public void SupRemigration(MySQL_DB pMysql, PostgreSQL_DB pPostgres, string pDate = "1.1.2500") { MySqlDataReader dataReader = pMysql.Select("select id, name, link, type, web_home_webcast_banner, currentseason, facebook_link, ageasofyear, " + "intopmenu, workshoponly from events; "); pMysql.Message = "tbl_events - extraction(from table events) - START"; string pom1 = "null"; string pom2 = "null"; while (dataReader.Read()) { pom1 = (dataReader[2].ToString() == "") ? "null" : "'" + dataReader[2].ToString() + "'"; pom2 = (dataReader[6].ToString() == "") ? "null" : "'" + dataReader[6].ToString() + "'"; pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_events(id, name, link, event_types_id, web_home_webcast_banner, facebook_link, " + "ageasofyear,intopmenu, currentseason, " + "workshoponly) values('" + dataReader[0] + "','" + dataReader[1].ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "'," + pom1 + ",'" + dataReader[3] + "','" + CheckBool(dataReader[4].ToString()) + "'," + pom2 + "" + ",'" + dataReader[7] + "','" + CheckBool(dataReader[8].ToString()) + "','" + dataReader[5] + "','" + CheckBool(dataReader[9].ToString()) + "');"); //pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_current_season(season_id, events_id, is_current_season) values('"+ dataReader[5] + "','"+ dataReader[0] + "',True);"); } // this is DUMMY evenet with ID 6 - this event was missing in original DB pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_events(id, event_types_id, name) values(6,2, 'DUMMY EVENT');"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_events(id, event_types_id, name) values(0,2,'DUMMY EVENT');"); pPostgres.Message = "tbl_events - extraction - FINISH"; }
public void Remigration(MySQL_DB pMysql, PostgreSQL_DB pPostgres, string pDate = "1.1.2500") { MySqlDataReader dataReader = pMysql.Select("select id, name, link, type, web_home_webcast_banner, currentseason, facebook_link, ageasofyear, " + "intopmenu, workshoponly, update_date, insert_date from events; "); pMysql.Message = "tbl_events - extraction(from table events) - START"; string pom1 = "null"; string pom2 = "null"; while (dataReader.Read()) { // update part start HERE if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataReader["update_date"].ToString()) && Convert.ToDateTime(dataReader["update_date"].ToString()) >= Convert.ToDateTime(pDate)) { List <string> MySQLData = new List <string> { "null", dataReader["name"].ToString(), dataReader["link"].ToString(), dataReader["web_home_webcast_banner"].ToString(), dataReader["facebook_link"].ToString(), dataReader["ageasofyear"].ToString(), dataReader["intopmenu"].ToString(), dataReader["currentseason"].ToString(), dataReader["workshoponly"].ToString() }; List <string> PostgreSQLData = new List <string> { "tbl_events", "name", "link", "web_home_webcast_banner", "facebook_link", "ageasofyear", "intopmenu", "currentseason", "workshoponly" }; UpdatePostgreRow(dataReader["id"].ToString(), MySQLData, PostgreSQLData, pPostgres); } // update part END } pPostgres.Message = "tbl_events - extraction - FINISH"; }
public string AddNewStudio(string pStudioName, PostgreSQL_DB pPostgres) { int MaxStudioId = Convert.ToInt32(GetId("select max(id) from tbl_studios;", pPostgres)); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_studios(id, name) values('" + ++MaxStudioId + "','" + pStudioName + "')"); return(MaxStudioId.ToString()); }
public void CreateDummyRoutines(string pRoutineId, PostgreSQL_DB pPostgres) { string check = GetId("select id from tbl_routines where id = " + pRoutineId + ";", pPostgres); if (check == "null") { pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_routines(id, studios_id, name) values(" + pRoutineId + ", 0, 'DUMMY');"); } }
public void CreateDummyWorkshopLevel(string pWorkshopLevel, PostgreSQL_DB pPostgres) { string check = GetId("select id from tbl_workshop_levels where id = " + pWorkshopLevel + ";", pPostgres); if (check == "null") { pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_workshop_levels(id, playlist_workshop_levels_id, season_id) values(" + pWorkshopLevel + ",0,0);"); } }
public void CreateDummyStudio(string pStudio, PostgreSQL_DB pPostgres) { string check = GetId("select id from tbl_studios where id = " + pStudio + ";", pPostgres); if (check == "null") { pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_studios(id, name) values(" + pStudio + ",'DUMMY DANCE STUDIO');"); } }
public void CreateDummyRegistration(string pRegistration, PostgreSQL_DB pPostgres) { string check = GetId("select id from tbl_registration where id = " + pRegistration + ";", pPostgres); if (check == "null") { pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_registration(id) values(" + pRegistration + ");"); } }
public void CreateDummyTblDateDancers(string pTblDateDancersId, PostgreSQL_DB pPostgres) { string check = GetId("select id from tbl_date_dancers where id = " + pTblDateDancersId + ";", pPostgres); if (check == "null") { pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_date_dancers(id) values(" + pTblDateDancersId + ");"); } }
public void CreateDummyWaiver(string pWaiverId, PostgreSQL_DB pPostgres) { string check = GetId("select id from tbl_waivers where id = " + pWaiverId + ";", pPostgres); if (check == "null") { pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_waivers(id, dancer_id) values(" + pWaiverId + ", 20797);"); } }
public void CreateDummyFaculty(string pFacultyId, PostgreSQL_DB pPostgres) { string check = GetId("select id from tbl_faculty where id = " + pFacultyId + ";", pPostgres); if (check == "null") { pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_faculty(id, events_id, dancer_id, bio, website) values(" + pFacultyId + ",6,20797, 'DUMMY', 'DUMMY');"); } }
