//按stall_id显示摊位信息 public bool showStall(string stallID) { try { string merchantID = "select merchant_id from stall where stall_id='" + stallID + "'"; string staffID = "select staff_id from stall where stall_id='" + stallID + "'"; string Area = "select area from stall where stall_id='" + stallID + "'"; string startTime = "select to_char(start_time,'yyyy-mm-dd') from stall where stall_id='" + stallID + "'"; string endTime = "select to_char(end_time,'yyyy-mm-dd') from stall where stall_id='" + stallID + "'"; string rentMoney = "select rent_money from stall where stall_id='" + stallID + "'"; string Price = "select price from stall natural join quotation where stall_id='" + stallID + "'"; this.staff_id = select.Do(staffID).ToString(); this.area = select.Do(Area).ToString(); this.start_time = select.Do(startTime).ToString(); this.end_time = select.Do(endTime).ToString(); this.rent_money = select.Do(rentMoney).ToString(); this.price = select.Do(Price).ToString(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); return(false); } }
public string checkClient(string name, string phone_number) { string str = null; string sql = "select client_id from client where name = '" + name + "'and phone_number = '" + phone_number + "'"; str = select.Do(sql).ToString(); return(str); }
//新增商家 public bool addMerchant(string staffID, string Name, string Phone_number) { try { //插入商家信息 string sqlmerchant = "insert into merchant(staff_id,name,phone_number) values('" + staffID + "','" + Name + "','" + Phone_number + "')"; //OracleCommand cmdmerchant = new OracleCommand(sqlmerchant, con); //获得自动分配的商家id string sql = "select merchant_seq.currval from dual"; //OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, con); execute.Do(sqlmerchant); this.merchant_id = select.Do(sql).ToString(); //插入merchant_login string sqlmerchant_login = "******" + this.merchant_id + "',1234,123456789)"; //插入merchant_VIP string sqlmerchant_VIP = "insert into merchant_VIP(merchant_id,grade,discount) values('" + this.merchant_id + "',0,0.99)"; execute.Do(sqlmerchant_login); execute.Do(sqlmerchant_VIP); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); return(false); } }
public bool showReceipt(string supplier_id, string batch_number) { try { string Supplier_ID = "select supplier_id from receipt where supplier_id='" + supplier_id + "' and batch_number = '" + batch_number + "'"; string Batch_number = "select batch_number from receipt where supplier_id='" + supplier_id + "' and batch_number = '" + batch_number + "'"; string Time = "select to_char(time,'yyyy-mm-dd') from receipt where supplier_id='" + supplier_id + "' and batch_number = '" + batch_number + "'"; string Amount = "select amount from receipt where supplier_id='" + supplier_id + "' and batch_number = '" + batch_number + "'"; string Name = "select name from receipt where supplier_id='" + supplier_id + "' and batch_number = '" + batch_number + "'"; string Total_price = "select total_price from receipt where supplier_id='" + supplier_id + "' and batch_number = '" + batch_number + "'"; this.supplier_id = select.Do(Supplier_ID).ToString(); this.name = select.Do(name).ToString(); this.time = select.Do(time).ToString(); this.batch_number = select.Do(Batch_number).ToString(); this.amount = select.Do(Amount).ToString(); this.total_price = select.Do(Total_price).ToString(); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
public string find(string ID, string verification_code) { string result = ""; string sql = "select PASSWORD from STAFF_LOGIN where STAFF_ID = '" + ID + "' and verification_code = '" + verification_code + "'"; Doselect a = Doselect.instance; result = a.Do(sql).ToString(); return(result); }
public string selectSupplier(string name, string phone_number) { try { string sql = "select supplier_id from supplier where name = '" + name + "'and phone_number = '" + phone_number + "'"; string supplier_id = select.Do(sql).ToString(); return(supplier_id); } catch { MessageBox.Show("查询失败。"); return(null); } }
public bool update_discount(string merchant_id, string grade, string newdiscount) { try { string sql = "update merchant_VIP set discount = " + newdiscount + " where merchant_ID = '" + merchant_id + "' and grade = " + grade; execute.Do(sql); sql = "select discount from merchant_VIP where merchant_ID = '" + merchant_id + "' and grade = " + grade; string client_id = ""; client_id = select.Do(sql).ToString(); if (client_id == "") { return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } }
public bool check(string ID, string password) { string result = ""; string sql = "select PASSWORD from STAFF_LOGIN where STAFF_ID = " + "'" + ID + "'"; Doselect a = Doselect.instance; result = a.Do(sql).ToString(); if (result == password) { return(true); } return(false); }
public bool check(string ID, string password) { string result = ""; string sql = "select PASSWORD from MERCHANT_LOGIN where MERCHANT_ID = " + "'" + ID + "'"; Doselect a = Doselect.instance; //Doselect a1 = Doselect.instance; //if (a == a1) Console.WriteLine("the same!!!!"); result = a.Do(sql).ToString(); if (result == password) { return(true); } return(false); }
public bool exist(string staff_id)//检查员工id是否存在 { object result = null; string sql = "select * from staff where staff_id='" + staff_id + "'"; Doselect a = Doselect.instance; result = a.Do(sql); if (result == null) { return(false); } else { return(true); } }
