        /// <summary>
        ///     Reverse the linked list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list">Reverse the list.</param>
        public static void ReverseLinkedList(SingleLinkedList <T> list)
            //Empty list check.
            if (list.StartNode == null)

            //Take 3 pointer .
            //Current will point with the first node .
            var currentPointer = list.StartNode;
            //Previous pointer at the beginning points nothing .
            SingleLinkListNode <T> previousPointer = null;
            //Following pointer will also points at the beginning to the first node.
            var followingPointer = list.StartNode;

            //Unless dead end.
            while (currentPointer != null)
                //First we will move following pointer one step ahead.
                followingPointer = followingPointer.Link;
                //Now We will link the previous with the current pointer.
                currentPointer.Link = previousPointer;
                //Now bring previous to the current.
                previousPointer = currentPointer;
                //Next current pointer will be moved to following pointer.
                currentPointer = followingPointer;

            //At the end all pointer except previous will be null .
            list.StartNode = previousPointer;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Merged sort recursion.
        /// </summary>
        private static SingleLinkListNode <T> MergeSortRecursion(SingleLinkListNode <T> startNode)
            //First check the list should contain minimum two nodes.
            if (startNode == null)

            if (startNode.Link == null)

            //Divide the list in two part.0
            var firstListStartPoint  = startNode;
            var secondListStartPoint = Divide(startNode);
            //apply recursion
            var startOne = MergeSortRecursion(firstListStartPoint);
            var startTwo = MergeSortRecursion(secondListStartPoint);
            var newListStartNode = Merge(startOne, startTwo);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Create a sorted single linked list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private SingleLinkListNode <T> CreateSortedSingleList()
            //Create a new node mark it as a start node .
            SingleLinkListNode <T> startNode = null;
            //End pointer .
            SingleLinkListNode <T> endPointer = null;

            //Ask user for number of initial element in the list .
            Console.Write("\n\nNumber of initial element in the list :  ");
            //Read input .
            var initialElementCount = Console.ReadLine();
            //it should be integer .
            var testInt = int.TryParse(initialElementCount, out var elementCount);

            //test int failed just return.
            if (!testInt)
            //Element count negative just return
            if (elementCount <= 0)
            //Take input
            for (var i = 0; i < elementCount; i++)
                //Enter the input .
                Console.Write("Enter the {0} element : ", i + 1);
                //received input.
                var value = Console.ReadLine();
                //Convert input to type T .
                var inputReceived = (T)Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(T));
                //Insert at the end of the list.
                if (startNode == null)
                    startNode  = new SingleLinkListNode <T>(inputReceived);
                    endPointer = startNode;
                    //Create a new node .
                    var newNode = new SingleLinkListNode <T>(inputReceived);
                    //Check the sorting criteria.
                    if (endPointer <= newNode)
                        endPointer.Link = newNode;
                        endPointer      = endPointer.Link;
                        throw new NullReferenceException("Not In sorted order");

        /// <summary>
        ///     Sort Linked List Using Bubble Sort.
        ///     This method Will Swap The Reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list"></param>
        public static void BubbleSortTwo(SingleLinkedList <T> list)
            //Start node .
            if (list.StartNode == null)
            var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            //Take a pointer to point the current node.
            SingleLinkListNode <T> currentPointer;

            //Iteration block for total pass .
            for (SingleLinkListNode <T> endPointer = null;
                 endPointer != list.StartNode.Link;
                 endPointer = currentPointer)
                //Take a pointer to point the previous node of the current node.
                SingleLinkListNode <T> previousPointer = null; // you can initialize it to the start node also .
                for (currentPointer = list.StartNode;
                     currentPointer.Link != endPointer;
                     previousPointer = currentPointer, currentPointer = currentPointer.Link)
                    //Take a pointer to point the next node to the current node.
                    var nextPointer = currentPointer.Link;
                    //check swap.
                    if (currentPointer > nextPointer)
                        currentPointer.Link = nextPointer.Link;
                        nextPointer.Link    = currentPointer;
                        //When no node before current node.
                        //If you have initialize it to the start node then check for the start node .
                        if (previousPointer == null)
                            list.StartNode = nextPointer;
                            previousPointer.Link = nextPointer;

                        //Change the reference .
                        var temp = currentPointer;
                        currentPointer = nextPointer;
                        nextPointer    = temp;

            // Get the elapsed time as a TimeSpan value.
            var ts = stopwatch.Elapsed;
            // Format and display the TimeSpan value.
            var elapsedTime = $"{ts.Hours:00}:{ts.Minutes:00}:{ts.Seconds:00}.{ts.Milliseconds / 10:00}";

            Console.WriteLine("\t[SingleLinkedList : ]Time Taken to complete the sorting process = {0}", elapsedTime);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Sort Linked List Using Bubble Sort .
        ///     This Method will Only swap the info part .
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list"></param>
        public static void BubbleSortOne(SingleLinkedList <T> list)
            var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            if (list.StartNode == null)
            //Initially endPointer is pointing end of a list ie. null
            //Taking another pointer current pointing the first node .
            SingleLinkListNode <T> currentPointer;

            //First Loop Iterate (Number of nodes - 1) times.
            //When EndPointer reaches to the at the second node of the list it means loop is sorted .
            for (SingleLinkListNode <T> endPointer = null;
                 endPointer != list.StartNode.Link;
                 endPointer = currentPointer)
                for (currentPointer = list.StartNode;
                     currentPointer.Link != endPointer;
                     currentPointer = currentPointer.Link)
                    //Next Pointer will point the next node of current pointer.
                    var nextPointer = currentPointer.Link;
                    //check swap.
                    if (currentPointer <= nextPointer)
                    //Perform swap.
                    var temp = currentPointer.Info;
                    currentPointer.Info = nextPointer.Info;
                    nextPointer.Info    = temp;

            // Get the elapsed time as a TimeSpan value.
            var ts = stopwatch.Elapsed;
            // Format and display the TimeSpan value.
            var elapsedTime = $"{ts.Hours:00}:{ts.Minutes:00}:{ts.Seconds:00}.{ts.Milliseconds / 10:00}";

            Console.WriteLine("\t[SingleLinkedList : ]Time Taken to complete the sorting process = {0}", elapsedTime);
 /// <summary>
 ///     Print list .
 /// </summary>
 public static void PrintList(SingleLinkListNode <T> startNode)
     Console.WriteLine("\n\n[LinkedListUtilities]Printing List. ");
     if (startNode == null)
         Console.WriteLine("\t[LinkedListUtilities :Empty List.");
         //Set up an pointer .
         var pointer = startNode;
         //Pointer not null.
         while (pointer != null)
             Console.WriteLine("{0}", pointer.Info);
             //Move forward.
             pointer = pointer.Link;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Divide.
        /// </summary>
        private static SingleLinkListNode <T> Divide(SingleLinkListNode <T> currentNode)
            //Take a pointer which points to the current node .
            var currentPointer = currentNode;
            //Take a pointer which points next node of the next node of the current node.
            var nextPointer = currentPointer.Link.Link;

            //check for null.
            while (nextPointer != null && nextPointer.Link != null)
                //Move forward .
                currentPointer = currentPointer.Link;
                nextPointer    = nextPointer.Link.Link;

            //New node.
            var newStartNode = currentPointer.Link;

            //Break the list.
            currentPointer.Link = null;
            //Go to the next node of the current pointer .
        /// <summary>
        ///     Merge two sorted list by changing reference .
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startNodeOfFirstLinkList"></param>
        /// <param name="startNodeOfSecondLinkList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static SingleLinkListNode <T> Merge(SingleLinkListNode <T> startNodeOfFirstLinkList,
                                                   SingleLinkListNode <T> startNodeOfSecondLinkList)
            //create a start node for the new list .
            SingleLinkListNode <T> newListStartNode = null;
            //create a end pointer for the new list .
            //it always points the end node of the new list.
            SingleLinkListNode <T> endPointer = null;
            //First List Pointer .
            var firstListPointer = startNodeOfFirstLinkList;
            //Second List Pointer .
            var secondListPointer = startNodeOfSecondLinkList;

            //Iterate unless one of the list comes to the end .
            while (firstListPointer != null && secondListPointer != null)
                //compare .
                //Node of first list is greater than node of second list.
                //The smaller one will be taken.
                //We will increment the pointer of the list whose element is selected and added to the next list.
                if (firstListPointer > secondListPointer)
                    //if we are adding first element .
                    if (newListStartNode == null)
                        //Set up the start node .
                        newListStartNode = secondListPointer;
                        //set up the end pointer .
                        endPointer = secondListPointer;
                        //Adding at the end of the end pointer .
                        endPointer.Link = secondListPointer;
                        //increment the end pointer of the new list .
                        endPointer = endPointer.Link;

                    //Increment the pointer.
                    secondListPointer = secondListPointer.Link;
                    //if we are adding first element .
                    if (newListStartNode == null)
                        //Set up the start node .
                        newListStartNode = firstListPointer;
                        //set up the end pointer .
                        endPointer = firstListPointer;
                        //Adding at the end of the end pointer .
                        endPointer.Link = firstListPointer;
                        //increment the end pointer of the new list .
                        endPointer = endPointer.Link;

                    //Increment the pointer.
                    firstListPointer = firstListPointer.Link;

            //Add all the elements  of the Unfinished first list .
            if (firstListPointer != null)
                endPointer.Link = firstListPointer;

            //Add all the element of the Unfinished second list.
            if (secondListPointer != null)
                endPointer.Link = secondListPointer;
