public DecisionPopupComponent(int locationX, int locationY, string title, string text, SpriteData image, DecisionPopupChoice[] decisions)
            this.locationX = locationX;
            this.locationY = locationY;
            this.decisions = decisions;
            this.title = title;
            this.text = text;
            this.image = image;
            this.visible = true;

            PerformDrag(0, 0); //Trigger the drag code
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Decision Popup Component from a game event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locationX"></param>
        /// <param name="locationY"></param>
        /// <param name="gameEvent"></param>
        public DecisionPopupComponent(int locationX, int locationY, GameEvent gameEvent)
            this.locationX = locationX;
            this.locationY = locationY;

            this.decisions = gameEvent.EventChoices.Select(ec => new DecisionPopupChoice(ec.Text,ec.InternalAction,ec.Action,ec.Agrs)).ToArray();

            this.text = gameEvent.Text;
            this.title = gameEvent.Title;
            this.image = gameEvent.Image;

            this.visible = true;

            PerformDrag(0, 0);
 /// <summary>
 /// Clones the Sprite Data
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clone"></param>
 public SpriteData(SpriteData clone)
     this.path = clone.path;
     this.sourceRectangle = clone.sourceRectangle;
     this.ColorFilter = clone.ColorFilter;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a local sprite to the lists, provided they are in a 50x50 grid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        private static void AddLocalSprite(LocalSpriteName name, string filePath, int x, int y)
            const int GRIDSIZE = 50;

            localSprites[(int)name] = new SpriteData(filePath, new Rectangle(x*GRIDSIZE, y *GRIDSIZE, GRIDSIZE, GRIDSIZE));
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the prepared grid onto the screen
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blocks"></param>
        void DrawGrid(IEnumerable<InterfaceBlock> blocks)
            Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(0, 0, TILEWIDTH, TILEHEIGHT);
            Rectangle itemRec = new Rectangle(0, 0, TILEWIDTH - 5, TILEHEIGHT - 5);

            //Set the default texture in case we don't find it
            Texture2D defTex = new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, 1, 1);
            defTex.SetData(new[] { Color.White });

            foreach (InterfaceBlock block in blocks)
                //find the location and put it in there

                rec.X = block.InterfaceX * TILEWIDTH;
                rec.Y = block.InterfaceY * TILEHEIGHT;

                //Start with the tile
                    foreach (SpriteData tileGraphic in block.TileGraphics.Reverse())
                        if (tileGraphic != null)
                            if (tileGraphic.sourceRectangle == null)
                                spriteBatch.Draw(<Texture2D>(tileGraphic.path), rec, block.IsOld ? Color.DarkGray : (tileGraphic.ColorFilter.HasValue ? tileGraphic.ColorFilter.Value : Color.White));
                            { //part of a tileset
                                spriteBatch.Draw(<Texture2D>(tileGraphic.path), rec, tileGraphic.sourceRectangle, block.IsOld ? Color.DarkGray : (tileGraphic.ColorFilter.HasValue ? tileGraphic.ColorFilter.Value : Color.White));
                    //texture not found, lets draw the default
                    spriteBatch.Draw(defTex, rec, Color.Green);

                //now draw the items

                    SpriteData[] graphics = new SpriteData[block.ItemGraphics.Length + block.ActorGraphics.Length];
                    block.ItemGraphics.CopyTo(graphics, 0);
                    block.ActorGraphics.CopyTo(graphics, block.ItemGraphics.Length);

                    if (graphics.Length != 0)
                        foreach (SpriteData itemGraphic in graphics)
                            if (itemGraphic != null)
                                if (itemGraphic.GetType().Equals(typeof(TextSpriteData)))
                                    TextSpriteData data = (TextSpriteData)itemGraphic;

                                    //Write it in the screen
                                    spriteBatch.DrawString(font, data.Text, rec, Alignment.Right | Alignment.Bottom, data.Colour);

                                    if (itemGraphic.sourceRectangle == null)
                                        spriteBatch.Draw(<Texture2D>(itemGraphic.path), rec, block.IsOld ? greyedOutColour : itemGraphic.ColorFilter.HasValue ? itemGraphic.ColorFilter.Value : Color.White);
                                    { //part of a tileset
                                        spriteBatch.Draw(<Texture2D>(itemGraphic.path), rec, itemGraphic.sourceRectangle, block.IsOld ? greyedOutColour : (itemGraphic.ColorFilter.HasValue ? itemGraphic.ColorFilter.Value : Color.White));
                    //texture not found, lets draw the default
                    spriteBatch.Draw(defTex, rec, Color.Blue);
 public static void Draw(this SpriteBatch batch, ContentManager content, SpriteData data, Rectangle drawRect, Color colour)