/// <summary> /// Responds to Window Activated events; does nothing. </summary> /// <param name="event"> the WindowEvent that happened. </param> public virtual void windowActivated(WindowEvent @event) { if (IOUtil.testing()) { __dataset_copy = new StateMod_DataSet(__dataset, false); try { __tableModel = new StateMod_Response_TableModel(__dataset_copy); __worksheet.setModel(__tableModel); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); Console.Write(e.StackTrace); } } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. </summary> /// <param name="tableModel"> the table model for which this class renders cells. </param> public StateMod_Response_CellRenderer(StateMod_Response_TableModel tableModel) { __tableModel = tableModel; }
/// <summary> /// Sets up the GUI. /// </summary> private void setupGUI() { string routine = "StateMod_Response_JFrame.setupGUI"; addWindowListener(this); PropList p = new PropList("StateMod_Response_JFrame.JWorksheet"); p.add("JWorksheet.ShowPopupMenu=true"); p.add("JWorksheet.AllowCopy=true"); p.add("JWorksheet.SelectionMode=SingleRowSelection"); int[] widths = null; JScrollWorksheet jsw = null; try { // Operate on a copy of the table model... __tableModel = new StateMod_Response_TableModel(__dataset_copy); StateMod_Response_CellRenderer crr = new StateMod_Response_CellRenderer(__tableModel); jsw = new JScrollWorksheet(crr, __tableModel, p); __worksheet = jsw.getJWorksheet(); __tableModel.setWorksheet(__worksheet); widths = crr.getColumnWidths(); } catch (Exception e) { Message.printWarning(1, routine, "Error building worksheet."); Message.printWarning(2, routine, e); jsw = new JScrollWorksheet(0, 0, p); __worksheet = jsw.getJWorksheet(); } __worksheet.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(null); __worksheet.addMouseListener(this); __worksheet.addKeyListener(this); __worksheet.setHourglassJFrame(this); /* TODO SAM 2007-03-01 Evaluate logic * boolean renameAllowed = false; * if (__tableModel != null) { * renameAllowed = true; * } */ JPanel top_panel = new JPanel(); top_panel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); int y = 0; JGUIUtil.addComponent(top_panel, new JLabel("To rename a data set component, select a row and " + "either type a new file name or use the Browse button."), 0, y++, 2, 1, 0, 0, GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST); JGUIUtil.addComponent(top_panel, new JLabel("If ARE DATA MODIFIED? is YES, data for the " + "component have been modified by the GUI but the file has not been written."), 0, y++, 2, 1, 0, 0, GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST); JGUIUtil.addComponent(top_panel, new JLabel("Consequently, StateMod will not recognize the " + "changes until the data are saved with File...Save."), 0, y++, 2, 1, 0, 0, GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST); JGUIUtil.addComponent(top_panel, new JLabel("If a filename is changed, the file with the original filename will remain " + "even after the new file is saved."), 0, y++, 2, 1, 0, 0, GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST); JGUIUtil.addComponent(top_panel, new JLabel("Data set base name (from *.rsp): "), 0, y, 1, 1, 0, 0, GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.NORTHEAST); JGUIUtil.addComponent(top_panel, new JLabel(__dataset.getBaseName()), 1, y++, 1, 1, 1, 1, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST); JGUIUtil.addComponent(top_panel, new JLabel("Data set directory: "), 0, y, 1, 1, 0, 0, GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.NORTHEAST); JGUIUtil.addComponent(top_panel, new JLabel(__dataset.getDataSetDirectory()), 1, y++, 1, 1, 1, 1, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST); getContentPane().add("North", top_panel); getContentPane().add("Center", jsw); JPanel button_panel = new JPanel(); __browse_JButton = new SimpleJButton(__BUTTON_BROWSE, this); __browse_JButton.setEnabled(false); __browse_JButton.setToolTipText("Select an existing file."); button_panel.add(__browse_JButton); __apply_JButton = new SimpleJButton(__BUTTON_APPLY, this); //__apply_JButton.setEnabled(false); __apply_JButton.setToolTipText("Set the file names. File...Save is still required to save files."); button_panel.add(__apply_JButton); __cancel_JButton = new SimpleJButton(__BUTTON_CANCEL, this); __cancel_JButton.setToolTipText("Cancel file name changes."); button_panel.add(__cancel_JButton); __close_JButton = new SimpleJButton(__BUTTON_CLOSE, this); __close_JButton.setToolTipText("Apply file name changes and close " + "window. File...Save is still required to save files."); //__close_JButton.setEnabled (false); button_panel.add(__close_JButton); //__help_JButton = new SimpleJButton(__BUTTON_HELP, this); //__help_JButton.setEnabled(false); //button_panel.add(__help_JButton); JPanel bottom_panel = new JPanel(); bottom_panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); getContentPane().add("South", bottom_panel); bottom_panel.add("South", button_panel); pack(); if (__dataset_wm != null) { __dataset_wm.setWindowOpen(StateMod_DataSet_WindowManager.WINDOW_RESPONSE, this); } setSize(700, 500); JGUIUtil.center(this); setVisible(true); if (widths != null) { __worksheet.setColumnWidths(widths); } }