/* * Add User to Session */ public void setCurrentUser(UserModel user) { if (user == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("The user object is invalid"); else { Session.Add(Resources.USER_SESSION_STATE, user); } }
public string getCssClass(int senderID) { if (user == null) { userManager = new BLLUserMngr(); user = userManager.BLLGetCurrentUser(Session); } if (user.ID.Equals(senderID)) return sentCss; else return receivedCss; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { userManager = new BLLUserMngr(); user = userManager.BLLGetCurrentUser(Session); if (!IsPostBack && user!=null) { txtEmail.Text = user.Email; } } catch (Exception) { //Log error Response.Redirect("404.aspx", false); } }
private void LoginValidate() { // Local Variables // string pass; string user; string passHash; bool isValid; pass = txtPassword.Text; user = txtUser.Text; // Calling Encryption method from the BLL, this takes a password and returns the encrypted string BLLMngr bllMngr = new BLLMngr(); passHash = bllMngr.PassEncrypt(pass); //Instanciating a user UserModel userDetails = new UserModel(user, passHash); //Sending details (UserName and password) through BLL and DAL for validation at the database isValid = bllMngr.IsValidLogin(userDetails); //If it comes back as a valid user allow access and go to main DataGrid if (isValid) { MessageBox.Show("Welcome To DBS Credit Union"); using (DGMain dgm = new DGMain()) { this.Hide(); dgm.ShowDialog(); } this.Show(); txtPassword.Clear(); txtUser.Clear(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Login"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { userManager = new BLLUserMngr(); user = userManager.BLLGetCurrentUser(Session); } catch (Exception) { //Log error Response.Redirect("404.aspx", false); } if (!IsPostBack) { /*Retrieve and load the values of each attribute*/ attManager = new BLLAttributeMngr(); hobbies = attManager.BLLGetHobbiesTable(); attributes = attManager.BLLGetBuild(); ddlBuild.DataSource = attributes; ddlBuild.DataBind(); attributes = attManager.BLLGetCounty(); ddlCounty.DataSource = attributes; ddlCounty.DataBind(); attributes = attManager.BLLGetEthnicity(); ddlEthnicity.DataSource = attributes; ddlEthnicity.DataBind(); attributes = attManager.BLLGetEyeColor(); ddlEyeColor.DataSource = attributes; ddlEyeColor.DataBind(); attributes = attManager.BLLGetGenders(); ddlGender.DataSource = attributes; ddlGender.DataBind(); attributes = attManager.BLLGetHairColor(); ddlHairColor.DataSource = attributes; ddlHairColor.DataBind(); attributes = attManager.BLLGetHeight(); ddlHeight.DataSource = attributes; ddlHeight.DataBind(); attributes = attManager.BLLGetRelationshipStatus(); ddlRelationshipStatus.DataSource = attributes; ddlRelationshipStatus.DataBind(); attributes = attManager.BLLGetSexualOrientation(); ddlOrientation.DataSource = attributes; ddlOrientation.DataBind(); cblHobbies.DataSource = hobbies; cblHobbies.DataValueField = Resources.HOBBIES_ID_COLUMN; cblHobbies.DataTextField = Resources.HOBBIES_NAME_COLUMN; cblHobbies.DataBind(); if (user != null) { if (user.Age != null && user.Age > 0) txtAge.Text = user.Age.ToString(); if (user.IdealDate!=null && user.IdealDate.Length > 0) txtIdealDate.Text = user.IdealDate; if (user.Profession != null && user.Profession.Length > 0) txtProfession.Text = user.Profession; if (user.Town != null && user.Town.Length > 0) txtTown.Text = user.Town; if (user.Comments != null && user.Comments.Length > 0) txtComments.Text = user.Comments; if (user.Build != null && user.Build.Length > 0) ddlBuild.Items.FindByValue(user.Build).Selected = true; if (user.County != null && user.County.Length > 0) ddlCounty.Items.FindByValue(user.County).Selected = true; if (user.Ethnicity != null && user.Ethnicity.Length > 0) ddlEthnicity.Items.FindByValue(user.Ethnicity).Selected = true; if (user.EyeColor != null && user.EyeColor.Length > 0) ddlEyeColor.Items.FindByValue(user.EyeColor).Selected = true; if (user.Gender != null && user.Gender.Length > 0) ddlGender.Items.FindByValue(user.Gender).Selected = true; if (user.HairColor != null && user.HairColor.Length > 0) ddlHairColor.Items.FindByValue(user.HairColor).Selected = true; if (user.Height != null && user.Height.Length > 0) ddlHeight.Items.FindByValue(user.Height).Selected = true; if (user.RelationshipStatus != null && user.RelationshipStatus.Length > 0) ddlRelationshipStatus.Items.FindByValue(user.RelationshipStatus).Selected = true; if (user.SexualOrientation != null && user.SexualOrientation.Length > 0) ddlOrientation.Items.FindByValue(user.SexualOrientation).Selected = true; // Populate the CheckBoxList items only when it's not a postback. foreach (int i in user.Hobbies) { cblHobbies.Items[i].Selected = true; } } } }
public bool IsValidLogin(UserModel userDetails) { bool isValid; bool valid; DALMngr dalMngr = new DALMngr(); valid = dalMngr.IsValidLogin(userDetails); if(valid) { isValid = true; } else { isValid = false; } return isValid; }
