protected virtual void OnBusesNbSwitchPage(object o, Gtk.SwitchPageArgs args) { currentPageWidget = buses_Nb.CurrentPageWidget as BusPageWidget; if (currentPageWidget == null) { buses_Nb.CurrentPage = 0; currentPageWidget = buses_Nb.CurrentPageWidget as BusPageWidget; } UpdateComboBox(currentPageWidget.CurrentComboBox); }
protected virtual void OnNewTabActionActivated(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { TabWidget tab = new TabWidget(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("(No Title)"), buses_Nb, buses_Nb.NPages); BusPageWidget page = new BusPageWidget(tab); page.ShowAll(); page.Explorator = DBusExplorator.SessionExplorator; FeedBusComboBox(page.Explorator.AvailableBusNames, page); buses_Nb.AppendPage(page, tab); // Switch to the newly append page which trigger the normal events buses_Nb.CurrentPage = buses_Nb.NPages - 1; }
void FeedBusComboBox(IEnumerable <string> buses, BusPageWidget page) { ComboBox cb = ComboBox.NewText(); foreach (string s in buses) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { continue; } cb.AppendText(s); } UpdateComboBox(cb); page.CurrentComboBox = cb; }
public BusContentView(BusPageWidget page) { = page; this.Model = this.model = new TreeStore(typeof(string), typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof(object)); CellRendererText textCell = new CellRendererText(); TreeViewColumn col = this.AppendColumn("Name", textCell, "text", 0); this.AppendColumn(" ", new CellRendererPixbuf(), "pixbuf", 1); col.Clickable = true; col.Clicked += OnColumnLblClicked; this.Selection.Mode = SelectionMode.Browse; this.SearchColumn = 0; this.SearchEqualFunc = delegate(TreeModel mdl, int column, string key, TreeIter iter) { string row = mdl.GetValue(iter, 0) as string; return((row == null) ? false : !(row.StartsWith(key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); }; this.model.SetSortFunc(0, delegate(TreeModel mdl, TreeIter tia, TreeIter tib) { IElement a = mdl.GetValue(tia, 2) as IElement; IElement b = mdl.GetValue(tib, 2) as IElement; if (b == null || a == null) { return(0); } else { return(a.CompareTo(b)); } }); this.CursorChanged += OnRowSelected; }
void OnAvailableNamesUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e) { DBusExplorator exp = sender as DBusExplorator; if (exp == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < buses_Nb.NPages; i++) { BusPageWidget page = buses_Nb.GetNthPage(i) as BusPageWidget; if (page == null) { continue; } if (page.Explorator != exp) { continue; } FeedBusComboBox(exp.AvailableBusNames, page); } }
void FeedBusComboBox(IEnumerable<string> buses, BusPageWidget page) { ComboBox cb = ComboBox.NewText(); var sortedBuses = new List<string>(buses); sortedBuses.Sort( (a, b) => { if (!a.StartsWith(":") && !b.StartsWith(":")) { return a.CompareTo(b); } if (a.StartsWith(":") && b.StartsWith(":")) { return a.Substring(1).CompareTo(b.Substring(1)); } if (a.StartsWith(":")) return 1; if (b.StartsWith(":")) return -1; return 0; } ); foreach (string s in sortedBuses) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) continue; cb.AppendText(s); } UpdateComboBox(cb); page.CurrentComboBox = cb; }
void FeedBusComboBox(IEnumerable<string> buses, BusPageWidget page) { ComboBox cb = ComboBox.NewText(); foreach (string s in buses) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) continue; cb.AppendText(s); } UpdateComboBox(cb); page.CurrentComboBox = cb; }