Part of the explanation of an evaluation
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value of the function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="actuals">the actual parameters values</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns>The value for the function application</returns>
        public override IValue Evaluate(InterpretationContext context, Dictionary<Actual, IValue> actuals,
            ExplanationPart explain)
            IValue retVal = null;

            int token = context.LocalScope.PushContext();
            AssignParameters(context, actuals);

            ListValue value = context.FindOnStack(Collection) as ListValue;
            if (value != null)
                Collection collectionType = value.Type as Collection;
                if (collectionType != null && collectionType.Type != null)
                    Type elementType = collectionType.Type;

                    if (value.Val.Count >= collectionType.getMaxSize())
                        AddError("Cannot allocate element in list : list full");
                        retVal = elementType.DefaultValue;

            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides all the steps used to get the value of the expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ExplanationPart Explain()
            ExplanationPart retVal = new ExplanationPart(Root);

            currentExplanation = retVal;

                explain = true;
                InterpretationContext context = new InterpretationContext();
                Values.IValue         value   = GetValue(context);
                if (value != null)
                    retVal.Message = ToString() + " = " + explainNamable(value);
                    retVal.Message = "Cannot evaluate value for " + ToString();
                explain = false;

        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the callable that is called by this expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override ICallable GetCalled(InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain)
            ICallable retVal;

            Call calledFunction = Called as Call;

            if (calledFunction != null)
                retVal = Called.GetValue(context, explain) as ICallable;
                retVal = Called.GetCalled(context, explain);
                if (retVal == null)
                    Type type = Called.GetExpressionType();
                    if (type != null)
                        retVal = type.CastFunction;

                    if (retVal == null)
                        retVal = Called.GetValue(context, explain) as ICallable;

 /// <summary>
 ///     Sets the value associated to the explanation
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="explain"></param>
 /// <param name="namable"></param>
 public static void SetNamable(ExplanationPart explain, INamable namable)
     if (explain != null)
         explain.RightPart = namable;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Adds an error message to the root element and explains it
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message"></param>
 /// <param name="explain"></param>
 public virtual void AddErrorAndExplain(string message, ExplanationPart explain)
     if (RootLog != null)
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the surface of this function if it has been statically defined
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">the context used to create the surface</param>
        /// <param name="xParam">The X axis of this surface</param>
        /// <param name="yParam">The Y axis of this surface</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns>The surface which corresponds to this expression</returns>
        public override Surface CreateSurface(InterpretationContext context, Parameter xParam, Parameter yParam,
                                              ExplanationPart explain)
            Surface retVal = base.CreateSurface(context, xParam, yParam, explain);

            if (Term != null)
                retVal = Surface.createSurface(xParam, yParam, GetValue(context, explain), explain);
            else if (Expression != null)
                if (UnaryOp == null)
                    retVal = Expression.CreateSurface(context, xParam, yParam, explain);
                    if (UnaryOp == Minus)
                        retVal = Expression.CreateSurface(context, xParam, yParam, explain);
                        AddError("Cannot create surface with unary op " + UnaryOp, RuleChecksEnum.ExecutionFailed);
            retVal.XParameter = xParam;
            retVal.YParameter = yParam;

 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 /// <param name="statement"></param>
 /// <param name="variable"></param>
 /// <param name="explanation"></param>
 public InsertInListChange(InterpretationContext context, InsertStatement statement, IVariable variable, ExplanationPart explanation)
     : base(variable, null, null)
     Context = context;
     Statement = statement;
     Explanation = explanation;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Adds a sub explanation for the explain provided as parameter
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="explain"></param>
 /// <param name="subExplain"></param>
 public static void AddSubExplanation(ExplanationPart explain, ExplanationPart subExplain)
     if (explain != null)
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value associated to this Expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context on which the value must be found</param>
        /// <param name="explain">The explanation to fill, if any</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected internal override IValue GetValue(InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain)
            IValue retVal = null;

            if (Term != null)
                retVal = Term.GetValue(context, explain);
                if (Not.Equals(UnaryOp))
                    BoolValue b = Expression.GetValue(context, explain) as BoolValue;
                    if (b != null)
                        if (b.Val)
                            retVal = EfsSystem.Instance.BoolType.False;
                            retVal = EfsSystem.Instance.BoolType.True;
                        AddError("Expression " + Expression + " does not evaluate to boolean", RuleChecksEnum.SemanticAnalysisError);
                else if (Minus.Equals(UnaryOp))
                    IValue   val      = Expression.GetValue(context, explain);
                    IntValue intValue = val as IntValue;
                    if (intValue != null)
                        retVal = new IntValue(intValue.Type, -intValue.Val);
                        DoubleValue doubleValue = val as DoubleValue;
                        if (doubleValue != null)
                            retVal = new DoubleValue(doubleValue.Type, -doubleValue.Val);

                    if (retVal == null)
                        AddError("Cannot negate value for " + Expression, RuleChecksEnum.SemanticAnalysisError);
                    retVal = Expression.GetValue(context, explain);

