    public static int JdRole(string page)

            string pname = page.Substring(page.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserID"] == null)

                return 0;
                if (dbs == null)
                    dbs = new DBAdapter();
                string querylist = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select ModuleID from StationRole  where UserID='" + HttpContext.Current.Session["UserID"] + "'").ToString();
                if (querylist == "")
                    return 0;
                    return int.Parse(dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select count(*) from  ModuleManage where charindex('" + pname + "',page)>0 and  id in (0" + querylist + "0)"));
    public static DataTable ExRtnEB(string userid, string dpt, string ostation, string tstation, string accountcode, string Years, string month,string T,string id)
        if (dbs == null)
            dbs = new DBAdapter();
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Type", typeof(string)));
        dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Used", typeof(string)));
        dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Budget", typeof(string)));
        dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Station", typeof(string)));
        string thestation = ostation;
        string sss = "station2";
        if (ostation != tstation)
            thestation = tstation;
            sss = "tsation";
        string ExT = "";
        string ExC = "";
        if (T == "T")
            ExT = "a.id<>'" + id + "' and ";
            ExC = "a.id<>'" + id + "' and ";
        string travelUsed = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountP),0)+isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountC),0) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where  " + ExT + " a.type='0' and a.status<>'3' and  " + sss + "='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND MONTH(tdate)='" + month + "' and year(tdate)='" + Years + "'").ToString();
        string commUsed = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(b.CostCenterAmount) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExC + " a.type='0'  and a.status<>'3' and   " + sss + "='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  AND MONTH(tdate)='" + month + "' and year(tdate)='" + Years + "'").ToString();
        string Budget = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT sum(b.Amount) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + thestation + "' AND b.BaccountCode='" + accountcode + "' AND b.MONTHS='" + month + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "'");
        double tt = jds(travelUsed) + jds(commUsed);

        DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
        dr["Type"] = "站点";
        dr["Used"] = tt.ToString("F2");
        dr["Budget"] = jds(Budget).ToString("F2");
        dr["Station"] = thestation;
        if (ostation != tstation)
            string qtravelUsed3 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountP),0)+isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountC),0) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExT + " a.type='0' and a.status<>'3' and  station2='" + tstation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND year(tdate)='" + Years + "'").ToString();
            string qcommUsed3 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(b.CostCenterAmount) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where "+ExC+" a.type='0' and a.status<>'3' and  station2='" + tstation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' ").ToString();
            string qBudget3 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT sum(b.Amount) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + tstation + "' AND b.BaccountCode='" + accountcode + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "' ");
            double qtt3 = jds(qtravelUsed3) + jds(qcommUsed3);
            DataRow qdr3 = dt.NewRow();
            qdr3["Type"] = "全年站点";
            qdr3["Used"] = qtt3.ToString("F2");
            qdr3["Budget"] = jds(qBudget3).ToString("F2");
            qdr3["Station"] = thestation;
            //string mmm = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT count(*) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + thestation + "' AND b.SACCOUNDCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND b.MONTHS='" + month + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "'");
            //if (int.Parse(mmm) > 0)
            string type = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT count(*) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + thestation + "' AND b.BaccountCode='" + accountcode + "' AND b.MONTHS='" + month + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "' and userid='" + userid + "'");
            string depp = "Deptment";
            //if (int.Parse(type) > 0)
            //    depp = "Deptment";
            string travelUsed2 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountP),0)+isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountC),0) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExT + " a.type='0'  and a.status<>'3' and station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND MONTH(tdate)='" + month + "' and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and a.Department='" + dpt + "'").ToString();
            string commUsed2 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(b.CostCenterAmount) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExC + " a.type='0' and a.status<>'3' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  AND MONTH(tdate)='" + month + "' and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and a.Department='" + dpt + "'").ToString();
            string Budget2 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT sum(b.Amount) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + thestation + "' AND b.SACCOUNDCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND b.MONTHS='" + month + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "' and " + depp + "='" + dpt + "'");
            double tt2 = jds(travelUsed2) + jds(commUsed2);
            DataRow dr2 = dt.NewRow();
            dr2["Type"] = "部门";
            dr2["Used"] = tt2.ToString("F2");
            dr2["Budget"] = jds(Budget2).ToString("F2");
            dr2["Station"] = thestation;

