public _IVisitor4_29(OverlapMap _enclosing, ByRef prevSlot, Sharpen.Util.ISet overlaps ) { this._enclosing = _enclosing; this.prevSlot = prevSlot; this.overlaps = overlaps; }
public _ICodeBlock_34(SaveAsStorageTestCase _enclosing, string oldFileName, ByRef newPath) { this._enclosing = _enclosing; this.oldFileName = oldFileName; this.newPath = newPath; }
public static ByRef NewInstance(object initialValue) { ByRef instance = new ByRef(); instance.value = initialValue; return(instance); }
public virtual void TestOnDiscard() { CacheTestUnit.TestPuppet puppet = new CacheTestUnit.TestPuppet(); puppet.FillCache(); ByRef discarded = new ByRef(); puppet.Produce(42, new _IProcedure4_19(discarded)); Assert.AreEqual("0", ((string)discarded.value)); }
public ExcludingReflector(ByRef loaderClass, Type[] excludedClasses) { _excludedClasses = new Collection4(); for (int claxxIndex = 0; claxxIndex < excludedClasses.Length; ++claxxIndex) { Type claxx = excludedClasses[claxxIndex]; _excludedClasses.Add(claxx.FullName); } }
public virtual void TestReentrantUpdateThrows() { var updatedTriggered = new ByRef(); updatedTriggered.value = false; var registry = EventRegistryFactory.ForObjectContainer(Db()); registry.Updated += new _IEventListener4_102(this, updatedTriggered).OnEvent; var items = QueryItemsByName("foo"); Assert.AreEqual(1, items.Count); Assert.IsFalse((((bool) updatedTriggered.value))); Store(items.Next()); Assert.IsTrue((((bool) updatedTriggered.value))); }
//COR-1839 #if !SILVERLIGHT /// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void Test() { if (!Platform4.HasWeakReferences()) { return; } WeakReferenceCollectionTestCase.Item item = new WeakReferenceCollectionTestCase.Item (); Store(item); Commit(); ByRef reference = new ByRef(); ReferenceSystem().TraverseReferences(new _IVisitor4_30(reference)); Assert.IsNotNull(((ObjectReference)reference.value)); item = null; long timeout = 10000; long startTime = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis(); while (true) { long currentTime = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis(); if (currentTime - startTime >= timeout) { Assert.Fail("Timeout waiting for WeakReference collection."); } Runtime.Gc(); Runtime.RunFinalization(); Thread.Sleep(1); if (((ObjectReference)reference.value).GetObject() == null) { break; } } startTime = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis(); while (true) { long currentTime = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis(); if (currentTime - startTime >= timeout) { Assert.Fail("Timeout waiting for removal of ObjectReference from ReferenceSystem." ); } BooleanByRef found = new BooleanByRef(); ReferenceSystem().TraverseReferences(new _IVisitor4_63(reference, found)); if (!found.value) { return; } Thread.Sleep(10); } }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void TestReflectField() { Store(new OldVersionReflectFieldAfterRefactorTestCase.ItemBefore(IdValue)); Reopen(); FileSession().StoredClass(typeof(OldVersionReflectFieldAfterRefactorTestCase.ItemBefore )).Rename(typeof(OldVersionReflectFieldAfterRefactorTestCase.ItemAfter).FullName ); Reopen(); ClassMetadata classMetadata = Container().ClassMetadataForName(typeof(OldVersionReflectFieldAfterRefactorTestCase.ItemAfter ).FullName); ByRef originalField = new ByRef(); classMetadata.TraverseDeclaredFields(new _IProcedure4_37(originalField)); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int).FullName, ((FieldMetadata)originalField.value).GetStoredType ().GetName()); }
public virtual void TestExistingFileWillNotBeOverWritten() { Db().Store(new Item(1)); var oldFileName = FileSession().FileName(); var newPath = new ByRef(); try { newPath.value = Path.GetTempFileName(); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(((string) newPath.value))); Assert.Expect(typeof (InvalidOperationException), new _ICodeBlock_34(this, oldFileName , newPath)); AssertItems(Db(), 1); } finally { File4.Delete(((string) newPath.value)); } }
public _IVisitor4_173(ByRef pending) { this.pending = pending; }
