public Tag(string name, string value) { = name; this.value = value; if (!value.Equals("")) { this.tags = ParseValue(value); } }
public static TagControl GetControlInstance(Panel panel, Tag tag, UserControlBase upControl, UserControlBase downControl) { //UserControlBase control; TagControl control; control = new TagControl(tag); control.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 20); //rowCollection.Name = "Data" + columnCount; control.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(800, 30); control.TabIndex = 0; control.UpControl = upControl; control.DownControl = downControl; panel.Controls.Add(control); return control; }
private void LoadXMLChild(TreeNode treeNode, XmlNode xmlNode) { TreeNode newTreeNode; foreach (XmlNode node in xmlNode.ChildNodes) { if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { if (node.Name == "tag") { if (node.Attributes["type"] != null) { // check if node is type of object if (node.Attributes["type"].Value == "object") { if (treeNode != null) { // if treeNode not null then build contorl nodes newTreeNode = new TreeNode(node.Attributes["name"].Value); newTreeNode.Name = node.Attributes["name"].Value; treeNode.Nodes.Add(newTreeNode); if (node.HasChildNodes) { LoadXMLChild(newTreeNode, node); } } } else { Tag tag = new Tag(node.Attributes["name"].Value, ""); TagControl tagControl = TagControl.GetControlInstance(pParametars, tag, tagControlLastTmp, null); tagControlLastTmp = tagControl; if (node.HasChildNodes) { LoadXMLChild(treeNode, node); } } } else { ModuleLog.Write("Bad xml format \r\n" + node.InnerXml, this, "LoadXMLChild", ModuleLog.LogType.WARNING); } } else if (node.Name == "syntax") { tbSyntax.Text = node.InnerText; } else if (node.Name == "result") { lblResult.Text = "Result: " + node.InnerText; } else if (node.Name == "example") { lblExample.Text = "Example: " + node.InnerText; } else { if (node.HasChildNodes) { LoadXMLChild(treeNode, node); } } } } }
public void SetTag(Tag tag) { lName.Text = tag.Name; tbValue.Text = tag.Value; }
public TagControl(Tag tag) { InitializeComponent(); this.tag = tag; }
private string XMLObject(object obj, string objectValue) { string result = null; Tag tag = new Tag("xml", objectValue); try { if (tag.Tags.Name == "xpath") { if (tag.Tags.Tags.Name == "attribute") { //{=xml.xpath.attribute.atributeToGet.xpathText} result = XMLParser.XMLObject.GetXPathAttributeValue(tag.Tags.Tags.Tags.Value, tag.Tags.Tags.Tags.Name); } } else { ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "XMLObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR); result = constError_SyntaxError; } } catch (Exception ex) { ModuleLog.Write(ex, this, "XMLObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR); ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "XMLObject", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG); result = constError_SyntaxError; } return result; }
private string StringObject(RowCollectionRow row, string objectValue) { string result = null; Tag tag = new Tag("string", objectValue); try { if (tag.Tags.Name == "trim") { result = tag.Tags.Value.Trim(); } else if (tag.Tags.Name == "substring") { // {=string.substring.4.2.neki text} int start; int lenght; start = int.Parse(tag.Tags.Tags.Name); lenght = int.Parse(tag.Tags.Tags.Tags.Name); // if index is in range of string length if ((start + lenght) < tag.Tags.Tags.Tags.Value.Length) { result = tag.Tags.Tags.Tags.Value.Substring(start, lenght); } else { // else return empty string and log waring result = ""; ModuleLog.Write("String out of range returning empty string", this, "StringObject", ModuleLog.LogType.WARNING); } } else if (tag.Tags.Name == "indexof") { // {=string.indexof. .damir marijanovic} result = tag.Tags.Tags.Value.IndexOf(tag.Tags.Tags.Name).ToString(); } else if (tag.Tags.Name == "toupper") { result = tag.Tags.Value.ToUpper(); } else if (tag.Tags.Name == "tolower") { result = tag.Tags.Value.ToLower(); } else if (tag.Tags.Name == "replace") { // {} result = tag.Tags.Tags.Tags.Value.Replace(tag.Tags.Tags.ToString(), tag.Tags.Tags.Tags.ToString()); } else if (tag.Tags.Name == "split") { // string.split.[index].[split string].[text] string[] splitList = tag.Tags.Tags.Tags.Value.Split(new string[] { tag.Tags.Tags.Tags.Name }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int index; index = int.Parse(tag.Tags.Tags.Name); // if index is in range of array if (index < splitList.Length) { result = splitList[index]; } else { // else return empty string and log waring result = ""; ModuleLog.Write("String out of range returning empty string", this, "StringObject", ModuleLog.LogType.WARNING); } } else { ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "StringObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR); result = constError_SyntaxError; } } catch(Exception ex) { ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "StringObject", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG); ModuleLog.Write(ex, this, "StringObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR); result = constError_SyntaxError; } return result; }
