protected override void BuildInsideOfWindow() { if (TaeAnimID_Value != null) { TaeAnimID_Error = null; } if (ImportFromAnimID_Value != null) { ImportFromAnimID_Error = null; } bool isCurrentlyStandard = TaeAnimHeader.Type == TAE.Animation.MiniHeaderType.Standard; bool isCurrentlyImportOther = TaeAnimHeader.Type == TAE.Animation.MiniHeaderType.ImportOtherAnim; if (TaeAnimID_Value == null) { ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, new System.Numerics.Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1)); } ImGui.InputText("Animation ID", ref TaeAnimID_String, 256); if (ImGui.IsItemHovered() && TaeAnimID_Error != null) { ImGui.SetTooltip(TaeAnimID_Error); } if (TaeAnimID_Value == null) { ImGui.PopStyleColor(); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TaeAnimID_String)) { TaeAnimID_Value = null; TaeAnimID_Error = "Animation entry ID must be specified."; } else if (long.TryParse(TaeAnimID_String.Replace("a", "").Replace("A", "").Replace("_", ""), out long animIdParsed)) { if (IsMultiTaeSubID && animIdParsed < 0) { TaeAnimID_Error = "Animation sub-ID cannot be a negative value."; TaeAnimID_Value = null; } else if (IsMultiTaeSubID && animIdParsed > (GameDataManager.GameTypeHasLongAnimIDs ? 999999 : 9999)) { TaeAnimID_Error = $"Animation sub-ID cannot be so high it overflows into the next category (over {(GameDataManager.GameTypeHasLongAnimIDs ? 999999 : 9999)} for {GameDataManager.GameTypeName})."; TaeAnimID_Value = null; } else { TaeAnimID_Value = animIdParsed; } } else { TaeAnimID_Value = null; if (IsMultiTaeSubID) { TaeAnimID_Error = "Not a valid integer."; } else { if (GameDataManager.CurrentAnimIDFormatType == GameDataManager.AnimIDFormattingType.aXXX_YYYYYY) { TaeAnimID_Error = "Invalid ID specified. Enter an ID in either 'aXXX_YYYYYY' format or 'XXXYYYYYY' format."; } else if (GameDataManager.CurrentAnimIDFormatType == GameDataManager.AnimIDFormattingType.aXX_YY_ZZZZ) { TaeAnimID_Error = "Invalid ID specified. Enter an ID in either 'aXX_YY_ZZZZ' format or 'XXYYZZZZ' format."; } else if (GameDataManager.CurrentAnimIDFormatType == GameDataManager.AnimIDFormattingType.aXX_YYYY) { TaeAnimID_Error = "Invalid ID specified. Enter an ID in either 'aXX_YYYY' format or 'XXYYYY' format."; } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } } ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.InputText("Animation Name", ref TaeAnimName, 256); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Text("Animation Type:"); ImGui.Indent(); { ImGui.MenuItem("Standard Animation", "", isCurrentlyStandard); bool clickedStandard = ImGui.IsItemClicked(); ImGui.MenuItem("Duplicate of Other Anim Entry", "", TaeAnimHeader.Type == TAE.Animation.MiniHeaderType.ImportOtherAnim); bool clickedImportOther = ImGui.IsItemClicked(); if (clickedStandard && !isCurrentlyStandard) { DialogManager.AskForMultiChoice("Change Animation Type", "Change animation type, losing the values you entered?", (cancelType, answer) => { if (cancelType != CancelTypes.None) { return; } if (answer == "YES") { TaeAnimHeader = new TAE.Animation.AnimMiniHeader.Standard(); } }, CancelTypes.Combo_ClickTitleBarX_PressEscape, "YES", "NO"); } else if (clickedImportOther && !isCurrentlyImportOther) { DialogManager.AskForMultiChoice("Change Animation Type", "Change animation type, losing the values you entered?", (cancelType, answer) => { if (cancelType != CancelTypes.None) { return; } if (answer == "YES") { TaeAnimHeader = new TAE.Animation.AnimMiniHeader.ImportOtherAnim(); } }, CancelTypes.Combo_ClickTitleBarX_PressEscape, "YES", "NO"); } } ImGui.Unindent(); if (TaeAnimHeader is TAE.Animation.AnimMiniHeader.ImportOtherAnim asImportOtherAnim) { ImGui.Text("Properties - Duplicate of Other Anim Entry:"); ImGui.Indent(); { if (ImportFromAnimID_Value == null) { ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, new System.Numerics.Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1)); } ImGui.InputText("Duplicate of Animation ID", ref ImportFromAnimID_String, 256); if (ImGui.IsItemHovered() && ImportFromAnimID_Error != null) { ImGui.SetTooltip(ImportFromAnimID_Error); } if (ImportFromAnimID_Value == null) { ImGui.PopStyleColor(); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ImportFromAnimID_String)) { ImportFromAnimID_Value = asImportOtherAnim.ImportFromAnimID = -1; } else if (int.TryParse(ImportFromAnimID_String.Replace("a", "").Replace("A", "").Replace("_", ""), out int importFromIdParsed)) { ImportFromAnimID_Value = asImportOtherAnim.ImportFromAnimID = importFromIdParsed; } else { ImportFromAnimID_Value = null; if (GameDataManager.CurrentAnimIDFormatType == GameDataManager.AnimIDFormattingType.aXXX_YYYYYY) { ImportFromAnimID_Error = "Invalid ID specified. Leave the box blank to specify no animation or enter an ID in either 'aXXX_YYYYYY' format or 'XXXYYYYYY' format."; } else if (GameDataManager.CurrentAnimIDFormatType == GameDataManager.AnimIDFormattingType.aXX_YY_ZZZZ) { ImportFromAnimID_Error = "Invalid ID specified. Leave the box blank to specify no animation or enter an ID in either 'aXX_YY_ZZZZ' format or 'XXYYZZZZ' format."; } else if (GameDataManager.CurrentAnimIDFormatType == GameDataManager.AnimIDFormattingType.aXX_YYYY) { ImportFromAnimID_Error = "Invalid ID specified. Leave the box blank to specify no animation or enter an ID in either 'aXX_YYYY' format or 'XXYYYY' format."; } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } asImportOtherAnim.Unknown = MenuBar.IntItem("Unknown Value", asImportOtherAnim.Unknown); } ImGui.Unindent(); } else if (TaeAnimHeader is TAE.Animation.AnimMiniHeader.Standard asStandard) { ImGui.Text("Properties - Standard Animation:"); ImGui.Indent(); { asStandard.ImportsHKX = MenuBar.CheckboxBig("Import Other HKX", asStandard.ImportsHKX); if (ImportFromAnimID_Value == null) { ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, new System.Numerics.Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1)); } ImGui.InputText("Import HKX ID", ref ImportFromAnimID_String, 256); if (ImGui.IsItemHovered() && ImportFromAnimID_Error != null) { ImGui.SetTooltip(ImportFromAnimID_Error); } if (ImportFromAnimID_Value == null) { ImGui.PopStyleColor(); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ImportFromAnimID_String)) { ImportFromAnimID_Value = asStandard.ImportHKXSourceAnimID = -1; } else if (int.TryParse(ImportFromAnimID_String.Replace("a", "").Replace("A", "").Replace("_", ""), out int importFromIdParsed)) { ImportFromAnimID_Value = asStandard.ImportHKXSourceAnimID = importFromIdParsed; } else { ImportFromAnimID_Value = null; if (GameDataManager.CurrentAnimIDFormatType == GameDataManager.AnimIDFormattingType.aXXX_YYYYYY) { ImportFromAnimID_Error = "Invalid ID specified. Leave the box blank to specify no animation or enter an ID in either 'aXXX_YYYYYY' format or 'XXXYYYYYY' format."; } else if (GameDataManager.CurrentAnimIDFormatType == GameDataManager.AnimIDFormattingType.aXX_YY_ZZZZ) { ImportFromAnimID_Error = "Invalid ID specified. Leave the box blank to specify no animation or enter an ID in either 'aXX_YY_ZZZZ' format or 'XXYYZZZZ' format."; } else if (GameDataManager.CurrentAnimIDFormatType == GameDataManager.AnimIDFormattingType.aXX_YYYY) { ImportFromAnimID_Error = "Invalid ID specified. Leave the box blank to specify no animation or enter an ID in either 'aXX_YYYY' format or 'XXYYYY' format."; } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } asStandard.AllowDelayLoad = MenuBar.CheckboxBig("Allow loading from DelayLoad ANIBNDs", asStandard.AllowDelayLoad); asStandard.IsLoopByDefault = MenuBar.CheckboxBig("Enable Looping", asStandard.IsLoopByDefault); } ImGui.Unindent(); } ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Button("Delete This Animation..."); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { DialogManager.AskForMultiChoice("Permanently Delete Animation Entry?", $"Are you sure you want to delete the current animation?