            //if (int.Parse(type) > 0)
            string travelUsed1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountP),0)+isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountC),0) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExT + "  a.type='0' and a.status<>'3' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND MONTH(tdate)='" + month + "' and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and PersonID='" + userid + "'").ToString();
            string commUsed1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(b.CostCenterAmount) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExC + " a.type='0' and a.status<>'3' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  AND MONTH(tdate)='" + month + "' and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and PersonID='" + userid + "'").ToString();
            string Budget1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT sum(b.Amount) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + thestation + "' AND b.BaccountCode='" + accountcode + "' AND b.MONTHS='" + month + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "' and userid='" + userid + "'");
            double tt1 = jds(travelUsed1) + jds(commUsed1);
            DataRow dr1 = dt.NewRow();
            dr1["Type"] = "个人";
            dr1["Used"] = tt1.ToString("F2");
            dr1["Budget"] = jds(Budget1).ToString("F2");
            dr1["Station"] = thestation;

            string qtravelUsed1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountP),0)+isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountC),0) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExT + " a.type='0' and a.status<>'3' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and PersonID='" + userid + "'").ToString();
            string qcommUsed1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(b.CostCenterAmount) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExC + " a.type='0' and a.status<>'3' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and PersonID='" + userid + "'").ToString();
            string qBudget1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT sum(b.Amount) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + thestation + "' AND b.BaccountCode='" + accountcode + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "' and userid='" + userid + "'");
            double qtt1 = jds(qtravelUsed1) + jds(qcommUsed1);
            DataRow qdr1 = dt.NewRow();
            qdr1["Type"] = "全年个人";
            qdr1["Used"] = qtt1.ToString("F2");
            qdr1["Budget"] = jds(qBudget1).ToString("F2");
            qdr1["Station"] = thestation;

            string qtravelUsed2 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountP),0)+isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountC),0) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExT + "  a.type='0' and a.status<>'3' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and a.Department='" + dpt + "'").ToString();
            string qcommUsed2 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(b.CostCenterAmount) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExC + " a.type='0' and a.status<>'3' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and a.Department='" + dpt + "'").ToString();
            string qBudget2 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT sum(b.Amount) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + thestation + "' AND b.BaccountCode='" + accountcode + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "' and Deptment='" + dpt + "'");
            double qtt2 = jds(qtravelUsed2) + jds(qcommUsed2);
            DataRow qdr2 = dt.NewRow();
            qdr2["Type"] = "全年部门";
            qdr2["Used"] = qtt2.ToString("F2");
            qdr2["Budget"] = jds(qBudget2).ToString("F2");
            qdr2["Station"] = thestation;
            string qtravelUsed3 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountP),0)+isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountC),0) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExT + "  a.type='0' and a.status<>'3' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND year(tdate)='" + Years + "'").ToString();
            string qcommUsed3 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(b.CostCenterAmount) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExC + " a.type='0' and a.status<>'3' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' ").ToString();
            string qBudget3 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT sum(b.Amount) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + thestation + "' AND b.BaccountCode='" + accountcode + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "' ");
            double qtt3 = jds(qtravelUsed3) + jds(qcommUsed3);
            DataRow qdr3 = dt.NewRow();
            qdr3["Type"] = "全年站点";
            qdr3["Used"] = qtt3.ToString("F2");
            qdr3["Budget"] = jds(qBudget3).ToString("F2");
            qdr3["Station"] = thestation;

            //    string travelUsed1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountP),0)+isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountC),0) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where  a.type='0' and a.status<>'3' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND MONTH(tdate)='" + month + "' and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and PersonID='" + userid + "'").ToString();
            //    string commUsed1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(b.CostCenterAmount) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where  a.type='0' and a.status<>'3' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  AND MONTH(tdate)='" + month + "' and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and PersonID='" + userid + "'").ToString();
            //    string Budget1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT sum(b.Amount) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + thestation + "' AND b.SACCOUNDCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND b.MONTHS='" + month + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "' and userid='" + userid + "'");
            //    double tt1 = jds(travelUsed1) + jds(commUsed1);
            //    DataRow dr1 = dt.NewRow();
            //    dr1["Type"] = "个人";
            //    dr1["Used"] = tt1.ToString("F2");
            //    dr1["Budget"] = jds(Budget1).ToString("F2");
            //    dr1["Station"] = thestation;
            //    dt.Rows.Add(dr1);

