//Fire Update
 public static void FireUpdate()
     foreach (DMPUpdate pluginEvent in pluginEvents[typeof(DMPUpdate)])
         catch (Exception e)
             DMPEventInfo eventInfo = delegateInfo[pluginEvent];
             DarkLog.Debug("Error thrown in Update event for " + eventInfo.loadedType + " (" + eventInfo.loadedAssembly + "), Exception: " + e);
 //Fire OnClientDisconnect
 public static void FireOnClientDisconnect(ClientObject client)
     foreach (DMPOnClientDisconnect pluginEvent in pluginEvents[typeof(DMPOnClientDisconnect)])
         catch (Exception e)
             DMPEventInfo eventInfo = delegateInfo[pluginEvent];
             DarkLog.Debug("Error thrown in OnClientDisconnect event for " + eventInfo.loadedType + " (" + eventInfo.loadedAssembly + "), Exception: " + e);
 //Fire OnMessageReceived
 public static void FireOnMessageReceived(ClientObject client, ClientMessage message)
     foreach (DMPOnMessageReceived pluginEvent in pluginEvents[typeof(DMPOnMessageReceived)])
             pluginEvent(client, message);
         catch (Exception e)
             DMPEventInfo eventInfo = delegateInfo[pluginEvent];
             DarkLog.Debug("Error thrown in OnMessageReceived event for " + eventInfo.loadedType + " (" + eventInfo.loadedAssembly + "), Exception: " + e);
        public static void LoadPlugins()
            DarkLog.Debug("Loading plugins!");
            //Load all the assemblies just in case they depend on each other during instantation
            List <Assembly> loadedAssemblies = new List <Assembly>();

            string[] pluginFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Server.pluginDirectory, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            foreach (string pluginFile in pluginFiles)
                if (Path.GetExtension(pluginFile).ToLower() == ".dll")
                        Assembly loadedAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile(pluginFile);
                        DarkLog.Debug("Loaded " + pluginFile);
                        DarkLog.Debug("Error loading " + pluginFile);
            //Add all the event types
            pluginEvents.Add(typeof(DMPUpdate), new List <Delegate>());
            pluginEvents.Add(typeof(DMPOnServerStart), new List <Delegate>());
            pluginEvents.Add(typeof(DMPOnServerStop), new List <Delegate>());
            pluginEvents.Add(typeof(DMPOnClientConnect), new List <Delegate>());
            pluginEvents.Add(typeof(DMPOnClientAuthenticated), new List <Delegate>());
            pluginEvents.Add(typeof(DMPOnClientDisconnect), new List <Delegate>());
            pluginEvents.Add(typeof(DMPOnMessageReceived), new List <Delegate>());
            //Iterate through the assemblies looking for the DMPPlugin attribute
            foreach (Assembly loadedAssembly in loadedAssemblies)
                Type[] loadedTypes = loadedAssembly.GetExportedTypes();
                foreach (Type loadedType in loadedTypes)
                    if (loadedType.IsDefined(typeof(DMPPluginAttribute), false))
                        DarkLog.Debug("Loading " + loadedType.Name);
                        object       pluginInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(loadedType);
                        MethodInfo[] methodInfos    = loadedType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                        foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in methodInfos)
                                foreach (Type evT in pluginEvents.Keys)
                                    if (evT.Name.Substring(3) == methodInfo.Name)
                                        DarkLog.Debug("Event registered : " + evT.Name);
                                        Delegate     deg  = Delegate.CreateDelegate(evT, pluginInstance, methodInfo);
                                        DMPEventInfo info = new DMPEventInfo();
                                        info.loadedAssembly = loadedAssembly.FullName;
                                        info.loadedType     = loadedType.Name;
                                        delegateInfo.Add(deg, info);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                DarkLog.Error("Error loading " + methodInfo.Name + " from " + loadedType.Name + ", Exception: " + e.Message);