public static void CreateBoxAroundSelectedNodes(DashGraph p_graph) { List <NodeBase> nodes = selectedNodes.Select(i => p_graph.Nodes[i]).ToList(); Rect region = nodes[0].rect; nodes.ForEach(n => { if (n.rect.xMin < region.xMin) { region.xMin = n.rect.xMin; } if (n.rect.yMin < region.yMin) { region.yMin = n.rect.yMin; } if (n.rect.xMax > region.xMax) { region.xMax = n.rect.xMax; } if (n.rect.yMax > region.yMax) { region.yMax = n.rect.yMax; } }); p_graph.CreateBox(region); DashEditorCore.SetDirty(); }
public virtual void DrawInspector() { bool invalidate = _model.DrawInspector(); if (invalidate) { ValidateUniqueId(); Invalidate(); DashEditorCore.SetDirty(); } }
public override void DrawInspector() { GUI.color = new Color(1, 0.75f, 0.5f); if (GUILayout.Button("Open Editor", GUILayout.Height(40))) { if (DashEditorCore.EditorConfig.editingController != null) { DashEditorCore.EditController(DashEditorCore.EditorConfig.editingController, GraphUtils.AddChildPath(DashEditorCore.EditorConfig.editingGraphPath,; } else { DashEditorCore.EditGraph(DashEditorCore.EditorConfig.editingRootGraph, GraphUtils.AddChildPath(DashEditorCore.EditorConfig.editingGraphPath,; } } GUI.color = Color.white; if (!Model.useAsset) { if (GUILayout.Button("Save to Asset")) { DashGraph graph = GraphUtils.CreateGraphAsAssetFile(SubGraph); if (graph != null) { Model.useAsset = true; Model.graphAsset = graph; _subGraphInstance = null; _selfReferenceIndex = -1; _boundSubGraphData = null; _boundSubGraphReferences.Clear(); } } } else { if (GUILayout.Button("Bind Graph")) { DashGraph graph = SubGraph.Clone(); _boundSubGraphData = graph.SerializeToBytes(DataFormat.Binary, ref _boundSubGraphReferences); _selfReferenceIndex = _boundSubGraphReferences.FindIndex(r => r == graph); Model.useAsset = false; Model.graphAsset = null; } } GUI.color = Color.white; base.DrawInspector(); }
public static void UnpackSelectedSubGraphNode(DashGraph p_graph, SubGraphNode p_subGraphNode) { if (p_graph == null || p_subGraphNode == null) { return; } UndoUtils.RegisterCompleteObject(p_graph, "Unpack SubGraph"); selectedNodes.Clear(); NodeUtils.UnpackNodesFromSubGraph(p_graph, p_subGraphNode); DashEditorCore.SetDirty(); }
public static void DuplicateSelectedNodes(DashGraph p_graph) { if (p_graph == null || selectedNodes.Count == 0) { return; } UndoUtils.RegisterCompleteObject(p_graph, "Duplicate Nodes"); List <NodeBase> nodes = selectedNodes.Select(i => p_graph.Nodes[i]).ToList(); List <NodeBase> newNodes = NodeUtils.DuplicateNodes(p_graph, nodes); selectedNodes = newNodes.Select(n => n.Index).ToList(); DashEditorCore.SetDirty(); }
public void StartPreview(NodeBase p_node) { // Debug.Log("EditorCore.StartPreview"); if (Controller == null || _isPreviewing || !Controller.gameObject.activeSelf) { return; } _previewNodeIndex = DashEditorCore.EditorConfig.editingGraph.Nodes.IndexOf(p_node); _stage = PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage(); _controllerSelected = Selection.activeGameObject == Controller.gameObject; Controller.previewing = true; // Debug.Log("Set controller dirty"); DashEditorCore.SetDirty(); if (_stage == null) { // Debug.Log("Save Open Scenes"); EditorSceneManager.SaveOpenScenes(); } else { bool state = (bool)_stage.GetType() .GetMethod("SavePrefab", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic) .Invoke(_stage, new object[] { }); } _isPreviewing = true; _previewStarted = false; ExpressionEvaluator.ClearCache(); // Debug.Log("Fetch Global Variables"); //VariableUtils.FetchGlobalVariables(); // Debug.Log("Cloning preview graph"); _previewGraph = DashEditorCore.EditorConfig.editingGraph.Clone(); _previewGraph.Initialize(Controller); DashEditorCore.EditorConfig.editingGraph = _previewGraph; // Debug.Log("Start preview"); EditorApplication.update += OnUpdate; }
