private static bool PerformInitialization() { // We will now try to load the "right" version of System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll // (henceforth we'll use the abbreviation DiagnosticSource.dll). // Here, "right" is defined as: if the app is using DiagnosticSource.dll we prefer to load that version. // Otherwise we prefer the version included with this library, which should be a relatively recent one. Assembly diagnosticSourceAssembly = LoadDiagnosticSourceAssembly(); if (diagnosticSourceAssembly == null) { return(false); } Type activityType = diagnosticSourceAssembly.GetType(ActivityType_FullName, throwOnError: true); if (activityType == null) { return(false); } var supportedFeatures = new SupportedFeatures() { }; s_invoker = new DynamicInvokerOld(supportedFeatures, activityType, null, null); return(true); }
public void AddTag(string key, string value) { if (_activityInstance == null) { return; } DynamicInvokerOld invoker = DynamicLoader.Invoker; if (invoker.SupportedFeatures.FeatureSet_5000 || invoker.SupportedFeatures.FeatureSet_4020) { invoker.Activity.AddTag(_activityInstance, key, value); } else { string errMsg = FormatNotSupportedErrorMessage($"{nameof(AddTag)}(..)", "4020", invoker); throw new NotSupportedException(errMsg); } }
public string GetBaggageItem(string key) { if (_activityInstance == null) { return(null); } DynamicInvokerOld invoker = DynamicLoader.Invoker; if (invoker.SupportedFeatures.FeatureSet_5000 || invoker.SupportedFeatures.FeatureSet_4020) { return(invoker.Activity.GetBaggageItem(_activityInstance, key)); } else { string errMsg = FormatNotSupportedErrorMessage($"{nameof(GetBaggageItem)}(..)", "4020", invoker); throw new NotSupportedException(errMsg); } }
private static string FormatNotSupportedErrorMessage(string apiName, string minRequiredFeatureSet, DynamicInvokerOld invoker) { string errMsg = $"{nameof(ActivityStub)}.{apiName} is not supported." + $" Status: {{{nameof(DynamicLoader)}.{nameof(DynamicLoader.InitializationState)}={DynamicLoader.InitializationState.ToString()};" + $" MinRequiredFeatureSet={minRequiredFeatureSet};" + $" SupportedFeatureSets={invoker.SupportedFeatures.FormatFeatureSetSupportList()}}}"; return(errMsg); }
public static ActivityStub StartNewActivity(string operationName, ActivityKindStub activityKind, ActivityContextStub parentContext, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > tags) { if (!DynamicLoader.EnsureInitialized()) { return(NoOpSingeltons.ActivityStub); } DynamicInvokerOld invoker = DynamicLoader.Invoker; if (invoker.SupportedFeatures.FeatureSet_5000) { object activityInstance = invoker.ActivitySource.StartActivity(operationName, activityKind, parentContext, tags); ActivityStub activityStub = Wrap(activityInstance); return(activityStub); } else if (invoker.SupportedFeatures.FeatureSet_4020) { object activityInstance = invoker.Activity.Ctor(operationName); ActivityStub activityStub = Wrap(activityInstance); // Older Activity versions do not have a concept of Trace and Span. Instead they have an Id and a RoodId. // We will generate a parent Id to match the logic employed by older activities so that RoodId acts as a TraceId. // See: // // // // if (parentContext.IsNotInitialized()) { string parentId = "|" + parentContext.TraceIdHexString + "." + parentContext.SpanIdHexString + "_"; invoker.Activity.SetParentId(activityInstance, parentId); } // Internal is the default. For internal, we avoid creating supplemantal data. if (activityKind != ActivityKindStub.Internal) { SupplementalActivityData supplementalData = activityStub.GetOrCreateSupplementalData(); supplementalData.ActivityKind = activityKind; } if (tags != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> tag in tags) { invoker.Activity.AddTag(activityInstance, tag.Key, tag.Value); } } object diagnosticSource = invoker.DiagnosticListener.DefaultDiagnosticSource; invoker.DiagnosticListener.StartActivity(activityInstance, activityInstance); return(activityStub); } else { string errMsg = FormatNotSupportedErrorMessage($"{nameof(StartNewActivity)}(..)", "4020", invoker); throw new NotSupportedException(errMsg); } }