		public IListNode(Expression targetObject, DebugType iListType)
			this.targetObject = targetObject;
			this.iListType = iListType;
			this.Name = "IList";
			this.ChildNodes = GetChildNodes();
		public NonPublicInstanceMembersNode(Expression targetObject, DebugType shownType)
			this.targetObject = targetObject;
			this.shownType = shownType;
			this.Name = StringParser.Parse("${res:MainWindow.Windows.Debug.LocalVariables.NonPublicMembers}");
			this.ChildNodes = GetChildNodes();
		public ErrorNode(Expression targetObject, GetValueException error)
			this.targetObject = targetObject;
			this.error = error;
			this.Name = targetObject.CodeTail;
			this.Text = error.Error;
		public ArrayIndexerExpression(Expression targetObject, Expression[] arguments)
			if (targetObject == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("targetObject");
			if (arguments == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("arguments");
			this.targetObject = targetObject;
			this.arguments = arguments;
			this.name = GetName();
		public MemberReferenceExpression(Expression targetObject, MemberInfo memberInfo, params Expression[] arguments)
			if (memberInfo == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("memberInfo");
			this.targetObject = targetObject;
			this.memberInfo = memberInfo;
			this.arguments = arguments ?? new Expression[0];
			this.name = GetName();
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor used by the factory method Create()
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="val"></param>
		/// <exception cref="System.Management.Automation.GetValueException">
		/// Can be thrown by InvokeToString()
		/// </exception>
		public ValueNode(Value val)
			this.expression = val.Expression;
			canSetText = false;
			if (val.Type.IsInteger) {
				canSetText =
					(val.Expression is LocalVariableIdentifierExpression) ||
					(val.Expression is ParameterIdentifierExpression) ||
					(val.Expression is ArrayIndexerExpression) ||
					(val.Expression is MemberReferenceExpression && ((MemberReferenceExpression)val.Expression).MemberInfo is FieldInfo);
			this.Image = IconService.GetBitmap("Icons.16x16." + GetImageName(val));
			this.Name = val.Expression.CodeTail;
			if (DebuggingOptions.Instance.ShowValuesInHexadecimal && val.Type.IsInteger) {
				fullText = String.Format("0x{0:X}", val.PrimitiveValue);
			} else if (val.Type.IsPointer) {
				fullText = String.Format("0x{0:X}", val.PointerAddress);
			} else {
				fullText = val.AsString;
			if (val.Type != null) {
				this.Type = val.Type.Name;
			} else {
				this.Type = String.Empty;
			// Note that these return enumerators so they are lazy-evaluated
			this.ChildNodes = null;
			if (val.IsNull) {
			} else if (val.Type.IsClass || val.Type.IsValueType) {
				this.ChildNodes = Utils.GetChildNodesOfObject(this.Expression, val.Type);
			} else if (val.Type.IsArray) {
				this.ChildNodes = Utils.GetChildNodesOfArray(this.Expression, val.ArrayDimensions);
			} else if (val.Type.IsPointer) {
				Value deRef = val.Dereference();
				if (deRef != null) {
					this.ChildNodes = new AbstractNode [] { new ValueNode(deRef) };
			if (DebuggingOptions.Instance.ICorDebugVisualizerEnabled) {
				AbstractNode info = ICorDebug.GetDebugInfoRoot(val.Process, val.CorValue);
				this.ChildNodes = PrependNode(info, this.ChildNodes);
			// Do last since it may expire the object
			if ((val.Type.IsClass || val.Type.IsValueType) && !val.IsNull) {
				fullText = val.InvokeToString();
			this.Text = (fullText.Length > 256) ? fullText.Substring(0, 256) + "..." : fullText;
		/// <summary>
		/// Factory method to create an instance.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="expression">The expression containing the value you wish to display.</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// Returns a ValueNode if it can successfully evaluate expression or
		/// ErrorNode if it fails to do so.
		/// </returns>
		/// <see cref=ErrorNode""/>
		public static AbstractNode Create(Expression expression)
			try {
				Value val = expression.Evaluate(WindowsDebugger.DebuggedProcess);
				return new ValueNode(val);
			} catch (GetValueException e) {
				return new ErrorNode(expression, e);
		public ArrayRangeNode(Expression arrayTarget, ArrayDimensions bounds, ArrayDimensions originalBounds)
			this.arrayTarget = arrayTarget;
			this.bounds = bounds;
			this.originalBounds = originalBounds;
			this.Name = GetName();
			this.ChildNodes = GetChildren();
		public ArrayIndexerExpression(Expression targetObject, params int[] indices)
			if (targetObject == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("targetObject");
			if (indices == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("indices");
			this.targetObject = targetObject;
			List<Expression> indicesAst = new List<Expression>();
			foreach(int indice in indices) {
				indicesAst.Add(new PrimitiveExpression(indice));
			this.arguments = indicesAst.ToArray();
			this.name = GetName();
		public BaseClassNode(Expression targetObject, DebugType shownType)
			this.targetObject = targetObject;
			this.shownType = shownType;
			this.Image = IconService.GetBitmap("Icons.16x16.Class");
			this.Name = StringParser.Parse("${res:MainWindow.Windows.Debug.LocalVariables.BaseClass}");
			this.Type = shownType.FullName;
			if (shownType.FullName == "System.Object") {
				this.ChildNodes = null;
			} else {
				this.ChildNodes = Utils.GetChildNodesOfObject(targetObject, shownType);
		public static IEnumerable<AbstractNode> GetChildNodesOfObject(Expression targetObject, DebugType shownType)
			BindingFlags Flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Field | BindingFlags.GetProperty;
			if (shownType.BaseType != null) {
				yield return new BaseClassNode(targetObject, shownType.BaseType);
			if (shownType.HasMembers(NonPublicInstanceMembersNode.Flags)) {
				yield return new NonPublicInstanceMembersNode(targetObject, shownType);
			if (shownType.HasMembers(StaticMembersNode.Flags) ||
				yield return new StaticMembersNode(targetObject, shownType);
			DebugType iListType = shownType.GetInterface(typeof(IList).FullName);
			if (iListType != null) {
				yield return new IListNode(targetObject, iListType);
			foreach(Expression childExpr in targetObject.AppendObjectMembers(shownType, Flags)) {
				yield return ValueNode.Create(childExpr);
		public static IEnumerable<AbstractNode> GetChildNodesOfArray(Expression expression, ArrayDimensions dimensions)
			if (dimensions.TotalElementCount == 0) return new AbstractNode[0];
			return new ArrayRangeNode(expression, dimensions, dimensions).ChildNodes;