        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the explanation for this explain box
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="explanation"></param>
        public void setExplanation(DataDictionary.Interpreter.ExplanationPart explanation)
            ExplainTreeNode node = new ExplainTreeNode(explanation);

            innerSetExplanation(explanation, node, 0);
 /// <summary>
 ///     Adds an error message to the root element and explains it
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message"></param>
 /// <param name="explain"></param>
 public override void AddErrorAndExplain(string message, ExplanationPart explain)
     if (RootLog != null)
         ExplanationPart.CreateSubExplanation(explain, message);
         RootLog.AddErrorAndExplain(message, explain);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the surface of this function if it has been statically defined
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">the context used to create the surface</param>
        /// <param name="xParam">The X axis of this surface</param>
        /// <param name="yParam">The Y axis of this surface</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns>The surface which corresponds to this expression</returns>
        public override Surface CreateSurface(InterpretationContext context, Parameter xParam, Parameter yParam,
                                              ExplanationPart explain)
            Surface retVal = base.CreateSurface(context, xParam, yParam, explain);

            Function function = GetFunction(context, explain);
            Cast     cast     = function as Cast;

            if (cast != null)
                // In case of cast, just take the surface of the enclosed expression
                Expression actual = ActualParameters[0];
                retVal = actual.CreateSurface(context, xParam, yParam, explain);
                if (function == null)
                    function = Called.GetCalled(context, explain) as Function;

                if (function != null)
                    Parameter xAxis;
                    Parameter yAxis;
                    SelectXandYAxis(xParam, yParam, function, out xAxis, out yAxis);
                    if (xAxis != null || yAxis != null)
                        int token = context.LocalScope.PushContext();
                        function.AssignParameters(context, AssignParameterValues(context, function, true, explain));
                        retVal = function.CreateSurfaceForParameters(context, xAxis, yAxis, explain);
                        IValue value = GetValue(context, explain);
                        if (value != null)
                            retVal = Surface.createSurface(value, xParam, yParam);
                            throw new Exception("Cannot create surface for expression");
                    AddError("Cannot determine called function", RuleChecksEnum.SemanticAnalysisError);
            retVal.XParameter = xParam;
            retVal.YParameter = yParam;

        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates the parameter value associationg according to actual parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The interpretation context</param>
        /// <param name="callable">The callable</param>
        /// <param name="log">Indicates whether errors should be logged</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary <Actual, IValue> AssignParameterValues(InterpretationContext context, ICallable callable,
                                                                 bool log, ExplanationPart explain)
            // Compute the unnamed actual parameter values
            Dictionary <Actual, IValue> retVal = new Dictionary <Actual, IValue>();

            if (callable.FormalParameters.Count == NamedActualParameters.Count + ActualParameters.Count)
                int i = 0;
                foreach (Expression expression in ActualParameters)
                    Parameter       parameter      = (Parameter)callable.FormalParameters[i];
                    ExplanationPart subExplanation = ExplanationPart.CreateSubExplanation(explain, parameter);
                    IValue          val            = expression.GetValue(context, subExplanation);
                    if (val != null)
                        Actual actual = parameter.CreateActual();
                        val = val.RightSide(actual, false, false);
                        retVal.Add(actual, val);
                        AddError("Cannot evaluate value for parameter " + i + " (" + expression +
                                 ") of function " + callable.Name, RuleChecksEnum.ExecutionFailed);
                        throw new Exception("Evaluation of parameters failed: Cannot evaluate value for parameter " + i +
                                            " (" + expression + ") of function " + callable.Name);
                    ExplanationPart.SetNamable(subExplanation, val);

                    i = i + 1;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <Designator, Expression> pair in NamedActualParameters)
                    Parameter       parameter      = callable.GetFormalParameter(pair.Key.Image);
                    ExplanationPart subExplanation = ExplanationPart.CreateSubExplanation(explain, parameter);
                    IValue          val            = pair.Value.GetValue(context, subExplanation);
                    if (val != null)
                        Actual actual = parameter.CreateActual();
                        val          = val.RightSide(actual, false, false);
                        actual.Value = val;
                        retVal.Add(actual, val);
                        AddError("Cannot evaluate value for parameter " + pair.Key + " of function " + callable.Name, RuleChecksEnum.ExecutionFailed);
                        throw new Exception("Evaluation of parameters failed: cannot evaluate value for parameter " + pair.Key + " of function " + callable.Name);
                    ExplanationPart.SetNamable(subExplanation, val);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the callable that is called by this expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override ICallable GetCalled(InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain)
            ICallable retVal = Called;

            if (retVal == null)
                AddError("Cannot evaluate call to " + ToString(), RuleChecksEnum.ExecutionFailed);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the element called by this term, if any
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context on which the variable must be found</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ICallable GetCalled(InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain)
            ICallable retVal = null;

