public void StartTest(XmlReader xmldoc, string testToRun, ref gbXMLReport gbr, string username = "******") { log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure(); TestToRun = testToRun; globalMatchObject = new gbXMLMatches(); globalMatchObject.Init(); //first create a list of lists that is indexed identically to the drop down list the user selects TestDetail = new DOEgbXMLTestDetail(); //then populate the list of lists. All indexing is done "by hand" in InitializeTestResultStrings() TestDetail.InitializeTestResultStrings(); //create report list reportlist will store all the test result ReportList = new List<DOEgbXMLReportingObj>(); //Load an XML File for the test at hand gbXMLTestFile = new XmlDocument(); gbXMLTestFile.Load(xmldoc); gbXMLStandardFile = new XmlDocument(); gbXMLStandardFile.Load(filepaths[TestToRun]); if (!TestFileIsAvailable()) { //TODO: update browser json with something to indicate there is a problem return; } //Define the namespace XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLns1 = new XmlNamespaceManager(gbXMLTestFile.NameTable); gbXMLns1.AddNamespace("gbXMLv5", ""); XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLns2 = new XmlNamespaceManager(gbXMLStandardFile.NameTable); gbXMLns2.AddNamespace("gbXMLv5", ""); List<XmlDocument> gbXMLdocs = new List<XmlDocument>(); gbXMLdocs.Add(gbXMLTestFile); gbXMLdocs.Add(gbXMLStandardFile); List<XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm = new List<XmlNamespaceManager>(); gbXMLnsm.Add(gbXMLns1); gbXMLnsm.Add(gbXMLns2); //standardizing all tests on US-IP Conversions c = new Conversions(); Conversions.volumeUnitEnum testVol = Conversions.volumeUnitEnum.CubicFeet; Conversions.volumeUnitEnum validatorVol = Conversions.volumeUnitEnum.CubicFeet; Conversions.areaUnitEnum testArea = Conversions.areaUnitEnum.SquareFeet; Conversions.areaUnitEnum validatorArea = Conversions.areaUnitEnum.SquareFeet; Conversions.lengthUnitEnum testLength = Conversions.lengthUnitEnum.Feet; Conversions.lengthUnitEnum validatorLength = Conversions.lengthUnitEnum.Feet; Conversions.lengthUnitEnum standardLength = Conversions.lengthUnitEnum.Feet; Conversions.areaUnitEnum standardArea = Conversions.areaUnitEnum.SquareFeet; Conversions.volumeUnitEnum standardVol = Conversions.volumeUnitEnum.CubicFeet; //standardize all units to feet, square feet, and cubic feet double testlengthConversion = 1; double testareaConversion = 1; double testvolumeConversion = 1; double standardlengthConversion = 1; double standardareaConversion = 1; double standardvolConversion = 1; bool mustBePlanar = false; for(int ns=0; ns< gbXMLnsm.Count; ns++) { if (ns == 0) { XmlNodeList nodes = gbXMLdocs[ns].SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML", gbXMLnsm[ns]); StandardizeToUSIP(nodes, c, ref testlengthConversion, ref testareaConversion, ref testvolumeConversion, ref testLength, ref testArea, ref testVol); } else { XmlNodeList nodes = gbXMLdocs[ns].SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML", gbXMLnsm[ns]); StandardizeToUSIP(nodes, c, ref standardlengthConversion, ref standardareaConversion, ref standardvolConversion, ref standardLength, ref standardArea, ref standardVol); } } //TODO: Add a summary of the Unit of Measures stuff above to the final result //Create a Log file that logs the success or failure of each test. //Eventually maybe I want to create a little HTML factory output = ""; log = ""; table += "<div class='container'>" + "<h3>" + "Test Sections" + "</h3>"; table += "<table class='table table-bordered'>"; table += "<tr class='info'>" + "<td>" + "Test Section Name" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Standard Result" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test File Result" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Tolerances" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Pass/Fail" + "</td>" + "</tr>"; string units; DOEgbXMLReportingObj report = new DOEgbXMLReportingObj(); CampusReport camprep = new CampusReport(); //this string I can manipulate to produce the final test output string menujson = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(gbXMLStandardFile); //prepare json for view menujson = MakeViewJson(menujson); = menujson; gbr.CampusReport = camprep; report.standResult = new List<string>(); report.testResult = new List<string>(); report.idList = new List<string>(); report.MessageList = new List<string>(); report.TestPassedDict = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); //Set up the Global Pass/Fail criteria for the test case file TestCriteria = new DOEgbXMLTestCriteriaObject(); TestCriteria.InitializeTestCriteriaWithTestName(testToRun); //needed specially for area and volume tests DOEgbXMLTestDetail afile = TestDetail.TestDetailList.Find(x => x.testName == TestToRun); BuildingSummary bs = new BuildingSummary(); bs.FileType = "Standard"; camprep.BuildingSummary.Add(bs); BuildingSummary bst = new BuildingSummary(); bst.FileType = "Test"; camprep.BuildingSummary.Add(bst); //Test 2 execute //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.AreaTolerance; //report.testType = TestType.Building_Area; //units = DOEgbXMLBasics.MeasurementUnits.sqft.ToString(); //report = GetBuildingArea(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, validatorArea, testArea, testareaConversion, standardareaConversion); logger.Info("START: BUILDING AREA TEST"); var baresult = GetBuildingArea(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep, validatorArea, testArea, testareaConversion, standardareaConversion, DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.AreaPercentageTolerance, afile ); if(!baresult) { camprep.BuildingSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false; } logger.Info("END: BUILDING AREA TEST"); //GetBuildingArea(gbXMLdocs,gbXMLnsm,) //AddToOutPut("Building Area Test Passed: ", report, true); //Test 3 execute //report.Clear(); //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SpaceCountTolerance; //report.testType = TestType.Space_Count; //units = DOEgbXMLBasics.MeasurementUnits.spaces.ToString(); //report = GetBuildingSpaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); logger.Info("START: BUILDING SPACE COUNT TEST"); SpacesSummary ssm = new SpacesSummary(); ssm.FileType = "Standard"; camprep.SpacesSummary.Add(ssm); SpacesSummary ssmt = new SpacesSummary(); ssmt.FileType = "Test"; camprep.SpacesSummary.Add(ssmt); var spctResult = GetBuildingSpaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, "", DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SpaceCountTolerance, ref camprep); if(!spctResult) { camprep.BuildingSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false; camprep.SpacesSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false; } logger.Info("END: BUILDING SPACE COUNT TEST"); //AddToOutPut("Building Space Quantity Count Test Passed: ", report, true); // Building Stories Tests.... ////Test 4 execute //report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.LevelCountTolerance; //report.testType = TestType.Building_Story_Count; //units = DOEgbXMLBasics.MeasurementUnits.levels.ToString(); //report = GetBuildingStoryCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); logger.Info("START: Building Storey Count Test"); var blstctresult = GetBuildingStoryCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep, DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.LevelCountTolerance); if(!blstctresult) { camprep.BuildingSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false; //TODO: Need a Building Story Summary Field } logger.Info("END: Building Storey Count Test"); //AddToOutPut("Building Story Count Test Passed: ", report, true); //Test 5 execute //report.Clear(); //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.LevelHeightTolerance; //report.testType = TestType.Building_Story_Z_Height; //units = DOEgbXMLBasics.MeasurementUnits.ft.ToString(); report = GetStoryHeights(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, validatorLength, testLength, testlengthConversion, standardlengthConversion); logger.Info("START: Building Storey Height Test"); var storyHeightsres = GetStoryHeights(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep, validatorLength, testLength, testlengthConversion, standardlengthConversion, DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.LevelHeightTolerance); if (!storyHeightsres) { camprep.BuildingSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false; //TODO: Need a Building Story Summary Field } logger.Info("END: Building Storey Height Test"); //AddToOutPut("Building Story Z-Height Test: ", report, true); //Test 6 execute //report.Clear(); //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.VectorAngleTolerance; //report.testType = TestType.Building_Story_PolyLoop_RHR; //units = "degrees"; //report = TestBuildingStoryRHR(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); logger.Info("START: Building Story Right Hand Rule Test."); var blstRHResult = TestBuildingStoryRHR(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep); if(!blstRHResult) { //this method has no bearing on the overall pass or fail tests. //camprep.BuildingSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false; //TODO: Need a Building Story Summary Field } logger.Info("END: Building Story Right Hand Rule Test."); //AddToOutPut("Building Story PolyLoop Right Hand Rule Test Result:", report, true); //String spShellGeometrySurfaceNum = TestShellGeomSurfaceNum(gbXMLTestFile, gbXMLns); //Space Tests ............................................................. //Test 7 execute //only needs to test the test file //report.Clear(); //report.testType = TestType.SpaceId_Match_Test; logger.Info("START: UNIQUE SPACE ID TEST"); var spaceIDresults = UniqueSpaceIdTest(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep); if(!spaceIDresults) { camprep.SpacesSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false; } logger.Info("END: UNIQUE SPACE ID TEST"); //AddToOutPut("SpaceId Match Test: ", report, true); //Test 8 execute //report.Clear(); //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SpaceAreaTolerance; //report.testType = TestType.Space_Area; //units = DOEgbXMLBasics.MeasurementUnits.sqft.ToString(); logger.Info("START: SPACE AREAS TEST"); //report = TestSpaceAreas(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, validatorArea, testArea, testareaConversion,standardareaConversion,afile); var result = TestSpaceAreas(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep, validatorArea, testArea, testareaConversion, standardareaConversion, afile, DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SpaceAreaTolerance); if(!result) { camprep.SpacesSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false; //gbxml detailed compliance results? } logger.Info("END: SPACE AREAS TEST"); //AddToOutPut("Space Areas Test: ", report, true); //Test 9 execute //report.Clear(); //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.VolumeTolerance; //report.testType = TestType.Space_Volume; //units = DOEgbXMLBasics.MeasurementUnits.cubicft.ToString(); logger.Info("START: SPACE VOLUMES TEST"); //report = TestSpaceVolumes(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, validatorVol, testVol, testvolumeConversion,standardvolConversion,afile); var volresult = TestSpaceVolumes(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep, validatorVol, testVol, testvolumeConversion, standardvolConversion, afile, DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.VolumePercentageTolerance); logger.Info("END: SPACE VOLUMES TEST"); if (!volresult) { camprep.SpacesSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false; //gbxml detailed compliance results? } //AddToOutPut("Space Volumes Test: ", report, true); //Test 10 Execute //report.Clear(); //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.VectorAngleTolerance; //report.testType = TestType.Shell_Geom_RHR; //units = "degrees"; //report = TestShellGeomPLRHR(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); //AddToOutPut("Shell Geometry RHR Test: ",report); //Surface Element tests //deprecating all counts tests as criteria for passing and failing. Use this now only to indicate counts in the surfaces summary ////Test 11 Execute //report.Clear(); //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceCountTolerance; //report.testType = TestType.Total_Surface_Count; //units = ""; //report = GetSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); //AddToOutPut("Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true); ////Surface Element tests ////Test 12 Execute //report.Clear(); //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.ExteriorWallCountTolerance; //report.testType = TestType.Exterior_Wall_Surface_Count; //units = ""; SurfaceSummary ss = new SurfaceSummary(); ss.FileType = "Standard"; camprep.SurfacesSummary.Add(ss); SurfaceSummary sst = new SurfaceSummary(); sst.FileType = "Test"; camprep.SurfacesSummary.Add(sst); //initialization of summaries complete logger.Info("START: EXTERIOR WALL COUNT"); //report = GetEWSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); var ewctresult = GetEWSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep); logger.Info("END: EXTERIOR WALL COUNT"); if (!ewctresult) { //do nothing, it has no consequence for now //gbxml detailed compliance results? } //AddToOutPut("Exterior Wall Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true); //report.Clear(); //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceCountTolerance; //report.testType = TestType.Underground_Surface_Count; //units = ""; //report = GetUGSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); logger.Info("START: UNDERGROUND WALL COUNT"); var ugwctresult = GetUGSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep); if (!ugwctresult) { //do nothing, it has no consequence for now //gbxml detailed compliance results? } logger.Info("END: UNDERGROUND WALL COUNT"); //AddToOutPut("Underground Wall Count Test Result: ", report, true); logger.Info("START: SLABONGRADE COUNT"); var sogctresult = GetSOGSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep); if (!sogctresult) { //do nothing, it has no consequence for now //gbxml detailed compliance results? } logger.Info("END: SLABONGRADE WALL COUNT"); ////Surface Element tests ////Test 13 Execute //report.Clear(); //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.InteriorWallCountTolerance; //report.testType = TestType.Interior_Wall_Surface_Count; //units = ""; logger.Info("START: INTERIOR WALL COUNT"); //report = GetIWSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); var iwctresult = GetIWSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep); if (!iwctresult) { //do nothing, it has no consequence for now //gbxml detailed compliance results? } logger.Info("END: INTERIOR WALL COUNT"); //AddToOutPut("Interior Wall Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true); ////Surface Element tests ////Test 13 Execute //report.Clear(); //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.InteriorFloorCountTolerance; //report.testType = TestType.Interior_Floor_Surface_Count; //units = ""; //report = GetIFSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); logger.Info("START: INTERIOR FLOOR/CEILING COUNT"); var ifctresult = GetIFSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep); if (!ifctresult) { //do nothing, it has no consequence for now //gbxml detailed compliance results? } logger.Info("END: INTERIOR FLOOR/CEILING COUNT"); //AddToOutPut("Interior Floor Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true); ////Surface Element tests ////Test 14 Execute //report.Clear(); //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.InteriorWallCountTolerance; //report.testType = TestType.Roof_Surface_Count; //units = ""; //report = GetRoofSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); logger.Info("START: ROOF COUNT"); var irctresult = GetRoofSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep); if (!irctresult) { //do nothing, it has no consequence for now //gbxml detailed compliance results? } logger.Info("END: ROOF COUNT"); //AddToOutPut("Roof Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true); ////Surface Element tests ////Test 15 Execute //report.Clear(); //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.InteriorWallCountTolerance; //report.testType = TestType.Shading_Surface_Count; //units = ""; //report = GetShadeSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); logger.Info("START: SHADING DEVICE COUNT"); var shadectresult = GetShadeSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep); if (!shadectresult) { //do nothing, it has no consequence for now //gbxml detailed compliance results? } //AddToOutPut("Shading Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true); logger.Info("END: SHADING DEVICE COUNT"); ////Test 16 Execute //report.Clear(); //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.AirWallCountTolerance; //report.testType = TestType.Air_Surface_Count; //units = ""; //report = GetAirSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); logger.Info("START: AIR SURFACE COUNT"); var asctresult = GetAirSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep); if (!asctresult) { //do nothing, it has no consequence for now //gbxml detailed compliance results? } logger.Info("END: AIR SURFACE COUNT"); //AddToOutPut("Air Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true); #region surface detailed test //Jan 31-2012: We may not want to perform these if the surface counts fail, but for now, we will include these tests //Detailed Surface Checks //Store Surface Element Information List<SurfaceDefinitions> TestSurfaces = new List<SurfaceDefinitions>(); XmlDocument TestFile = gbXMLdocs[0]; XmlNamespaceManager TestNSM = gbXMLnsm[0]; List<SurfaceDefinitions> StandardSurfaces = new List<SurfaceDefinitions>(); XmlDocument StandardFile = gbXMLdocs[1]; XmlNamespaceManager StandardNSM = gbXMLnsm[1]; TestSurfaces = GetFileSurfaceDefs(TestFile, TestNSM); StandardSurfaces = GetFileSurfaceDefs(StandardFile, StandardNSM); string TestSurfaceTable = " <div class='container'><table class='table table-bordered'>"; TestSurfaceTable += "<tr class='info'>" + "<td>" + "Test Section Name" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Stand Surface ID" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Surface ID" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Stand Surface Tilt" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Surface Tilt" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Stand Surface Azimuth" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Surface Azimuth" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Stand Surface Height" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Surface Height" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Stand Surface Width" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Surface Width" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Pass/Fail" + "</td>" + "</tr>"; //Test Surfaces Planar Test //all polyloops must be such that the surface defined by the coordinates is planar //report.Clear(); //report.testType = TestType.Surface_Planar_Test; logger.Info("START: SURFACE PLANARITY TEST"); //report = TestSurfacePlanarTest(TestSurfaces, report); var planarityResult = TestSurfacePlanarTest(TestSurfaces,ref camprep); if (!planarityResult) { camprep.SurfacesSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false; //gbxml detailed compliance results? } logger.Info("END: SURFACE PLANARITY TEST"); //if (!report.passOrFail && mustBePlanar) //{ // AddToOutPut("Test File Planar Surface Check: ", report, true); // report.Clear(); //} //only run detailed surface checks if the surfaces are planar if(planarityResult) { //<For each surface in the Standard File, try to find a match for this surface in the test file> //Written Jan 31, 2013 by Chien Si Harriman, Senior Product Manager, Carmel Software Corporation //Execute Tests // globalMatchObject.MatchedSurfaceIds = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); int i = 1; foreach (SurfaceDefinitions surface in StandardSurfaces) { report.Clear(); DetailedSurfaceSummary ssSummary = new DetailedSurfaceSummary(); //multiple tolerances used report.testType = TestType.Detailed_Surface_Checks; report.subTestIndex = i; if (surface.SurfaceId == "su-zone_5_Srf_7" || surface.SurfaceId == "su-zone_0_Srf_0") { var d = 1; } logger.Info("START: DETAILED SURFACE TEST"); GetSurfaceMatches(surface, TestSurfaces, ref ssSummary, validatorLength, testLength, testlengthConversion, standardlengthConversion, validatorArea, testArea, testareaConversion, standardareaConversion); logger.Info("END: DETAILED SURFACE TEST"); camprep.SurfacesReport.Add(ssSummary); } #endregion #region opending detailed test //openings detailed tests List<OpeningDefinitions> TestOpenings = new List<OpeningDefinitions>(); XmlDocument testFile = gbXMLdocs[0]; XmlNamespaceManager testNSM = gbXMLnsm[0]; List<OpeningDefinitions> StandardOpenings = new List<OpeningDefinitions>(); XmlDocument standardFile = gbXMLdocs[1]; XmlNamespaceManager standardNSM = gbXMLnsm[1]; TestOpenings = GetFileOpeningDefs(TestFile, TestNSM); StandardOpenings = GetFileOpeningDefs(StandardFile, StandardNSM); string TestOpeningTable = ""; report.Clear(); report.testType = TestType.Opening_Planar_Test; report = TestOpeningPlanarTest(TestOpenings, report); if (!report.passOrFail) { AddToOutPut("Test File Planar Opening Check: ", report, true); report.Clear(); } //only run detailed opening checks if the opening are planar else { TestOpeningTable = "<div class='container'><table class='table table-bordered'>"; TestOpeningTable += "<tr class='info'>" + "<td>" + "Test Section Name" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Standard Opening Id" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Opening Id" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Standard Parent Surface Id" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Parent Surface Id" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Standard Parent Azimuth" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Parent Azimuth" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Standard Parent Tilt" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Parent Tilt" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Standard Surface Area" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Surface Area" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Pass/Fail" + "</td>" + "</tr>"; globalMatchObject.MatchedOpeningIds = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); int j = 1; //if no openings remove the table. if (StandardOpenings.Count < 1) TestOpeningTable = ""; //compare the openings foreach (OpeningDefinitions opening in StandardOpenings) { report.Clear(); report.testType = TestType.Detailed_Opening_Checks; report.subTestIndex = j; report = GetPossibleOpeningMatches(opening, TestOpenings, report); AddToOutPut("Test 17 for Opening number " + j + " Result: ", report, false); foreach (OpeningDefinitions to in TestOpenings) { if (globalMatchObject.MatchedOpeningIds.ContainsKey(opening.OpeningId)) { foreach (string id in globalMatchObject.MatchedOpeningIds[opening.OpeningId]) { if (to.OpeningId == id) { if (report.passOrFail) TestOpeningTable += "<tr class='success'>" + "<td>" + "<a href='TestDetailPage.aspx?type=" + (int)report.testType + "&subtype=" + report.subTestIndex + "' target='_blank'>" + "Detailed Opening Checks " + report.subTestIndex + "</a>" + "</td>" + "<td>" + opening.OpeningId + "</td>" + "<td>" + to.OpeningId + "</td>" + "<td>" + opening.ParentSurfaceId + "</td>" + "<td>" + to.ParentSurfaceId + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", opening.ParentAzimuth) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", to.ParentAzimuth) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", opening.ParentTilt) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", to.ParentTilt) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", opening.surfaceArea) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", to.surfaceArea) + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Pass" + "</td>" + "</tr>"; } } } } //if didn't find match means it failed the test if (!report.passOrFail) TestOpeningTable += "<tr class='error'>" + "<td>" + "<a href='TestDetailPage.aspx?type=" + (int)report.testType + "&subtype=" + report.subTestIndex + "' target='_blank'>" + "Detailed Opening Checks " + report.subTestIndex + "</a>" + "</td>" + "<td>" + opening.OpeningId + "</td>" + "<td>" + "---" + "</td>" + "<td>" + opening.ParentSurfaceId + "</td>" + "<td>" + "---" + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", opening.ParentAzimuth) + "</td>" + "<td>" + "---" + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", opening.ParentTilt) + "</td>" + "<td>" + "---" + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", opening.surfaceArea) + "</td>" + "<td>" + "---" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Fail" + "</td>" + "</tr>"; j += 1; } } TestOpeningTable += "</table></div><br/>"; #endregion //close table table += "</table></div><br/>"; //add TestSurfaceTable table += TestSurfaceTable + TestOpeningTable; } //CreateSummaryTable(); ((FileAppender)LogManager.GetCurrentLoggers()[0].Logger.Repository.GetAppenders()[0]).Close(); }
private void ProcessValidXML(XMLParser parser, XmlReader xmlreader2) { // Phase 2 Testing XmlDocument myxml = new XmlDocument(); myxml.Load(xmlreader2); //3-get the namespace XmlNamespaceManager nsm = parser.getnsmanager(myxml); //figure out if metric or USIP (we have not found a reason to use this yet) parser.getunits(nsm, myxml); /* Begin Parsing the XML and reporting on it----------------------------------------------------------*/ //make a reporting object DOEgbXMLPhase2Report report = new DOEgbXMLPhase2Report(); /* Basic Uniqueness Constraints check-------------------------------------------------*/ //Basic requirements check // Setup the results view for the log and web. log = ""; TestResultPanel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div class='well-lg'><h3>Test Sections</h3><table class='table table-bordered'><tr class='info'><td>Test Section Name</td><td>Tolerances</td><td>Pass/Fail</td></tr>")); //first create a list of lists that is indexed identically to the drop down list the user selects TestDetail = new DOEgbXMLTestDetail(); //then populate the list of lists. All indexing is done "by hand" in InitializeTestResultStrings() TestDetail.InitializeTestResultStrings(); //Set up the Global Pass/Fail criteria for the test case file TestCriteria = new DOEgbXMLTestCriteriaObject(); TestCriteria.InitializeTestCriteriaWithTestName(TestToRun); // ("Test1"); // Reports //ensure that all names of spaces are unique--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unique_Space_ID_Test// report.testType = TestType.Unique_Space_ID_Test; report = DOEgbXML.gbXMLSpaces.UniqueSpaceIdTest2(myxml, nsm, report); ProcessReport(report, true); report.Clear(); //ensure that all space boundary names are unique--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unique_Space_Boundary// XmlNodeList nodes = myxml.SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:Campus/gbXMLv5:Building/gbXMLv5:Space/gbXMLv5:SpaceBoundary", nsm); if (nodes.Count > 0) { spaceBoundsPresent = true; report.testType = TestType.Unique_Space_Boundary; report = DOEgbXML.gbXMLSpaces.UniqueSpaceBoundaryIdTest2(myxml, nsm, report); ProcessReport(report, true); report.Clear(); } else { //needs to be included so the report can be processed report.testType = TestType.Unique_Space_Boundary; report.passOrFail = true; report.longMsg = "A test is usually performed here to ensure Space Boundaries have valid naming conventions. This test was skipped (legally) because your file does not have space boundaries present. Continuing to next test."; ProcessReport(report, true); report.Clear(); } //Space Tests //make a simplified representation of the spaces List<DOEgbXML.gbXMLSpaces> spaces = DOEgbXML.gbXMLSpaces.getSimpleSpaces(myxml, nsm); //4-check for self-intersecting polygons //report = DOEgbXML.gbXMLSpaces.SpaceSurfacesSelfIntersectionTest(spaces, report); //report.Clear(); //check that all polyloops are in a counterclockwise direction-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Space_Surfaces_CC// report = DOEgbXML.gbXMLSpaces.SpaceSurfacesCCTest2(spaces, report); report.testType = TestType.Space_Surfaces_CC; ProcessReport(report, true); report.Clear(); //check for non-planar objects for all Spaces' polyloops-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Space_Surfaces_Planar// report.coordtol = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.VectorAngleTolerance; report = DOEgbXML.gbXMLSpaces.SpaceSurfacesPlanarTest(spaces, report); report.testType = TestType.Space_Surfaces_Planar; ProcessReport(report, true); report.Clear(); //valid space enclosure?