        public async Task Refresh(string code)
            int    index = 0;
            string time  = "";
            string zone  = "";

                index = Schedule.Codes.IndexOf(code);
                time  = Schedule.AdjustedTime(Schedule.Relations[index]);
                zone  = Schedule.Zones[index];
                timer = await timer.ModifyAsync($"Sorry, but I couldn't find that time zone...");

                await Task.Delay(2000);

                await Refresh();


            refreshRequested = true;

            timer = await timer.ModifyAsync($"Need a refresh? Sure, I can do that for ya. One moment, please...");

            string schedule = await Schedule.GenerateSchedule();

            timer = await timer.ModifyAsync($"Refreshed for **{nickname}** at **{time} {code.ToUpper()} ({zone})**! :sunglasses:\n\n" +
                                            $"{schedule}\n" +
                                            $"Please feel free to help us keep track of **field bosses** and **Golden Bells** by letting me know where you spot them!\n\n" +
                                            $"You are also welcome to share this timer with any friendly spirits who cross your path.\n\n" +
 public async Task Respond(MessageContext context, string message)
     if (context != null && context.Channel.IsPrivate)
         await context.Message.RespondAsync($"{message}");
         lastComment = await lastComment.ModifyAsync($"{message}");
        public async Task Ping(CommandContext ctx)
            DSharpPlus.Entities.DiscordMessage return_message = await ctx.Message.RespondAsync("Pinging...");

            ulong ping = (return_message.Id - ctx.Message.Id) >> 22;

            Char[] choices = new Char[] { 'a', 'e', 'o', 'u', 'i', 'y' };
            Char   letter  = choices[Program.rnd.Next(0, choices.Length)];
            await return_message.ModifyAsync($"P{letter}ng! 🏓\n" +
                                             $"• It took me `{ping}ms` to reply to your message!\n" +
                                             $"• Last Websocket Heartbeat took `{ctx.Client.Ping}ms`!");
        public async Task Refresh()
            refreshRequested = true;

            timer = await timer.ModifyAsync($"Need a refresh? Sure, I can do that for ya. One moment, please...");

            string schedule = await Schedule.GenerateSchedule();

            timer = await timer.ModifyAsync($"Refreshed for **{nickname}** at **{DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm tt")} (North American Eastern Standard Time)**! :sunglasses:\n\n" +
                                            $"{schedule}\n" +
                                            $"Please feel free to help us keep track of **field bosses** and **Golden Bells** by letting me know where you spot them!\n\n" +
                                            $"You are also welcome to share this timer with any friendly spirits who cross your path.\n\n" +
        private Task Client_Chat(MessageCreateEventArgs e)
            DSharpPlus.Entities.DiscordMessage content = e.Message;
            if (!e.Channel.IsPrivate)
                guildData dataGet = data[Utils.retrieveGuild(e.Guild.Id)];
                use     = dataGet.on;
                Channel = dataGet.disabledChannelID;
                Channel = 0;
                use     = true;

            if (!containPrefix(Config.CommandPrefixes, content.Content))
                if (!debugMode || e.Channel.IsPrivate ? true : e.Guild.Id == ulong.Parse(Config.DebugGuildID))
                    if (use == true)
                        if (e.Author != Discord.CurrentUser)
                            if (e.Channel.Id == Channel || Channel == 0)
                                //Refresh all of the games
                                foreach (Game game in games)
                                bot = new ChatBot(e.Message.Author.Username, null);
                                bot = null;
                    Debug.Log("Chat: " + content.Author + " : " + content.Content, Discord);
            else if (containPrefix(Config.CommandPrefixes, content.Content) && e.Channel.IsPrivate)
                content.RespondAsync("No commands are executable in private messaging!");
            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data);

            File.WriteAllText("prefs.json", json);
        public static async Task FinishArkLink(string playerName, string steamName, DSharpPlus.Entities.DiscordMessage msg, ulong id)
            //Fetch this user
            DiscordUser u = new DiscordUser("", id, DiscordUserPermissionLevel.admin);

            //We have the user and the player. Finish link
            u.isArkLinked        = true;
            u.arkLinkedUsername  = playerName;
            u.arkLinkedSteamName = steamName;
            var embed = Tools.GenerateEmbed("Ark Link", "Nice job!", "Ark link completed! You're now linked with " + u.arkLinkedUsername + "!", DiscordColor.Green);

