Inheritance: InventoryItem
        public MapItem CreateItem(int itemID,string name,string description, string graphic, int value  
            ,bool equippable,int armourRating, int damageRating, string damageType,string category,string equippableLocation,
            int woundPotential, int stunAmount,bool stackable,int effect, int effectPower,bool isRanged)
            InventoryItem item = null;

            if (effect == -1)
                item = new InventoryItem();
                item = new ConsumableItem();

            item.Description = description;

            string chosenGraphic = String.Empty;

            //Does graphic contain multiple choices?
            if (graphic.Contains(","))
                //yes, lets split it
                var graphics = graphic.Split(',');

                //use random to determine which one we want
                chosenGraphic = graphics[GameState.Random.Next(graphics.Length)];

                item.Graphic = SpriteManager.GetSprite((LocalSpriteName)Enum.Parse(typeof(LocalSpriteName), chosenGraphic));
                item.Graphic = SpriteManager.GetSprite((LocalSpriteName)Enum.Parse(typeof(LocalSpriteName), graphic));

            item.InInventory = false;
            item.InternalName = name;
            item.IsEquippable = equippable;
            item.IsEquipped = false;
            item.MayContainItems = true;
            item.Name = name;
            item.Category = (InventoryCategory) Enum.Parse(typeof(InventoryCategory), category);
            item.BaseValue = value;
            item.ArmourRating = armourRating;
            item.DamageDice = damageRating;
            item.StunAmount = stunAmount;
            item.WoundPotential = woundPotential;
            item.WeaponType = damageType;
            item.Stackable = stackable;
            item.TotalAmount = 1;
            item.IsRanged = isRanged;

            if (effect != -1)
                (item as ConsumableItem).Effects = (ConsumableEffect) effect;
                (item as ConsumableItem).EffectPower = effectPower;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(equippableLocation))
                item.EquippableLocation = (EquipmentLocation)Enum.Parse(typeof(EquipmentLocation), equippableLocation);

            return item;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates an animal actor, together with it's Map Character from it's parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Actor GenerateAnimal(AnimalData data)
            //Load the race data
            data.RaceData = ActorGeneration.ReadRaceData(data.RaceID);

            Actor actor = new Actor();

            actor.Anatomy = ActorGeneration.GenerateAnatomy("human");
            actor.Attributes = new SkillsAndAttributes();
            actor.Attributes.Actor = actor;

            actor.Attributes.Health = actor.Anatomy;
            actor.Attributes.HandToHand = GameState.Random.Next(data.MinLevel, data.MaxLevel);
            actor.Attributes.Evasion = GameState.Random.Next(data.MinLevel, data.MaxLevel);

            actor.EnemyData = new EnemyData();
            actor.EnemyData.EnemyLineOfSight = data.LineOfSight;
            actor.EnemyData.Intelligent = false;
            actor.EnemyData.Profession = ActorProfession.WARRIOR;
            actor.EnemyData.EnemyName = data.Name;

            actor.Gender = Gender.U;
            actor.Inventory = new ActorInventory();

            if (data.MeatAmount > 0)
                //Create some meat
                ConsumableItem meat = new ConsumableItem();
                meat.ArmourRating = 0;
                meat.BaseValue = 50;
                meat.Category = InventoryCategory.SUPPLY;
                meat.Description = "The meat of a " + data.Name;
                meat.EffectPower = 1;
                meat.Effects = ConsumableEffect.FEED;
                meat.Graphic = SpriteManager.GetSprite(LocalSpriteName.STEAK);
                meat.InternalName = "meat";
                meat.IsEquippable = false;
                meat.InInventory = true;
                meat.IsEquipped = false;
                meat.MayContainItems = true;
                meat.Name = data.Name + " meat";
                meat.Stackable = true;
                meat.TotalAmount = data.MeatAmount;

                actor.Inventory.Inventory.Add(meat.Category, meat);

            if (data.HideAmount > 0)
                //Create a hide
                InventoryItem hide = new InventoryItem();
                hide.ArmourRating = 0;
                hide.BaseValue = data.HideValue;
                hide.Category = InventoryCategory.LOOT;
                hide.Description = "The hide of a " + data.Name;
                hide.Graphic = SpriteManager.GetSprite(LocalSpriteName.HIDE);
                hide.InInventory = true;
                hide.InternalName = "hide";
                hide.IsEquippable = false;
                hide.IsEquipped = false;
                hide.MayContainItems = true;
                hide.Name = data.Name + " hide";
                hide.Stackable = true;
                hide.TotalAmount = data.HideAmount;

                actor.Inventory.Inventory.Add(hide.Category, hide);

            actor.IsAggressive = data.IsAggressive;
            actor.IsAlive = true;
            actor.IsAnimal = true;
            actor.IsDomesticatedAnimal = data.Domesticated;
            actor.IsPlayerCharacter = false;
            actor.IsStunned = false;
            actor.Name = data.Name;
            actor.UnarmedDamageDice = data.DamageDice;
            actor.UniqueId = Guid.NewGuid();

            LocalCharacter lc = new LocalCharacter();
            lc.Actor = actor;
            lc.Description = data.Name;

            //Pick a graphic
            string graphic = data.GraphicsList[GameState.Random.Next(data.GraphicsList.Length)];

            lc.Graphic = (SpriteManager.GetSprite((LocalSpriteName) Enum.Parse(typeof(LocalSpriteName),graphic)));

            lc.InternalName = data.Name;
            lc.IsStunned = false;
            lc.LineOfSightRange = data.LineOfSight;
            lc.MayContainItems = false;
            lc.Name = data.Name;

            actor.MapCharacter = lc;

            return actor;