        public void CreateJSONObjectData(bool also_do_files, bool create_table = true, int offset = 0)
            JSONObjectDataLayer repo = new JSONObjectDataLayer(logging_repo);

            if (create_table)
                string sql_string = @"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS core.objects_json;
                CREATE TABLE core.objects_json(
                  id                       INT             NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
                , json                     JSON            NULL
                CREATE INDEX objects_json_id ON core.objects_json(id);";

            int min_id = repo.FetchMinId();
            int max_id = repo.FetchMaxId();

            LoopThroughObjectRecords(repo, min_id, max_id, also_do_files, offset);
        public void LoopThroughObjectRecords(JSONObjectDataLayer repo, int min_id, int max_id, bool also_do_files, int offset)
            JSONObjectProcessor processor = new JSONObjectProcessor(repo, logging_repo);

            // Do 10,000 ids at a time
            int batch = 10000;
            //int batch = 100;  // testing

            string folder_path = "";
            int    k           = offset;

            min_id += offset;

            for (int n = min_id; n <= max_id; n += batch)
                //if (n > min_id + 200) break;  // testing
                if (also_do_files)
                    // Create folder for the next batch, obtaining the parent path from repo

                    string folder_name = "objects " + n.ToString() + " to " + (n + batch - 1).ToString();
                    folder_path = Path.Combine(repo.ObjectJsonFolder, folder_name);
                    if (!Directory.Exists(folder_path))
                        // first clear files from folder
                        DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(folder_path);
                        foreach (FileInfo file in di.EnumerateFiles())

                IEnumerable <int> id_numbers = repo.FetchIds(n, batch);
                foreach (int id in id_numbers)
                    // Construct single study object, drawing data from various database tables
                    // and serialise to a formatted json string, then store json in the database.

                    JSONDataObject obj = processor.CreateObject(id);
                    if (obj != null)
                        var linear_json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj);
                        processor.StoreJSONObjectInDB(id, linear_json);

                        if (also_do_files)
                            var    formatted_json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, Formatting.Indented);
                            string file_name      = "object " + id.ToString() + ".json";
                            string full_path      = Path.Combine(folder_path, file_name);
                            File.WriteAllText(full_path, formatted_json);

                    if (k % 1000 == 0)
                        logging_repo.LogLine(k.ToString() + " records processed");
 public JSONObjectProcessor(JSONObjectDataLayer _repo, LoggingDataLayer _logging_repo)
     repo         = _repo;
     logging_repo = _logging_repo;