            if (Designator != null)
                retVal = Designator.GetCalled(context);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a sub explanation for the explain provided as parameter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <param name="root"></param>
        /// <param name="change"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ExplanationPart CreateSubExplanation(ExplanationPart explain, ModelElement root, Change change)
            ExplanationPart retVal = null;

            if (explain != null)
                retVal = new ExplanationPart(root, change);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a sub explanation for the explain provided as parameter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ExplanationPart CreateSubExplanation(ExplanationPart explain, string name)
            ExplanationPart retVal = null;

            if (explain != null)
                retVal = new ExplanationPart(explain.Element, name);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a sub explanation for the explain provided as parameter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <param name="leftPart">What is evaluated</param>
        /// <param name="rightPart">The evaluated value</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ExplanationPart CreateSubExplanation(ExplanationPart explain, object leftPart,
                                                           INamable rightPart = null)
            ExplanationPart retVal = null;

            if (explain != null)
                retVal = new ExplanationPart(explain.Element, leftPart, rightPart);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a sub explanation for the explain provided as parameter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <param name="leftPart"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ExplanationPart CreateNamedSubExplanation(ExplanationPart explain, string message, object leftPart)
            ExplanationPart retVal = null;

            if (explain != null)
                retVal          = new ExplanationPart(explain.Element, message);
                retVal.LeftPart = leftPart;

        /// <summary>
        ///     Sets the explanation for this explain box
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="explanation"></param>
        public void SetExplanation(ExplanationPart explanation)
            Explanation = explanation;

            if (explanation != null)
                ExplainTreeNode node = new ExplainTreeNode(explanation);
                InnerSetExplanation(explanation, node, 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Setups the explanation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="previous">The previous explanation to store</param>
        /// <returns>The previous explanation (the one for which this is setup)</returns>
        protected ExplanationPart SetupExplanation()
            ExplanationPart retVal = currentExplanation;

            if (explain)
                ExplanationPart part = new ExplanationPart(Root);
                currentExplanation = part;

        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the surface of this function if it has been statically defined
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">the context used to create the surface</param>
        /// <param name="xParam">The X axis of this surface</param>
        /// <param name="yParam">The Y axis of this surface</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns>The surface which corresponds to this expression</returns>
        public override Surface CreateSurface(InterpretationContext context, Parameter xParam, Parameter yParam,
                                              ExplanationPart explain)
            Surface retVal = Surface.createSurface(GetValue(context, explain), xParam, yParam);

            if (retVal == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot create surface for " + ToString());
            retVal.XParameter = xParam;
            retVal.YParameter = yParam;

        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value associated to this Expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context on which the value must be found</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IValue GetValue(InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain)
            IValue retVal = null;

            if (Designator != null)
                retVal = Designator.GetValue(context);
            else if (LiteralValue != null)
                retVal = LiteralValue.GetValue(context, explain);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value associated to this Expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context on which the value must be found</param>
        /// <param name="explain">The explanation to fill, if any</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected internal override IValue GetValue(InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain)
            ExplanationPart subPart = ExplanationPart.CreateSubExplanation(explain, BoundVariable);

            BoundVariable.Value = BindingExpression.GetValue(context, explain);
            ExplanationPart.SetNamable(subPart, BoundVariable.Value);

            int token = context.LocalScope.PushContext();

            IValue retVal = Expression.GetValue(context, explain);


        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value of the function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="actuals">the actual parameters values</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns>The value for the function application</returns>
        public override IValue Evaluate(InterpretationContext context, Dictionary<Actual, IValue> actuals,
            ExplanationPart explain)
            IValue retVal = EFSSystem.BoolType.False;

            int token = context.LocalScope.PushContext();
            AssignParameters(context, actuals);

            if (context.FindOnStack(Element).Value != EFSSystem.EmptyValue)
                retVal = EFSSystem.BoolType.True;


            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value associated to this Expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context on which the value must be found</param>
        /// <param name="explain">The explanation to fill, if any</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected internal override IValue GetValue(InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain)
            StructureValue retVal = null;

            Structure structureType = Structure.GetExpressionType() as Structure;

            if (structureType != null)
                retVal = new StructureValue(this, context, explain);
                AddError("Cannot determine structure type for " + ToString(), RuleChecksEnum.ExecutionFailed);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides all the steps used to get the value of the expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ExplanationPart Explain(InterpretationContext context = null)
            ExplanationPart retVal = new ExplanationPart(Root, this);

            if (context == null)
                context = new InterpretationContext();
                GetValue(context, retVal);
            catch (Exception)

