        /// <summary>
        /// The following function sets the buffers related to the projector which plays the role of the
        /// camera for rendering the scene.
        /// called on SetBuffersAndRenderTextures()
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="imageResolution"></param>
        /// <param name="shaderControl"></param>
        public void SetCameraParametersToComputeShader(DanbiComputeShader shaderControl)
            shaderControl.NullFinally(() => Debug.LogError($"<color=red>ComputeShaderControl is null!</color>"));

            var rayTracingShader = shaderControl.danbiShader;

            // TODO: Logic error
            rayTracingShader.SetBuffer(DanbiKernelHelper.CurrentKernelIndex, "_CameraInternalData", shaderControl.bufferDict.GetBuffer("_CameraInternalData"));
            // rayTracingShader.SetInt("_LensUndistortMode", (int)m_lensUndistortMode);
            // rayTracingShader.SetBool("_UseCalibratedCamera", m_useCalibratedProjector);

            // 2. Set Camera Transform  the compute shader variables.
            rayTracingShader.SetMatrix("_CameraToWorldMat", Camera.main.cameraToWorldMatrix);
            rayTracingShader.SetVector("_CameraViewDirectionInUnitySpace", Camera.main.transform.forward);

            // 3. Set Projection Matrix  the compute shader variables.
            // Camera.main.projectionMatrix and its inverse varied from the calibrated camera setting.
            if (!m_useCalibratedProjector)
                rayTracingShader.SetMatrix("_Projection", Camera.main.projectionMatrix);
                rayTracingShader.SetMatrix("_CameraInverseProjection", Camera.main.projectionMatrix.inverse);
                rayTracingShader.SetMatrix("_Projection", m_calibratedProjectionMatrixGL);
                rayTracingShader.SetMatrix("_CameraInverseProjection", m_calibratedProjectionMatrixGL.inverse);

            #region test unused

            // if (m_useCalibratedProjector)
            // {
            //     // 1. Create Camera Transform
            //     // Camera.main.gameObject.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 0, 0);
            //     // Camera.main.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(0, m_cameraHeight * 0.01f, 0); // m_cameraHeight -> cm

            //     // Debug.Log($"camera position={  Camera.main.gameObject.transform.position.y}");
            //     // Debug.Log($"localToWorldMatrix =\n{ Camera.main.gameObject.transform.localToWorldMatrix}, " +
            //     //     $"\nQuaternion Mat4x4: { Camera.main.gameObject.transform.rotation} ");
            // }
            // else // m_useCalibratedProjector == true
            // {
            //     if (m_lensUndistortMode == EDanbiLensUndistortMode.NotUsing)
            //     {
            //         // 1. Create Camera Transform
            //         // Camera.main.gameObject.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 0, 0);
            //         // Camera.main.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(0, m_cameraHeight * 0.01f, 0); // m_cameraHeight -> cm

            //         // Debug.Log($"camera position={  Camera.main.gameObject.transform.position.y}");
            //         // Debug.Log($"localToWorldMatrix =\n{ Camera.main.gameObject.transform.localToWorldMatrix}, " +
            //         //     $"\nQuaternion Mat4x4: { Camera.main.gameObject.transform.rotation} ");

            //         // 3. Set Projection Matrix  the compute shader variables.
            //         rayTracingShader.SetMatrix("_Projection", Camera.main.projectionMatrix);
            //         rayTracingShader.SetMatrix("_CameraInverseProjection", Camera.main.projectionMatrix.inverse);
            //     }
            //     else
            //     {
            //         #region detach logic test
            //         // // 1. Create the Camera Transform
            //         // float4x4 ViewTransform_OpenCV = new float4x4(new float4(m_cameraExternalData.xAxis, 0),
            //         //                                              new float4(m_cameraExternalData.yAxis, 0),
            //         //                                              new float4(m_cameraExternalData.zAxis, 0),
            //         //                                              new float4(m_cameraExternalData.projectorPosition * 0.001f, 1)
            //         //                                              );
            //         // // Debug.Log($"ViewTransform =\n{  ViewTransform_OpenCV }");

            //         // float3x3 ViewTransform_Rot_OpenCV = new float3x3(
            //         //     ViewTransform_OpenCV.c0.xyz, ViewTransform_OpenCV.c1.xyz, ViewTransform_OpenCV.c2.xyz);

