public string ToString(LocalPeer localPeer) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("{0}_{1}(", Type, RemotePeerId); foreach (var stream in Streams.Values) { sb.Append(stream.ToString()); if (localPeer != null) { sb.AppendFormat(" hr/c: {0:0.0}sec ago", (localPeer.DateTimeNowUtc - (stream.LastTimeReceivedAccepted ?? stream.Created)).TotalSeconds); } sb.Append(";"); } sb.Append(")"); if (LibraryVersion != null) { sb.AppendFormat("lib:{0:yyMMdd-HH:mm}", LibraryVersion); } if (ProtocolVersion != null) { sb.AppendFormat("p:{0}", ProtocolVersion); } return(sb.ToString()); }
/// <param name="remotePeerId">null for 'pending' peers</param> internal ConnectedPeer(LocalPeer localPeer, PeerId remotePeerId, ConnectedPeerType type, IPAddress remoteIp) { RemoteIp = remoteIp.ToString(); Type = type; RemotePeerId = remotePeerId; _localPeer = localPeer; Extensions = localPeer.Configuration.Extensions.ToDictionary(ext => ext, ext => ext.OnConnectedPeer(this)); }
internal ConnectedPeerStream(LocalPeer localPeer, ConnectedPeer connectedPeer, StreamId streamId, IPEndPoint remoteEP, SocketWithReceiver socket) { _localPeer = localPeer; Created = localPeer.DateTimeNowUtc; StreamId = streamId; RemoteEndPoint = remoteEP; Socket = socket; Extensions = connectedPeer.Extensions.ToDictionary(ext => ext.Key, ext => ext.Value.OnConnectedPeerStream(this)); }
public SocketWithReceiver(LocalPeer localPeer, UdpClient udpSocket) { _localPeer = localPeer; _actionsQueue = new ActionsQueue(exc => _localPeer.HandleException(LogModules.GeneralManager, exc), new ExecutionTimeStatsCollector(() => localPeer.DateTimeNow)); UdpSocket = udpSocket; _thread = new Thread(ThreadEntry); _thread.Name = "receiver " + LocalEndPointString; _thread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; _thread.Start(); }
public SocketWithReceiver(LocalPeer localPeer, UdpClient udpSocket) { _localPeer = localPeer; _actionsQueue = new ActionsQueue(exc => _localPeer.HandleException(LogModules.GeneralManager, exc)); UdpSocket = udpSocket; _thread = new Thread(ThreadEntry); _thread.Name = LocalEndPointString; _thread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; _thread.Start(); }
public LocalPeer(LocalPeerConfiguration configuration) { if (configuration.VisionChannel == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configuration.VisionChannel)); } if (configuration.Extensions == null) { configuration.Extensions = new ILocalPeerExtension[0]; } VisionChannel = configuration.VisionChannel; VisionChannelSourceId = configuration.VisionChannelSourceId; Configuration = configuration; if (configuration.RoleAsUser) { // client if (configuration.RoleAsSharedPassive || configuration.RoleAsCoordinator) { throw new ArgumentException(nameof(configuration.RoleAsUser)); } if (configuration.Coordinators == null || configuration.Coordinators.Length < 1) { throw new ArgumentException("Please enter coordinator server(s) details: IP addresses and ports"); } // if (configuration.SubtUserTargetBandwidthBps == null) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(configuration.SubtUserTargetBandwidthBps)); } else if (configuration.RoleAsCoordinator) { // server if (configuration.LocalUdpPortRangeStart == null) { throw new ArgumentException(nameof(configuration.LocalUdpPortRangeStart)); } } else if (configuration.RoleAsSharedPassive) { } else { throw new Exception("no roles"); } if (configuration.SocketsCount <= 0 || configuration.SocketsCount > 2000) { throw new ArgumentException(nameof(configuration.SocketsCount)); } ExtensionsById = configuration.Extensions.ToDictionary(ext => ext.ExtensionId, ext => ext); Initialize(); if (_instance != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } _instance = this; }
public Manager(LocalPeer localPeer) { _localPeer = localPeer; localPeer.Manager = this; _actionsQueue = new ActionsQueue(exc => _localPeer.HandleException(LogModules.GeneralManager, exc), new ExecutionTimeStatsCollector(() => localPeer.DateTimeNow)); if (_localPeer.Configuration.Coordinators != null) { // connect to coordinator peers foreach (var serverEP in _localPeer.Configuration.Coordinators) { AddToPendingPeers(ConnectedPeerType.toConfiguredServer, serverEP, GetSocketForNewOutgoingStream()); } } _thread = new Thread(ThreadEntry); _thread.Name = "manager thread"; _thread.Start(); }
public void Dispose(bool currentManagerWillDisposeItselfAfterThisProcedure) { foreach (var extension in ExtensionsById.Values) { extension.DestroyWithLocalPeer(); } if (!currentManagerWillDisposeItselfAfterThisProcedure) { Manager.Dispose(); } Manager = null; foreach (var receiver in Receivers) { receiver.Dispose(); } Receivers = null; _instance = null; }
/// <summary> /// begins scraping asynchronously /// </summary> public IpLocationScraper(string localPublicIp, LocalPeer localPeer) { _localPeer = localPeer; _localPublicIp = localPublicIp; #if DEBUG if (_localPublicIp == "") { _localPublicIp = ""; } #endif try { SendHttpRequestsAsync(); } catch (Exception exc) { localPeer.HandleException(LogModules.IpLocationScraper, exc); } }
/// <param name="remotePeerId">null for 'pending' peers</param> internal ConnectedPeer(LocalPeer localPeer, PeerId remotePeerId) { RemotePeerId = remotePeerId; _localPeer = localPeer; Extensions = localPeer.Configuration.Extensions.ToDictionary(ext => ext, ext => ext.OnConnectedPeer(this)); }