            //    string qtravelUsed1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountP),0)+isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountC),0) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where  a.type='0' and a.status<>'3' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and PersonID='" + userid + "'").ToString();
            //    string qcommUsed1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(b.CostCenterAmount) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where  a.type='0' and a.status<>'3' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and PersonID='" + userid + "'").ToString();
            //    string qBudget1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT sum(b.Amount) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + thestation + "' AND b.SACCOUNDCODE='" + accountcode + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "' and name='" + userid + "'");
            //    double qtt1 = jds(qtravelUsed1) + jds(qcommUsed1);
            //    DataRow qdr1 = dt.NewRow();
            //    qdr1["Type"] = "全年";
            //    qdr1["Used"] = qtt1.ToString("F2");
            //    qdr1["Budget"] = jds(qBudget1).ToString("F2");
            //    qdr1["Station"] = thestation;
            //    dt.Rows.Add(qdr1);

        return dt;
    public static DataTable ExRtnEB(string userid, string dpt, string ostation, string tstation, string accountcode, string Years, string month,string T,string id)
        if (dbs == null)
            dbs = new DBAdapter();
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Type", typeof(string)));
        dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Used", typeof(string)));
        dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Budget", typeof(string)));
        dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Station", typeof(string)));
        string thestation = ostation;
        string sss = "station2";
        if (ostation != tstation)
            thestation = tstation;
            sss = "tsation";
        string ExT = "";
        string ExC = "";
        if (T == "T")
            ExT = "a.id<>'" + id + "' and ";
            ExC = "a.id<>'" + id + "' and ";
        string travelUsed = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(isnull(b.CenterAmountP,0))+sum(isnull(b.CenterAmountC,0)) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where  " + ExT + " a.type='0' and a.status='2' and  " + sss + "='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND MONTH(tdate)='" + month + "' and year(tdate)='" + Years + "'").ToString();
        string commUsed = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(isnull(b.CostCenterAmount,0)) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExC + " a.type='0'  and a.status='2' and   " + sss + "='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  AND MONTH(tdate)='" + month + "' and year(tdate)='" + Years + "'").ToString();
        string Budget = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT m" + month + " FROM BudgetMain  where  station='" + thestation + "' AND BaacountCode='" + accountcode + "'  and Years='" + Years + "'");
        double tt = jds(travelUsed) + jds(commUsed);

        DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
        dr["Type"] = "站点";
        dr["Used"] = tt.ToString("F2");
        dr["Budget"] = jds(Budget).ToString("F2");
        dr["Station"] = thestation;
        if (ostation != tstation)
            string qtravelUsed3 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(isnull(b.CenterAmountP,0))+sum(isnull(b.CenterAmountC,0)) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExT + " a.type='0' and a.status='2' and  station2='" + tstation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND year(tdate)='" + Years + "'").ToString();
            string qcommUsed3 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(isnull(b.CostCenterAmount,0)) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExC + " a.type='0' and a.status='2' and  station2='" + tstation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' ").ToString();
            string qBudget3 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT isnull(m1,0)+isnull(m2,0)+isnull(m3,0)+isnull(m4,0)+isnull(m5,0)+isnull(m6,0)+isnull(m7,0)+isnull(m8,0)+isnull(m9,0)+isnull(m10,0)+isnull(m11,0)+isnull(m12,0) from  BudgetMain  where  station='" + thestation + "' AND BaacountCode='" + accountcode + "' and Years='" + Years + "' ");
            double qtt3 = jds(qtravelUsed3) + jds(qcommUsed3);
            DataRow qdr3 = dt.NewRow();
            qdr3["Type"] = "全年站点";
            qdr3["Used"] = qtt3.ToString("F2");
            qdr3["Budget"] = jds(qBudget3).ToString("F2");
            qdr3["Station"] = thestation;
            //string mmm = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT count(*) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + thestation + "' AND b.SACCOUNDCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND b.MONTHS='" + month + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "'");
            //if (int.Parse(mmm) > 0)
            string type = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT count(*) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + thestation + "' AND b.BaccountCode='" + accountcode + "' AND b.MONTHS='" + month + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "' and userid='" + userid + "'");
            string depp = "Deptment";
            //if (int.Parse(type) > 0)
            //    depp = "Deptment";
            string travelUsed2 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(isnull(b.CenterAmountP,0))+sum(isnull(b.CenterAmountC,0)) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExT + " a.type='0'  and a.status='2' and station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND MONTH(tdate)='" + month + "' and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and a.Department='" + dpt + "'").ToString();
            string commUsed2 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(isnull(b.CostCenterAmount,0)) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExC + " a.type='0' and a.status='2' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  AND MONTH(tdate)='" + month + "' and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and a.Department='" + dpt + "'").ToString();
            string Budget2 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT sum(b.Amount) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + thestation + "' AND  b.BaccountCode='" + accountcode + "' AND b.MONTHS='" + month + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "' and " + depp + "='" + dpt + "'");
            double tt2 = jds(travelUsed2) + jds(commUsed2);
            DataRow dr2 = dt.NewRow();
            dr2["Type"] = "部门";
            dr2["Used"] = tt2.ToString("F2");
            dr2["Budget"] = jds(Budget2).ToString("F2");
            dr2["Station"] = thestation;