            //         // float3 ViewTransform_Trans_OpenCV = ViewTransform_OpenCV.c3.xyz;

            //         // float3x3 CameraTransformation_Rot_OpenCV = math.transpose(ViewTransform_Rot_OpenCV);

            //         // // float4x4 CameraTransformation_OpenCV = new float4x4(CameraTransformation_Rot_OpenCV,
            //         // //                                         -math.mul(CameraTransformation_Rot_OpenCV, ViewTransform_Trans_OpenCV));

            //         // float4x4 CameraTransformation_OpenCV = new float4x4(new float4(CameraTransformation_Rot_OpenCV.c0, 0.0f),
            //         //                                                     new float4(CameraTransformation_Rot_OpenCV.c1, 0.0f),
            //         //                                                     new float4(CameraTransformation_Rot_OpenCV.c2, 0.0f),
            //         //                                                     new float4(-math.mul(CameraTransformation_Rot_OpenCV, ViewTransform_Trans_OpenCV), 1.0f));

            //         // // Debug.Log($"CameraTransformation_OpenCV (obtained by transpose) =\n{ CameraTransformation_OpenCV }");

            //         // float4x4 CameraTransform_OpenCV = math.inverse(ViewTransform_OpenCV);
            //         // // Debug.Log($" CameraTransform_OpenCV (obtained by inverse)=\n{  CameraTransform_OpenCV }");

            //         // // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1263072/changing-a-matrix-from-right-handed-to-left-handed-coordinate-system

            //         // // UnityToOpenMat is a change of basis matrix, a swap of axes, with a determinmant -1, which is
            //         // // improper rotation, and so a well-defined quaternion does not exist for it.

            //         // float4 externalData_column0 = new float4(DanbiCameraExternalData.UnityToOpenCVMat.c0, 0);
            //         // float4 externalData_column1 = new float4(DanbiCameraExternalData.UnityToOpenCVMat.c1, 0);
            //         // float4 externalData_column2 = new float4(DanbiCameraExternalData.UnityToOpenCVMat.c2, 0);
            //         // float4 externalData_column3 = new float4(0, 0, 0, 1);

            //         // float4x4 UnityToOpenCV = new float4x4(externalData_column0, externalData_column1, externalData_column2, externalData_column3);

            //         // float3x3 UnityToOpenCV_Rot = new float3x3(UnityToOpenCV.c0.xyz,
            //         //                                           UnityToOpenCV.c1.xyz,
            //         //                                           UnityToOpenCV.c2.xyz);

            //         // float3x3 OpenCVToUnity_Rot = math.transpose(UnityToOpenCV_Rot);

            //         // float3 UnityToOpenCV_Trans = UnityToOpenCV.c3.xyz;

            //         // float4x4 OpenCVToUnity = new float4x4(OpenCVToUnity_Rot, -math.mul(OpenCVToUnity_Rot, UnityToOpenCV_Trans));

            //         // // Debug.Log($" UnityToOpenCV inverse = \n {math.inverse(UnityToOpenCV)} ");

            //         // // Debug.Log($" UnityToOpenCV transpose  = \n {OpenCVToUnity}");

            //         // float4x4 MatForObjectFrame = new float4x4(
            //         //                             new float4(1, 0, 0, 0),
            //         //                             new float4(0, 0, 1, 0),
            //         //                             new float4(0, -1, 0, 0),
            //         //                             new float4(0, 0, 0, 1));

            //         // float4x4 CameraTransform_Unity = math.mul(
            //         //                                      math.mul(
            //         //                                          math.mul(UnityToOpenCV,
            //         //                                                   CameraTransformation_OpenCV
            //         //                                             ),
            //         //                                          OpenCVToUnity),
            //         //                                      MatForObjectFrame
            //         //                                      );

            //         // Matrix4x4 m_cameraTransform_Unity_Mat4x4 = CameraTransform_Unity;
            //         // // Debug.Log($"Determinimant of m_cameraTransform_Unity_Mat4x4=\n{m_cameraTransform_Unity_Mat4x4.determinant}");

            //         // // 2. Set the Camera.main.transform.