public void StopPreview() { DashTween.CleanAll(); DashTweenCore.Uninitialize(); DashCore.Instance.CleanPrefabPools(); DashCore.Instance.CleanSequencers(); EditorApplication.update -= OnUpdate; if (!_isPreviewing) { return; } _isPreviewing = false; if (_stage == null) { // Since we can do almost anything in preview we need to reload the scene before it EditorSceneManager.OpenScene(EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene().path); DashController[] controllers = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <DashController>(); DashController controller = controllers.ToList().Find(c => c.previewing); DashEditorCore.EditController(controller, DashEditorCore.EditorConfig.editingGraphPath); controller.previewing = false; EditorUtility.SetDirty(controller); EditorSceneManager.SaveOpenScenes(); Selection.activeGameObject = controller.gameObject; } else { _stage.GetType().GetMethod("ReloadStage", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).Invoke(_stage, new object[] {}); DashController[] controllers = _stage.prefabContentsRoot.GetComponentsInChildren <DashController>(); DashController controller = controllers.ToList().Find(c => c.previewing); DashEditorCore.EditController(controller, DashEditorCore.EditorConfig.editingGraphPath); controller.previewing = false; if (_controllerSelected) { Selection.objects = new Object[] { controller.gameObject }; } bool state = (bool)_stage.GetType().GetMethod("SavePrefab", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).Invoke(_stage, new object[] {}); } }
public static void DeleteNode(NodeBase p_node, DashGraph p_graph) { if (p_graph == null) { return; } UndoUtils.RegisterCompleteObject(p_graph, "Delete Node"); int index = p_node.Index; p_graph.DeleteNode(p_node); selectedNodes.Remove(index); ReindexSelected(index); DashEditorCore.SetDirty(); }
public static void DeleteSelectedNodes(DashGraph p_graph) { if (p_graph == null || selectedNodes.Count == 0) { return; } UndoUtils.RegisterCompleteObject(p_graph, "Delete Nodes"); var nodes = selectedNodes.Select(i => p_graph.Nodes[i]).ToList(); nodes.ForEach(n => p_graph.DeleteNode(n)); selectedNodes = new List <int>(); DashEditorCore.SetDirty(); }
public static void DuplicateNode(NodeBase p_node, DashGraph p_graph) { if (p_graph == null) { return; } UndoUtils.RegisterCompleteObject(p_graph, "Duplicate Node"); NodeBase node = NodeUtils.DuplicateNode(p_graph, (NodeBase)p_node); selectedNodes = new List <int> { node.Index }; DashEditorCore.SetDirty(); }
public static void CreateSubGraphFromSelectedNodes(DashGraph p_graph) { if (p_graph == null || selectedNodes.Count == 0) { return; } UndoUtils.RegisterCompleteObject(p_graph, "Create SubGraph"); List <NodeBase> nodes = selectedNodes.Select(i => p_graph.Nodes[i]).ToList(); SubGraphNode subGraphNode = NodeUtils.PackNodesToSubGraph(p_graph, nodes); selectedNodes.Clear(); selectedNodes.Add(subGraphNode.Index); DashEditorCore.SetDirty(); }
public void DrawGUI() { Rect offsetRect = new Rect(rect.x + Graph.viewOffset.x, rect.y + Graph.viewOffset.y, rect.width, rect.height); GUI.color = color; GUI.Box(offsetRect, "", DashEditorCore.Skin.GetStyle("GraphBox")); Rect titleRect = new Rect(offsetRect.x + 12, offsetRect.y, offsetRect.width, 40); if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && titleRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { if (EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - _lastClickTime < 0.3) { DashEditorCore.editingBoxComment = this; } _lastClickTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; } GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(offsetRect.x + offsetRect.width - 32, offsetRect.y + offsetRect.height - 32, 32, 32), IconManager.GetIcon("Resize_Icon")); GUI.color = Color.white; GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(); style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; style.fontSize = 24; style.normal.textColor = Color.white; style.alignment = TextAnchor.LowerLeft; if (DashEditorCore.editingBoxComment == this) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); comment = GUI.TextField(titleRect, comment, style); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { DashEditorCore.SetDirty(); } } else { GUI.Label(titleRect, comment, style); } }
public static void PasteNodes(Vector3 p_mousePosition, DashGraph p_graph) { if (p_graph == null || copiedNodes.Count == 0) { return; } List <NodeBase> newNodes = NodeUtils.DuplicateNodes(p_graph, copiedNodes); newNodes[0].rect = new Rect(p_mousePosition.x * zoom - p_graph.viewOffset.x, p_mousePosition.y * zoom - p_graph.viewOffset.y, 0, 0); for (int i = 1; i < newNodes.Count; i++) { NodeBase node = newNodes[i]; node.rect.x = newNodes[0].rect.x + (node.rect.x - copiedNodes[0].rect.x); node.rect.y = newNodes[0].rect.y + (node.rect.y - copiedNodes[0].rect.y); } selectedNodes = newNodes.Select(n => n.Index).ToList(); DashEditorCore.SetDirty(); }
