        public static long DateDiff(Recur.FrequencyType frequency, Date_Time dt1, Date_Time dt2, DayOfWeek firstDayOfWeek)
            if (frequency == Recur.FrequencyType.YEARLY)
                return(dt2.Year - dt1.Year);

            if (frequency == Recur.FrequencyType.MONTHLY)
                return((dt2.Month - dt1.Month) + (12 * (dt2.Year - dt1.Year)));

            if (frequency == Recur.FrequencyType.WEEKLY)
                // Get the week of year of the time frame we want to calculate
                int firstEvalWeek = _Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(dt2.Value, System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, firstDayOfWeek);

                // Count backwards in years, calculating how many weeks' difference we have between
                // first and second dates
                Date_Time evalDate = dt2.Copy();
                while (evalDate.Year > dt1.Year)
                    firstEvalWeek += _Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(new DateTime(evalDate.Year - 1, 12, 31), System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, firstDayOfWeek);
                    evalDate       = evalDate.AddYears(-1);

                // Determine the difference, in weeks, between the start date and the evaluation period.
                int startWeek = _Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(dt1.Value, System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, firstDayOfWeek);
                return(firstEvalWeek - startWeek);

            TimeSpan ts = dt2 - dt1;

            if (frequency == Recur.FrequencyType.DAILY)

            if (frequency == Recur.FrequencyType.HOURLY)

            if (frequency == Recur.FrequencyType.MINUTELY)

            if (frequency == Recur.FrequencyType.SECONDLY)

 public static Date_Time AddFrequency(Recur.FrequencyType frequency, Date_Time dt, int interval)
     switch (frequency)
         case Recur.FrequencyType.YEARLY: return dt.AddYears(interval);
         case Recur.FrequencyType.MONTHLY: return dt.AddMonths(interval);
         case Recur.FrequencyType.WEEKLY: return dt.AddDays(interval * 7);
         case Recur.FrequencyType.DAILY: return dt.AddDays(interval);
         case Recur.FrequencyType.HOURLY: return dt.AddHours(interval);
         case Recur.FrequencyType.MINUTELY: return dt.AddMinutes(interval);
         case Recur.FrequencyType.SECONDLY: return dt.AddSeconds(interval);
         default: return dt;
        public static Date_Time AddFrequency(Recur.FrequencyType frequency, Date_Time dt, int interval)
            switch (frequency)
            case Recur.FrequencyType.YEARLY: return(dt.AddYears(interval));

            case Recur.FrequencyType.MONTHLY: return(dt.AddMonths(interval));

            case Recur.FrequencyType.WEEKLY: return(dt.AddDays(interval * 7));

            case Recur.FrequencyType.DAILY: return(dt.AddDays(interval));

            case Recur.FrequencyType.HOURLY: return(dt.AddHours(interval));

            case Recur.FrequencyType.MINUTELY: return(dt.AddMinutes(interval));

            case Recur.FrequencyType.SECONDLY: return(dt.AddSeconds(interval));

            default: return(dt);
        public List <Date_Time> Evaluate(Date_Time StartDate, Date_Time FromDate, Date_Time ToDate)
            List <Date_Time> DateTimes = new List <Date_Time>();


            // If the Recur is restricted by COUNT, we need to evaluate just
            // after any static occurrences so it's correctly restricted to a
            // certain number. NOTE: fixes bug #13 and bug #16
            if (Count > 0)
                FromDate = StartDate;
                foreach (Date_Time dt in StaticOccurrences)
                    if (FromDate < dt)
                        FromDate = dt.AddSeconds(1);

            // Handle "UNTIL" values that are date-only. If we didn't change values here, "UNTIL" would
            // exclude the day it specifies, instead of the inclusive behaviour it should exhibit.
            if (Until != null && !Until.HasTime)
                Until.Value = new DateTime(Until.Year, Until.Month, Until.Day, 23, 59, 59, Until.Value.Kind);

            // Ignore recurrences that occur outside our time frame we're looking at
            if ((Until != null && FromDate > Until) ||
                ToDate < StartDate)

            // Narrow down our time range further to avoid over-processing
            if (Until != null && Until < ToDate)
                ToDate = Until;
            if (StartDate > FromDate)
                FromDate = StartDate;

            // If the frequency is WEEKLY, and the interval is greater than 1,
            // then we need to ensure that the StartDate occurs in one of the
            // "active" weeks, to ensure that we properly "step" through weeks.
            // NOTE: Fixes bug #1741093 - WEEKLY frequency eval behaves strangely
            if (Frequency == FrequencyType.WEEKLY &&
                Interval > 1)
                // Get the week of year of the time frame we want to calculate
                int firstEvalWeek = m_Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(FromDate.Value, System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, Wkst);

                // Count backwards in years, calculating how many weeks' difference we have between
                // start date and evaluation period.
                Date_Time evalDate = FromDate;
                while (evalDate.Year > StartDate.Year)
                    firstEvalWeek += m_Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(new DateTime(evalDate.Year - 1, 12, 31), System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, Wkst);
                    evalDate       = evalDate.AddYears(-1);

                // Determine the difference, in weeks, between the start date and the evaluation period.
                int startWeek       = m_Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(StartDate.Value, System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, Wkst);
                int weeksDifference = firstEvalWeek - startWeek;

                // Determine how many weeks the evaluation period needs to change
                // in order to "align" to the start date week, given the specified interval.
                int offset = 0;
                while (weeksDifference % Interval != 0)

                // Offset the week back to a "compatible" week for evaluation
                FromDate = FromDate.AddDays(-offset * 7);

            // Create a temporary recurrence for populating
            // missing information using the 'StartDate'.
            Recur r = new Recur();


            // If an INTERVAL was not specified, default to 1

            // Fill in missing, necessary ByXXX values

            // Get the occurrences
            foreach (Date_Time occurrence in r.GetOccurrences(FromDate.Copy(), ToDate, r.Count))
                // NOTE:
                // Used to be DateTime.AddRange(r.GetOccurrences(FromDate.Copy(), ToDate, r.Count))
                // By doing it this way, fixes bug #19.
                if (!DateTimes.Contains(occurrence))

            // Limit the count of returned recurrences
            if (Count != int.MinValue &&
                DateTimes.Count > Count)
                DateTimes.RemoveRange(Count, DateTimes.Count - Count);

            // Process the UNTIL, and make sure the DateTimes
            // occur between FromDate and ToDate
            for (int i = DateTimes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Date_Time dt = (Date_Time)DateTimes[i];
                if (dt > ToDate ||
                    dt < FromDate)

            // Assign missing values
            foreach (Date_Time dt in DateTimes)

            // Ensure that DateTimes have an assigned time if they occur less than dailyB
            foreach (Date_Time dt in DateTimes)
                if (Frequency < FrequencyType.DAILY)
                    dt.HasTime = true;