        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the node, and its subnode according to the content of the explanation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="part"></param>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <param param name="level">the level in which the explanation is inserted</param>
        private void innerSetExplanation(DataDictionary.Interpreter.ExplanationPart part, ExplainTreeNode node, int level)
            foreach (DataDictionary.Interpreter.ExplanationPart subPart in part.SubExplanations)
                ExplainTreeNode subNode = new ExplainTreeNode(subPart);
                innerSetExplanation(subPart, subNode, level + 1);

            if (level <= 2)
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value associated to this Expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context on which the value must be found</param>
        /// <param name="explain">The explanation to fill, if any</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected internal override IValue GetValue(InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain)
            IValue retVal = null;

            ExplanationPart subExplanation = ExplanationPart.CreateSubExplanation(explain, this);

                if (Parameters.Count == 1)
                    int token = context.LocalScope.PushContext();
                    Graph graph = CreateGraph(context, Parameters[0], subExplanation);
                    if (graph != null)
                        retVal = graph.Function;
                else if (Parameters.Count == 2)
                    int token = context.LocalScope.PushContext();
                    context.LocalScope.SetSurfaceParameters(Parameters[0], Parameters[1]);
                    Surface surface = CreateSurface(context, Parameters[0], Parameters[1], subExplanation);
                    if (surface != null)
                        retVal = surface.Function;
            catch (Exception)
                /// TODO Ugly hack, because functions & function types are merged.
                /// This provides an empty function as the type of this
                retVal = GetExpressionType() as IValue;
                ExplanationPart.SetNamable(subExplanation, retVal);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value of the function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="actuals">the actual parameters values</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns>The value for the function application</returns>
        public override IValue Evaluate(InterpretationContext context, Dictionary<Actual, IValue> actuals,
            ExplanationPart explain)
            IValue retVal = null;

            int token = context.LocalScope.PushContext();
            AssignParameters(context, actuals);

            DoubleValue value = context.findOnStack(Value).Value as DoubleValue;
            if (value != null)
                int res = (int) Math.Round(value.Val);
                retVal = new IntValue(ReturnType, res);


            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value associated to this Expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context on which the value must be found</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual IValue GetExpressionValue(InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain)
            IValue retVal = null;

                Util.DontNotify(() => { retVal = GetValue(context, explain); });
            catch (Exception e)
                ModelElement modelElement = context.Instance as ModelElement;
                if (modelElement != null)
                    modelElement.AddErrorAndExplain(e.Message, explain);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the callable that is called by this expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override ICallable GetCalled(InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain)
            ICallable retVal = null;

            if (Term != null)
                retVal = Term.GetCalled(context, explain);
            else if (Expression != null)
                retVal = Expression.GetCalled(context, explain);

            // TODO : Investigate why this
            if (retVal == null)
                retVal = GetValue(context, explain) as ICallable;

        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value associated to this Expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context on which the value must be found</param>
        /// <param name="explain">The explanation to fill, if any</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected internal override IValue GetValue(InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain)
            ListValue retVal = new ListValue(ExpressionType, new List <IValue>());

            foreach (Expression expr in ListElements)
                IValue val = expr.GetValue(context, explain);
                if (val != null)
                    if (val != EfsSystem.Instance.EmptyValue)
                    AddError("Cannot evaluate " + expr, RuleChecksEnum.ExecutionFailed);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value associated to this Expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context on which the value must be found</param>
        /// <param name="explain">The explanation to fill, if any</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected internal override IValue GetValue(InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain)
            INamable retVal = Ref as IValue;

            if (retVal == null)
                IVariable variable = Ref as IVariable;
                if (variable != null)
                    retVal = variable.Value;

            if (retVal == null)
                InterpretationContext ctxt = new InterpretationContext(context);
                foreach (Expression expression in Arguments)
                    if (retVal != null)
                        ctxt.Instance = retVal;
                    retVal = expression.GetValue(ctxt, explain);

                    if (retVal == EfsSystem.Instance.EmptyValue)

            if (retVal == null)
                AddError(ToString() + " does not refer to a value", RuleChecksEnum.ExecutionFailed);

            return(retVal as IValue);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the surface of this function if it has been statically defined
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">the context used to create the surface</param>
        /// <param name="xParam">The X axis of this surface</param>
        /// <param name="yParam">The Y axis of this surface</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns>The surface which corresponds to this expression</returns>
        public override Surface CreateSurface(InterpretationContext context, Parameter xParam, Parameter yParam,
                                              ExplanationPart explain)
            Surface retVal = base.CreateSurface(context, xParam, yParam, explain);

            if (xParam == null || yParam == null)
                AddError("Cannot have null parameters for Function expression " + ToString(), RuleChecksEnum.ExecutionFailed);
                int       token = context.LocalScope.PushContext();
                Parameter xAxis = Parameters[0];
                Parameter yAxis = Parameters[1];
                context.LocalScope.SetSurfaceParameters(xAxis, yAxis);
                retVal = Expression.CreateSurface(context, xAxis, yAxis, explain);
            retVal.XParameter = xParam;
            retVal.YParameter = yParam;

