        private static SkimValue GetValue(int origin, int destination, RosterEntry entry, int minute)
            if (entry.Name == null)
                return(new SkimValue());

            SkimMatrix skimMatrix = _skimMatrices[entry.MatrixIndex];

            if (skimMatrix.IsEmpty())
                return(new SkimValue {
                    Variable = 0, BlendVariable = 0
            if (skimMatrix == null)
                throw new SkimMatrixNotFoundException(string.Format("There is not a skim matrix defined for the combination of variable: {0}, mode: {1}, path type: {2}, and minute: {3}. Please adjust the roster accordingly.", entry.Variable, entry.Mode, entry.PathType, minute));

            SkimValue skimValue = new SkimValue {
                Variable = entry.Transpose ? skimMatrix.GetValue(destination, origin) : skimMatrix.GetValue(origin, destination)

            skimValue.Variable = skimValue.Variable / entry.Scaling;

            skimValue.Variable = skimValue.Variable * entry.Factor;

        private static RosterEntry GetEntry(string variable, int variableIndex, int mode, int pathType, int votGroup, int minute)
            RosterEntry entry = _rosterEntries[variableIndex][mode][pathType][votGroup][minute];

            if (entry == null)
                throw new RosterEntryNotFoundException(string.Format("There was not a roster entry that matched the combination of variable: {0}, mode: {1}, path type: {2}, vot group: {3}, and minute: {4}. Please adjust the roster accordingly.", variable, mode, pathType, votGroup, minute));

        public static SkimValue GetValue(string variable, int mode, int pathType, double vot, int minute, int origin, int destination)
            int         votGroup  = GetVotGroup(vot);
            RosterEntry entry     = GetEntry(variable, mode, pathType, votGroup, minute);
            SkimValue   skimValue = GetValue(origin, destination, entry, minute);

            //mb fix for 0 intrazonals
            if (origin == destination && skimValue.Variable < Constants.EPSILON)
                if (variable == "distance")
                    skimValue.Variable = 0.25 * Global.Settings.DistanceUnitsPerMile;
                else if (variable == "ivtime" || variable == "time" || variable == "ivtfree")
                    skimValue.Variable =
                        (mode == Global.Settings.Modes.Walk) ? 5 :
                        (mode == Global.Settings.Modes.Bike) ? 2 :
                        (mode > Global.Settings.Modes.Bike && mode < Global.Settings.Modes.Transit) ? 1 : 0;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.BlendVariable))

            RosterEntry blendEntry =
                entry.BlendPathType == Global.Settings.PathTypes.None
                    ? GetEntry(entry.BlendVariable, entry.Mode, entry.PathType, votGroup, minute)
                    : GetEntry(entry.BlendVariable, entry.Mode, entry.BlendPathType, votGroup, minute);
            SkimValue blendSkimValue = GetValue(origin, destination, blendEntry, minute);

            skimValue.BlendVariable = blendSkimValue.Variable;

            //mb fix for 0 intrazonals. Assumes blend variable is distance
            if (origin == destination && skimValue.BlendVariable < Constants.EPSILON)
                skimValue.BlendVariable = 0.25 * Global.Settings.DistanceUnitsPerMile;

        public static SkimValue GetValue(string variable, int mode, int pathType, double vot, int minute, IPoint origin, IPoint destination, double circuityDistance = Constants.DEFAULT_VALUE)
            int         votGroup  = GetVotGroup(vot);
            RosterEntry entry     = GetEntry(variable, mode, pathType, votGroup, minute);
            SkimValue   skimValue = GetValue(origin.ZoneId, destination.ZoneId, entry, minute);

            //mb fix for 0 intrazonals
            if (Global.Configuration.DestinationScale == Global.Settings.DestinationScales.Zone && origin.ZoneId == destination.ZoneId && skimValue.Variable < Constants.EPSILON)
                if (variable == "distance")
                    skimValue.Variable = 0.25 * Global.Settings.DistanceUnitsPerMile;
                else if (variable == "ivtime" || variable == "time" || variable == "ivtfree")
                    skimValue.Variable =
                        (mode == Global.Settings.Modes.Walk) ? 5 :
                        (mode == Global.Settings.Modes.Bike) ? 2 :
                        (mode > Global.Settings.Modes.Bike && mode < Global.Settings.Modes.Transit) ? 1 : 0;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.BlendVariable))

