        /// <summary>
        /// Reterives the all specialties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult GetSpeciality()
            List <DCRDoctorVisitModel> lstSpeciality = new List <DCRDoctorVisitModel>();
            DataSet dsSpeciality = new DataSet();
            string  companyCode  = _objcurrentInfo.GetCompanyCode();
            string  userCode     = _objcurrentInfo.GetUserCode();

            // Execute the Query and returns the DataSet.
            dsSpeciality = _objSPData.GetSpeciality(companyCode, userCode);
            if (dsSpeciality != null && dsSpeciality.Tables != null && dsSpeciality.Tables.Count > 0)
                DataTable dtSpeciality = dsSpeciality.Tables[0];
                // Convert the DataTable to list.
                lstSpeciality = (from Speciality in dtSpeciality.AsEnumerable()
                                 select new DCRDoctorVisitModel
                    label = Speciality["Speciality_Name"].ToString(),
                    value = Speciality["Speciality_Code"].ToString()
                }).ToList <DCRDoctorVisitModel>();
            _totalListCount += lstSpeciality.Count;
            return(Json(lstSpeciality, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public JsonResult GetDoctors(string accRegions, string accChemist)
            List <JsonResult> lstJSON     = new List <JsonResult>();
            string            companyCode = _objcurrentInfo.GetCompanyCode();
            string            regionCode  = _objcurrentInfo.GetRegionCode();
            string            regionCodes = accRegions.Trim().Length > 0 ? accRegions + regionCode + "^" : regionCode + "^";
            string            regions     = string.Empty;
            string            userCode    = _objcurrentInfo.GetUserCode();
            int regionLength = 31;

            if (!accChemist.Trim().ToUpper().Contains("DOCTOR"))
                regions = regionCode + "^";
                regions      = regionCodes;
                regionLength = regionCodes.Length;

            DataSet dsDoctors = new DataSet();

            // Execute the Query and returns the DataSet.
            dsDoctors = _objSPData.GetSelectedDoctors(companyCode, regions, regionCode, "", "");
            DataTable dtDoctors = dsDoctors.Tables[0];

            // Convert the DataTable to list.
            List <DCRDoctorVisitModel> lstDoctor = (from Doctor in dtDoctors.AsEnumerable()
                                                    select new DCRDoctorVisitModel
                label = Doctor["Customer_Name"].ToString() + "_" + Doctor["MDL"].ToString() + "_" + Doctor["Speciality_Name"].ToString() + "_" + Doctor["Region_Name"].ToString(),
                value = Doctor["Customer_Code"].ToString(),
                Category = Doctor["Category_Name"].ToString(),
                Category_Code = Doctor["Category_Code"].ToString(),
                Is_Acc_Doctor = Doctor["Is_Acc_Doctor"].ToString(),
                Speciality_Code = Doctor["Speciality_Code"].ToString(),
                Speciality_Name = Doctor["Speciality_Name"].ToString(),
                Doctor_Region_Code = Doctor["Region_Code"].ToString()
            }).ToList <DCRDoctorVisitModel>();

            // returns the list.
            lstJSON.Add(Json(lstDoctor, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

            DataSet dsSpeciality = new DataSet();

            // Execute the Query and returns the DataSet.
            dsSpeciality = _objSPData.GetSpeciality(companyCode, userCode);
            DataTable dtSpeciality = dsSpeciality.Tables[0];

            // Convert the DataTable to list.
            List <DCRDoctorVisitModel> lstSpeciality = (from Speciality in dtSpeciality.AsEnumerable()
                                                        select new DCRDoctorVisitModel
                label = Speciality["Speciality_Name"].ToString(),
                value = Speciality["Speciality_Code"].ToString()
            }).ToList <DCRDoctorVisitModel>();

            // returns the list.
            lstJSON.Add(Json(lstSpeciality, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));