        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value of the function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="actuals">the actual parameters values</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns>The value for the function application</returns>
        public override IValue Evaluate(InterpretationContext context, Dictionary<Actual, IValue> actuals,
            ExplanationPart explain)
            IValue retVal = null;

            int token = context.LocalScope.PushContext();
            AssignParameters(context, actuals);
            BoolValue val = context.findOnStack(Value).Value as BoolValue;
            if (val != null)
                if (val.Val)
                    retVal = EFSSystem.BoolType.False;
                    retVal = EFSSystem.BoolType.True;

            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value of the function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="actuals">the actual parameters values</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns>The value for the function application</returns>
        public override IValue Evaluate(InterpretationContext context, Dictionary<Actual, IValue> actuals,
            ExplanationPart explain)
            IValue retVal = null;

            int token = context.LocalScope.PushContext();
            AssignParameters(context, actuals);

            ListValue value = context.FindOnStack(Collection) as ListValue;
            if (value != null)
                Collection collectionType = value.Type as Collection;
                if (collectionType != null && collectionType.Type != null)
                    Type elementType = collectionType.Type;

                    int i = 0;
                    while (i < value.Val.Count && value.Val[i] != EFSSystem.EmptyValue)
                        i += 1;

                    if (i < value.Val.Count)
                        retVal = elementType.DefaultValue;
                        value.Val[i] = retVal;
                        AddError("Cannot allocate element in list : list full");

            return retVal;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Adds a sub explanation for the explain provided as parameter
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="explain"></param>
 /// <param name="subExplain"></param>
 public static void AddSubExplanation(ExplanationPart explain, ExplanationPart subExplain)
     if (explain != null)
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a sub explanation for the explain provided as parameter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <param name="leftPart"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ExplanationPart CreateNamedSubExplanation(ExplanationPart explain, string message, object leftPart)
            ExplanationPart retVal = null;

            if (explain != null)
                retVal = new ExplanationPart(explain.Element, message);
                retVal.LeftPart = leftPart;

            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the callable that is called by this expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override ICallable GetCalled(InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain)
            ICallable retVal = null;

            if (Term != null)
                retVal = Term.GetCalled(context, explain);
            else if (Expression != null)
                retVal = Expression.GetCalled(context, explain);

            // TODO : Investigate why this
            if (retVal == null)
                retVal = GetValue(context, explain) as ICallable;

            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value associated to this Expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context on which the value must be found</param>
        /// <param name="explain">The explanation to fill, if any</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected internal override IValue GetValue(InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain)
            IValue retVal = null;

            if (Term != null)
                retVal = Term.GetValue(context, explain);
                if (Not.Equals(UnaryOp))
                    BoolValue b = Expression.GetValue(context, explain) as BoolValue;
                    if (b != null)
                        if (b.Val)
                            retVal = EfsSystem.Instance.BoolType.False;
                            retVal = EfsSystem.Instance.BoolType.True;
                        AddError("Expression " + Expression + " does not evaluate to boolean");
                else if (Minus.Equals(UnaryOp))
                    IValue val = Expression.GetValue(context, explain);
                    IntValue intValue = val as IntValue;
                    if (intValue != null)
                        retVal = new IntValue(intValue.Type, -intValue.Val);
                        DoubleValue doubleValue = val as DoubleValue;
                        if (doubleValue != null)
                            retVal = new DoubleValue(doubleValue.Type, -doubleValue.Val);

                    if (retVal == null)
                        AddError("Cannot negate value for " + Expression);
                    retVal = Expression.GetValue(context, explain);

            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value associated to this Expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context on which the value must be found</param>
        /// <param name="explain">The explanation to fill, if any</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected internal override IValue GetValue(InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain)
            StructureValue retVal = null;

            Structure structureType = Structure.GetExpressionType() as Structure;
            if (structureType != null)
                retVal = new StructureValue(this, context, explain);
                AddError("Cannot determine structure type for " + ToString());

            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the surface of this function if it has been statically defined
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">the context used to create the graph</param>
        /// <param name="xParameter">The parameter used for the X axis</param>
        /// <param name="yParameter">The parameter used for the Y axis</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual Surface CreateSurfaceForParameters(InterpretationContext context, Parameter xParameter,
            Parameter yParameter, ExplanationPart explain)
            Surface retVal = Surface;

            if (retVal == null)
                if (xParameter != null)
                    if (yParameter != null)
                        if (Cases.Count > 0)
                            retVal = new Surface(xParameter, yParameter);

                            foreach (Case cas in Cases)
                                if (PreconditionSatisfied(context, cas, xParameter, yParameter, explain))
                                    Surface surface = cas.Expression.CreateSurface(context, xParameter, yParameter,
                                    if (surface != null)
                                        Parameter parameter = null;
                                        surface = ReduceSurface(context, cas, surface, out parameter, explain);