public void CreateDummyPromoCode(string pPromoCode, PostgreSQL_DB pPostgres) { string check = GetId("select id from tbl_promo_codes where id = " + pPromoCode + ";", pPostgres); if (check == "null") { pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_promo_codes(id, promo_codes_type_id, name,uses) values(" + pPromoCode + ",1, 'DUMMY',1);"); } }
public void CreateDummyDancer(string pDancerId, PostgreSQL_DB pPostgres) { string check = GetId("select id from tbl_dancer where id = " + pDancerId + ";", pPostgres); if (check == "null") { pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_dancer(id, person_id) values(" + pDancerId + ",0);"); } }
public bool Connect() { Pgdbbreakthefloor = new PostgreSQL_DB(_form.textPostgreDbName.Text, _form.textBoxPostgreServerName.Text, _form.textBoxPostgreUID.Text, _form.textBoxPostgresPortName.Text, _form.textBoxPostgresPassword.Text, _form); DanceteaManager = new MySQL_DB(_form.textTeaDbName.Text, _form.textTeaServerName.Text, _form.textTeaUID.Text, _form.textTeaPassword.Text, _form); Mybreak_db = new MySQL_DB(_form.textMyBreakDbName.Text, _form.textMyBreakServerName.Text, _form.textMyBreakUID.Text, _form.textMyBreakPassword.Text, _form); if (DanceteaManager.OpenConnection() && Mybreak_db.OpenConnection() && Pgdbbreakthefloor.OpenConnection()) { return(true); } return(false); }
public void SupRemigration(MySQL_DB pMysql, PostgreSQL_DB pPostgres, string pDate = "1.1.2500") { MySqlDataReader dataReader = pMysql.Select("select * from store_promocodes;"); pMysql.Message = "tbl_store_promocodes - extraction - START "; while (dataReader.Read()) { string TypeId = GetId("select id, name from tbl_promo_codes_type where name like '" + dataReader["type"] + "';", pPostgres); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_store_promocodes(id, name, description, value, charges, uses, active, expires, promo_codes_type_id) " + "values(" + dataReader["id"] + ",'" + dataReader["name"] + "','" + dataReader["description"] + "'" + "," + dataReader["value"] + "," + dataReader["charges"] + "," + dataReader["uses"] + "" + "," + dataReader["active"] + ",'" + FromUnixTime(Convert.ToInt64(dataReader["expires"])) + "'," + TypeId + ");"); } pPostgres.Message = "tbl_store_promocodes - extraction - FINISH"; }
public string GetId(string pParam, PostgreSQL_DB pPostgres) { NpgsqlDataReader query; query = pPostgres.Select(pParam); string pom; while (query.Read()) { pom = query[0].ToString(); query.Dispose(); return(pom); } query.Dispose(); return("null"); }
public void SupRemigration(MySQL_DB pMysql, PostgreSQL_DB pPostgres, string pDate = "1.1.2500") { pMysql.Message = "DUMMY data1 GENERATE - START"; pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(36, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(64, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(119, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(120, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(121, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(122, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(152, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(157, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(165, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(195, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(196, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(197, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(198, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(199, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(200, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(219, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(307, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(324, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(358, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(432, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(436, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(437, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(502, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(503, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(534, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(535, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(536, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(537, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(538, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(539, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(540, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(541, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(542, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(543, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(545, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(546, 1,6);"); pPostgres.Insert("insert into tbl_tour_dates(id, season_id, event_id) values(580, 1,6);"); pMysql.Message = "DUMMY data1 GENERATE - FINISH"; }
/* * pId - ID in MySQL table * pMysqlList - first is Table_name or "null", others are ROWS * pPosgresList - first is Table_name others are rows * condition: count and order of the rows must be the same */ public void UpdatePostgreRow(String pId, List <String> pMysqlList, List <String> pPosgresList, PostgreSQL_DB pPostgres) { string core_update_string = null; for (int i = 1; i < pMysqlList.Count; i++) { core_update_string += pPosgresList[i]; core_update_string += "="; String pMysqlValue = null; if (pMysqlList[i] == "False" || pMysqlList[i] == "True") { pMysqlValue = pMysqlList[i].Replace("False", "0").Replace("True", "1"); } else { pMysqlValue = pMysqlList[i]; } core_update_string += "'" + pMysqlValue.Replace("'", "''") + "'"; if (i < pMysqlList.Count - 1) { core_update_string += ", "; } } pPostgres.Update("update " + pPosgresList[0] + " set " + core_update_string + " where id=" + pId + ";"); }