/* Sets the hobbies for the user with the given id - as a dictionary*/ public void DALSetHobbies(UserModel user) { int rowsAffected; if(user == null) return; if(user.Hobbies.Count <= 0) return; string sql = "INSERT INTO "+Resources.USER_HOBBIES_TABLE + " VALUES "; foreach (int hobbyID in user.Hobbies) { sql += "(" + user.ID + ",'" + hobbyID + "')"; } using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString)) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con)) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; con.Open(); try { rowsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqlException e) { throw; } finally { con.Close(); } } } }
/* Returns a user with the given username */ public UserModel DALGetUser(string username) { UserModel user = null; SqlDataReader reader; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString)) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Resources.USER_PROFILE_USERNAME_PROC, con)) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.USERNAME_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = username; try { con.Open(); reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { user = new UserModel(); user.Username = username; if (!reader.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.User)) user.ID = reader.GetInt32((int)UserProfile.User); if (!reader.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.Age)) user.Age = reader.GetInt32((int)UserProfile.Age); if (!reader.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.Build)) user.Build = reader.GetString((int)UserProfile.Build); if (!reader.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.County)) user.County = reader.GetString((int)UserProfile.County); if (!reader.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.Email)) user.Email = reader.GetString((int)UserProfile.Email); if (!reader.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.Ethnicity)) user.Ethnicity = reader.GetString((int)UserProfile.Ethnicity); if (!reader.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.EyeColor)) user.EyeColor = reader.GetString((int)UserProfile.EyeColor); if (!reader.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.Gender)) user.Gender = reader.GetString((int)UserProfile.Gender); if (!reader.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.HairColor)) user.HairColor = reader.GetString((int)UserProfile.HairColor); if (!reader.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.Height)) user.Height = reader.GetString((int)UserProfile.Height); //images - parse xml if (!reader.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.IdealDate)) user.IdealDate = reader.GetString((int)UserProfile.IdealDate); if (!reader.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.Profession)) user.Profession = reader.GetString((int)UserProfile.Profession); if (!reader.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.RelationshipStatus)) user.RelationshipStatus = reader.GetString((int)UserProfile.RelationshipStatus); if (!reader.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.SexualOrientation)) user.SexualOrientation = reader.GetString((int)UserProfile.SexualOrientation); if (!reader.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.Town)) user.Town = reader.GetString((int)UserProfile.Town); if (!reader.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.ProfilePicturePath)) user.ProfilePicturePath = reader.GetString((int)UserProfile.ProfilePicturePath); if (!reader.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.Comments)) user.Comments = reader.GetString((int)UserProfile.Comments); } reader.Close(); cmd.Parameters.Clear(); cmd.CommandText = Resources.GET_USER_HOBBIES_PROC; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.USERID_PARAM, SqlDbType.Int).Value = user.ID; reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { user.Hobbies.Add(reader.GetInt32(0)); } reader.Close(); } catch (SqlException e) { // go to error page throw; } finally { con.Close(); } } } return user; }
public void BLLUpdateUserEmail(UserModel selectedUser) { DalUserManager.DALUpdateUserEmail(selectedUser); }
/*Returns users that match any of the specified criteria*/ public List<UserModel> SearchForUsersAny(string ageRange, string build, string county, string gender, string height, string profession, string relationshipStatus, string sexualOrientation, string town, List<string> hobbies) { List<UserModel> users = null; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString)) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Resources.SEARCH_FOR_ANY_PROC, con)) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.AGE_RANGE_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = ageRange; cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.BUILD_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = build; cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.COUNTY_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = county; cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.GENDER_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = gender; cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.HEIGHT_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = height; cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.PROFESSION_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = profession; cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.RELATIONSHIP_STATUS_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = relationshipStatus; cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.SEXUAL_ORIENTATION_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = sexualOrientation; cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.TOWN_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = town; try { con.Open(); using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { users = new List<UserModel>(); while (dr.Read()) { UserModel user = new UserModel(dr.GetInt32((int)UserProfile.User), dr.GetString(1)); user.Age = dr.GetInt32((int)UserProfile.Age); user.Build = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.Build); user.County = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.County); user.Ethnicity = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.Ethnicity); user.EyeColor = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.EyeColor); user.Gender = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.Gender); user.HairColor = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.HairColor); user.Height = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.Height); user.IdealDate = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.IdealDate); user.RelationshipStatus = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.RelationshipStatus); user.Profession = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.Profession); user.SexualOrientation = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.SexualOrientation); user.Town = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.Town); user.ProfilePicturePath = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.ProfilePicturePath); user.Comments = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.Comments); users.Add(user); } } } catch (SqlException) { throw; } finally { con.Close(); } } } return users; }
public bool IsValidLogin(UserModel userDetails) { bool isValid; try { using (SqlConnection cxn = new SqlConnection(cxnString)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("spValidateUser", cxn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter userNameParam = new SqlParameter("@UserName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50); userNameParam.Value = userDetails.UserName; SqlParameter passwordParam = new SqlParameter("@usrPassword", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50); passwordParam.Value = userDetails.Password; cmd.Parameters.Add(userNameParam); cmd.Parameters.Add(passwordParam); cxn.Open(); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if(dr.Read()) { isValid = true; } else { isValid = false; } dr.Close(); cxn.Close(); } return isValid; } catch(Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/* * Perform Registration */ protected void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = userManager.BLLCreateUser(txtUserName.Text, txtEmail.Text, txtCreatePwd.Text); if (id > 0) { UserModel user = new UserModel(id, txtUserName.Text); user.SexualOrientation = ddlOrientation.SelectedValue; user.Gender = ddlGender.SelectedValue; user.County = ddlCounty.SelectedValue; userManager.BLLUpdateUser(user); setCurrentUser(user); Response.Write("User Created"); Response.Redirect("DashboardPersonal.aspx",false); } else { Response.Write("Failed to create user"); } }
public void BLLSetHobbies(UserModel user) { DalUserManager.DALSetHobbies(user); }
public void BLLUpdateUserPassword(UserModel user, String password) { DalUserManager.DALUpdateUserPassword(user, password); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Instantiate selectedConversation, if required. if (selectedConversation == null) { selectedConversation = new Conversation(); } // Check if query string contains ConversationID value String selectedConvoID = Request.ServerVariables["QUERY_STRING"]; if (selectedConvoID.Length > 0 && conversationList.Count > 0) { /* If a conversation was selected, retreive the selected conversation * according to its ID in conversation<List> and present its messages to the user. * */ int selectedIDasInt; if (int.TryParse(selectedConvoID, out selectedIDasInt)) { for (int i = 0; i < conversationList.Count; i++) { if (conversationList.ElementAt(i).ConversationID.Equals(selectedIDasInt)) { selectedConversation = conversationList.ElementAt(i); break; } } mySummaries.Visible = false; MessageThread.Visible = true; PopulateMessageThread(selectedConversation); } } try { userManager = new BLLUserMngr(); user = userManager.BLLGetCurrentUser(Session); messageManager = new BLLMessageMngr(user.ID); getMessages(); } catch (Exception) { //Log error Response.Redirect("404.aspx"); } }