                                        if (parameter == null || parameter == surface.XParameter)
                                            retVal = Surface.MergeY(retVal, surface);
                                        AddError("Cannot create surface for expression " + cas.ExpressionText);
                                        retVal = null;
                        else if (Graph != null)
                            // The function is defined by a graph
                            // Extend it to a surface
                            // TODO: Check the right parameter
                            retVal = Graph.ToSurfaceX();
                            retVal.XParameter = xParameter;
                            retVal.YParameter = yParameter;
                            AddError("cannot create surface for function " + Name + " with given parameters");
                        // Function with 1 parameter that ranges over the Xaxis
                        retVal = new Surface(xParameter, yParameter);
                        Graph graph = CreateGraphForParameter(context, xParameter, explain);
                        foreach (Graph.Segment segment in graph.Segments)
                            Graph newGraph = Graph.createGraph(segment.Expression.V0);
                            Surface.Segment newSegment = new Surface.Segment(segment.Start, segment.End, newGraph);
                else if (yParameter != null)
                    // Function with 1 parameter that ranges over the Yaxis
                    retVal = new Surface(xParameter, yParameter);
                    Graph graph = CreateGraphForParameter(context, yParameter, explain);
                    Surface.Segment segment = new Surface.Segment(0, double.MaxValue, graph);
                    AddError("Invalid parameters for surface creation");

            if (retVal != null)
                retVal.XParameter = xParameter;
                retVal.YParameter = yParameter;

            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value of the prefix of the expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context on which the value must be found</param>
        /// <param name="elementCount">The number of elements to consider</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public INamable GetPrefixValue(InterpretationContext context, int elementCount, ExplanationPart explain)
            INamable retVal = null;

            InterpretationContext ctxt = new InterpretationContext(context);
            for (int i = 0; i < elementCount; i++)
                if (retVal != null)
                    ctxt.Instance = retVal;
                retVal = Arguments[i].GetValue(ctxt, explain);
                if (retVal == null)
                    retVal = Arguments[i].Ref;

                if (retVal == EFSSystem.EmptyValue)

            if (retVal == null)
                AddError(ToString() + " prefix does not refer to a value");

            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a sub explanation for the explain provided as parameter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ExplanationPart CreateSubExplanation(ExplanationPart explain, string name)
            ExplanationPart retVal = null;

            if (explain != null)
                retVal = new ExplanationPart(explain.Element, name);

            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the surface of this function if it has been statically defined
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">the context used to create the surface</param>
        /// <param name="xParam">The X axis of this surface</param>
        /// <param name="yParam">The Y axis of this surface</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns>The surface which corresponds to this expression</returns>
        public override Surface createSurface(InterpretationContext context, Parameter xParam, Parameter yParam,
            ExplanationPart explain)
            Surface retVal = base.createSurface(context, xParam, yParam, explain);

            retVal = Surface.createSurface(GetValue(context, explain), xParam, yParam);

            if (retVal == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot create surface for " + ToString());
            retVal.XParameter = xParam;
            retVal.YParameter = yParam;

            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the callable that is called by this expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override ICallable getCalled(InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain)
            ICallable retVal = Called;

            if (retVal == null)
                AddError("Cannot evaluate call to " + ToString());

            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates the graph associated to this expression, when the given parameter ranges over the X axis
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The interpretation context</param>
        /// <param name="parameter">The parameters of *the enclosing function* for which the graph should be created</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Graph createGraph(InterpretationContext context, Parameter parameter, ExplanationPart explain)
            Graph retVal = base.createGraph(context, parameter, explain);

            retVal = Graph.createGraph(GetValue(context, explain), parameter, explain);

            if (retVal == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot create graph for " + ToString());

            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a list of changes to be applied on the system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context on which the changes should be computed</param>
        /// <param name="changes">The list of changes to be updated</param>
        /// <param name="explanation">The explanatino to fill, if any</param>
        /// <param name="apply">Indicates that the changes should be applied immediately</param>
        /// <param name="runner"></param>
        /// <returns>The list to fill with the changes</returns>
        public virtual void GetChanges(InterpretationContext context, ChangeList changes, ExplanationPart explanation,
            bool apply, Runner runner)
            if (!DeActivated)
                long start = Environment.TickCount;

                    if (Statement != null)
                        Statement.GetChanges(context, changes, explanation, apply, runner);
                        AddError("Invalid actions statement");
                catch (Exception e)

                long stop = Environment.TickCount;
                long span = (stop - start);

                if (RuleCondition != null && RuleCondition.EnclosingRule != null)
                    // Rule execution execution time (as opposed to guard evaluation)
                    RuleCondition.EnclosingRule.ExecutionTimeInMilli += span;
                    RuleCondition.EnclosingRule.ExecutionCount += 1;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value of the function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="actuals"></param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns>The value for the function application</returns>
        public virtual IValue Evaluate(InterpretationContext context, Dictionary<Actual, IValue> actuals,
            ExplanationPart explain)
            IValue retVal = null;

            bool useCache = EFSSystem.CacheFunctions;
            ExplainedValue explainedValue = null;

