private static void IconButtonDemo() { ImGui.Text("Click on the icon to use as a button."); ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGuiComponents.IconButton(1, FontAwesomeIcon.Carrot)) { ImGui.OpenPopup("IconButtonDemoPopup"); } if (ImGui.BeginPopup("IconButtonDemoPopup")) { ImGui.Text("You clicked!"); ImGui.EndPopup(); } }
private void ColorPickerWithPaletteDemo() { ImGui.Text("Click on the color button to use the picker."); ImGui.SameLine(); this.defaultColor = ImGuiComponents.ColorPickerWithPalette(1, "ColorPickerWithPalette Demo", this.defaultColor); }
private static void TextWithLabelDemo() { ImGuiComponents.TextWithLabel("Label", "Hover to see more", "more"); }
private static void HelpMarkerDemo() { ImGui.Text("Hover over the icon to learn more."); ImGuiComponents.HelpMarker("help me!"); }