        /// <summary>
        /// Sub-loop for loading enemy attack information.
        /// </summary>
        public static int AttackLoop(TagData line, List<Enemy> enemies)
            Enemy currentEnemy = null;
              if (enemies.Count > 0)
            currentEnemy = enemies.Last();
              Attack currentAttack = null;
              if (currentEnemy != null && currentEnemy.Attacks.Count > 0)
            currentAttack = currentEnemy.Attacks.Last();

              // Add old attack and start a new one.
              if (line.Tag.Equals("attack"))
            if (line.Data.Length == 0)
              ErrorHandler.ShowWarning("Missing info. Use \"attack='name'\"!");
            currentEnemy.Attacks.Add(new Attack(LinkGenerator.CheckLinkSyntax(line.Data)));
            currentAttack = currentEnemy.Attacks.Last();
              // Tags from main loop. Save attack and exit this loop.
              else if (line.Tag.Equals("name") || line.Tag.Equals("copy") || line.Tag.Equals("potion"))
            return -1;
              else if (line.Tag.Equals("id"))
            HandleAttackId(line.Data, currentAttack, currentEnemy);
              // Tags from effect loop. Exit immediately.
              else if (line.Tag.Equals("effect"))
            return 1;
              else if (line.Tag.Equals("cooldown"))
            HandleCooldown(line.Data, currentAttack);
              else if (line.Tag.Equals("additional"))
            HandleAdditional(line.Data, currentAttack, currentEnemy);
              else if (line.Tag.Equals("animation"))
            HandleAnimation(line.Data, currentAttack);
              else if (line.Tag.Equals("image"))
            HandleAttackMedia(line.Data, currentAttack);
              else if (line.Tag.Equals("subeffect"))
            ErrorHandler.ShowWarning("Missing attack effect (\"effect='type'\")!");
              else if (line.Tag.Equals(""))
            ErrorHandler.ShowWarning("Something wrong with line " + line.Data + ".");
            ErrorHandler.ShowWarning("Unrecognized tag: " + line.Tag);

              return 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes one line of data.
        /// </summary>
        private static void HandleLine(string line, List<Encounter> encounters, List<PathData> paths, string instance)
            Encounter currentEncounter = null;
              if (encounters.Count > 0)
            currentEncounter = encounters[encounters.Count - 1];
              if (!Helper.CheckLineValidity(line))
              // Check for weird characters but allow "|" to skip next line.
              if (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(line[0]) && line[0] != '|' && line[0] != '~')
            ErrorHandler.ShowWarning("Line starts with a weird character. Please remove!");

              var text = new TagData(line, Constants.TagSeparator);
              if (text.Tag.Equals("init"))
            paths.Add(new PathData(line, instance));
              else if (text.Tag.Equals("path"))
              else if (text.Tag.Equals("name"))
            encounters.Add(new Encounter());
            currentEncounter = encounters[encounters.Count - 1];
            currentEncounter.Name = text.Data;
            currentEncounter.DataName = Helper.Simplify(LinkGenerator.RemoveLinks(text.Data));
            currentEncounter.Paths = new List<string>(_currentPath.Split('|'));
            if (currentEncounter == null)
              ErrorHandler.ShowWarning("Ignoring the line because there is no active encounter");
            if (text.Tag.Equals("image"))
              currentEncounter.HandleMedia(text.Data, instance);
            else if (text.Tag.Equals("tactic"))
              currentEncounter.HandleTactic(text.Data, paths);
              HandleNormalLine(line, currentEncounter, paths);
 private static SubEffectInformation ExtractInformation(SubEffectInformation effect, SubEffect subEffect, TagData text, Attack baseAttack, Enemy baseEnemy)
     var effectType = subEffect.Name;
       var effectData = text.Data.Split(':');
       effect.name = text.Tag.ToLower();
       effect.amount = -1;
       effect.duration = 0.0;
       effect.stacks = 1;
       effect.buff = "";
       effect.icon = effect.name;
       effect.suffix = "damage";
       if (effectType == EffectType.Damage || effectType == EffectType.DamageFixed || effectType == EffectType.DamagePercent)
     if (effectData[0].Equals("-"))
       effect.amount = baseAttack.Coefficient;
     else if (effectData[0].Equals("?"))
       effect.amount = -1;
       effect.amount = Helper.ParseD(effectData[0]);
     effect.icon = "damage";
     effect.stacks = 1;
       else if (effectType == EffectType.Healing || effectType == EffectType.HealingPercent)
     if (effectData[0].Equals("-"))
       effect.amount = baseAttack.Coefficient;
     else if (effectData[0].Equals("?"))
       effect.amount = -1;
       effect.amount = Helper.ParseD(effectData[0]);
     effect.suffix = "healing";
     effect.icon = "healing";
     effect.stacks = 1;
       if (effectType == EffectType.Boon || effectType == EffectType.Condition || effectType == EffectType.Control)
       if (effectType == EffectType.Agony || effectType == EffectType.Boon || effectType == EffectType.Condition)
     if (effectData[0].Equals("-"))
       effect.duration = baseAttack.Coefficient;
     else if (effectData[0].Equals("?"))
       effect.duration = -1;
       effect.duration = Helper.ParseD(effectData[0]);
     if (effectType == EffectType.Agony || effect.name.Equals("bleeding") || effect.name.Equals("torment") || effect.name.Equals("burning")
       || effect.name.Equals("poison") || effect.name.Equals("confusion") || effect.name.Equals("regeneration") || effect.name.Equals("might"))
       effect.amount = effect.duration;
     if (effectData.Length > 1)
       effect.stacks = Helper.ParseI(effectData[1]);
     if (subEffect.StacksDuration || effectType == EffectType.Boon)
       effect.suffix = "seconds";
     if (effect.name.Equals("regeneration"))
       effect.suffix = "healing";
     if (effect.name.Equals("retaliation"))
       effect.suffix = "damage per hit";
     if (effect.name.Equals("might"))
       effect.suffix = "more damage";
     if (effect.name.Equals("retaliation") || effect.name.Equals("might"))
       effect.amount = 1;
       if (effectType == EffectType.Control)
     if (effectData[0].Equals("?"))
       effect.duration = 0;
       effect.duration = Helper.ParseD(effectData[0]);
     if (effectData.Length > 1)
       effect.stacks = Helper.ParseI(effectData[1]);
       if (effectType == EffectType.Buff)
     effect.buff = effectData[0];
     effect.icon = effect.buff;
     if (effectData.Length > 1 && effectData[1].Length > 0)
       effect.duration = Helper.ParseD(effectData[1]);
     if (effectData.Length > 2 && effectData[2].Length > 0)
       effect.stacks = Helper.ParseI(effectData[2]);
     if (effectData.Length > 3 && effectData[3].Length > 0)
       effect.icon = effectData[3];
     if (effectData.Length > 4)
       subEffect.StacksDuration = Helper.ParseI(effectData[4]) > 0 ? true : false;
       return effect;
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads a list of instabilities.
 /// </summary>
 public static void ReadInstabilities()
       for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
     Constants.Instabilities.Add(new SortedSet<Instability>());
       string[] lines;
     Console.WriteLine("Reading instabilities.");
     lines = File.ReadAllLines(@"Instabilities.txt", Encoding.GetEncoding(1252));
       catch (FileNotFoundException)
     ErrorHandler.ShowWarningMessage("File 'Instabilities.txt' not found!");
       Instability currentInstability = null;
       HashSet<int> scales = null;
       foreach (var line in lines)
     if (line == "" || line[0] == '#')
     var text = new TagData(line, Constants.TagSeparator);
     if (text.Tag.Equals("name"))
       if (currentInstability != null && scales != null)
     foreach (var scale in scales)
       Constants.Instabilities[scale - 1].Add(currentInstability);
       currentInstability = new Instability();
       currentInstability.Name = text.Data;
       scales = null;
     else if (text.Tag.Equals("description"))
       if (currentInstability == null)
     ErrorHandler.ShowWarningMessage("No active instability.");
       currentInstability.Description = text.Data;
     else if (text.Tag.Equals("image"))
       if (currentInstability == null)
     ErrorHandler.ShowWarningMessage("No active instability.");
       currentInstability.Image = text.Data;
     else if (text.Tag.Equals("scale"))
       scales = GetScales(text.Data);
       if (currentInstability == null)
     ErrorHandler.ShowWarningMessage("No active instability.");
       if (currentInstability != null && scales != null)
     foreach (var scale in scales)
       Constants.Instabilities[scale - 1].Add(currentInstability);
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes one line of data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="enemies">Current list of added enemies.</param>
        /// <param name="enemyAttributes">Datamined enemy information-</param>
        private static void HandleLine(string line, List<Enemy> enemies, Dictionary<string, EnemyAttributes> enemyAttributes)
            if (!Helper.CheckLineValidity(line))