            RosterEntry blendEntry =
                entry.BlendPathType == Global.Settings.PathTypes.None
                    ? GetEntry(entry.BlendVariable, entry.Mode, entry.PathType, votGroup, minute)
                    : GetEntry(entry.BlendVariable, entry.Mode, entry.BlendPathType, votGroup, minute);
            SkimValue blendSkimValue = GetValue(origin.ZoneId, destination.ZoneId, blendEntry, minute);

            if (Global.Configuration.DestinationScale == Global.Settings.DestinationScales.Zone)
                //skimValue.BlendVariable = blendSkimValue.BlendVariable;
                skimValue.BlendVariable = blendSkimValue.Variable; //JLB replaced above line 20130628

                //mb fix for 0 intrazonals. Assumes blend variable is distance
                if (origin.ZoneId == destination.ZoneId && skimValue.BlendVariable < Constants.EPSILON)
                    skimValue.BlendVariable = 0.25 * Global.Settings.DistanceUnitsPerMile;


            double networkDistance = blendSkimValue.Variable;
            double networkFraction = networkDistance / Global.Configuration.MaximumBlendingDistance;

            if (networkFraction > 1)
                networkFraction = 1;
            //intrazonals - use network fraction = 0, so blend distance is XY distance
            if (origin.ZoneId == destination.ZoneId)
                networkFraction = 0;

            double xyDistance;

            if (networkFraction >= 1)
                // no blending
                xyDistance = networkDistance;
            else if (circuityDistance > Constants.DEFAULT_VALUE + Constants.EPSILON)
                // blending with circuity value
                //Global.PrintFile.WriteLine("Distances: Network {0} Circuity {1} Orthogonal {2}", networkDistance, circuityDistance,
                //    (Math.Abs(origin.XCoordinate - destination.XCoordinate) + Math.Abs(origin.YCoordinate - destination.YCoordinate)) / 5280D);
                xyDistance = circuityDistance;
                if (Global.Configuration.DataType == "Actum")
                    xyDistance = (Math.Abs(origin.XCoordinate - destination.XCoordinate) + Math.Abs(origin.YCoordinate - destination.YCoordinate)) / 5280D;
                    // default is orthogonal distance, with a miniumum of 300 feet for intra-microzone
                    xyDistance = Math.Max(300D, (Math.Abs(origin.XCoordinate - destination.XCoordinate) + Math.Abs(origin.YCoordinate - destination.YCoordinate))) / 5280D;

            if (networkDistance >= Constants.EPSILON && xyDistance >= Constants.EPSILON)
                skimValue.BlendVariable = networkFraction * networkDistance + (1 - networkFraction) * xyDistance;
            else if (xyDistance >= Constants.EPSILON)
                skimValue.BlendVariable = xyDistance;
            else if (networkDistance >= Constants.EPSILON)
                skimValue.BlendVariable = networkDistance;
                skimValue.BlendVariable = 0;

            if (!skimValue.BlendVariable.AlmostEquals(Constants.DEFAULT_VALUE))
                //new code for intrazonals allows overriding use of speed from skims
                if (Global.Configuration.DataType != "Actum" && (origin.ZoneId == destination.ZoneId))
                    double minutesPerMile =
                        (mode == Global.Settings.Modes.Walk && Global.Configuration.IntrazonalWalkMinutesPerMile_OverrideSkims > Constants.EPSILON) ? Global.Configuration.IntrazonalWalkMinutesPerMile_OverrideSkims
            : (mode == Global.Settings.Modes.Bike && Global.Configuration.IntrazonalBikeMinutesPerMile_OverrideSkims > Constants.EPSILON) ? Global.Configuration.IntrazonalBikeMinutesPerMile_OverrideSkims
            : (mode >= Global.Settings.Modes.Sov && mode <= Global.Settings.Modes.Hov3 && Global.Configuration.IntrazonalAutoMinutesPerMile_OverrideSkims > Constants.EPSILON) ? Global.Configuration.IntrazonalAutoMinutesPerMile_OverrideSkims
            : networkDistance >= Constants.EPSILON ? skimValue.Variable / networkDistance
            : mode == Global.Settings.Modes.Walk ? 20.0
            : mode == Global.Settings.Modes.Bike ? 6.0 : 3.0;

                    skimValue.Variable = skimValue.BlendVariable * minutesPerMile;
                else if (networkDistance >= Constants.EPSILON)
                    double minutesPerMile = skimValue.Variable / networkDistance;
                    skimValue.Variable = skimValue.BlendVariable * minutesPerMile;
                else // if networkDistance is 0 or tiny, cannot use pivot method, multiply blend distance by default speed depending on mode
                // TODO: Make these constants for minutesPerMile configurable.
                    double minutesPerMile = entry.Mode == Global.Settings.Modes.Walk ? 20.0 :
                                            entry.Mode == Global.Settings.Modes.Bike ? 6.0 : 3.0;
                    skimValue.Variable = skimValue.BlendVariable * minutesPerMile;

        public virtual void ProcessEntries(IEnumerable <RosterEntry> entries)
            VariableKeys = entries.Select(x => x.Variable.GetHashCode()).Distinct().OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();
            MatrixKeys   = entries.Select(x => x.MatrixKey).Distinct().OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();

            foreach (var entry in entries)
                entry.VariableIndex = GetVariableIndex(entry.Variable);
                entry.MatrixIndex   = MatrixKeys.GetIndex(entry.MatrixKey);