            //if (int.Parse(type) > 0)
            string travelUsed1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(isnull(b.CenterAmountP,0))+sum(isnull(b.CenterAmountC,0)) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExT + "  a.type='0' and a.status='2' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND MONTH(tdate)='" + month + "' and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and PersonID='" + userid + "'").ToString();
            string commUsed1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(isnull(b.CostCenterAmount,0)) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExC + " a.type='0' and a.status='2' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  AND MONTH(tdate)='" + month + "' and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and PersonID='" + userid + "'").ToString();
            string Budget1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT sum(b.Amount) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + thestation + "' AND b.BaccountCode='" + accountcode + "' AND b.MONTHS='" + month + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "' and userid='" + userid + "'");
            double tt1 = jds(travelUsed1) + jds(commUsed1);
            DataRow dr1 = dt.NewRow();
            dr1["Type"] = "个人";
            dr1["Used"] = tt1.ToString("F2");
            dr1["Budget"] = jds(Budget1).ToString("F2");
            dr1["Station"] = thestation;

            string qtravelUsed1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(isnull(b.CenterAmountP,0))+sum(isnull(b.CenterAmountC,0)) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExT + " a.type='0' and a.status='2' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and PersonID='" + userid + "'").ToString();
            string qcommUsed1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(isnull(b.CostCenterAmount,0)) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExC + " a.type='0' and a.status='2' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and PersonID='" + userid + "'").ToString();
            string qBudget1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT sum(b.Amount) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + thestation + "' AND b.BaccountCode='" + accountcode + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "' and userid='" + userid + "'");
            double qtt1 = jds(qtravelUsed1) + jds(qcommUsed1);
            DataRow qdr1 = dt.NewRow();
            qdr1["Type"] = "全年个人";
            qdr1["Used"] = qtt1.ToString("F2");
            qdr1["Budget"] = jds(qBudget1).ToString("F2");
            qdr1["Station"] = thestation;

            string dpt_tra_used = "select sum(isnull(b.CenterAmountP,0))+sum(isnull(b.CenterAmountC,0)) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExT + "  a.type='0' and a.status='2' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and a.Department='" + dpt + "'";
            string dptcommonused = "select sum(isnull(b.CostCenterAmount,0)) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExC + " a.type='0' and a.status='2' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and a.Department='" + dpt + "'";
            string qtravelUsed2 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(isnull(b.CenterAmountP,0))+sum(isnull(b.CenterAmountC,0)) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExT + "  a.type='0' and a.status='2' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and a.Department='" + dpt + "'").ToString();
            string qcommUsed2 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(isnull(b.CostCenterAmount,0)) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExC + " a.type='0' and a.status='2' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and a.Department='" + dpt + "'").ToString();
            string qBudget2 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT sum(b.Amount) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + thestation + "' AND b.BaccountCode='" + accountcode + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "' and Deptment='" + dpt + "'");
            double qtt2 = jds(qtravelUsed2) + jds(qcommUsed2);
            DataRow qdr2 = dt.NewRow();
            qdr2["Type"] = "全年部门";
            qdr2["Used"] = qtt2.ToString("F2");
            qdr2["Budget"] = jds(qBudget2).ToString("F2");
            qdr2["Station"] = thestation;
            string qtravelUsed3 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(isnull(b.CenterAmountP,0))+sum(isnull(b.CenterAmountC,0)) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExT + "  a.type='0' and a.status='2' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND year(tdate)='" + Years + "'").ToString();
            string qcommUsed3 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(isnull(b.CostCenterAmount,0)) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where " + ExC + " a.type='0' and a.status='2' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' ").ToString();

            string qBudget3 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT sum(isnull(m1,0)+isnull(m2,0)+isnull(m3,0)+isnull(m4,0)+isnull(m5,0)+isnull(m6,0)+isnull(m7,0)+isnull(m8,0)+isnull(m9,0)+isnull(m10,0)+isnull(m11,0)+isnull(m12,0)) from  BudgetMain  where  station='" + thestation + "' AND BaacountCode='" + accountcode + "' and Years='" + Years + "' ");

