private static void AnalysisLogic(string diretoryPath, OutputMaster outputMaster) { List <AnnotationItem> annotationList = GetAnnotationsFromAllDb(diretoryPath); var bookMenu = annotationList.Select(a => a.BookTittle).Distinct().ToList(); bookMenu.Add("All"); MenuMaster bookMenuMaster = new MenuMaster(bookMenu); string bookAnswer = bookMenuMaster.GetAnswer("Choice book for analysis", true); if (bookAnswer != "All") { annotationList = FilterByBook(annotationList, bookAnswer); } string bookShortName = GetShortName(bookAnswer); var uniq = UniqAnnotaion(annotationList); outputMaster.Save(uniq, "UniqAnnotaion" + "_" + bookShortName); var words = WordsAddings(annotationList); outputMaster.Save(words, "WordsRepeat" + "_" + bookShortName); var pages = PagesPerDay(annotationList); outputMaster.Save(pages, "PagesPerDay" + "_" + bookShortName); for (int i = 3; i <= 6; i++) { var sameRoot = SameRoot(annotationList, i); outputMaster.Save(sameRoot, $"SameRoot_len{i}"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { var profile = BookProfile.GetProfile(); var l = new LionSupporter(); OutputMaster outputMaster = new OutputMaster(@"C:\AllHarry\"); MenuMaster mainMenu = new MenuMaster(new string[] { "Get new annotation", "Copy annotation to PC", "Analysis annotation", "Print Lingualeo Dictionary" }); mainMenu.GetAnswer("", true); if (mainMenu.Answer == "Get new annotation") { List <string> importResult = ImportLogic(profile, l.Words); string timeString = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yy_hh-mm"); outputMaster.Print(importResult); List <string> resultData = HtmlMaster.GetHtmlList(importResult); outputMaster.Save(resultData, timeString); } if (mainMenu.Answer == "Copy annotation to PC") { MenuMaster.GetConfidentAnswer(); } if (mainMenu.Answer == "Analysis annotation") { AnalysisLogic(@"C:\AllHarry\", outputMaster); } if (mainMenu.Answer == "Print Lingualeo Dictionary") { //int h = Console.LargestWindowHeight; //int wi = Console.LargestWindowWidth; //Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; //Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; //Console.SetWindowSize(wi, h); //Console.Clear(); //Console.WriteLine("99"); //for (int i = 0; i < h - 3; i++) //{ // string temp = ""; // for (int y = 0; y < wi - 4; y++) // { // temp += "-"; // } // Console.WriteLine(temp); //} //Console.ReadLine(); outputMaster.Print(l.Words.Where(w => w.CleanWord.Contains(' ')).Take(10).ToList()); outputMaster.Save(l.Words, "dict"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace); } Console.WriteLine("All done!!!!!"); Console.ReadLine(); }