            // Only use the cached value when the EFSSystem indicates that caches should be used
            // This condition has been added to handle the fact that the user changes the status
            // of EFSSystem.CacheFunctions within a test session
            if (useCache)
                if (_cachedResult == null)
                    _cachedResult = new CurryCache(this);

                explainedValue = _cachedResult.GetValue(actuals);

            if (explainedValue == null)
                int token = context.LocalScope.PushContext();
                AssignParameters(context, actuals);
                if (Cases.Count > 0)
                    bool preConditionSatisfied = false;

                    // Statically defined function
                    foreach (Case aCase in Cases)
                        // Evaluate the function
                        ExplanationPart subExplanation = ExplanationPart.CreateSubExplanation(explain, aCase);
                        preConditionSatisfied = aCase.EvaluatePreConditions(context, subExplanation);
                            preConditionSatisfied ? EFSSystem.BoolType.True : EFSSystem.BoolType.False);
                        if (preConditionSatisfied)
                            retVal = aCase.Expression.GetValue(context, subExplanation);

                    if (!preConditionSatisfied)
                        ExplanationPart.CreateSubExplanation(explain, "Partial function called outside its domain");
                        AddError("Partial function called outside its domain");
                else if (Surface != null && FormalParameters.Count == 2)
                    double x = 0.0;
                    double y = 0.0;
                    Parameter formal1 = (Parameter) FormalParameters[0];
                    Parameter formal2 = (Parameter) FormalParameters[1];
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<Actual, IValue> pair in actuals)
                        if (pair.Key.Parameter == formal1)
                            x = GetDoubleValue(pair.Value);
                        if (pair.Key.Parameter == formal2)
                            y = GetDoubleValue(pair.Value);
                    retVal = new DoubleValue(EFSSystem.DoubleType, Surface.Val(x, y));
                else if (Graph != null && FormalParameters.Count < 2)
                    if (FormalParameters.Count == 0)
                        retVal = new DoubleValue(EFSSystem.DoubleType, Graph.Evaluate(0));
                    else if (FormalParameters.Count == 1)
                        double x = 0.0;
                        Parameter formal = (Parameter) FormalParameters[0];
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<Actual, IValue> pair in actuals)
                            if (pair.Key.Parameter == formal)
                                x = GetDoubleValue(pair.Value);
                        retVal = new DoubleValue(EFSSystem.DoubleType, Graph.Evaluate(x));

                ExplanationPart.SetNamable(explain, retVal);
                if (useCache)
                    _cachedResult.SetValue(actuals, retVal, explain);
                retVal = explainedValue.Value;
                ExplanationPart subExplain = ExplanationPart.CreateSubExplanation(explain, "Cached result = ");
                ExplanationPart.SetNamable(subExplain, retVal);

                // Reuse the explanation of the return value computation
                // Topmost entry is the function call, useless, so don't provide it
                if (explainedValue.Explanation != null)
                    foreach (ExplanationPart part in explainedValue.Explanation.SubExplanations)
                        ExplanationPart.AddSubExplanation(subExplain, part);

            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a sub explanation for the explain provided as parameter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <param name="leftPart"></param>
        /// <param name="rightPart"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ExplanationPart CreateSubExplanation(ExplanationPart explain, object leftPart,
            INamable rightPart = null)
            ExplanationPart retVal = null;

            if (explain != null)
                retVal = new ExplanationPart(explain.Element, leftPart, rightPart);

            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value of the function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="actuals">the actual parameters values</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns>The value for the function application</returns>
        public override IValue Evaluate(InterpretationContext context, Dictionary<Actual, IValue> actuals,
            ExplanationPart explain)
            IValue retVal = null;

            int token = context.LocalScope.PushContext();
            AssignParameters(context, actuals);

            StructureValue startDate = context.findOnStack(StartDate).Value as StructureValue;
            if (startDate != null)
                int year = GetIntValue(startDate, "Year");
                int month = GetIntValue(startDate, "Month");
                int day = GetIntValue(startDate, "Day");
                int hour = GetIntValue(startDate, "Hour");
                int minute = GetIntValue(startDate, "Minute");
                int second = GetIntValue(startDate, "Second");
                int tts = GetIntValue(startDate, "TTS");

                DoubleValue addedTime = context.findOnStack(Increment).Value as DoubleValue;
                if (addedTime != null)
                    DateTime start = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tts);
                    DateTime currentTime = start.AddSeconds((double) addedTime.Val);

                    retVal = GetEFSDate(currentTime, startDate.Type as Structure);


            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a sub explanation for the explain provided as parameter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <param name="root"></param>
        /// <param name="change"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ExplanationPart CreateSubExplanation(ExplanationPart explain, ModelElement root, Change change)
            ExplanationPart retVal = null;

            if (explain != null)
                retVal = new ExplanationPart(root, change);

