private static void WriteProcedure(DatabaseStoredProcedure procedure, ProcedureWriter procWriter)
            foreach (var argument in procedure.Arguments)
                if (argument.Out)
                    //we don't deal with INOUT parameters.
                    procWriter.AddOutputParameter(argument.Name, argument.DatabaseDataType);
                //an IN sproc
                procWriter.AddParameter(argument.Name, argument.DatabaseDataType);

            var sql = procedure.Sql.Trim()
                //standardize to windows line endings
            //remove the BEGIN and END as the procWriter writes these
            if (sql.StartsWith("BEGIN", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                sql = sql.Substring(5);
            if (sql.EndsWith("END", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                sql = sql.Substring(0, sql.Length - 3).Trim();

        private static void WriteProcedure(DatabaseStoredProcedure procedure, ProcedureWriter procWriter)
            foreach (var argument in procedure.Arguments)
                if (argument.Out)
                    //we don't deal with INOUT parameters.
                    procWriter.AddOutputParameter(argument.Name, argument.DatabaseDataType);
                //an IN sproc
                procWriter.AddParameter(argument.Name, argument.DatabaseDataType);

            var sql = procedure.Sql.Trim()
                      //standardize to windows line endings
                      .Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("\r", "\n").Replace("\n", "\r\n");

            //remove the BEGIN and END as the procWriter writes these
            if (sql.StartsWith("BEGIN", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                sql = sql.Substring(5);
            if (sql.EndsWith("END", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                sql = sql.Substring(0, sql.Length - 3).Trim();

        public override string AddProcedure(DatabaseStoredProcedure procedure)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(procedure.Sql))
                //the procedure.Sql contains the BEGIN to END statements, not the CREATE PROCEDURE and arguments.
                //for now, just comment
                return "-- add procedure " + procedure.Name;

            var name = procedure.Name;
            var procWriter = new ProcedureWriter(name, null);
            WriteProcedure(procedure, procWriter);

            return procWriter.End();
        public override string AddProcedure(DatabaseStoredProcedure procedure)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(procedure.Sql))
                //the procedure.Sql contains the BEGIN to END statements, not the CREATE PROCEDURE and arguments.
                //for now, just comment
                return("-- add procedure " + procedure.Name);

            var name       = procedure.Name;
            var procWriter = new ProcedureWriter(name, null);

            WriteProcedure(procedure, procWriter);

        public override string AddFunction(DatabaseFunction databaseFunction)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(databaseFunction.Sql))
                //the function.Sql contains the BEGIN to END statements, not the CREATE FUNCTION and arguments.
                //for now, just comment
                return "-- add function " + databaseFunction.Name;

            var name = databaseFunction.Name;
            var procWriter = new ProcedureWriter(name, true);
            WriteProcedure(databaseFunction, procWriter);

            return procWriter.End();

        public override string AddFunction(DatabaseFunction databaseFunction)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(databaseFunction.Sql))
                //the function.Sql contains the BEGIN to END statements, not the CREATE FUNCTION and arguments.
                //for now, just comment
                return("-- add function " + databaseFunction.Name);

            var name       = databaseFunction.Name;
            var procWriter = new ProcedureWriter(name, true);

            WriteProcedure(databaseFunction, procWriter);
