private static void displayConfusionData(ConfusionData cd) { Console.WriteLine("Confusion data from learning set : "); int maxLengthName = cd.UniqueCat.Aggregate("", (max, cur) => max.Length > cur.Length ? max : cur).Length; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { Console.Write(cd.UniqueCat[i]); for (int k = 0; k < maxLengthName - cd.UniqueCat[i].Length; k++) { Console.Write(" "); } Console.Write(" | "); int wellPredicted =[i][i]; int badPredicted = 0; for (int j = 0; j <[0].Count; j++) { Console.Write([i][j].ToString("000") + " | "); if (j != i) { badPredicted +=[i][j]; } } if (wellPredicted + badPredicted == 0) { Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine("(" + (wellPredicted * 100 / (wellPredicted + badPredicted)).ToString("00.0") + "%)"); } } }
static void Main(String[] args) { //Initialize a new motor RandomForest RFmotor = new RandomForest(); //Enable or disable suspect-detection. Elements with less than 30% of prediction will be classed as "suspect" RFmotor.enableOtherClassCreation(30, "suspect"); RFmotor.disableOtherClassCreation(); //Do something when a tree is created RFmotor._TreeCreated += RFmotor__TreeCreated; do { Console.Clear(); //Initialize random data to predict generateDataToPredict(10); //Initialize random learning set generateLearningData(50); //Evaluate the learning (optional, usefull when creating a new learning) modulo = 100; Console.Write("Training : "); ConfusionData cd = RFmotor.evaluateCrossValidation(5, learningData, learningClasses, 500, 100); Console.WriteLine(); displayConfusionData(cd); Console.WriteLine(); //Train the motor with learning data modulo = 10; Console.Write("Training : "); RFmotor.train(learningData, learningClasses, 500, 100); Console.WriteLine(); //Predict sample's class Console.WriteLine("Predicted data : "); for (int i = 0; i < dataToPredict.GetLength(0); i++) { double[] row = new double[dataToPredict.GetLength(1)]; for (int j = 0; j < dataToPredict.GetLength(1); j++) { row[j] = dataToPredict[i, j]; } Prediction predicted = RFmotor.predict(row); displayPrediction(predicted, row); } } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape); Console.ReadLine(); }
public ConfusionData evaluateCrossValidation(int itterations, double[,] samples, String[] samplesCategories, int forestSize, int percentParameters = 0) { int error = 0; ConfusionData cd = new ConfusionData(); var categories = samplesCategories.Distinct().ToList(); if (this._createOtherClass) { categories.Add(this._otherClassName); } if (!PredictCuts) { categories.Add(CUT_CLASS_NAME); } cd.UniqueCat = categories; //On crée deux sous tableaux constitués d'échantillons tirés aléatoirement double[][] samplesArray = ToJaggedArray <double>(samples); for (int itt = 0; itt < itterations; itt++) { //On crée des index aléatoires pour créer les tableaux int[] indexes = getRandomSamplesOutOfTrainingSet(samplesArray.GetLength(0), (int)(samplesArray.Length * 0.6)); int sizeA = (int)(samplesArray.Length * 0.6); int sizeB = (int)(samplesArray.Length * 0.4); while (sizeA + sizeB != samplesArray.Length) { sizeB++; } double[][] A = new double[sizeA][]; double[][] B = new double[sizeB][]; int j = 0; int k = 0; String[] ACat = new string[sizeA]; String[] BCat = new string[sizeB]; for (int i = 0; i < samplesArray.Length; i++) { if (indexes.Contains(i)) { ACat[j] = samplesCategories[i]; A[j] = samplesArray[i]; j++; } else { BCat[k] = samplesCategories[i]; B[k] = samplesArray[i]; k++; } } //Les deux tableaux sont crées train(To2DArray <double>(A), ACat, forestSize, percentParameters); for (int s = 0; s < B.Length; s++) { Prediction pred = this.predict(B[s]); if (pred.predictedClass != BCat[s]) { error++; }[cd.UniqueCat.IndexOf(BCat[s])][cd.UniqueCat.IndexOf(pred.predictedClass)]++; if (pred.predictedClass != this.OtherClassName) { var percentage = cd.pourcentages.First(p => p.categorie == pred.predictedClass); percentage.predicted += pred.treePredictedClass; += pred.totalTrees; } } train(To2DArray <double>(B), BCat, forestSize, percentParameters); for (int s = 0; s < A.Length; s++) { Prediction pred = this.predict(A[s]); if (pred.predictedClass != ACat[s]) { error++; }[cd.UniqueCat.IndexOf(ACat[s])][cd.UniqueCat.IndexOf(pred.predictedClass)]++; if (pred.predictedClass != this.OtherClassName) { var percentage = cd.pourcentages.First(p => p.categorie == pred.predictedClass); percentage.predicted += pred.treePredictedClass; += pred.totalTrees; } } } // ((double)error / (samples.GetLength(0))) / (double)itterations * 100.0; return(cd); }