            //Close user to save.
            //Write to the list of linked users.
            ArkLinkList.WriteToUserList(new ArkLinkItem(steamName.Trim(' '), id, playerName.Trim(' ')));
            await msg.ModifyAsync(embed : embed);

        public async Task Birth(CommandContext context)
            if (interactivity == null)
                nickname = Nickname(context.User.ToString());

                interactivity = context.Client.GetInteractivity();

                museifu = context.Guild;


                string schedule = await Schedule.GenerateSchedule();

                timer = await context.RespondAsync($"Aloha! Let me get the timer running!\n\n" +
                                                   $"{schedule}\n" +
                                                   $"Please feel free to help us keep track of **field bosses** and **Golden Bells** by letting me know where you spot them!\n\n" +
                                                   $"You are also welcome to share this timer with any friendly spirits who cross your path.\n\n" +

                lastComment = await context.RespondAsync($"Health, wealth, and stealth, dachi! :wink: I hope you're having a lovely grind!");

            if (context != null)
                await context.Message.DeleteAsync();

                await Existence();
            catch (Exception error)
                await CommandRespond(context, $"An strange error occurred! {error}");
                await Rebirth();
        public async Task Existence()
            while (true)
                var remaining = 60 - Int32.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("ss"));
                var context   = await interactivity.WaitForMessageAsync(data => !data.Author.IsBot, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(remaining));

                string message;

                if (Received(context))
                    message  = Message(context.Message.ToString()).ToLower();
                    nickname = Nickname(context.User.ToString());
                    message  = "";
                    nickname = "";

                if (Received(context) && context.Message.Author.IsBot)
                    // Do nothing and wait for next message.

                else if (Howdy(message))
                    await Respond(context, $"I couldn't be better! And how are you?");

                else if (OfferingHelp(message))
                    await Respond(context, $"Keeping me in the loop is super easy! " +
                                  $"Let's say `the Dim Tree Spirit` spawns on `Balenos 3`. You can tell me by saying:\n\n" +
                                  $"\t`Tree is up on Balenos 3.`\n\n" +
                                  $"The period is optional, and you can say (most) standard variations of field boss names, such as `Dim Tree`. " +
                                  $"*However*, you ***must*** say `is up on` between the boss name and the server name.\n\n" +
                                  $"Now, let's say a someone activates a **Golden Bell** after the Dim Tree Spirit dies:\n\n" +
                                  $"\t`Bell 60 Balenos 3.`\n\n" +
                                  $"Again, the period is optional but the rest of the format of the command is not. `60` represents the remaining time on the bell's XP buff. " +
                                  $"If you know about a bell that only has `20` minutes left, you would just change the `60` to a `20`.\n\n" +
                                  $"All commands are also **case-insensitive** (as they should be). " +
                                  $"If you're confused or a command isn't working, just ask **Zendachi Kazenai** for more assistance. " +
                                  $"May the force be with you, mi dachi! :wink:");

                    askedToHelp = true;

                else if (WantsLink(message))
                    await Respond(context, $"If I'm not mistaken, you're looking for this:" +

                else if (Grateful(message))
                    var lastMessage = Message(lastComment.ToString());

                    await Respond(context, $"{lastMessage}\nDon't mention it, homie! :smiley:");

                else if (RequestingUntag(message))
                    await Unregister(context);

                else if (RequestingTag(message))
                    await Register(context);

                else if (Farewell(message))
                    await Respond(context, $"Health, wealth, and stealth, my dachi! Have a lovely grind. :smiley:");

                else if (Blank(message))
                    refreshRequested = false;

                    timer = await timer.ModifyAsync($"One moment, please. I'm just refreshing the timer...");

                    string schedule = await Schedule.GenerateSchedule();

                    timer = await timer.ModifyAsync($"I refreshed the timer at **{DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm tt")} (North American Eastern Standard Time)**!\n\n" +
                                                    $"{schedule}\n" +
                                                    $"Please feel free to help us keep track of **field bosses** and **Golden Bells** by letting me know where you spot them!\n\n" +
                                                    $"You are also welcome to share this timer with any friendly spirits who cross your path.\n\n" +

                    if (!askedToHelp)
                        await Respond(context, $"Health, wealth, and stealth, my dachi! Have a lovely grind. :smiley:");
                        askedToHelp = false;

                else if (ActivatingFieldBoss(message))
                    await Respond(context, $"Thanks for letting me know! I'll relay the message...");

                    try {
                        await Respond(context, $"Oh dear, I'm so confused... Can you please double-check your input?" +
                                      $"\nIf it looks good to you, please ask Kazenai what's wrong. He knows me better than I know myself...");
                        refreshRequested = true;
                        await Refresh();

                else if (DeactivatingFieldBoss(message))
                    if (message.StartsWith("field boss"))
                        try {
                            int bossIndex = Int32.Parse(message.Split(' ')[2]) - 1;

                            if (Schedule.BonusUp)

                            await Respond(context, $"If I recall correctly, death is good in this context... :smiley:");
                            await Respond(context, $"Oh dear, I'm so confused... Can you please double-check your input?" +
                                          $"\nIf it looks good to you, please ask Kazenai what's wrong. He knows me better than I know myself...");
                            refreshRequested = true;
                            await Refresh();
                    else if (message.StartsWith("boss"))
                        try {
                            int bossIndex = Int32.Parse(message.Split(' ')[1]) - 1;

                            await Respond(context, $"If I recall correctly, death is good in this context... :smiley:");
                            await Respond(context, $"Oh dear, I'm so confused... Can you please double-check your input?" +
                                          $"\nIf it looks good to you, please ask Kazenai what's wrong. He knows me better than I know myself...");
                            refreshRequested = true;
                            await Refresh();

                else if (WhatIsBell(message))
                    await Respond(context, $"A **Golden Bell** grants **100% Bonus Combat Experience** to everyone on one server channel for one hour. If any bells are active, I'll post them below the boss times. :smiley:");

                else if (ActivatingBell(message))
                    await Respond(context, $"Thanks! I've made sure our friends can see that.");

                    int duration = 0;

                    string server = "";

                    if (message.Split(' ').Length > 2)
                        duration = Int32.Parse(message.Split(' ')[1]);
                        server   = Server(message.Split(' ')[2]);

                    try {
                        server += " " + message.Split(' ')[3];
                    } catch
                        // No worries, just Arsha.

                    try {
                        await Schedule.ActivateBell(server, duration);
                        await Respond(context, $"Oh dear, I'm so confused... Can you please double-check your input?" +
                                      $"\nIf it looks good to you, please ask Kazenai what's wrong. He knows me better than I know myself...");
                        refreshRequested = true;
                        await Refresh();

                else if (DeactivatingBell(message))
                    try {
                        int bellIndex = Int32.Parse(message.Split(' ')[2]) - 1;

                        string server = Schedule.BellServers[bellIndex];


                        foreach (DiscordMember member in Commander.TaggedMembers)
                            await member.SendMessageAsync($"The **Golden Bell on {server}** ***was a mistake!*** Please disregard that alert.");

                        await Respond(context, $"No problem, I've deactivated that alert.");
                        await Respond(context, $"Oh dear, I'm so confused... Can you please double-check your input?" +
                                      $"\nIf it looks good to you, please ask Kazenai what's wrong. He knows me better than I know myself...");
                        refreshRequested = true;
                        await Refresh();

                else if (SleepCommand(message))
                    await context.Message.DeleteAsync();

                    await timer.DeleteAsync();

                    await lastComment.DeleteAsync();


                else if (RefreshTimeZoneCode(message))
                    string code = message.Split(' ')[1].Replace(".", "").Replace("!", "").Replace("?", "").Trim();
                    await Refresh(code);

                else if (TimeZoneCode(message))
                    string code = message.Split(' ')[0].Replace(".", "").Replace("!", "").Replace("?", "").Trim();
                    await Refresh(code);

                else if (RequestingRefresh(message))
                    await Refresh();

                    await Respond(context, $"Sorry, but I don't know what that means! :sweat_smile:");

                if (context != null && !context.Channel.IsPrivate)
                    await context.Message.DeleteAsync(null);