/* Updates a user in the the UserInformation Table */ public void DALUpdateUserDetails(UserModel user) { string addHobbiesQuery = string.Empty; if (user.Hobbies != null && user.Hobbies.Count > 0) { addHobbiesQuery = "INSERT " + Resources.USER_HOBBIES_TABLE + " VALUES "; foreach (int hobbyID in user.Hobbies) { addHobbiesQuery += string.Format("({0},{1}),", user.ID, hobbyID); } addHobbiesQuery = addHobbiesQuery.Substring(0, addHobbiesQuery.Length - 1); } using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString)) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Resources.USER_DETAILS_UPDATE_PROC, con)) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; if (user.ID > 0) cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.USERID_PARAM, SqlDbType.Int).Value = user.ID; else return; if (user.Profession != null) cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.PROFESSION_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = user.Profession; if (user.Town != null) cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.TOWN_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = user.Town; if (user.County != null) cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.COUNTY_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = user.County; if (user.Gender != null) cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.GENDER_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = user.Gender; if (user.SexualOrientation != null) cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.SEXUAL_ORIENTATION_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = user.SexualOrientation; if (user.Age > 0) cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.AGE_PARAM, SqlDbType.Int).Value = user.Age; if (user.HairColor != null) cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.HAIR_COLOR_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = user.HairColor; if (user.EyeColor != null) cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.EYE_COLOR_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = user.EyeColor; if (user.Height != null) cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.HEIGHT_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = user.Height; if (user.Build != null) cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.BUILD_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = user.Build; if (user.Ethnicity != null) cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.ETHNICITY_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = user.Ethnicity; if (user.RelationshipStatus != null) cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.RELATIONSHIP_STATUS_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = user.RelationshipStatus; if (user.IdealDate != null) cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.IDEAL_DATE_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = user.IdealDate; if (user.Comments != null) cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.COMMENT_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = user.Comments; try { con.Open(); int rowsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (addHobbiesQuery != null && addHobbiesQuery.Length > 0) { cmd.Parameters.Clear(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = addHobbiesQuery; rowsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } catch (SqlException e) { throw new Exception("Error Adding Attributes to User: " + e.Message); } finally { con.Close(); } } } }
/* Updates the user's password*/ public void DALUpdateUserPassword(UserModel user, string password) { using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString)) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Resources.USER_ACCOUNT_UPDATE_PROC, con)) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.USERID_PARAM, SqlDbType.Int).Value = user.ID; cmd.Parameters.Add(Resources.PASSWORD_PARAM, SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = password; try { con.Open(); int rowsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqlException e) { throw new Exception("Error Updating User Account: " + e.Message); } finally { con.Close(); } } } }
/*Returns users that match the specified criteria exactly*/ public List<UserModel> DALSearchForUsersExact(string ageRange, string build, string county, string gender, string height, string profession, string relationshipStatus, string sexualOrientation, string town, List<int> hobbies) { bool isAgeRange = ageRange != null && ageRange.Length > 0; bool isBuild = build != null && build.Length > 0; bool isCounty = county != null && county.Length > 0; bool isGender = gender != null && gender.Length > 0; bool isHeight = height != null && height.Length > 0; bool isProfession = profession != null && profession.Length > 0; bool isRelationshipStatus = relationshipStatus != null && relationshipStatus.Length > 0; bool isSexualOrientation = sexualOrientation != null && sexualOrientation.Length > 0; bool isTown = town != null && town.Length > 0; bool isHobbies = hobbies != null && hobbies.Count > 0; bool selectAll = !( isAgeRange || isBuild || isCounty || isGender || isHeight || isProfession || isRelationshipStatus || isSexualOrientation || isTown || isHobbies); string query; if (!selectAll) { int paramVal = 0; query = "SELECT Users.UserID, Users.Username, Age, Build, County, Ethnicity, EyeColor, Gender, HairColor, Height, IdealDate, RelationshipStatus, Profession, SexualOrientation, Town, ProfilePicturePath, Comments " + " FROM " + Resources.USER_INFORMATION_TABLE + " INNER JOIN dbo.Users ON UserInformation.UserID = Users.UserID" + " INNER JOIN UserHobbies ON UserInformation.UserID = UserHobbies.UserID" + " WHERE "; if (isAgeRange) query += Resources.AGE_RANGE_COLUMN + "=@"+paramVal++.ToString() + " AND "; if (isBuild) query += " " + Resources.BUILD_COLUMN + "=@" + paramVal++.ToString() + " AND "; if (isCounty) query += " " + Resources.COUNTY_COLUMN + "=@" + paramVal++.ToString() + " AND "; if (isGender) query += Resources.GENDER_COLUMN + "=@" + paramVal++.ToString() + " AND "; if (isHeight) query += Resources.HEIGHT_COLUMN + "=@" + paramVal++.ToString() + " AND "; if (isProfession) query += Resources.PROFESSION_COLUMN + "=@" + paramVal++.ToString() + " AND "; if (isRelationshipStatus) query += Resources.RELATIONSHIP_STATUS_COLUMN + "=@" + paramVal++.ToString() + " AND "; if (isSexualOrientation) query += Resources.SEXUAL_ORIENTATION_COLUMN + "=@" + paramVal++.ToString() + " AND "; if (isTown) query += Resources.TOWN_COLUMN + "=@" + paramVal++.ToString() + " AND "; if (hobbies != null && hobbies.Count > 0) { query += "("; foreach(int hobbyID in hobbies) { query += string.Format("UserHobbies.HobbyID = @{0} OR ", paramVal++); } query = query.Substring(0, query.Length - 3); query += ")"; } else query = query.Substring(0, query.Length - 5); } else { query = Resources.GET_ALL_USERS_PROC; } List<UserModel> users = null; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString)) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, con)) { if (!selectAll) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; int paramVal = 0; if (isAgeRange) cmd.Parameters.Add(paramVal++.ToString(), SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = ageRange; if (isBuild) cmd.Parameters.Add(paramVal++.ToString(), SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = build; if (isCounty) cmd.Parameters.Add(paramVal++.ToString(), SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = county; if (isGender) cmd.Parameters.Add(paramVal++.ToString(), SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = gender; if (isHeight) cmd.Parameters.Add(paramVal++.ToString(), SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = height; if (isProfession) cmd.Parameters.Add(paramVal++.ToString(), SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = profession; if (isRelationshipStatus) cmd.Parameters.Add(paramVal++.ToString(), SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = relationshipStatus; if (isSexualOrientation) cmd.Parameters.Add(paramVal++.ToString(), SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = sexualOrientation; if (isTown) cmd.Parameters.Add(paramVal++.ToString(), SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = town; if (hobbies != null && hobbies.Count > 0) { foreach (int hobbyID in hobbies) { cmd.Parameters.Add(paramVal++.ToString(), SqlDbType.Int).Value = hobbyID; } } } else { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; } try { con.Open(); using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { users = new List<UserModel>(); while (dr.Read()) { UserModel user = new UserModel(dr.GetInt32((int)UserProfile.User), dr.GetString(1)); if (!dr.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.Age)) user.Age = dr.GetInt32((int)UserProfile.Age); if (!dr.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.Build)) user.Build = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.Build); if (!dr.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.County)) user.County = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.County); if (!dr.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.Ethnicity)) user.Ethnicity = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.Ethnicity); if (!dr.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.EyeColor)) user.EyeColor = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.EyeColor); if (!dr.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.Gender)) user.Gender = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.Gender); if (!dr.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.HairColor)) user.HairColor = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.HairColor); if (!dr.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.Height)) user.Height = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.Height); if (!dr.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.IdealDate)) user.IdealDate = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.IdealDate); if (!dr.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.RelationshipStatus)) user.RelationshipStatus = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.RelationshipStatus); if (!dr.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.Profession)) user.Profession = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.Profession); if (!dr.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.SexualOrientation)) user.SexualOrientation = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.SexualOrientation); if (!dr.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.Town)) user.Town = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.Town); //if (!dr.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.ProfilePicturePath)) user.ProfilePicturePath = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.ProfilePicturePath); //if (!dr.IsDBNull((int)UserProfile.Comments)) user.Comments = dr.GetString((int)UserProfile.Comments); users.Add(user); } } } catch (SqlException) { throw; } finally { con.Close(); } } } return users; }
public void BLLUpdateUser(UserModel user) { DalUserManager.DALUpdateUserDetails(user); }