            RosterEntries = new RosterEntry[VariableKeys.Length][][][][];

            for (var variableIndex = 0; variableIndex < VariableKeys.Length; variableIndex++)
                RosterEntries[variableIndex] = new RosterEntry[Global.Settings.Modes.RosterModes][][][]; // Initialize the mode array

                for (var mode = Global.Settings.Modes.Walk; mode < Global.Settings.Modes.RosterModes; mode++)
                    RosterEntries[variableIndex][mode] = new RosterEntry[Global.Settings.PathTypes.TotalPathTypes][][]; // Initialize the path type array

                    for (var pathType = Global.Settings.PathTypes.FullNetwork; pathType < Global.Settings.PathTypes.TotalPathTypes; pathType++)
                        RosterEntries[variableIndex][mode][pathType] = new RosterEntry[Global.Settings.VotGroups.TotalVotGroups][]; // Initialize the vot groups

                        for (var votGroup = Global.Settings.VotGroups.VeryLow; votGroup < Global.Settings.VotGroups.TotalVotGroups; votGroup++)
                            RosterEntries[variableIndex][mode][pathType][votGroup] = new RosterEntry[Global.Settings.Times.MinutesInADay + 1]; // Initialize the minute array

            foreach (var entry in entries)
                var startMinute = entry.StartMinute;
                var endMinute   = entry.EndMinute;

                // if roster entry for vot group is any or all or default, apply it to all vot groups
                var lowestVotGroup  = entry.VotGroup == Global.Settings.VotGroups.Default ? Global.Settings.VotGroups.VeryLow : entry.VotGroup;
                var highestVotGroup = entry.VotGroup == Global.Settings.VotGroups.Default ? Global.Settings.VotGroups.VeryHigh : entry.VotGroup;

                for (var votGroup = lowestVotGroup; votGroup <= highestVotGroup; votGroup++)
                    if (startMinute > endMinute)
                        for (var minute = 1; minute <= endMinute; minute++)
                            RosterEntries[entry.VariableIndex][entry.Mode][entry.PathType][votGroup][minute] = entry;

                        for (var minute = startMinute; minute <= Global.Settings.Times.MinutesInADay; minute++)
                            RosterEntries[entry.VariableIndex][entry.Mode][entry.PathType][votGroup][minute] = entry;
                        for (var minute = startMinute; minute <= endMinute; minute++)
                            RosterEntries[entry.VariableIndex][entry.Mode][entry.PathType][votGroup][minute] = entry;

            VotRanges = ImpedanceRoster.GetVotRanges();
        public virtual IEnumerable <RosterEntry> LoadRoster(string filename, bool checkCombination = true)
            var file = filename.ToFile();

            Global.PrintFile.WriteFileInfo(file, true);

            _path = file.DirectoryName;

            var entries = new List <RosterEntry>();

            using (var reader = new CountingReader(file.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))) {
                string line;

                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (line.StartsWith("#"))

                    var tokens = line.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(t => t.Trim()).ToArray();

                    if (tokens.Length == 0)

                    var entry = new RosterEntry {
                        Variable      = tokens[0].Clean(),
                        Mode          = tokens[1].ToMode(),
                        PathType      = tokens[2].ToPathType(),
                        VotGroup      = tokens[3].ToVotGroup(),
                        StartMinute   = int.Parse(tokens[4]).ToMinutesAfter3AM(),
                        EndMinute     = int.Parse(tokens[5]).ToMinutesAfter3AM(),
                        Length        = tokens[6].Clean(),
                        FileType      = tokens[7].Clean(),
                        Name          = tokens[8],
                        Field         = int.Parse(tokens[9]),
                        Transpose     = bool.Parse(tokens[10]),
                        BlendVariable = tokens[11].Clean(),
                        BlendPathType = tokens[12].ToPathType(),
                        Factor        = tokens[13].ToFactor(),
                        Scaling       = ParseScaling(tokens[14])

                    if (checkCombination)
                        if (!IsPossibleCombination(entry.Mode, entry.PathType))
                            throw new InvalidCombinationException(
                                          "The combination of mode: {0} and path type: {1} is invalid. Please adjust the roster accordingly.", entry.Mode,

                        ActualCombinations[entry.Mode][entry.PathType] = true;