              var tagData = new TagData(line, Constants.TagSeparator);
              var returnValue = 0;
              if (_mode == 0)
            returnValue = EnemyLoop(tagData, enemies, enemyAttributes);
              else if (_mode == 1)
            returnValue = AttackLoop(tagData, enemies);
              else if (_mode == 2)
            returnValue = EffectLoop(tagData, enemies);
              _mode += returnValue;
              // Moving between loop modes only happen when detecting stuff from other loops.
              if (returnValue != 0)
            // Line has to be rechecked on the new loop.
            HandleLine(line, enemies, enemyAttributes);
 /// <summary>
 /// Main loop for loading general enemy information.
 /// </summary>
 private static int EnemyLoop(TagData line, List<Enemy> enemies, Dictionary<string, EnemyAttributes> enemyAttributes)
     Enemy currentEnemy = null;
       if (enemies.Count > 0)
     currentEnemy = enemies.Last();
       if (!line.Tag.Equals("name") && !line.Tag.Equals("id") && currentEnemy != null & currentEnemy.IsNameCopied)
     ErrorHandler.ShowWarning("ID or name not explicitly set for a copied enemy.");
       if (line.Tag.Equals("copy"))
     var found = FindEnemy(line.Data, enemies);
     currentEnemy = enemies.Last();
       else if (line.Tag.Equals("name"))
     if (currentEnemy == null || !currentEnemy.IsNameCopied)
       enemies.Add(new Enemy());
       currentEnemy = enemies.Last();
     currentEnemy.Name = line.Data;
     currentEnemy.DataName = Helper.Simplify(LinkGenerator.RemoveLinks(line.Data));
     if (currentEnemy == null)
       ErrorHandler.ShowWarning("Ignoring the line because there is no active enemy");
       return 0;
     if (line.Tag.Equals("id"))
       HandleId(line.Data, currentEnemy, enemyAttributes);
     else if (line.Tag.Equals("path"))
       currentEnemy.Paths = new List<string>(line.Data.ToLower().Split('|'));
     else if (line.Tag.Equals("rank"))
       currentEnemy.Rank = line.Data.ToLower();
     else if (line.Tag.Equals("ally"))
       currentEnemy.Allied = true;
     else if (line.Tag.Equals("alt"))
       HandleAlternativeNames(line.Data, currentEnemy);
     else if (line.Tag.Equals("image"))
       HandleMedia(line.Data, currentEnemy);
     else if (line.Tag.Equals("level"))
       HandleLevel(line.Data, currentEnemy);
     else if (line.Tag.Equals("scaling"))
       HandleScaling(line.Data, currentEnemy);
     else if (line.Tag.Equals("attack"))
       return 1;
     else if (line.Tag.Equals("tactic"))
       HandleTactic(line.Data, currentEnemy);
     else if (line.Tag.Equals("health"))
       HandleHealth(line.Data, currentEnemy);
     else if (line.Tag.Equals("toughness"))
       HandleToughness(line.Data, currentEnemy);
     else if (line.Tag.Equals("condition"))
       HandleCondition(line.Data, currentEnemy);
     else if (line.Tag.Equals("race"))
     else if (line.Tag.Equals("tag"))
       HandleTag(line.Data, currentEnemy);
     // Normal content.
     else if (line.Tag.Equals(""))
     else if (line.Tag.Equals("type") || line.Tag.Equals("effect") || line.Tag.Equals("cooldown") || line.Tag.Equals("additional") || line.Tag.Equals("animation"))
       ErrorHandler.ShowWarning("Missing attack name (\"attack='name'\")!");
       ErrorHandler.ShowWarning("Unrecognized tag: " + line.Tag);
       return 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sub-sub-loop for loading enemy attack effect information.
        /// </summary>
        private static int EffectLoop(TagData line, List<Enemy> enemies)
            Enemy currentEnemy = null;
              if (enemies.Count > 0)
            currentEnemy = enemies.Last();
              Attack currentAttack = null;
              if (currentEnemy != null && currentEnemy.Attacks.Count > 0)
            currentAttack = currentEnemy.Attacks.Last();
              Effect currentEffect = null;
              if (currentAttack != null && currentAttack.Effects.Count > 0)
            currentEffect = currentAttack.Effects.Last();
              // Add old effect and start a new one.
              if (line.Tag.Equals(""))
            ErrorHandler.ShowWarning("No tag for line " + line.Data + ".");
              else if (line.Tag.Equals("effect"))
            if (line.Data.Length == 0)
              ErrorHandler.ShowWarning("Missing info. Use \"effect='type'\"!");
            if (currentAttack == null)
              ErrorHandler.ShowWarning("Ignoring line. No active attack.");
            currentAttack.Effects.Add(new Effect(LinkGenerator.CheckLinkSyntax(line.Data)));
            var type = line.Data.ToLower();
            foreach (var enemyTag in Constants.AttackTypeTags)
              if (type.Contains(enemyTag))
            if (currentAttack.CantBeBlocked && enemyTag.Equals("projectile"))
              currentEnemy.Tags.Add("can't reflect");

            currentEffect = currentAttack.Effects.Last();
              // Tag from attack loop. Save effect and exit this loop.
              else if (line.Tag.Equals("attack"))
            return -1;
              // Tag from main loop. Save both effect and attack and then exit this loop.
              else if (line.Tag.Equals("name") || line.Tag.Equals("potion") || line.Tag.Equals("copy"))
            return -2;
              // Error handling for wrongly placed tags.
              else if (line.Tag.Equals("additional") || line.Tag.Equals("cooldown") || line.Tag.Equals("animation"))
            ErrorHandler.ShowWarning("Wrong position for tag " + line.Tag + ". Move above any type-tags.");
              else if (currentEffect == null)
            ErrorHandler.ShowWarning("Ignoring line. No active effect.");
            return 0;
              else if (line.Tag.Equals("count"))
            HandleCount(line.Data, currentEffect);
              else if (line.Tag.Equals("length"))
            HandleLength(line.Data, currentEffect);
              else if (line.Tag.Equals("frequency"))
            HandleFrequency(line.Data, currentEffect);
              else if (line.Tag.Equals("subeffect"))
            HandleSubeffect(line.Data, currentEffect);
            ErrorHandler.ShowWarning("Unrecognized tag: " + line.Tag);
              return 0;