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Check_Space_Enclosure// report.tolerance = 0.0001; //when we are comparing angles in this function, we are testing the angle between dot products report.vectorangletol = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.dotproducttol; report.lengthtol = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.lengthTolerance; //toler report.coordtol = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.coordToleranceIP; report = Validator.CheckSpaceEnclosureSG(spaces, report); report.testType = TestType.Check_Space_Enclosure; ProcessReport(report, true); report.Clear(); /* Surface tests----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Basic Requirements ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //Are there at least 4 surface definitions? (see the surface requirements at the campus node)-------------------------------------------------------At_Least_4_Surfaces// report.testType = TestType.At_Least_4_Surfaces; report = SurfaceDefinitions.AtLeast4Surfaces(myxml, nsm, report); ProcessReport(report, true); report.Clear(); //Does the AdjacentSpaceId not exceed the max number allowable?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Two_Adj_Space_Id// //this needs to be updated! report.testType = TestType.Two_Adj_Space_Id; report = SurfaceDefinitions.AtMost2SpaceAdjId(myxml, nsm, report); ProcessReport(report, true); report.Clear(); //Are all required elements and attributes in place?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Required_Surface_Fields// //report.testType = TestType.Required_Surface_Fields; //report = SurfaceDefinitions.RequiredSurfaceFields(myxml, nsm, report); //ProcessReport(report, true); //report.Clear(); //ensure that all names of surfaces are unique------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Surface_ID_Uniqueness// report.testType = TestType.Surface_ID_Uniqueness; report = DOEgbXML.SurfaceDefinitions.SurfaceIDUniquenessTest(myxml, nsm, report); ProcessReport(report, true); report.Clear(); //now grab all the surfaceIds and make them available------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Surface_Adj_Id_Match// List<string> spaceIds = new List<string>(); foreach (gbXMLSpaces s in spaces) { spaceIds.Add(; } List<SurfaceDefinitions> surfaces = DOEgbXML.XMLParser.MakeSurfaceList(myxml, nsm); //make sure the surface Adjacent space Id names match only the the space Ids gathered above. The adjacent space Ids can't have their own special values report.testType = TestType.Surface_Adj_Id_Match; report = DOEgbXML.SurfaceDefinitions.SurfaceAdjSpaceIdTest(spaceIds, surfaces, report); ProcessReport(report, true); report.Clear(); //Surface_ID_SB_Match------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Surface_ID_SB_Match// if (spaceBoundsPresent) { report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.coordToleranceIP; report.testType = TestType.Surface_ID_SB_Match; report = SurfaceDefinitions.SurfaceMatchesSpaceBoundary(myxml, nsm, report); ProcessReport(report, true); report.Clear(); } else { report.testType = TestType.Surface_ID_SB_Match; report.passOrFail = true; report.longMsg = "A test is usually performed here to ensure Space Boundaries and Surfaces share the same ID. This test was skipped (legally) because your file does not have space boundaries present. Continuing to next test."; ProcessReport(report, true); report.Clear(); } //Does the polyloop right hand rule vector form the proper azimuth and tilt? (with and without a CADModelAzimuth)----------------------------------Surface_Tilt_Az_Check// report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.VectorAngleTolerance; report.vectorangletol = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.VectorAngleTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Surface_Tilt_Az_Check; report = SurfaceDefinitions.SurfaceTiltAndAzCheck(myxml, nsm, report); ProcessReport(report, true); report.Clear(); //planar surface test-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Surface_Planar_Test// report.vectorangletol = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.VectorAngleTolerance; report = SurfaceDefinitions.TestSurfacePlanarTest(surfaces, report); report.testType = TestType.Surface_Planar_Test; ProcessReport(report, true); report.Clear(); //I must take the surfaces, group them, and rearrange any interior surfaces' coordinates that should be pointed the opposite way string searchpath = "/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:Campus/gbXMLv5:Building/gbXMLv5:Space"; List<string> spaceids = DOEgbXML.gbXMLSpaces.getSpaceIds(myxml, nsm, searchpath); Dictionary<string, List<SurfaceDefinitions>> enclosure = new Dictionary<string, List<SurfaceDefinitions>>(); foreach (string id in spaceids) { //find all surfaces with this adjacent space id, get their polyloops, and then match their polyloops List<SurfaceDefinitions> surflist = new List<SurfaceDefinitions>(); foreach (SurfaceDefinitions surf in surfaces) { foreach (var adj in surf.AdjSpaceId) { if (adj == id) { surflist.Add(surf); //don't want to add surfaces twice (slab on grade) break; } } } enclosure[id] = surflist; } //counter clockwise winding test-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Surface_CC_Test// report.testType = TestType.Surface_CC_Test; report = SurfaceDefinitions.SurfaceCCTest(enclosure, report); ProcessReport(report, true); report.Clear(); //self intersecting polygon test //report = SurfaceDefinitions.SurfaceSelfIntersectionTest(surfaces, report); //report.Clear(); //Is the Lower Left Corner properly defined? //surface enclosure tests------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Check_Surface_Enclosure// report.tolerance = 0.0001; report.vectorangletol = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.dotproducttol; report.lengthtol = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.lengthTolerance; report.coordtol = .01; report.testType = TestType.Check_Surface_Enclosure; report = Validator.CheckSurfaceEnclosure(enclosure, report); ProcessReport(report, true); report.Clear(); TestResultPanel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table></div>")); CreateSummaryTable(); }