            //         // // Debug.Log($"Quaternion = m_cameraTransform_Unity_Mat4x4.rotation=  \n {m_cameraTransform_Unity_Mat4x4.rotation}");
            //         // // Debug.Log($"QuaternionFromMatrix(MatForUnityCameraFrameMat4x4)\n{DanbiComputeShaderHelper.QuaternionFromMatrix(m_cameraTransform_Unity_Mat4x4)}");

            //         // // Camera.main.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(0.0f, m_cameraExternalData.projectorPosition.z * 0.001f, 0.0f); // m_cameraHeight -> cm
            //         // Vector3 m_unityCamPos = DanbiComputeShaderHelper.GetPosition(m_cameraTransform_Unity_Mat4x4);
            //         // m_unityCamPos.x = 0.0f;
            //         // m_unityCamPos.z = 0.0f;

            //         // Camera.main.gameObject.transform.position = m_unityCamPos;
            //         // Camera.main.gameObject.transform.rotation = DanbiComputeShaderHelper.GetRotation(m_cameraTransform_Unity_Mat4x4);

            //         // // Debug.Log($"m_cameraTransform_Unity_Mat4x4= \n {m_cameraTransform_Unity_Mat4x4}");

            //         // // Debug.Log($"localToWorldMatrix =\n{ Camera.main.gameObject.transform.localToWorldMatrix}, " +
            //         // //     $"\nQuaternion Mat4x4: { Camera.main.gameObject.transform.rotation}, " +
            //         // //     $"\neulerAngles ={ Camera.main.gameObject.transform.eulerAngles}");

            //         // // Debug.Log($"m_cameraTransform_Unity_Mat4x4= \n {m_cameraTransform_Unity_Mat4x4}");

            //         // // Debug.Log($"localToWorldMatrix =\n{ Camera.main.gameObject.transform.localToWorldMatrix}, " +
            //         // //     $"\nQuaternion Mat4x4: { Camera.main.gameObject.transform.rotation}, " +
            //         // //     $"\neulerAngles ={ Camera.main.gameObject.transform.eulerAngles}");

            //         // // 3. Set the transforms related to the camera to the compute shader variables.
            //         // rayTracingShader.SetMatrix("_CameraToWorldMat", Camera.main.cameraToWorldMatrix);
            //         // Vector4 cameraDirection = new Vector4(Camera.main.transform.forward.x, Camera.main.transform.forward.y,
            //         //                                       Camera.main.transform.forward.z, 0f);
            //         // rayTracingShader.SetVector("_CameraViewDirectionInUnitySpace", Camera.main.transform.forward);

            //         // // 4. Create the Projection Matrix
            //         // float width = DanbiManager.instance.screen.screenResolution.x; // width = 3840 =  Projector Width
            //         // float height = DanbiManager.instance.screen.screenResolution.y; // height = 2160 = Projector Height

            //         // float left = 0;
            //         // float right = width;
            //         // float bottom = 0;
            //         // float top = height;

            //         // float near = Camera.main.nearClipPlane;      // near: positive
            //         // float far = Camera.main.farClipPlane;        // far: positive

            //         // float aspectRatio = width / height;

            //         // float scaleFactorX = m_cameraInternalData.focalLengthX;
            //         // float scaleFactorY = m_cameraInternalData.focalLengthY;

            //         // float cx = m_cameraInternalData.principalPointX;
            //         // float cy = m_cameraInternalData.principalPointY;

            //         // // http://ksimek.github.io/2013/06/03/calibrated_cameras_in_opengl/
            //         // //we can think of the perspective transformation as converting
            //         // // a trapezoidal-prism - shaped viewing volume
            //         // //    into a rectangular - prism - shaped viewing volume,
            //         // //    which glOrtho() scales and translates into the 2x2x2 cube in Normalized Device Coordinates.

            //         // Matrix4x4 NDCMatrix_OpenGL = DanbiComputeShaderHelper.GetOrthoMat(left, right, bottom, top, near, far);

            //         // //  // refer to to   //http://ksimek.github.io/2012/08/14/decompose/  to  understand the following code
            //         // Matrix4x4 KMatrixFromOpenCVToOpenGL =
            //         //     DanbiComputeShaderHelper.OpenCVKMatrixToOpenGLKMatrix(scaleFactorX, scaleFactorY, cx, cy, near, far);

            //         // // our discussion of 2D coordinate conventions have referred to the coordinates used during calibration.
            //         // // If your application uses a different 2D coordinate convention,
            //         // //  you'll need to transform K using 2D translation and reflection.