private string RandomObject(object obj, string objectValue) { string result = null; Tag tag = new Tag("random", objectValue); try { if (tag.Tags.Name == "number") { int minValue; int maxValue; minValue = int.Parse(tag.Tags.Tags.Name); maxValue = int.Parse(tag.Tags.Tags.Value); if (random == null) { random = new Random(); } result = random.Next(minValue, maxValue).ToString(); } else if (tag.Tags.Name == "string") { int maxChar; maxChar = int.Parse(tag.Tags.Value); result = RandomString(maxChar); } else { ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "RandomObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR); result = constError_SyntaxError; } } catch (Exception ex) { ModuleLog.Write(ex, this, "RandomObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR); ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "RandomObject", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG); result = constError_SyntaxError; } return result; }
private string NumberObject(RowCollectionRow row, string objectValue) { string result = null; Tag tag = new Tag("number", objectValue); try { if (tag.Value == "getvalue") { //{=number.getvalue} result = numberObject_counter.ToString(); } else { if (tag.Tags.Name == "increment") { //{=number.increment.startNumber.incrementBy} if (numberObject_counter == constNumberObject_counter_defaultValue) { ModuleLog.Write(tag.Tags.Tags.Name, this, "NumberObject", ModuleLog.LogType.INFO); numberObject_counter = int.Parse(tag.Tags.Tags.Name); } else { int number_to_increment = 0; number_to_increment = int.Parse(tag.Tags.Tags.Value); numberObject_counter = numberObject_counter + number_to_increment; } result = numberObject_counter.ToString(); } else { ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "NumberObject", ModuleLog.LogType.WARNING); result = constError_SyntaxError; } } } catch (Exception ex) { ModuleLog.Write(ex, this, "--NumberObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR); ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "--NumberObject", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG); result = constError_SyntaxError; } return result; }
private string NTHObject(RowCollectionRow row, string objectValue) { string result = null; Tag tag = new Tag("nth", objectValue); try { if (tag.Tags.Name == "swapzarez") { //{=nth.swapzarez.text} result = tag.Tags.Value.Replace(",", "<;>"); } else if (tag.Tags.Name == "max160") { //{=nth.max160.text} if (tag.Tags.Value.Length > 160) { result = "- - - W A R N I N G (text length " + tag.Tags.Value.Length + " ) - - -"; ModuleLog.Write(result, this, "NTHObject", ModuleLog.LogType.WARNING); ModuleLog.Write(tag.Tags.Value, this, "NTHObject", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG); } else { result = tag.Tags.Value; } } else { ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "NTHObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR); result = constError_SyntaxError; } } catch { ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "NTHObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR); result = constError_SyntaxError; } return result; }
private string MD5Object(object obj, string objectValue) { string result = null; Tag tag = new Tag("md5", objectValue); try { if (tag.Tags.Name == "text") { result = MD5.MD5FromText(tag.Tags.Value); } else if (tag.Tags.Name == "file") { result = MD5.MD5FromFile(tag.Tags.Value); } else { ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "MD5Object", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR); result = constError_SyntaxError; } } catch (Exception ex) { ModuleLog.Write(ex, this, "MD5Object", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR); ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "MD5Object", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG); result = constError_SyntaxError; } return result; }
public TagsStorage GetTagsStorage(Tag tag) { TagsStorage result = null; foreach (TagsStorage tagsStorage in this) { if ( == tag.Name || (tagsStorage.tagType != TagType.Object) && tag.Name != "" ) { if (tag.Tags == null) { result = tagsStorage; } else { result = tagsStorage.GetTagsStorage(tag.Tags); } } } if (result == null) { result = this; } return result; }
private void UpdateHoveringWindowList(string text) { TagsStorage activeTagStorage = null; TreeNode treeNode; if (text.Length > 2) { text = text.Substring(2, text.Length - 2); Tag tag = new Tag("Root", text); activeTagStorage = tagsStorage.GetTagsStorage(tag.Tags); } else { activeTagStorage = tagsStorage; } if (activeTagStorage != null) { tvList.Nodes.Clear(); foreach (TagsStorage tags in activeTagStorage) { treeNode = new TreeNode(tags.Name, 0, 0); treeNode.Tag = tags.Type == TagsStorage.TagType.Object ? tags.Name : "\"\""; tvList.Nodes.Add(treeNode); } } // ovo je tmp rjesenje jer " . " bug, raditi preko tagova orginalno int lastIndexOfDot = text.LastIndexOf('.'); string lastText; if (lastIndexOfDot != -1) { lastText = text.Substring(lastIndexOfDot + 1, (text.Length - lastIndexOfDot) - 1); } else { lastText = text; } // select active node base on user input foreach (TreeNode node in tvList.Nodes) { if (node.Text.StartsWith(lastText)) { tvList.SelectedNode = node; break; } } }