO_FAN1, DELL_SMM_IO_FAN_LV2); } // Fan 2 if (fanTwoLevel == 0 && fanDelayTime1 == 0) { dell_smm_io_set_fan_lv(DELL_SMM_IO_FAN2, DELL_SMM_IO_FAN_LV0); } if (fanTwoLevel == 1 && fanDelayTime2 == 0) { fanDelayTime1 = context.config["minCooldownTime"]; dell_smm_io_set_fan_lv(DELL_SMM_IO_FAN2, DELL_SMM_IO_FAN_LV1); } if (fanTwoLevel == 2) { fanDelayTime2 = context.config["minCooldownTime"]; dell_smm_io_set_fan_lv(DELL_SMM_IO_FAN2, DELL_SMM_IO_FAN_LV2); } } Interop.CloseHandle(this.hDriver); BDSID_Shutdown(); }
public void Init(DellFanControlApplicationContext context) { this.hDriver = Interop.CreateFile( @"\\.\BZHDELLSMMIO", Interop.GENERIC_READ | Interop.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, IntPtr.Zero, Interop.OPEN_EXISTING, Interop.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, IntPtr.Zero ); IntPtr INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = new IntPtr(-1); if (this.hDriver == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Console.WriteLine("notRunning"); BDSID_InstallDriver(); Process process = new Process(); if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) { process.StartInfo.FileName = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\lib\\wind64.exe"; } else { process.StartInfo.FileName = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\lib\\wind32.exe"; } process.StartInfo.Arguments = "/L BZHDELLSMMIO"; process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; process.Start(); while (!process.StandardOutput.EndOfStream) { // TODO: Catch wind64.exe errors by parsing line string line = process.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); } this.hDriver = Interop.CreateFile(@"\\.\BZHDELLSMMIO", Interop.GENERIC_READ | Interop.GENERIC_WRITE, Interop.FILE_SHARE_READ | Interop.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, IntPtr.Zero, Interop.OPEN_EXISTING, Interop.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, IntPtr.Zero); // As long as the driver is not signed and started with wind64.exe we do not need this // BDSID_StartDriver(); } if (context.config["FanOneActive"] == 1) { dell_smm_io(DELL_SMM_IO_DISABLE_FAN_CTL1, DELL_SMM_IO_NO_ARG); } if (context.config["FanTwoActive"] == 1) { dell_smm_io(DELL_SMM_IO_DISABLE_FAN_CTL2, DELL_SMM_IO_NO_ARG); } // Console.WriteLine(Interop.GetLastError()); }