public void UseLocationDungeonTextureTable()
            // Generates dungeon texture table from random seed
            // RandomDungeonTextures are read from settings.ini. Values are
            // 0 : Classic textures (swamp and woodland texture sets unused)
            // 1 : Textures by climate + classic textures for main story dungeons
            // 2 : Textures by climate for all dungeons
            // 3 : Randomized + classic textures for main story dungeons (method used in earlier DF Unity builds)
            // 4 : Randomized for all dungeons
            bool mainStoryDungeon      = IsMainStoryDungeon(Summary.ID);
            int  randomDungeonTextures = DaggerfallUnity.Settings.RandomDungeonTextures;

            // If not overriding with other textures (modes 2 and 4), use classic algorithm for main story dungeons
            if (mainStoryDungeon && randomDungeonTextures != 2 && randomDungeonTextures != 4)
                DungeonTextureTable = DungeonTextureTables.RandomTextureTableClassic(Summary.LocationData.Dungeon.RecordElement.Header.LocationId);
            else // Otherwise, use a random texture according to the mode set in settings.ini
                if (randomDungeonTextures < 3)
                    DungeonTextureTable = DungeonTextureTables.RandomTextureTableClassic(Summary.LocationData.Dungeon.RecordElement.Header.LocationId, DaggerfallUnity.Settings.RandomDungeonTextures);
                    DungeonTextureTable = DungeonTextureTables.RandomTextureTableAlternate(Summary.ID);
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply dungeon texture table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dungeonTextureTable">Dungeon texture table changes to apply.</param>
        public void SetDungeonTextures(int[] dungeonTextureTable)
            if (defaultTextures.Count == 0)

            DaggerfallUnity dfUnity = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;

            if (!dfUnity.IsReady)

            // Get new material array
            Material[] materials = new Material[defaultTextures.Count];
            DFLocation.ClimateBaseType climateIndex = Game.GameManager.Instance.PlayerGPS.ClimateSettings.ClimateType;
            for (int i = 0; i < defaultTextures.Count; i++)
                MaterialReader.ReverseTextureKey(defaultTextures[i], out int archive, out int record, out _);
                archive      = DungeonTextureTables.ApplyTextureTable(archive, dungeonTextureTable, climateIndex);
                materials[i] = dfUnity.MaterialReader.GetMaterial(archive, record);

            // Assign material array
            if (materials != null)
                GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterials = materials;
        public void UseLocationDungeonTextureTable()
            // Generates dungeon texture table from random seed
            // RandomDungeonTextures are read from settings.ini. Values are
            // 0 : Classic textures (swamp and woodland texture sets unused)
            // 1 : Textures by climate + classic textures for main story dungeons
            // 2 : Textures by climate for all dungeons
            // 3 : Randomized + classic textures for main story dungeons (method used in earlier DF Unity builds)
            // 4 : Randomized for all dungeons
            bool mainStoryDungeon = false;

            switch (Summary.ID)
            case 187853213:             // Daggerfall/Privateer's Hold
            case 630439035:             // Wayrest/Wayrest
            case 1291010263:            // Daggerfall/Daggerfall
            case 6634853:               // Sentinel/Sentinel
            case 19021260:              // Orsinium Area/Orsinium
            case 728811286:             // Wrothgarian Mountains/Shedungent
            case 701948302:             // Dragontail Mountains/Scourg Barrow
            case 83032363:              // Wayrest/Woodborne Hall
            case 1001:                  // High Rock sea coast/Mantellan Crux
            case 207828842:             // Menevia/Lysandus' Tomb
            case 9570447:               // Daggerfall/Castle Necromoghan
            case 2352284:               // Betony/Tristore Laboratory
            case 336619236:             // Ykalon/Castle Llugwych
                mainStoryDungeon = true;


            int randomDungeonTextures = DaggerfallUnity.Settings.RandomDungeonTextures;

            // If not overriding with other textures (modes 2 and 4), use classic algorithm for main story dungeons
            if (mainStoryDungeon && randomDungeonTextures != 2 && randomDungeonTextures != 4)
                DungeonTextureTable = DungeonTextureTables.RandomTextureTableClassic(Summary.LocationData.Dungeon.RecordElement.Header.LocationId);
            else // Otherwise, use a random texture according to the mode set in settings.ini
                if (randomDungeonTextures < 3)
                    DungeonTextureTable = DungeonTextureTables.RandomTextureTableClassic(Summary.LocationData.Dungeon.RecordElement.Header.LocationId, DaggerfallUnity.Settings.RandomDungeonTextures);
                    DungeonTextureTable = DungeonTextureTables.RandomTextureTableAlternate(Summary.ID);
 public void RandomiseDungeonTextureTable()
     DungeonTextureTable = DungeonTextureTables.RandomTextureTableAlternate(UnityEngine.Random.Range(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue));