public static void EnableAutoSuggest(ComboBox tb, string[] suggestions) { // Create and assign the autocomplete source // Try to enable a more advanced settings for AutoComplete via the WinShell interface try { var source = new SourceCustomList() { StringList = suggestions.ToArray() }; // For options descriptions see: // var options = AUTOCOMPLETEOPTIONS.ACO_UPDOWNKEYDROPSLIST | AUTOCOMPLETEOPTIONS.ACO_USETAB | /* AUTOCOMPLETEOPTIONS.ACO_AUTOAPPEND | */ AUTOCOMPLETEOPTIONS.ACO_AUTOSUGGEST | AUTOCOMPLETEOPTIONS.ACO_WORD_FILTER; AutoCompleteExt.Enable(tb.Handle, source, options); } catch (Exception) { // Incase of an error, let's fall back to the default var source = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); source.AddRange(suggestions); tb.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; tb.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; tb.AutoCompleteCustomSource = source; } }
public static void DisableAutoSuggest(ComboBox tb) { tb.AutoCompleteCustomSource = null; AutoCompleteExt.Disable(tb.Handle); }