            //         // //  For example, consider a camera matrix that was calibrated with the origin in the top-left
            //         // //  and the y - axis pointing downward, but you prefer a bottom-left origin with the y-axis pointing upward.
            //         // //  To convert, you'll first negate the image y-coordinate and then translate upward by the image height, h.
            //         // //  The resulting intrinsic matrix K' is given by:

            //         // // K' = [ 1 0 0; 0 1 h; 0 0 1] *  [ 1 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 0 1] * K

            //         // Vector4 column0 = new Vector4(1f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
            //         // Vector4 column1 = new Vector4(0f, -1f, 0f, 0f);
            //         // Vector4 column2 = new Vector4(0f, 0f, 1f, 0f);
            //         // Vector4 column3 = new Vector4(0f, height, 0f, 1f);

            //         // Matrix4x4 OpenCVCameraToOpenGLCamera = new Matrix4x4(column0, column1, column2, column3);

            //         // Matrix4x4 projectionMatrixGL1 = NDCMatrix_OpenGL * OpenCVCameraToOpenGLCamera * KMatrixFromOpenCVToOpenGL;

            //         // Debug.Log($"Reconstructed projection matrix, method 1:\n{projectionMatrixGL1}");

            //         // 5. Set the projection matrix to the compute shader variables.

            //         #endregion detach logic test

            //         // rayTracingShader.SetMatrix("_Projection", projectionMatrixGL1);
            //         rayTracingShader.SetMatrix("_Projection", Camera.main.projectionMatrix);
            //         rayTracingShader.SetMatrix("_CameraInverseProjection", Camera.main.projectionMatrix.inverse);

            //         #region dbg
            //         // float4x4 tmpCameraToWorld = Camera.main.cameraToWorldMatrix;
            //         // Debug.Log($"Camera World To Mat");
            //         // Debug.Log($"c0 : {tmpCameraToWorld.c0.x}, {tmpCameraToWorld.c0.y}, {tmpCameraToWorld.c0.z}, {tmpCameraToWorld.c0.w}");
            //         // Debug.Log($"c1 : {tmpCameraToWorld.c1.x}, {tmpCameraToWorld.c1.y}, {tmpCameraToWorld.c1.z}, {tmpCameraToWorld.c1.w}");
            //         // Debug.Log($"c2 : {tmpCameraToWorld.c2.x}, {tmpCameraToWorld.c2.y}, {tmpCameraToWorld.c2.z}, {tmpCameraToWorld.c2.w}");
            //         // Debug.Log($"c3 : {tmpCameraToWorld.c3.x}, {tmpCameraToWorld.c3.y}, {tmpCameraToWorld.c3.z}, {tmpCameraToWorld.c3.w}");

            //         // float4x4 tmpCameraInverseProjection = projectionMatrixGL1.inverse;
            //         // Debug.Log($"Camera Inverse Projection");
            //         // Debug.Log($"c0 : {tmpCameraInverseProjection.c0.x}, {tmpCameraInverseProjection.c0.y}, {tmpCameraInverseProjection.c0.z}, {tmpCameraInverseProjection.c0.w}");
            //         // Debug.Log($"c1 : {tmpCameraInverseProjection.c1.x}, {tmpCameraInverseProjection.c1.y}, {tmpCameraInverseProjection.c1.z}, {tmpCameraInverseProjection.c1.w}");
            //         // Debug.Log($"c2 : {tmpCameraInverseProjection.c2.x}, {tmpCameraInverseProjection.c2.y}, {tmpCameraInverseProjection.c2.z}, {tmpCameraInverseProjection.c2.w}");
            //         // Debug.Log($"c3 : {tmpCameraInverseProjection.c3.x}, {tmpCameraInverseProjection.c3.y}, {tmpCameraInverseProjection.c3.z}, {tmpCameraInverseProjection.c3.w}");
            //         #endregion dbg
            //     }

            #endregion test unused
        } // SetCameraParameters()
 public void CreateCameraBuffers(DanbiComputeShader shaderControl)
     shaderControl.bufferDict.AddBuffer_NoDuplicate("_CameraInternalData", DanbiComputeShaderHelper.CreateComputeBuffer_Ret(m_cameraInternalData.asStruct, m_cameraInternalData.stride));