            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates the graph for a given parameter, the other parameters are considered fixed by the interpretation context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The interpretation context</param>
        /// <param name="parameter">The parameter for the X axis</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual Graph CreateGraphForParameter(InterpretationContext context, Parameter parameter,
            ExplanationPart explain)
            Graph retVal = Graph;

            if (retVal == null)
                retVal = new Graph();

                foreach (Case cas in Cases)
                    if (PreconditionSatisfied(context, cas, parameter, explain))
                        Graph subGraph = cas.Expression.CreateGraph(context, parameter, explain);
                        ReduceGraph(context, subGraph, cas, parameter, explain);

            return retVal;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Sets the value associated to the explanation
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="explain"></param>
 /// <param name="namable"></param>
 public static void SetNamable(ExplanationPart explain, INamable namable)
     if (explain != null)
         explain.RightPart = namable;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the surface of this function if it has been statically defined
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">the context used to create the surface</param>
        /// <param name="xParam">The X axis of this surface</param>
        /// <param name="yParam">The Y axis of this surface</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns>The surface which corresponds to this expression</returns>
        public override Surface CreateSurface(InterpretationContext context, Parameter xParam, Parameter yParam,
            ExplanationPart explain)
            Surface retVal = base.CreateSurface(context, xParam, yParam, explain);

            if (Term != null)
                retVal = Surface.createSurface(xParam, yParam, GetValue(context, explain), explain);
            else if (Expression != null)
                if (UnaryOp == null)
                    retVal = Expression.CreateSurface(context, xParam, yParam, explain);
                    if (UnaryOp == Minus)
                        retVal = Expression.CreateSurface(context, xParam, yParam, explain);
                        AddError("Cannot create surface with unary op " + UnaryOp);
            retVal.XParameter = xParam;
            retVal.YParameter = yParam;

            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value associated to this Expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context on which the value must be found</param>
        /// <param name="explain">The explanation to fill, if any</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override IValue GetValue(InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain)
            INamable retVal = Ref as IValue;

            if (retVal == null)
                InterpretationContext ctxt = new InterpretationContext(context);
                for (int i = 0; i < Arguments.Count; i++)
                    if (retVal != null)
                        ctxt.Instance = retVal;
                    retVal = Arguments[i].GetValue(ctxt, explain);

                    if (retVal == EFSSystem.EmptyValue)

            if (retVal == null)
                AddError(ToString() + " does not refer to a value");

            return retVal as IValue;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the surface of this function if it has been statically defined
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">the context used to create the graph</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual Surface CreateSurface(InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain)
            Surface retVal = Surface;

            if (retVal == null)
                    if (FormalParameters.Count == 2)
                        // Select which parameter is the X axis of the surface, and which is the Y
                        Parameter xParameter = SelectXAxisParameter(context);
                        Parameter yParameter = SelectYAxisParameter(xParameter);
                        if (xParameter != null && yParameter != null)
                            int token = context.LocalScope.PushContext();
                            context.LocalScope.SetSurfaceParameters(xParameter, yParameter);
                            retVal = CreateSurfaceForParameters(context, xParameter, yParameter, explain);
                        AddError("Wrong number of parameters for function " + FullName + " to create a surface");
                catch (Exception e)
                    AddError("Cannot create surface of function, reason : " + e.Message);

            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the value of the function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="actuals">the actual parameters values</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns>The value for the function application</returns>
        public override IValue Evaluate(InterpretationContext context, Dictionary<Actual, IValue> actuals,
            ExplanationPart explain)
            IValue retVal = null;

            int token = context.LocalScope.PushContext();
            AssignParameters(context, actuals);

            Collection collectionType =
            ListValue collection = new ListValue(collectionType, new List<IValue>());

            Function function = context.findOnStack(Targets).Value as Function;
            if (function != null && !function.Name.Equals("EMPTY"))
                Graph graph1 = createGraphForValue(context, function, explain);
                ComputeTargets(graph1.Function, collection);


            retVal = collection;
            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates the graph associated to this expression, when the given parameter ranges over the X axis
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The interpretation context</param>
        /// <param name="parameter">The parameters of *the enclosing function* for which the graph should be created</param>
        /// <param name="explain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Graph CreateGraph(InterpretationContext context, Parameter parameter, ExplanationPart explain)
            Graph retVal = base.CreateGraph(context, parameter, explain);

            if (Term != null)
                retVal = Graph.createGraph(GetValue(context, explain), parameter, explain);
            else if (Expression != null)
                if (UnaryOp == null)
                    retVal = Expression.CreateGraph(context, parameter, explain);
                else if (UnaryOp == Minus)
                    retVal = Expression.CreateGraph(context, parameter, explain);
                    throw new Exception("Cannot create graph where NOT operator is defined");

            return retVal;