public static NodeBase CreateNode(DashGraph p_graph, Type p_nodeType, Vector2 p_position) { if (!NodeUtils.CanHaveMultipleInstances(p_nodeType) && p_graph.GetNodeByType(p_nodeType) != null) { return(null); } Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(p_graph, "Create " + NodeBase.GetNodeNameFromType(p_nodeType)); NodeBase node = NodeBase.Create(p_nodeType, p_graph); if (node != null) { float zoom = DashEditorCore.EditorConfig.zoom; node.rect = new Rect(p_position.x, p_position.y, 0, 0); p_graph.Nodes.Add(node); } //Debug.Log(EditorUtility.IsDirty(p_graph)); DashEditorCore.SetDirty(); return(node); }
public virtual bool DrawInspector() { bool initializeMinimization = false; if (groupsMinized == -1) { initializeMinimization = true; groupsMinized = 0; } GUILayout.Space(5); GUIStyle minStyle = GUIStyle.none; minStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; minStyle.fontSize = 16; var fields = this.GetType().GetFields(); Array.Sort(fields, GUIPropertiesUtils.GroupSort); string lastGroup = ""; bool lastGroupMinimized = false; bool invalidate = false; int groupIndex = 0; foreach (var field in fields) { if (field.IsConstant()) { continue; } TitledGroupAttribute ga = field.GetCustomAttribute <TitledGroupAttribute>(); string currentGroup = ga != null ? ga.Group : "Properties"; if (currentGroup != lastGroup) { int groupMask = (int)Math.Pow(2, groupIndex); groupIndex++; if (initializeMinimization && ga != null && ga.Minimized && (groupsMinized & groupMask) == 0) { groupsMinized += groupMask; } GUIPropertiesUtils.Separator(16, 2, 4, new Color(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f)); GUILayout.Label(currentGroup, DashEditorCore.Skin.GetStyle("PropertyGroup"), GUILayout.Width(120)); Rect lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(lastRect.x + 302, lastRect.y - 25, 20, 20), (groupsMinized & groupMask) != 0 ? "+" : "-", minStyle)) { groupsMinized = (groupsMinized & groupMask) == 0 ? groupsMinized + groupMask : groupsMinized - groupMask; } lastGroup = currentGroup; lastGroupMinimized = (groupsMinized & groupMask) != 0; } if (lastGroupMinimized) { continue; } invalidate = invalidate || GUIPropertiesUtils.PropertyField(field, this, null); } if (invalidate) { DashEditorCore.SetDirty(); } return(invalidate); }
private void DrawConnectors(Rect p_rect) { GUISkin skin = DashEditorCore.Skin; // Inputs int count = InputCount; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { bool isConnected = Graph.HasInputConnected(this, i); GUI.color = isConnected ? DashEditorCore.EditorConfig.theme.ConnectorInputConnectedColor : DashEditorCore.EditorConfig.theme.ConnectorInputDisconnectedColor; if (IsExecuting) GUI.color = Color.cyan; var connectorRect = GetConnectorRect(true, i); if (GUI.Button(connectorRect, "", skin.GetStyle(isConnected ? "NodeConnectorOn" : "NodeConnectorOff"))) { if (Event.current.button == 0) { if (Graph.connectingNode != null && Graph.connectingNode != this) { Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(_graph, "Connect node"); Graph.Connect(this, i, Graph.connectingNode, Graph.connectingOutputIndex); DashEditorCore.SetDirty(); Graph.connectingNode = null; } } } } // Outputs for (int i = 0; i < OutputCount; i++) { bool isConnected = Graph.HasOutputConnected(this, i); GUI.color = isConnected ? DashEditorCore.EditorConfig.theme.ConnectorOutputConnectedColor : DashEditorCore.EditorConfig.theme.ConnectorOutputDisconnectedColor; if (Graph.connectingNode == this && Graph.connectingOutputIndex == i) GUI.color =; var connectorRect = GetConnectorRect(false, i); if (connectorRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition - new Vector2(p_rect.x, p_rect.y))) GUI.color =; if (OutputLabels != null && OutputLabels.Length > i && DashEditorCore.DetailsVisible) { GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(); style.normal.textColor = Color.white; style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; GUI.Label(new Rect(connectorRect.x - 100, connectorRect.y, 100, 20), OutputLabels[i], style); } if (GUI.Button(connectorRect, "", skin.GetStyle(isConnected ? "NodeConnectorOn" : "NodeConnectorOff"))) { Graph.connectingOutputIndex = i; Graph.connectingNode = this; } } GUI.color = Color.white; }