public _IVisitor4_160(bool[] innerRes, bool isNot, ByRef pending) { this.innerRes = innerRes; this.isNot = isNot; this.pending = pending; }
public override void LoadFromClassIndexes(ClassMetadataIterator iter) { // duplicates because of inheritance hierarchies ByRef duplicates = new ByRef(); while (iter.MoveNext()) { ClassMetadata classMetadata = iter.CurrentClass(); if (classMetadata.GetName() != null) { IReflectClass claxx = classMetadata.ClassReflector(); if (claxx == null || !(Stream()._handlers.IclassInternal.IsAssignableFrom(claxx))) { IClassIndexStrategy index = classMetadata.Index(); index.TraverseAll(_transaction, new _IVisitor4_130(this, duplicates)); } } } }
public _IEventListener4_102(UpdateInCallbackThrowsTestCase _enclosing, ByRef updatedTriggered ) { this._enclosing = _enclosing; this.updatedTriggered = updatedTriggered; }
public _IRunnable_670(ClientObjectContainer _enclosing, Transaction trans, ByRef result) { this._enclosing = _enclosing; this.trans = trans; this.result = result; }
public _IVisitor4_63(ByRef reference, BooleanByRef found) { this.reference = reference; this.found = found; }
public _TraverseFieldCommand_693(string fieldName, ByRef foundField) { this.fieldName = fieldName; this.foundField = foundField; }
internal virtual object Descend(Transaction trans, object obj, string[] path) { lock (_lock) { trans = CheckTransaction(trans); ObjectReference @ref = trans.ReferenceForObject(obj); if (@ref == null) { return null; } string fieldName = path[0]; if (fieldName == null) { return null; } ClassMetadata classMetadata = @ref.ClassMetadata(); ByRef foundField = new ByRef(); classMetadata.TraverseAllAspects(new _TraverseFieldCommand_693(fieldName, foundField )); FieldMetadata field = (FieldMetadata)foundField.value; if (field == null) { return null; } object child = @ref.IsActive() ? field.Get(trans, obj) : DescendMarshallingContext (trans, @ref).ReadFieldValue(field); if (path.Length == 1) { return child; } if (child == null) { return null; } string[] subPath = new string[path.Length - 1]; System.Array.Copy(path, 1, subPath, 0, path.Length - 1); return Descend(trans, child, subPath); } }
public _IProcedure4_37(ByRef originalField) { this.originalField = originalField; }
public _IVisitor4_130(IdListQueryResult _enclosing, ByRef duplicates) { this._enclosing = _enclosing; this.duplicates = duplicates; }
public _IVisitor4_32(ByRef mergedSlot, IList mergedSlots) { this.mergedSlot = mergedSlot; this.mergedSlots = mergedSlots; }
public _IProcedure4_19(ByRef discarded) { this.discarded = discarded; }
public static ByRef NewInstance(object initialValue) { ByRef instance = new ByRef(); instance.value = initialValue; return instance; }
public _TraverseFieldCommand_1700(ByRef foundField, string fieldName, ClassMetadata fieldTypeFilter) { this.foundField = foundField; this.fieldName = fieldName; this.fieldTypeFilter = fieldTypeFilter; }
public _IVisitor4_30(ByRef reference) { this.reference = reference; }
public _IRunnable_60(ByRef isDaemon) { this.isDaemon = isDaemon; }
public _IVisitor4_176(ByRef addressTree) { this.addressTree = addressTree; }
public _TraverseFieldCommand_1056(string name, ByRef byReference) { = name; this.byReference = byReference; }
public virtual void TestReentrantUpdateThrows() { ByRef updatedTriggered = new ByRef(); updatedTriggered.value = false; IEventRegistry registry = EventRegistryFactory.ForObjectContainer(Db()); registry.Updated += new System.EventHandler<Db4objects.Db4o.Events.ObjectInfoEventArgs> (new _IEventListener4_102(this, updatedTriggered).OnEvent); IObjectSet items = QueryItemsByName("foo"); Assert.AreEqual(1, items.Count); Assert.IsFalse((((bool)updatedTriggered.value))); Store(items.Next()); Assert.IsTrue((((bool)updatedTriggered.value))); }
public ExcludingReflector(ByRef loaderClass, Collection4 excludedClasses) { _excludedClasses = excludedClasses; }
public _IEventListener4_20(Exception exception, ByRef executed) { this.exception = exception; this.executed = executed; }
public _IVisitor4_107(ByRef ids) { this.ids = ids; }