private void CmdQueryBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strWhe = string.Empty; try { string strSql = "select Cmd_Sno, Cmd_Mode, Cmd_Sts, Stn_No, Loc, New_Loc, Height, substring(Crt_Date,1,10) as Crt_Dte, substring(Crt_Date,12,8) as Crt_Tim," + "User_Id, Plt_ID, Trace from Cmd_Mst where Cmd_Sts in ('0','1') "; if (cmbCmdMode.SelectedIndex != 0) { strWhe += string.Format(" and Cmd_Mode='{0}'", cmbCmdMode.Text.Split("-".ToCharArray())[0]); } if (CmdSnoCtl.Text != "命令号") { strWhe += string.Format(" and Cmd_Sno='{0}'", GCtrl.C5Sno(int.Parse(CmdSnoCtl.Text))); } strSql = strSql + strWhe; dtCmdQuery.Clear(); Globals.DB.ExecGetTable(strSql, ref dtCmdQuery); dgvCmdMst.ClearSelection(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteLog(ex); } }
private void CmdSnoCtl_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { CmdSnoCtl.Text = GCtrl.C5Sno(int.Parse(CmdSnoCtl.Text)); } catch (Exception) { CmdSnoCtl.Text = "命令号"; } }
private void Init() { InitData(); InitCtl(); InitCrane(); GCtrl.GetCrnInfo(); string strSql = string.Format("select * from ctrlhs where EquNo='{0}'", Globals.strEquNo); if (!Globals.DB.ExecQuery(strSql)) { strSql = string.Format("insert into ctrlhs(HS,EquNo,trndt) values ('1','{0}','2015-10-10 12:00:00')", Globals.strEquNo); Globals.DB.ExecSql(strSql); } Log.WriteLogClose(cLog.Start, "..."); }
public static bool GetReadyOut(string sLoc) { bool bReady = false; string sSql = string.Empty, sStnNo = string.Empty; string sPltNo = string.Empty, sInnerLoc = string.Empty; string sItmType = string.Empty, sNewLoc = string.Empty; string sIoType = string.Empty, sRunInfo = string.Empty; int nCrn = 0; DataRow drLoc = null; try { if (GCtrl.IsInnerLoc(sLoc)) { return(true); } nCrn = GCtrl.GetEquFLoc(sLoc); sStnNo = string.Format("S{0}00", nCrn); sInnerLoc = GCtrl.GetInnerLoc(sLoc); sSql = string.Format(@"select * from Loc_Mst where Loc='{0}'", sInnerLoc); if (!dbConn.ExecGetRow(sSql, ref drLoc) || drLoc == null) { throw new Exception("获取内储位失败!"); } // 根据内储位状态判断如何处理 eLocSts sLocSts = (eLocSts)Enum.Parse(typeof(eLocSts), drLoc["Loc_Sts"].ToString()); switch (sLocSts) { case eLocSts.S: case eLocSts.E: if (sLocSts == eLocSts.S) { sItmType = cItmType.Stock; } else if (sLocSts == eLocSts.E) { sItmType = cItmType.EptPlt; } sPltNo = drLoc["Plt_id"].ToString(); // 将内储位的货物放置到新的储位 sNewLoc = GCtrl.GetNewInL2L(nCrn, drLoc["Loc_Size"], sItmType, sPltNo, sInnerLoc, out sRunInfo); if (sNewLoc.Length != 7) { throw new Exception(string.Format("储位:{0} 状态:{1},库对库{2}", sInnerLoc, sLocSts, sRunInfo)); } Log.WriteLog(cLog.RunLog, string.Format("储位:{0} 状态:{1},库对库{2}:{3}", sInnerLoc, sLocSts, sRunInfo, sNewLoc)); dbConn.BeginTran(true); // ====================================================================================================================== sSql = string.Format("update loc_mst set old_sts = loc_sts ,loc_sts = 'O',trn_time = '{0}' where loc = '{1}' and loc_sts in ('S','E')", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), sInnerLoc); if (!dbConn.ExecSql(sSql)) { throw new Exception(dbConn.ErrorInfo); } sSql = string.Format("update loc_mst set old_sts = loc_sts ,loc_sts = 'I',trn_time = '{0}' where loc = '{1}' and loc_sts in ('N')", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), sNewLoc); if (!dbConn.ExecSql(sSql)) { throw new Exception(dbConn.ErrorInfo); } Log.WriteLog("库对库更新库位状态为预约" + sSql); //string sCmdSno = Globals.GetSno(); if (sItmType == cItmType.EptPlt) { sIoType = cIoType.EptPltL2L; } else if (sItmType == cItmType.Stock) { sIoType = cIoType.StockL2L; } // 产生库对库命令 if (!GCtrl.CrtCmdMst(sPltNo, "0", "1", "", cCmdMode.L2L, sIoType, sInnerLoc, sNewLoc, "", sPltNo, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "wcs", "wcs", "dfd", drLoc["Loc_Size"])) { throw new Exception(dbConn.ErrorInfo); } Log.WriteLog(cLog.RunLog, string.Format("储位:{0} 托盘:{1} 下库对库命令成功,命令号:{2}", sInnerLoc, sPltNo, sPltNo)); // ====================================================================================================================== dbConn.CommitTran(); break; case eLocSts.N: bReady = true; break; default: sSql = string.Format(@"select Cmd_Sno from Cmd_Mst where Cmd_Mode='{0}' and Stn_No='{1}' and Loc='{2}' and Cmd_Sts <'8'", cCmdMode.L2L, sStnNo, sInnerLoc); if (!dbConn.ExecQuery(sSql)) { Log.WriteLog(cLog.RunLog, string.Format("内储位:{0} 状态:{1},不能做移库!", sInnerLoc, sLocSts)); } break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteLog(ex); } return(bReady); }
private void modCmdBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataRow drCmd = null; //if (!Globals.bLogin) { MsgBox.Warning("请先到用户登录模块登录,谢谢!"); return; } if (!Globals.CtlValidate(cStnNoCtl, cTraceCtl, cPriCtl, cmbCSts)) { MsgBox.Warning(StrTables.MSG_NOT_FULL); return; } if (MsgBox.Question("是否确认执行?") == DialogResult.No) { return; } try { string sSql = string.Format("select * from Cmd_Mst where Cmd_Sno='{0}'", GCtrl.C5Sno(cmbCmdSno.Text)); if (!Globals.DB.ExecGetRow(sSql, ref drCmd) || drCmd == null) { MsgBox.Warning("查无记录!"); return; } MakeSql mSql = new MakeSql("Cmd_Mst", SqlType.Update); mSql.AddStrWhere(drCmd, "Cmd_Sno"); mSql.SetStrValue("Cmd_Sts", cmbCSts.Text.Split("-".ToCharArray())[0]); mSql.SetStrValue("Stn_No", cStnNoCtl.Text.Trim()); mSql.SetStrValue("Trace", cTraceCtl.Text.Trim()); mSql.SetStrValue("Prty", cPriCtl.Text.Trim()); sSql = mSql.GetSql(); if (Globals.DB.ExecSql(sSql)) { MsgBox.Information("操作成功!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteLog(ex); } finally { flushCmdBtn_Click(null, null); } }