public void StartTest(XmlReader xmldoc, string testToRun, string username) { TestToRun = testToRun; globalMatchObject = new gbXMLMatches(); globalMatchObject.Init(); //first create a list of lists that is indexed identically to the drop down list the user selects TestDetail = new DOEgbXMLTestDetail(); //then populate the list of lists. All indexing is done "by hand" in InitializeTestResultStrings() TestDetail.InitializeTestResultStrings(); //create report list reportlist will store all the test result ReportList = new List<DOEgbXMLReportingObj>(); //Load an XML File for the test at hand gbXMLTestFile = new XmlDocument(); gbXMLTestFile.Load(xmldoc); gbXMLStandardFile = new XmlDocument(); // gbXMLStandardFile.Load(filepaths[testToRun]); if (!TestFileIsAvailable()) return; //Define the namespace XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLns1 = new XmlNamespaceManager(gbXMLTestFile.NameTable); gbXMLns1.AddNamespace("gbXMLv5", ""); XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLns2 = new XmlNamespaceManager(gbXMLStandardFile.NameTable); gbXMLns2.AddNamespace("gbXMLv5", ""); //is the test file metric or not? bool isMetric = false; XmlNodeList nodes = gbXMLTestFile.SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML", gbXMLns1); foreach (XmlNode Node in nodes) { XmlAttributeCollection spaceAtts = Node.Attributes; foreach (XmlAttribute at in spaceAtts) { if (at.Name == "volumeUnit") { string type = at.Value; if (type == "CubicMeters") { isMetric = true; } else { isMetric = false; } } else if (at.Name == "areaUnit") { string type = at.Value; if (type == "CubicMeters") { isMetric = true; } else { isMetric = false; } } else if (at.Name == "lengthUnit") { string type = at.Value; if (type == "Meters") { isMetric = true; } else { isMetric = false; } } } } //if isMetric is true, then we would like to convert the test file's numbers to US-IP units if(isMetric) gbXMLTestFile = ConvertMetricToUS(gbXMLTestFile); List<XmlDocument> gbXMLdocs = new List<XmlDocument>(); gbXMLdocs.Add(gbXMLTestFile); gbXMLdocs.Add(gbXMLStandardFile); List<XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm = new List<XmlNamespaceManager>(); gbXMLnsm.Add(gbXMLns1); gbXMLnsm.Add(gbXMLns2); //Create a Log file that logs the success or failure of each test. //Eventually maybe I want to create a little HTML factory output = ""; log = ""; table += "<div class='container'>" + "<h3>" + "Test Sections" + "</h3>"; table += "<table class='table table-bordered'>"; table += "<tr class='info'>" + "<td>" + "Test Section Name" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Standard Result" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test File Result" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Tolerances" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Pass/Fail" + "</td>" + "</tr>"; string units; DOEgbXMLReportingObj report = new DOEgbXMLReportingObj(); report.standResult = new List<string>(); report.testResult = new List<string>(); report.idList = new List<string>(); report.MessageList = new List<string>(); report.TestPassedDict = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); //Set up the Global Pass/Fail criteria for the test case file TestCriteria = new DOEgbXMLTestCriteriaObject(); TestCriteria.InitializeTestCriteriaWithTestName(testToRun); //Test 2 execute report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.AreaTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Building_Area; units = DOEgbXMLBasics.MeasurementUnits.sqft.ToString(); report = GetBuildingArea(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Building Area Test Passed: ", report, true); //Test 3 execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SpaceCountTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Space_Count; units = DOEgbXMLBasics.MeasurementUnits.spaces.ToString(); report = GetBuildingSpaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Building Space Quantity Count Test Passed: ", report, true); ////Test 4 execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.LevelCountTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Building_Story_Count; units = DOEgbXMLBasics.MeasurementUnits.levels.ToString(); report = GetBuildingStoryCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Building Story Count Test Passed: ", report, true); //Test 5 execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.LevelHeightTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Building_Story_Z_Height; units = DOEgbXMLBasics.MeasurementUnits.ft.ToString(); report = GetStoryHeights(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Building Story Z-Height Test: ", report, true); //Test 6 execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.VectorAngleTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Building_Story_PolyLoop_RHR; units = "degrees"; report = TestBuildingStoryRHR(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Building Story PolyLoop Right Hand Rule Test Result:", report, true); //String spShellGeometrySurfaceNum = TestShellGeomSurfaceNum(gbXMLTestFile, gbXMLns); //Space Tests ............................................................. //Test 7 execute //only needs to test the test file report.Clear(); report.testType = TestType.SpaceId_Match_Test; report = UniqueSpaceIdTest(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report); AddToOutPut("SpaceId Match Test: ", report, true); //Test 8 execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SpaceAreaTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Space_Area; units = DOEgbXMLBasics.MeasurementUnits.sqft.ToString(); report = TestSpaceAreas(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Space Areas Test: ", report, true); //Test 9 execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.VolumeTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Space_Volume; units = DOEgbXMLBasics.MeasurementUnits.cubicft.ToString(); report = TestSpaceVolumes(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Space Volumes Test: ", report, true); //Test 10 Execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.VectorAngleTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Shell_Geom_RHR; units = "degrees"; report = TestShellGeomPLRHR(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); //AddToOutPut("Shell Geometry RHR Test: ",report); //Surface Element tests //Test 11 Execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceCountTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Total_Surface_Count; units = ""; report = GetSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true); //Surface Element tests //Test 12 Execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.ExteriorWallCountTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Exterior_Wall_Surface_Count; units = ""; report = GetEWSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Exterior Wall Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true); report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceCountTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Underground_Surface_Count; units = ""; report = GetUGSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Underground Wall Count Test Result: ", report, true); //Surface Element tests //Test 13 Execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.InteriorWallCountTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Interior_Wall_Surface_Count; units = ""; report = GetIWSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Interior Wall Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true); //Surface Element tests //Test 13 Execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.InteriorFloorCountTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Interior_Floor_Surface_Count; units = ""; report = GetIFSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Interior