            //string test = "SELECT sum(isnull(m1,0)+isnull(m2,0)+isnull(m3,0)+isnull(m4,0)+isnull(m5,0)+isnull(m6,0)+isnull(m7,0)+isnull(m8,0)+isnull(m9,0)+isnull(m10,0)+isnull(m11,0)+isnull(m12,0)) from  BudgetMain  where  station='" + thestation + "' AND BaacountCode='" + accountcode + "' and Years='" + Years + "' ";
            //if (jds(qBudget3).ToString("F2")=="0"||qBudget3.Trim()=="")
            //    //输出预算内容
            //    DIMERCO.SDK.MailMsg mail = new DIMERCO.SDK.MailMsg();

            //    mail.FromDispName = "eReimbursement";
            //    mail.From = "*****@*****.**";
            //    mail.To = "*****@*****.**";
            //    mail.Title = "eReimbursement Bug" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:dd");
            //    string body = "<div>" + userid + "<br/>";
            //    body += "sql:" + test+"<br/>";
            //    body += "budget:" + qBudget3 + "</br>";
            //    body += "ExRtnEB</div>";
            //    mail.Body = body;
            //    mail.Send();
            double qtt3 = jds(qtravelUsed3) + jds(qcommUsed3);
            DataRow qdr3 = dt.NewRow();
            qdr3["Type"] = "全年站点";
            qdr3["Used"] = qtt3.ToString("F2");
            qdr3["Budget"] = jds(qBudget3).ToString("F2");
            qdr3["Station"] = thestation;

            //    string travelUsed1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountP),0)+isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountC),0) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where  a.type='0' and a.status='2' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND MONTH(tdate)='" + month + "' and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and PersonID='" + userid + "'").ToString();
            //    string commUsed1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(b.CostCenterAmount) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where  a.type='0' and a.status='2' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  AND MONTH(tdate)='" + month + "' and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and PersonID='" + userid + "'").ToString();
            //    string Budget1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT sum(b.Amount) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + thestation + "' AND b.SACCOUNDCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND b.MONTHS='" + month + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "' and userid='" + userid + "'");
            //    double tt1 = jds(travelUsed1) + jds(commUsed1);
            //    DataRow dr1 = dt.NewRow();
            //    dr1["Type"] = "个人";
            //    dr1["Used"] = tt1.ToString("F2");
            //    dr1["Budget"] = jds(Budget1).ToString("F2");
            //    dr1["Station"] = thestation;
            //    dt.Rows.Add(dr1);

            //    string qtravelUsed1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountP),0)+isnull(sum(b.CenterAmountC),0) from ETraveleDetail as b inner join ETravel as a on a.id=b.no where  a.type='0' and a.status='2' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "' AND year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and PersonID='" + userid + "'").ToString();
            //    string qcommUsed1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select sum(b.CostCenterAmount) from EeommonDetail as b inner join Ecommon as a on a.id=b.no where  a.type='0' and a.status='2' and  station2='" + thestation + "' AND ACCOUNTCODE='" + accountcode + "'  and year(tdate)='" + Years + "' and PersonID='" + userid + "'").ToString();
            //    string qBudget1 = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("SELECT sum(b.Amount) FROM BudgetDetail as b inner join BudgetMain  as a on a.id=b.fid where b.station='" + thestation + "' AND b.SACCOUNDCODE='" + accountcode + "' and a.Years='" + Years + "' and name='" + userid + "'");
            //    double qtt1 = jds(qtravelUsed1) + jds(qcommUsed1);
            //    DataRow qdr1 = dt.NewRow();
            //    qdr1["Type"] = "全年";
            //    qdr1["Used"] = qtt1.ToString("F2");
            //    qdr1["Budget"] = jds(qBudget1).ToString("F2");
            //    qdr1["Station"] = thestation;
            //    dt.Rows.Add(qdr1);

        return dt;