//判断修改表项时前后仓库ID是否一致 public bool IsWarehouseIDSame(string old_merchant_id, string old_supplier_id, string old_batch_number, string old_id_in_batch, string new_warehouse_id) { // string db = " DATA SOURCE=localhost:1521/orcl2;USER ID=scott; password = 1234"; //OracleConnection dbcon = new OracleConnection(db); //dbcon.Open(); string selectOldWarehouseID = "select warehouse_id from merchandise where merchant_id = '" + old_merchant_id + "' and supplier_id = '" + old_supplier_id + "' and batch_number = '" + old_batch_number + "' and id_in_batch = '" + old_id_in_batch + "'"; // OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(selectOldWarehouseID, dbcon); //string old_warehouse_id = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); string old_warehouse_id = select.Do(selectOldWarehouseID).ToString(); //dbcon.Close(); if (old_warehouse_id == new_warehouse_id) { return(true); } return(false); }
public bool exist(string merchantID) { object result = null; string sql = "select * from merchant where merchant_id='" + merchantID + "'"; Doselect a = Doselect.instance; result = a.Do(sql); if (result == null) { return(false); } else { return(true); } }
public bool update(string ID, string newpassword) { string result = ""; string esql = "update STAFF_LOGIN set PASSWORD = '******' where STAFF_ID = '" + ID + "'"; string ssql = "select PASSWORD from STAFF_LOGIN where STAFF_ID = '" + ID + "'"; Doexecute b = Doexecute.instance; Doselect a = Doselect.instance; b.Do(esql); result = a.Do(ssql).ToString(); if (result == newpassword) { return(true); } return(false); }
public bool update(string ID, string newpassword) { string result = ""; string esql = "update MERCHANT_LOGIN set PASSWORD = '******' where MERCHANT_ID = '" + ID + "'"; string ssql = "select PASSWORD from MERCHANT_LOGIN where MERCHANT_ID = '" + ID + "'"; Doexecute b = Doexecute.instance; //Doexecute b1 = Doexecute.instance; //if (b == b1) Console.WriteLine("the same again!!"); Doselect a = Doselect.instance; b.Do(esql); result = a.Do(ssql).ToString(); if (result == newpassword) { return(true); } return(false); }
public bool addlead(string dept_name, string staff_id)//新增lead表 { try { string sql2 = "select dept_name from staff where staff_id='" + staff_id + "'"; string deptname = select.Do(sql2).ToString(); if (deptname == dept_name) { string sql = "update leading set dept_head='" + staff_id + "' where dept_name='" + dept_name + "'"; execute.Do(sql); return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch { return(false); } }
public string checkDeliverOrder(string merchant_id, string order_id, string client_id) { try { //string s = "DATA SOURCE=localhost:1521/orcl2;USER ID=scott; password = 1234 "; //OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(s); //con.Open(); string sql = "select amount from deliver_order where client_id = '" + client_id + "' and order_id = '" + order_id + "' and merchant_id = '" + merchant_id + "'"; //OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, con); string str = ""; str = select.Do(sql).ToString(); //OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd); DataSet ds = select.Data(sql, "deliver_order"); //da.Fill(ds, "deliver_order"); //con.Close(); return(str); } catch { return(""); } }
//新增员工 public bool addStaff(string Name, string Age, string Sex, string Phone_number, string Salary, string Dept_name) { try { //string s = "DATA SOURCE=localhost:1521/orcl2;USER ID=scott; password = 1234"; //OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(s); //con.Open(); //插入商家信息 string sqlstaff = "insert into staff(name,age,sex,phone_number,salary,dept_name) values('" + Name + "','" + Age + "','" + Sex + "','" + Phone_number + "','" + Salary + "','" + Dept_name + "')"; //OracleCommand cmdstaff = new OracleCommand(sqlstaff, con); //cmdstaff.ExecuteNonQuery(); execute.Do(sqlstaff); //获得自动分配的商家id if (Dept_name == "Material_Ctrl_Dept") { string sql = "select staff_id from staff where phone_number = '" + Phone_number + "'"; //OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, con); //cmdstaff.ExecuteNonQuery(); //this.staff_id = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); this.staff_id = select.Do(sql).ToString(); } else if (Dept_name == "Personal_Adm_Dept") { string sql = "select staff_id from staff where phone_number = '" + Phone_number + "'"; //OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, con); // cmdstaff.ExecuteNonQuery(); //this.staff_id = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); this.staff_id = select.Do(sql).ToString(); } else if (Dept_name == "Stall_Mgt_Dept") { string sql = "select staff_id from staff where phone_number = '" + Phone_number + "'"; //OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, con); //cmdstaff.ExecuteNonQuery(); //this.staff_id = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); this.staff_id = select.Do(sql).ToString(); } else if (Dept_name == "Merchant_Mgt_Dept") { string sql = "select staff_id from staff where phone_number = '" + Phone_number + "'"; //OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, con); //cmdstaff.ExecuteNonQuery(); //this.staff_id = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); this.staff_id = select.Do(sql).ToString(); } //插入merchant_login string sqlstaff_login = "******" + this.staff_id + "',2234,223456789)"; //OracleCommand cmdlogin = new OracleCommand(sqlstaff_login, con); //cmdlogin.ExecuteNonQuery(); //con.Close(); execute.Do(sqlstaff_login); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); return(false); } }