\nThis can NOT be undone!", (cancelType, answer) => { if (answer == "YES") { WasAnimDeleted = true; CancelType = CancelTypes.ClickedAcceptButton; Dismiss(); DialogManager.DialogOK("Success", "Animation deleted successfully."); } }, CancelTypes.Combo_ClickTitleBarX_PressEscape, "YES", "NO"); } ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Button("Cancel & Discard Changes"); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { CancelType = CancelTypes.ClickTitleBarX; Dismiss(); } bool invalidState = (ImportFromAnimID_Value == null || TaeAnimID_Value == null); if (invalidState) { Tools.PushGrayedOut(); } ImGui.Button("Apply & Save Changes"); if (invalidState) { Tools.PopGrayedOut(); if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { ImGui.SetTooltip("Cannot accept changes until the animation ID formatting errors (shown in red) are fixed."); } } if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { if (!invalidState) { CancelType = CancelTypes.ClickedAcceptButton; Dismiss(); } } //throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static void BuildMenuBar() { bool isAnyMenuExpanded = false; if (ImGui.BeginMenu("File")) { isAnyMenuExpanded = true; bool clickedOpen = ClickItem("Open..."); ImGui.Separator(); bool isRecentFilesExpanded = ImGui.BeginMenu("Recent Files"); if (isRecentFilesExpanded) { if (ClickItem("Clear all recent files...")) { DialogManager.AskForMultiChoice("Clear Recent Files", "Clear all recent files?", (cancelType, answer) => { if (answer == "YES") { lock (Main.Config._lock_ThreadSensitiveStuff) { Main.Config.RecentFilesList.Clear(); } Main.SaveConfig(); } }, Dialog.CancelTypes.Combo_ClickTitleBarX_PressEscape, "YES", "NO"); } ImGui.Separator(); try { string fileOpened = null; lock (Main.Config._lock_ThreadSensitiveStuff) { foreach (var f in Main.Config.RecentFilesList) { if (fileOpened == null && ClickItem(f)) { fileOpened = f; } } } if (fileOpened != null) { Tae.DirectOpenFile(fileOpened); } } catch { } ImGui.EndMenu(); } ImGui.Separator(); bool clickedReloadGameParam = ClickItem("Reload GameParam and FMGs", enabled: Tae.IsFileOpen); ImGui.Separator(); bool clickedSave = ClickItem("Save", enabled: Tae.IsFileOpen && Tae.IsModified, shortcut: "Ctrl+S"); bool clickedSaveAs = ClickItem("Save As...", enabled: Tae.IsFileOpen, shortcut: "Ctrl+Shift+S"); bool clickedExportTAE = ClickItem("Export *.TAE Containing The Currently Selected Animation...", enabled: Tae.SelectedTae != null); ImGui.Separator(); var prevValueSaveAdditionalEventRowInfoToLegacyGames = Main.Config.SaveAdditionalEventRowInfoToLegacyGames; var nextValueSaveAdditionalEventRowInfoToLegacyGames = Checkbox("Save Row Data To Legacy Games", prevValueSaveAdditionalEventRowInfoToLegacyGames, enabled: true, shortcut: "DeS/DS1 Only"); if (nextValueSaveAdditionalEventRowInfoToLegacyGames != prevValueSaveAdditionalEventRowInfoToLegacyGames) { if (nextValueSaveAdditionalEventRowInfoToLegacyGames) { DialogManager.AskYesNo("Warning", "This option has not been tested in the long run and may cause the game to behave " + "\nstrangely, or it may not. Are you sure you wish to use this option? " + "\nNote: effect is reversable if you run into issues.", choice => { if (choice) { Main.Config.SaveAdditionalEventRowInfoToLegacyGames = true; if (GameDataManager.GameTypeUsesLegacyEmptyEventGroups) { Tae.StripExtraEventGroupsInAllLoadedFilesIfNeeded(); } } }, allowCancel: true, enterKeyForYes: false); } else { DialogManager.AskYesNo("Warning", "Disabling this option will IMMEDIATELY REMOVE ALL of the extra row data from all " + "\nanimations in anibnd files which utilized this option previously and make them all use the standard " + "\nautomatic row sorting, which will PERMANENTLY save into the file when resaved. " + "\nAre you sure you wish to do this?", choice => { if (choice) { Main.Config.SaveAdditionalEventRowInfoToLegacyGames = false; Tae.StripExtraEventGroupsInAllLoadedFilesIfNeeded(); } }, allowCancel: true, enterKeyForYes: false); } } ImGui.Separator(); bool clickedLiveRefreshNow = ClickItem("(DS3/DS1R Only) Force Ingame Character Reload Now", enabled: Tae.IsFileOpen && GameDataManager.GameType == SoulsAssetPipeline.SoulsGames.DS1R || GameDataManager.GameType == SoulsAssetPipeline.SoulsGames.DS3, shortcut: "F5"); bool liveRefreshOnSaveValue = Checkbox( "(DS3/DS1R Only) Force Ingame Character Reload Upon Saving", Tae.Config.LiveRefreshOnSave); ImGui.Separator(); bool clickedSaveConfigManually = ClickItem("Save Config File"); Main.DisableConfigFileAutoSave = !Checkbox("Enable Config File Autosaving", !Main.DisableConfigFileAutoSave); bool clickedLoadConfigManually = ClickItem("Reload Config File"); ImGui.Separator(); bool clickedExit = ClickItem("Exit"); // Only do the interaction layer with the main window if the recent files list isn't covering it... if (!isRecentFilesExpanded) { if (clickedOpen) { Tae.File_Open(); } if (clickedReloadGameParam) { LoadingTaskMan.DoLoadingTask("FileReloadGameParam", "Reloading GameParam and FMGs...", prog => { GameDataManager.ReloadParams(); GameDataManager.ReloadFmgs(); Tae.Graph?.ViewportInteractor?.CurrentModel?.RescanNpcParams(); Tae.Graph?.ViewportInteractor?.OnScrubFrameChange(); }, disableProgressBarByDefault: true); } if (clickedSave) { Tae.SaveCurrentFile(); } if (clickedSaveAs) { Tae.File_SaveAs(); } if (clickedExportTAE) { Tae.Tools_ExportCurrentTAE(); } if (clickedLiveRefreshNow) { Tae.LiveRefresh(); } Tae.Config.LiveRefreshOnSave = liveRefreshOnSaveValue; if (clickedSaveConfigManually) { Main.SaveConfig(isManual: true); } if (clickedLoadConfigManually) { Main.LoadConfig(isManual: true); } if (clickedExit) { Main.WinForm.Close(); } } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Edit")) { isAnyMenuExpanded = true; if (ClickItem("Undo", Tae.UndoMan?.CanUndo ?? false, "Ctrl+Z")) { Tae.UndoMan?.Undo(); } if (ClickItem("Redo", Tae.UndoMan?.CanRedo ?? false, "Ctrl+Y")) { Tae.UndoMan?.Redo(); } ImGui.Separator(); if (ClickItem("Collapse All TAE Sections", Tae.IsFileOpen)) { Tae.SetAllTAESectionsCollapsed(true); } if (ClickItem("Expand All TAE Sections", Tae.IsFileOpen)) { Tae.SetAllTAESectionsCollapsed(false); } ImGui.Separator(); if (ClickItem("Find Value...", Tae.IsFileOpen, "Ctrl+F")) { Tae.ShowDialogFind(); } if (ClickItem("Go To Animation ID...", Tae.IsFileOpen, "Ctrl+G")) { Tae.ShowDialogGotoAnimID(); } if (ClickItem("Go To Animation Section ID...", Tae.IsFileOpen, "Ctrl+H")) { Tae.ShowDialogGotoAnimSectionID(); } if (ClickItem("Import From Animation ID...", Tae.IsFileOpen, "Ctrl+I")) { Tae.ShowDialogImportFromAnimID(); } ImGui.Separator(); if (ClickItem("Change Type of Selected Event", Tae.IsFileOpen && Tae.SingleEventBoxSelected, "F1")) { Tae.ChangeTypeOfSelectedEvent(); } if (ClickItem("Edit Current Animation Name...", Tae.IsFileOpen, "F2")) { Tae.ShowDialogChangeAnimName(); } if (ClickItem("Edit Current Animation Properties...", Tae.IsFileOpen, "F3")) { Tae.ShowDialogEditCurrentAnimInfo(); } if (ClickItem("Go to Referenced Event Source Animation", Tae.IsFileOpen, "F4")) { Tae.GoToEventSource(); } if (ClickItem("Duplicate Animation", Tae.IsFileOpen, "Insert")) { Tae.DuplicateCurrentAnimation(); } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Event Graph")) { isAnyMenuExpanded = true; Tae.Config.EventSnapType = EnumSelectorItem <TaeEditor.TaeConfigFile.EventSnapTypes>("Snap Events To Framerate", Tae.Config.EventSnapType, new Dictionary <TaeEditor.TaeConfigFile.EventSnapTypes, string> { { TaeEditor.TaeConfigFile.EventSnapTypes.None, "None" }, { TaeEditor.TaeConfigFile.EventSnapTypes.FPS30, "30 FPS (used by FromSoft)" }, { TaeEditor.TaeConfigFile.EventSnapTypes.FPS60, "60 FPS" }, }, enabled: Tae.IsFileOpen); ImGui.Separator(); Tae.Config.IsNewGraphVisiMode = Checkbox("Use New Graph Design", Tae.Config.IsNewGraphVisiMode); Tae.Config.EnableFancyScrollingStrings = Checkbox("Use Fancy Text Scrolling", Tae.Config.EnableFancyScrollingStrings); Tae.Config.FancyScrollingStringsScrollSpeed = FloatSlider("Fancy Text Scroll Speed", Tae.Config.FancyScrollingStringsScrollSpeed, 1, 256, "%f pixels/sec"); ImGui.Separator(); Tae.Config.AutoCollapseAllTaeSections = Checkbox("Start with all TAE sections collapsed", Tae.Config.AutoCollapseAllTaeSections); ImGui.Separator(); Tae.Config.AutoScrollDuringAnimPlayback = Checkbox("Auto-scroll During Anim Playback", Tae.Config.AutoScrollDuringAnimPlayback); ImGui.Separator(); Tae.Config.SoloHighlightEventOnHover = Checkbox("Solo Highlight Event on Hover", Tae.Config.SoloHighlightEventOnHover); Tae.Config.ShowEventHoverInfo = Checkbox("Show Event Info Popup When Hovering Over Event", Tae.Config.ShowEventHoverInfo); ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Simulation")) { foreach (var thing in TaeEditor.TaeEventSimulationEnvironment.AllEntryDisplayNames) { Tae.Config.EventSimulationsEnabled[thing.Key] = Checkbox(thing.Value, Tae.Config.EventSimulationsEnabled[thing.Key]); } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Animation")) { isAnyMenuExpanded = true; Tae.Config.LockFramerateToOriginalAnimFramerate = Checkbox( "Lock to Frame Rate Defined in HKX", Tae.Config.LockFramerateToOriginalAnimFramerate, shortcut: Tae.PlaybackCursor != null ? $"({((int)Math.Round(Tae.PlaybackCursor.CurrentSnapFPS))} FPS)" : null); TaeEditor.TaePlaybackCursor.GlobalBasePlaybackSpeed = FloatSlider("Playback Speed", TaeEditor.TaePlaybackCursor.GlobalBasePlaybackSpeed * 100f, 0, 100, "%.2f %%") / 100f; ImGui.Separator(); Tae.Config.EnableAnimRootMotion = Checkbox( "Enable Root Motion", Tae.Config.EnableAnimRootMotion); Tae.Config.CameraFollowsRootMotion = Checkbox( "Camera Follows Root Motion Translation", Tae.Config.CameraFollowsRootMotion); Tae.Config.CameraFollowsRootMotionRotation = Checkbox( "Camera Follows Root Motion Rotation", Tae.Config.CameraFollowsRootMotionRotation); Tae.Config.WrapRootMotion = Checkbox( "Prevent Root Motion From Reaching End Of Grid", Tae.Config.WrapRootMotion); ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("FMOD Sound")) { isAnyMenuExpanded = true; if (ClickItem("Retry Initialization", !FmodManager.IsInitialized)) { FmodManager.InitTest(); Tae.Graph?.ViewportInteractor?.LoadSoundsForCurrentModel(); } if (ClickItem("STOP ALL SOUNDS", FmodManager.IsInitialized, "Escape")) { FmodManager.StopAllSounds(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Load Additional Sounds", enabled: FmodManager.IsInitialized && FmodManager.MediaPath != null)) { string[] fevFiles = Directory.GetFiles(FmodManager.MediaPath, "*.fev"); for (int i = 0; i < fevFiles.Length; i++) { var shortName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fevFiles[i]); if (ClickItem(shortName, shortcut: FmodManager.LoadedFEVs.Contains(shortName) ? "(Loaded)" : null)) { int underscoreIndex = shortName.IndexOf('_'); if (underscoreIndex >= 0) { shortName = shortName.Substring(Math.Min(underscoreIndex + 1, shortName.Length - 1)); } FmodManager.LoadInterrootFEV(shortName); } } ImGui.EndMenu(); } ImGui.Separator(); FmodManager.ArmorMaterial = EnumSelectorItem("Player Armor Material", FmodManager.ArmorMaterial, new Dictionary <FmodManager.ArmorMaterialType, string> { { FmodManager.ArmorMaterialType.Plates, "Platemail" }, { FmodManager.ArmorMaterialType.Chains, "Chainmail" }, { FmodManager.ArmorMaterialType.Cloth, "Cloth" }, { FmodManager.ArmorMaterialType.None, "Naked" }, }); if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Footstep Material")) { foreach (var mat in FmodManager.FloorMaterialNames) { if (ClickItem($"Material {mat.Key:D2}", shortcut: mat.Value, shortcutColor: Color.White)) { FmodManager.FloorMaterial = mat.Key; } } ImGui.EndMenu(); } ImGui.EndMenu(); } //TODO - HELP. BETTER. void DoWindow(Window w) { w.IsOpen = Checkbox(w.Title, w.IsOpen); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Tools")) { isAnyMenuExpanded = true; if (ClickItem("Combo Viewer", shortcut: "F8")) { Tae.ShowComboMenu(); } #if DEBUG if (ClickItem("Scan for Unused Animations", shortcut: "[DEBUG]", textColor: Color.Red, shortcutColor: Color.Red)) { Tae.Tools_ScanForUnusedAnimations(); } #endif if (ClickItem("Downgrade Havok 2015 ANIBND(s) to 2010...", shortcut: "For DS1R/Sekiro", shortcutColor: Color.Cyan)) { Tae.Tools_DowngradeSekiroAnibnds(); } if (ClickItem("Import all DS1:PTDE ANIBNDs to DS1R...", shortcut: "Much faster than above option,\n" + "but requires an unpacked copy of both games.", shortcutColor: Color.Magenta)) { Tae.Tools_ImportAllPTDEAnibndToDS1R(); } ImGui.Separator(); if (ClickItem("Open Animation Importer")) { Tae.BringUpImporter_FBXAnim(); } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Window")) { DoWindow(OSD.WindowEntitySettings); //DoWindow(OSD.WindowEditPlayerEquip); //handled in player menu //DoWindow(OSD.WindowHelp); //handled in help menu DoWindow(OSD.WindowSceneManager); DoWindow(OSD.WindowToolbox); if (OSD.EnableDebugMenu) { ImGui.Separator(); DoWindow(OSD.WindowDebug); } else { OSD.WindowDebug.IsOpen = false; } ImGui.EndMenu(); } ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, Color.Cyan.ToNVector4()); bool helpMenu = ImGui.BeginMenu("Help"); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); if (helpMenu) { isAnyMenuExpanded = true; OSD.WindowHelp.IsOpen = Checkbox("Show Basic Help Window", OSD.WindowHelp.IsOpen, textColor: Color.White); ImGui.Separator(); if (ClickItem("Souls Modding Discord Server", textColor: Color.White, shortcut: "?ServerName? (", shortcutColor: Color.Cyan)) { Process.Start(""); } if (ClickItem("My Discord Server (Less Active)", textColor: Color.White, shortcut: "Meowmaritus Zone (", shortcutColor: Color.Cyan)) { Process.Start(""); } ImGui.EndMenu(); } ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, Color.Lime.ToNVector4()); bool supportMenu = ImGui.BeginMenu("Support Meowmaritus"); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); if (supportMenu) { isAnyMenuExpanded = true; if (ClickItem("On Patreon...", textColor: Color.Lime, shortcut: "(", shortcutColor: Color.Lime)) { Process.Start(""); } if (ClickItem("On Paypal...", textColor: Color.Lime, shortcut: "(", shortcutColor: Color.Lime)) { Process.Start(""); } if (ClickItem("On Ko-fi...", textColor: Color.Lime, shortcut: "(", shortcutColor: Color.Lime)) { Process.Start(""); } ImGui.EndMenu(); } IsAnyMenuOpen = isAnyMenuExpanded; IsAnyMenuOpenChanged = IsAnyMenuOpen != prevIsAnyMenuOpen; prevIsAnyMenuOpen = IsAnyMenuOpen; }