Floor Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true); //Surface Element tests //Test 14 Execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.InteriorWallCountTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Roof_Surface_Count; units = ""; report = GetRoofSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Roof Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true); //Surface Element tests //Test 15 Execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.InteriorWallCountTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Shading_Surface_Count; units = ""; report = GetShadeSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Shading Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true); //Test 16 Execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.AirWallCountTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Air_Surface_Count; units = ""; report = GetAirSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Air Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true); #region surface detailed test //Jan 31-2012: We may not want to perform these if the surface counts fail, but for now, we will include these tests //Detailed Surface Checks //Store Surface Element Information List<SurfaceDefinitions> TestSurfaces = new List<SurfaceDefinitions>(); XmlDocument TestFile = gbXMLdocs[0]; XmlNamespaceManager TestNSM = gbXMLnsm[0]; List<SurfaceDefinitions> StandardSurfaces = new List<SurfaceDefinitions>(); XmlDocument StandardFile = gbXMLdocs[1]; XmlNamespaceManager StandardNSM = gbXMLnsm[1]; TestSurfaces = GetFileSurfaceDefs(TestFile, TestNSM); StandardSurfaces = GetFileSurfaceDefs(StandardFile, StandardNSM); string TestSurfaceTable = " <div class='container'><table class='table table-bordered'>"; TestSurfaceTable += "<tr class='info'>" + "<td>" + "Test Section Name" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Stand Surface ID" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Surface ID" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Stand Surface Tilt" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Surface Tilt" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Stand Surface Azimuth" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Surface Azimuth" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Stand Surface Height" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Surface Height" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Stand Surface Width" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Surface Width" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Pass/Fail" + "</td>" + "</tr>"; //Test Surfaces Planar Test //all polyloops must be such that the surface defined by the coordinates is planar report.Clear(); report.testType = TestType.Surface_Planar_Test; report = TestSurfacePlanarTest(TestSurfaces, report); if (!report.passOrFail) { AddToOutPut("Test File Planar Surface Check: ", report, true); report.Clear(); } //only run detailed surface checks if the surfaces are planar else { //<For each surface in the Standard File, try to find a match for this surface in the test file> //Written Jan 31, 2013 by Chien Si Harriman, Senior Product Manager, Carmel Software Corporation //Execute Tests // globalMatchObject.MatchedSurfaceIds = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); int i = 1; foreach (SurfaceDefinitions surface in StandardSurfaces) { report.Clear(); //multiple tolerances used report.testType = TestType.Detailed_Surface_Checks; report.subTestIndex = i; //multiple units used, so ignore units report = GetPossibleSurfaceMatches(surface, TestSurfaces, report); AddToOutPut("Test 17 for Surface number " + i + " Result: ", report, false); foreach (SurfaceDefinitions ts in TestSurfaces) { if (globalMatchObject.MatchedSurfaceIds.ContainsKey(surface.SurfaceId)) { foreach (string id in globalMatchObject.MatchedSurfaceIds[surface.SurfaceId]) { if (ts.SurfaceId == id) { if (report.passOrFail) TestSurfaceTable += "<tr class='success'>" + "<td>" + "<a href='TestDetailPage.aspx?type=" + (int)report.testType + "&subtype=" + report.subTestIndex + "' target='_blank'>" + "Detailed Surface Checks " + report.subTestIndex + "</a>" + "</td>" + "<td>" + surface.SurfaceId + "</td>" + "<td>" + ts.SurfaceId + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", surface.Tilt) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", ts.Tilt) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", surface.Azimuth) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", ts.Azimuth) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", surface.Height) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", ts.Height) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", surface.Width) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", ts.Width) + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Pass" + "</td>" + "</tr>"; } } } } //if didn't find match means it failed the test if (!report.passOrFail) TestSurfaceTable += "<tr class='error'>" + "<td>" + "<a href='TestDetailPage.aspx?type=" + (int)report.testType + "&subtype=" + report.subTestIndex + "' target='_blank'>" + "Detailed Surface Checks " + report.subTestIndex + "</a>" + "</td>" + "<td>" + surface.SurfaceId + "</td>" + "<td>" + "---</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", surface.Tilt) + "</td>" + "<td>" + "---</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", surface.Azimuth) + "</td>" + "<td>" + "---</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", surface.Height) + "</td>" + "<td>" + "---</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", surface.Width) + "</td>" + "<td>" + "---</td>" + "<td>" + "Fail" + "</td>" + "</tr>"; i += 1; } TestSurfaceTable += "</table></div><br/>"; } #endregion //test 18 CountFixedWindows //Test 18 Execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.FixedWindowCountTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Fixed_Windows_Count; units = ""; report = CountFixedWindows(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Fixed Windows Count Test Result: ", report, true); //test 19 CountOperableWindows //Test 19 Execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.OperableWindowCountTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Operable_Windows_Count; units = ""; report = CountOperableWindows(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Operable Windows Count Test Result: ", report, true); //test 20 CountFixedSkylights //Test 20 Execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.FixedSkylightCountTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Fixed_Skylight_Count; units = ""; report = CountFixedSkylights(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Fixed Skylight Count Test Result: ", report, true); //test 21 CountOperableSkylights //Test 21 Execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.OperableSkylightCountTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Operable_Skylight_Count; units = ""; report = CountOperableSkylights(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Operable Skylight Count Test Result: ", report, true); //test 22 CountSlidingDoors //Test 22 Execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SlidingDoorCountTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Sliding_Doors_Count; units = ""; report = CountSlidingDoors(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Sliding Doors Count Test Result: ", report, true); //test 23 CountNonSlidingDoors //Test 23 Execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.NonSlidingDoorCountTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Non_Sliding_Doors_Count; units = ""; report = CountNonSlidingDoors(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Non Sliding Doors Count Test Result: ", report, true); //test 24 CountAirOpenings //Test 24 Execute report.Clear(); report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.AirOpeningCountTolerance; report.testType = TestType.Air_Openings_Count; units = ""; report = CountAirOpenings(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units); AddToOutPut("Air Openings Count Test Result: ", report, true); #region opending detailed test //openings detailed tests List<OpeningDefinitions> TestOpenings = new List<OpeningDefinitions>(); XmlDocument testFile = gbXMLdocs[0]; XmlNamespaceManager testNSM = gbXMLnsm[0]; List<OpeningDefinitions> StandardOpenings = new List<OpeningDefinitions>(); XmlDocument standardFile = gbXMLdocs[1]; XmlNamespaceManager standardNSM = gbXMLnsm[1]; TestOpenings = GetFileOpeningDefs(TestFile, TestNSM); StandardOpenings = GetFileOpeningDefs(StandardFile, StandardNSM); string TestOpeningTable = ""; report.Clear(); report.testType = TestType.Opening_Planar_Test; report = TestOpeningPlanarTest(TestOpenings, report); if (!report.passOrFail) { AddToOutPut("Test File Planar Opening Check: ", report, true); report.Clear(); } //only run detailed opening checks if the opening are planar else { TestOpeningTable = "<div class='container'><table class='table table-bordered'>"; TestOpeningTable += "<tr class='info'>" + "<td>" + "Test Section Name" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Standard Opening Id" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Opening Id" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Standard Parent Surface Id" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Parent Surface Id" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Standard Parent Azimuth" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Parent Azimuth" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Standard Parent Tilt" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Parent Tilt" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Standard Surface Area" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Test Surface Area" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Pass/Fail" + "</td>" + "</tr>"; globalMatchObject.MatchedOpeningIds = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); int i = 1; //if no openings remove the table. if (StandardOpenings.Count < 1) TestOpeningTable = ""; //compare the openings foreach (OpeningDefinitions opening in StandardOpenings) { report.Clear(); report.testType = TestType.Detailed_Opening_Checks; report.subTestIndex = i; report = GetPossibleOpeningMatches(opening, TestOpenings, report); AddToOutPut("Test 17 for Opening number " + i + " Result: ", report, false); foreach (OpeningDefinitions to in TestOpenings) { if (globalMatchObject.MatchedOpeningIds.ContainsKey(opening.OpeningId)) { foreach (string id in globalMatchObject.MatchedOpeningIds[opening.OpeningId]) { if (to.OpeningId == id) { if (report.passOrFail) TestOpeningTable += "<tr class='success'>" + "<td>" + "<a href='TestDetailPage.aspx?type=" + (int)report.testType + "&subtype=" + report.subTestIndex + "' target='_blank'>" + "Detailed Opening Checks " + report.subTestIndex + "</a>" + "</td>" + "<td>" + opening.OpeningId + "</td>" + "<td>" + to.OpeningId + "</td>" + "<td>" + opening.ParentSurfaceId + "</td>" + "<td>" + to.ParentSurfaceId + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", opening.ParentAzimuth) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", to.ParentAzimuth) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", opening.ParentTilt) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", to.ParentTilt) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", opening.surfaceArea) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", to.surfaceArea) + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Pass" + "</td>" + "</tr>"; } } } } //if didn't find match means it failed the test if (!report.passOrFail) TestOpeningTable += "<tr class='error'>" + "<td>" + "<a href='TestDetailPage.aspx?type=" + (int)report.testType + "&subtype=" + report.subTestIndex + "' target='_blank'>" + "Detailed Opening Checks " + report.subTestIndex + "</a>" + "</td>" + "<td>" + opening.OpeningId + "</td>" + "<td>" + "---" + "</td>" + "<td>" + opening.ParentSurfaceId + "</td>" + "<td>" + "---" + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", opening.ParentAzimuth) + "</td>" + "<td>" + "---" + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", opening.ParentTilt) + "</td>" + "<td>" + "---" + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", opening.surfaceArea) + "</td>" + "<td>" + "---" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Fail" + "</td>" + "</tr>"; i += 1; } } TestOpeningTable += "</table></div><br/>"; #endregion //close table table += "</table></div><br/>"; //add TestSurfaceTable table += TestSurfaceTable + TestOpeningTable; CreateSummaryTable(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //create testlist for creating dropdown list iteams dynamically DOEgbXMLTestDetail testList = new DOEgbXMLTestDetail(); testList.InitializeTestResultStrings(); //create dropdownlist items base on the tests if (DropDownList1 != null) { string selectedValue = DropDownList1.SelectedValue; //clear all iteam DropDownList1.Items.Clear(); foreach (DOEgbXMLTestDetail detail in testList.TestDetailList) //if test is the one selected before select it if (detail.testName == selectedValue) { DropDownList1.Items.Add(new ListItem(detail.testName, detail.testName, true)); DropDownList1.SelectedValue = selectedValue; } else DropDownList1.Items.Add(new ListItem(detail.testName, detail.testName)); } if (DropDownList2 != null) { string selectedValue = DropDownList2.SelectedValue; //clear all iteam DropDownList2.Items.Clear(); //get all of the available XSDs var root = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; var path = root + "SupportFiles//XSD"; string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.xsd"); for(int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) files[i] = Path.GetFileName(files[i]); foreach (string file in files) //if test is the one selected before select it if (file == selectedValue) { DropDownList2.Items.Add(new ListItem(file, file, true)); DropDownList2.SelectedValue = selectedValue; } else DropDownList2.Items.Add(new ListItem(file, file)); } if (TestSummuryLabel != null) { //show the test summary of the selected test foreach (DOEgbXMLTestDetail detail in testList.TestDetailList) if (detail.testName == DropDownList1.SelectedValue) { TestSummuryLabel.Text = detail.testSummary; break; } } }